Apollo 15 Astronaut says Humans were seeded by Aliens, says there is proof

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by Patricio Da Silva, Apr 29, 2022.

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  1. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    He bases it on 'Sumerian Texts'.

    Is this true?

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  2. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    I don't believe it. Take this explanation of the topic: What Happened with Sumerians and Aliens | Space & Astronomy (csewi.org)
    Why do the aliens want our gold? If they're like us then yes they want gold. But why travel here to get it? And, where did they go?

    Humans being created as the laborers of the gods is an ancient human mythology. But it's just religious woo. And, how do we explain older cultures discovered due to archeology?
  3. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    I'm not so sure about the 'ancient aliens' hypthothesis, myself.

    Maybe they did seed us, we are their 'project', it would explain some things, I guess.
  4. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    I don't remember responding to this topic so let me go again with another reply.

    I know that aliens are coming here now (from my encounters with aliens), and they may have come here in the distant past too. We have indeed found screws in million-year-old rocks. I'm not linking to a source because they tend to all have heavy ads on them. But you get the idea.

    There are also the helicopter hieroglyphs in the Temple of Seti. Some think that it is from aliens or time travelers. But, it could have come from psychics who looked far ahead in time.

    As for seeding us here, I don't know about that. There was an old poster here called @AboveAlpha, who is no longer a poster here, who said that all life on Earth contains the same genetic strand that came from the first cellular ancestor of life on Earth.

    An ancient cell was dividing, and a virus came along and infected one side of the cell as it was splitting, and its RNA pattern got copied into the genetic code of the other side of the cell. When the cell split, one cell lived, and the other cell died.

    This pattern is found in all cells that came from Earth, including Human cells.

    So, we didn't come here from somewhere else. We came from the primordial soup of this planet and came about through natural evolution, not seeded here from somewhere else.

    Although, it's always possible that aliens came along later and tweaked our genes a little, who knows?
    Hey Now likes this.
  5. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    I doubt they were helicopters, though they looked like it. However, even if they were, they certainly weren't space ships; alien's didn't traverse light years across the galaxy in a frickin' helicopter. :)

    I'm kinda fond of the notion that the 'god' and angels of the bible are actually aliens, that Jesus was an Alien op to bring a new religion ( and thereby a new means of taming and controlling a wild population ) to earth. Maybe aliens are repeating this op on other similar planets.

    1. It would explain the 'virgin birth'. There are numerous stories of women finding themselves pregnant after being abducted when they knew they weren't having sex, only to find out several months later they are no longer pregnant ( the aliens took the hybrid fetus for their own purposes). Now, this demonstrates how a virgin birth might have happened.

    2. It would explain Jesus's 'magical powers' as aliens have tremendous psychic and kinetic powers.

    3. It would explain the 'missing link' in paleontology ( we were given a jump start genetically by the aliens ).

    In fact, the more I think about it, the more logical it becomes.

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