Oz's Advertisement Effort This Race Is Shockingly Terrible, The Incompetency Should Be A Case Study!

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by JimfromPennsylvania, Sep 29, 2022.

  1. JimfromPennsylvania

    JimfromPennsylvania Active Member Past Donor

    Mar 9, 2010
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    In the PA Senate race on the issue of which candidate and his supporters are doing a better job in the advertisement competition John Fetterman is cleaning the clock of Mehmet Oz. Is this the Oz team's first political campaign race? How did Mehmet and his supporters find people that have been in a coma for the last two years and just woke up to run the Oz's advertisement campaign?

    The Fetterman team in their advertisement campaign hits Oz on a vast multitude of issues and lands solid blows. The Oz campaign focuses on a few issues and really doesn't change the state of the race with their ads. It is really shocking how bad the Oz team is you see a flood of ads on Fetterman and the crime issue but how stupid because Fetterman is a terrible candidate on the economy and so many other issues that the Oz team in their ads ignores and could be clobbering Fetterman on. The Pennsylvania voters are flooded with ads about how Fetterman is responsible for the early release of a lot of prisoners with really bad records from jail and he wants to do away with "felony" murder and he believes like a third of people in the prison system could be released with no danger to public safety and he pulled a shotgun on a young black man in Braddock and tried to play a cop when he wasn't one. Even on this crime issue they are missing the mark the Oz team has actually ignored the most dangerous threat on public safety Fetterman poses which is as a Senator he will vote for the catastrophic Democrat policy of doing away with "qualified immunity" for police officers which stands for the proposition that in order to successfully sue a police officer civilly a person has to show the police officer "deliberately" or "intentionally" sought to violate the person's civil rights. Democrats achieving this policy change will be a disaster because today we have a lot of people in our society that either aren't raised right in their view towards police or they have bad values when it comes to the police for they "don't respect the police" "they don't respect police authority" "they think it is okay to lift your hand against a police officer". Consequently, police officers have to often get very physical when arresting people to do their job because many arrestees think it is okay to physically resist and strike officers where if "qualified immunity" protection is lifted it will subject them to devastating lawsuits. This policy change by the Democrats will result in huge numbers of good people leaving the nation's police forces and not becoming police officers in the first place over civil liability fears; this will be a true disaster in the American people's effort to get crime under control and have safe streets across America!

    Oz's ad campaign leaders are not focusing on the broad Fetterman danger as a candidate which is that he will vote for the Democrat agenda in Congress. This will bring an alarming inflation rate he will vote for things like the American Rescue Act which I think sent like three hundred and fifty billion dollars to the states which filtered out into the economy and increased demand when the country had supply chain problems and fueled inflation which resulted in the sky rocketing interest rates the country is seeing. Fetterman would have voted for bills like the Inflation Reduction Act which exponentially increased the prices of federal leasing of land for oil and gas development which will lead to painful prices at the gas pump and to heat people's home, and it created a tax on escaping natural gas for people that will raise people's natural gas bills by on average twelve percent. Fetterman supports Medicare For All which the cost of this program will dramatically raise everyone's taxes and balloon the nation's budget deficit permanently ruining America as a country with widespread prosperity; Fetterman supports a "national" fifteen dollar per hour minimum wage which will cause a lot of people to lose their job as many employers cannot afford to pay such a wage! Fetterman is a gigantic much worse candidate than Oz on a multitude of fronts which the advertisement campaign this election cycle isn't revealing; the Oz campaign and his supporters need to get their head in the game or Pennsylvania is going to be known as the state that has a "young Bernie Sanders type" as their U.S. Senator!
  2. Pants

    Pants Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Oz is just a bad candidate - plain and simple.
    Independent4ever likes this.
  3. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    So is Fetterman. That's why they deserve each other but PA deserves neither. I think we should still go with Oz because of Fetterman's support for criminals. It should be the biggest thing, because imagine if Trump was openly sympathetic to the criminal vote. I don't want felons to have political status in America, that's a pathway to serfdom and drugs and all kinds of awful things. It's bad enough some want to make us the US EU, let's try not being the US Brazil or insert third world crime cesspool here.
    Independent4ever likes this.
  4. Independent4ever

    Independent4ever Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2020
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    Agree with you and the criminal thing is why I am forced to vote for Oz
    AmericanNationalist likes this.
  5. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I'm glad I don't have to decide between those two shitty candidates in PA... I suspect that, if I were in that situation, I would hold my nose for Oz because of the crime stuff.

    At least here in Wisconsin, I can say that I will gladly be voting for Ron Johnson and that Ron Johnson has been running a very good campaign against Mandela Barnes to the point where Mandela's most recent ads have just been him playing defense. Ron has been pounding Mandela on the airwaves on the fact that he supports defunding the police and releasing dangerous criminals back onto the streets, and Mandela is now on the defensive making ads about those accusations being "lies" (even though his own past statements speak for themselves). The only other ads his side has are pro-abortion ads, which is a non-issue outside of Dane and Milwaukee Counties. Mandela also seems to only be able to do ads in which he fakes like he relates to manufacturers and farmers and the "working class man" even though he's never had a real job in his life. It just comes across as very scripted/inauthentic whereas Ron's ads about his background come across as much more genuine (because he's actually had real jobs before). Ron Johnson should win by at least 4 or 5 points.

    I more-so hope that we can get Tim Michels in as governor... Tyrant Tony needs to go... That race will be closer, but I think Johnson can drag Michels over the finish line and that Michels can eke it out by maybe 2 or 3 points.

    I'm rooting for Mastriano in PA, but I know that it will be a long shot because he's severely outgunned because McConnell is such a human POS and won't provide funding for him because he doesn't want him to be governor when Trump runs in 2024.

    For anyone in PA, it is absolutely vital that you get Mastriano in as your governor... As governor, he would be able to appoint the Secretary of State and those two positions have a huge impact with regard to election fraud and how votes are counted.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2022
  6. Jack Hays

    Jack Hays Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 3, 2020
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    How Oz Tightened the Race in PA
  7. Right is the way

    Right is the way Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    The Democrats are showing once again they are more than willing to vote for someone who is held up in their house physically unable to campaign.
    gfm7175 likes this.
  8. Pants

    Pants Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Fetterman's position has been supported by prison officials. He isn't trying to offer blanket clemency but, rather, identifying cases that deserve clemency.

    If you look at the Horton brothers, there is an overwhelming case supporting Fetterman's actions.

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