The Biggest Lie Of The 20th Century

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by impermanence, Feb 5, 2023.

  1. impermanence

    impermanence Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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    Here's a competition for the ages! Is it the Utopian dream of communism, the promises of The Great Society, or perhaps the notion that more government is the solution to every damn thing?

    All wonderful candidates, but I believe the most pernicious lie of the last century [that has truly shown its metal in more modern times] is the fabrication told to young women over the past half century that they do not need men.

    One could write a book of several volumes cataloging all the problems with such a statement, but suffice to say that if you examine the state of the contemporary Western family, you will see that women not only need men, but more importantly, their children desperately need their fathers [to be present from birth through adolescence].

    The literature is crystal clear that children raised in fatherless homes are at every disadvantage. Just look at the African American community as the prime example of what happens when fathers are absent. Similar results can be seen regardless of race or ethnicity.

    It seems easy to conclude [based on the needs of children alone] that an intact family should be the priority of Western society [as it used to be]. Enough with the narcissism of the adult children who wish adolescence to go on forever...

    I have not touched on other prescient issues created by young women feeling as if they can go it alone, but I am sure there will be others who will chime in on topics such as young men losing interest in being with young women [and understandable so], the creation of the toxic masculinity meme that has fostered a similar toxic anti-man and anti-masculinity in schools, in the workplace, and in society, in general, and the dire lack of strong leadership as women [and weak men] have increasing taken over institutional power [e.g., the woke culture that has even affected the military], to name a few.

    All lies are eventually flushed-out and this one will be, as well. What a shame to see a couple of generations of young people suffering in an era of great prosperity because we had a group of ignorant people who were [and still are] looking for somebody to blame instead of taking a good look in the mirror and overcoming their own demons.

    We need to restore confidence in our young people that everything that brought the West to the pinnacle of success...hard work, merit, compassion, and faith...still works by removing the losers who are out to get something for nothing through spreading their lies and deceit.

    One way or another, these lies [like all the rest throughout history] cannot withstand the scrutiny of time and will be deposited upon the great trash-heap of total bullsh*t propagated on humanity since our inception.

    I, for one, look forward to the day when young women replace the fear with confidence, the scowl with a smile, and young men will once again spend their days dreaming of finding that perfect girl who will steal his heart, be his wife, and mother his children.
  2. Esau

    Esau Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    The west has been on its path for a good 50 years now. The utopia you are searching for is to be found in the Islamic world, not in the atheist western one.
    MrFred likes this.
  3. Sleep Monster

    Sleep Monster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Looky there ... yet another man chiming in on what women need.

    The generalities in the OP are a far cry from reality. I know, because I've lived it. Single mom due to multiple circumstances, having to work to support myself and my son. Endlessly having to speak up loudly, or shove my foot into the doors of the men running the show at just about every company I worked for during my 46+ years in high tech.

    My son was fortunate that his alcoholic, drug abusing father was out of the picture and had no influence. My father and two brothers were good role models. He's 50 now, a good man, never in trouble with the law, happy and sincerely welcoming to strangers, a loving, caring husband and stepfather.

    Women do need men, but not in the same way as in the 1950s. If the OP, or anyone else, wants to return to that era's standard family, I'm fine with that. Just stop blaming women for wanting good husbands, with so many clueless, or misogynist men in our society. Don't blame us for leaving abusive husbands.

    In today's society, most women have to work outside the home, children or not. Unlike the 50s, one salary is rarely enough for a family to live on. How would you fix that?

    If a man is an habitual drunk who beats his wife, do you think she should stay with him? If he cheats, should she simply ignore it? If he is mentally or emotionally abusive, constantly brow-beating her into thinking she'd be worthless and alone without him, should she stay in that marriage?

    Sorry, guys, but it just isn't as simple as the OP suggests.
  4. impermanence

    impermanence Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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    This wasn't about you. It is about Western society, in general.

    Obviously there are circumstances where people need to deviate from the norm. This has nothing to do with my contention. And I am glad that everything worked out well for your son, but there are millions of fatherless kids out there where it hasn't worked out very well at all.
    drluggit and James California like this.
  5. Sleep Monster

    Sleep Monster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Western society in general is not going to revert to the 1950s. My experience was not unique.

    Back then, if you married a man who later showed himself to be a jerkwad, you were stuck with him for life. Women got tired of that, and were emboldened to seek better lives for themselves and their children. We're tough, for the most part, but sometimes enough is enough.

    Economically, the old style family had to change because women had to become earners. Can you fix that? What do you think will bring back the days when one salary was enough for a family of four or more?

    What are your solutions? How do you think women should behave in order to return to what's no longer the only acceptable norm? Do you really expect us to always have a smile on our faces in order to please men? How about having men live up to at least some standard of honor, fortitude, and kindness?

    When you stated "... a group of ignorant people who were [and still are] looking for somebody to blame instead of taking a good look in the mirror and overcoming their own demons," exactly who do you mean? What group?

    Who do you mean by "... removing the losers who are out to get something for nothing through spreading their lies and deceit." Remove them from what?

    You complain, but list no solutions. The women who refer to men as toxic are a tiny minority. The means by which society moved away from the old norm that you're dreaming of are many, but the only blame you seem to use is directed towards women. Do you really believe that men have had no hand in driving women away from them?

    With all due respect, your perspective is entirely male, therefor all of your fingers point at women. You can't possibly know any of this from a woman's perspective. A one-sided argument goes nowhere. Every coin has two sides.
  6. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    If we do have to time travel back to the 1930s to get women back in the kitchen and on the birthing bed where the OP seems to feel they belong, can we at least keep the modern clothes? I don't want to have to dress like they did back then. And I'm bringing my instapot, time paradoxes be damned.
  7. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Who is supposedly telling women this lie? Can you give us an example?
    Rampart likes this.
  8. Rampart

    Rampart Banned

    Oct 27, 2017
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    traditionally, children are raised by an extended family. the nuclear family was created after wwii in order to create greater mobility in the work force as well as to sell more consumer products.

    sucessful american families pay nannies until the child is old enough to pack up to a boarding school.
  9. bobobrazil

    bobobrazil Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2022
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    i love "art deco" and dont forget the 1930s hugo boss designed uniforms, but seriously my entire life people have pointed fingers at external constructs and blamed them for our issues, it is mt premise that WE dont NEED anybody, god resides within us all, and through daily introspection and self-examination
    we may raise ourselfs to a higher level...for all the anti-government talk of some its amazing to me they cant use those same standards when looking at organized religion vs spirituality, JFK suggested an inner look in the early 60s, to help calm and heal the country
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2023
    Junkieturtle and Rampart like this.
  10. bobobrazil

    bobobrazil Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2022
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    yes its an american thing to move away from the family and establish a new family, a very modern approach and not the european way
    Rampart likes this.
  11. flyboy56

    flyboy56 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 17, 2013
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    I prefer my woman to be an equal not subservient.
    MrFred, Junkieturtle and bobobrazil like this.
  12. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Every bit as toxic because Islam is toxic as silly as Buddhism and it's idea of self perfection are, it is less potentially damaging to others for while trying to perfect one's self is pointless shallow and stupid to say nothing of unachievable, trying to perfect the world is even worse. And fraught with peril for those with a different view. And please this is no brief for atheism, which is in the end attempting to tie morality to a vacuum and in the end degenerates into a code that says what can I get away with today.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2023
  13. bobobrazil

    bobobrazil Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2022
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    through spiritual reflection we learn no human can be perfect, however we identify our character defects and work to improve on ourself, i dont even know were this idea of "perfection comes from other than the usual suspects of RW media, perhaps, the RW media are like the mikey in the famous comercial of the 70s, they dont like anything
    MrFred and Rampart like this.
  14. Esau

    Esau Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    That's why istated the west isn't for you then. Women in the west are treated as second class citizens.
  15. flyboy56

    flyboy56 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 17, 2013
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    So you’re against women wearing burkas?
    ButterBalls likes this.
  16. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    But you don't, even know what your defects are. Hell these days we are sure what is a defect and what is a necessary part of the human condition.

    Christ didn't die on the cross so that you could live the rest of your life beating yourself up over every little thing you did that you should not have done or every little thing you should have done and didn't, but that you might go forth in joy witnessing to others and helping people God puts in your daily life path duly nothing that different people need different sorts of help. Actions that might help one may well destroy another.

    It has been said that what makes hell hell hell is that everyone there waits to be served and all suffer in misery, and silence, while in heaven everyone seeks to serve and are ultimately fulfilled both in the giving and receiving.
  17. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    A woman needs a man like a fish needs a hook with a worm on it -- and a bicycle. ;-)
    ButterBalls likes this.
  18. bobobrazil

    bobobrazil Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2022
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    i respect your right to your opinion, i was raised roman catholic, am 67yrs old now and stumbled upon spirituality 25 yrs ago in my quest for sobieity, since i always have been a voracious reader, i have researched religions as well, Christianity appears to be a breakaway Jewish cult to me, it entrenched itself into roman empire culture and has been the imperial organized religion of the west ever since, there have been many, many mesianic cults preceeding the jesus led cult which have much commonality as expressed in the phrase "as above, so below" taken to mean god resides WITHIN us and we only need to find it/him,
    after learning of the historically tight relationship between those in power and those in church power, my inherent belief in mans corruption extends to organized religions as well, that can be seen by the different gospels admitted and thrown aside by church leaders
    MrFred likes this.
  19. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Don't forget to bring the birthing chair. Gravity is your friend. :)
    ButterBalls likes this.
  20. modernpaladin

    modernpaladin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Its not sposed to be about what women need OR what men need, but rather about what children need. They are the purpose for family, marriage and all of civilization, really. With the exception of raising children, the barbaric hunter-gatherer lifestyle is more fulfilling to human nature. Its just a terrible environment for kids. Civilization is coming apart at the seams because we're making civilization more about convenience, wealth and power than about raising children.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2023
  21. drluggit

    drluggit Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    So, it seems, the biggest lies are those some folks tell themselves. And of course, having told themselves these lies, their insistence then that everyone else around them must respect those obvious lies. It's as if we are being required to see the beauty of the Emperors news clothes while all the while knowing that those fantasy clothes don't exist, nor are they beautiful.

    And what we really see is the acceleration of these fantasies, the compounding of these fantasy feelings and the snowball of social angst that requires everyone else to "respect" these fantasies.

    As the OP points out, folks seem to have forgotten that we simply cannot ignore nature or the natural world in our embrace of the fantasies so many in western society insist we must adopt. Being able to disengage from these fantastical wastes of time is a skill we must more fully develop and nurture.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  22. bobobrazil

    bobobrazil Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2022
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    man is a social animal we hunted in groups requiring cooperation, one side promotes the survival of the fittest as the only thing in evolution, it is not and this side promotes the "winner" philosopy which just may be more harmful and disingenuous that good
  23. drluggit

    drluggit Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Hmm.... so, as you wrote it, "Man is a social animal we hunted"... Yup, that sounds a lot like how the fantasy bubble crowd might have viewed the world....

    Do you really suppose that rejecting basic evolution is the position that you really want to be taking? Isn't that entirely against the progressive talking points and may land you in dutch with your cohorts?

    I suspect you can grammar nazi for yourself, so I won't harp on it....
  24. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Compared to the Islamic world?
  25. bobobrazil

    bobobrazil Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2022
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    in the 1920s the conservatives were all over darwin, in the sixties they called MLK a communist, i have not watched TV news left or right in 20 yrs, this internet we are communicating on now has an amazing amount of information, before that i read a few thousand books, one has to learn to find material AND check its sources, MAN is a social animal we learned to cooperate verses compete against each other, i am an old FDR liberal and dont agree with many "progressive "talking points, they are mostly young, they will learn

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