Most Americans (71%) Oppose Transgender Agenda

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Steve N, Jun 2, 2023.

  1. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    Privacy and personal autonomy are important elements in our SC decisions on this issue as I've posted above.

    Yes, healthcare is not all equal between the states, but the basic standards of medicine, the FDA, etc. are standard across the states.

    Any failures among the states are not a justification for laws that damage women's healthcare while violating the privacy and personal autonomy principles in our SC rulings.
  2. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    They figure the road to power is over LGPTQ bodies.
    WillReadmore likes this.
  3. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Let’s see you state your objections to just leaving LGBTQ people alone without relying on individual cases of individual people. Just state why you won’t or can’t just let them live as they want. Go ahead. I’ll wait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Eleuthera likes this.
  4. Winter Sun

    Winter Sun Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2021
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    Are you aware of how many women who have needed medically necessary abortions have had to leave state to get them?
    Lucifer and cd8ed like this.
  5. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    They seem to think this gender stuff is pure nonsense.
  6. Overitall

    Overitall Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 6, 2021
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    I have no idea, but the fact that you bring it up only goes to support my pov that the SC didn't outlaw abortion, only left it up to the States to decide.
    CharisRose likes this.
  7. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Too much of the Left's War On Gay Kids.

    Norway: This gender-bending stuff isn’t science.

    “Multiple European countries over the past year or more have conducted thorough scientific research resulting in policies that largely ban transgender ‘medical care’ for children. The latest to join the crowd was Norway. They have now ruled that professional guidance encouraging puberty blockers or sex-change surgery for children should be ‘restricted to research settings only.'”

    'Among the teenage population in particular, almost nothing is known about the long-term effects of puberty blockers and sex-change surgery. The FDA has never approved any of the GnRH Agonists such as Leuprolide (one of the most commonly prescribed drugs) for the treatment of pediatric gender dysphoria. Those drugs were only approved for the treatment of precocious puberty and certain forms of cancer. The FDA is “unaware of any clinical trials” exploring the use of those drugs for this purpose.'

    Instead of simply accepting same sex attraction, they instead claim that they are medically and pharmaceutically changing gender, and making gay kids straight, while destroying their health and often leaving them incapable of orgasm.

    Too much of the Left is giving assent to the most vicious attack on gay and lesbian youth in the history of the nation.

    The Gender Destruction Industry Lies For Gross Profits:

    They are not '“following the science” about transgender treatments because the science doesn’t exist. And any activist doctors telling you otherwise are lying. The doctors prescribing these drugs are doing so via what are known as “off-label prescriptions.” And in case you missed it, one trans-18-year-old male died after doctors attempted to turn part of his large intestine into a “vagina.” Does that sound like any sort of procedure that’s ever been studied or approved anywhere in the world? These so-called doctors are just winging it as they go.'

    'There is a horror show going on under their noses in the guise of modern medicine.'
    CharisRose and Pycckia like this.
  8. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    I did. But if you refuse to educate yourself, that's your problem.
  9. Winter Sun

    Winter Sun Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2021
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    I am aware that the Supreme Court didn’t outlaw abortion, please don’t assume that I’m stupid. I knew before the Dobbs decision ever went to the Supreme Court, the court couldn’t federally make abortion legal, but I’m wondering why you think it’s a fact that Dobbs was a good decision and not your feelings. And I’d like to know where you stand on abortion. I bet you’re pro life and you think abortion is killing a baby..

    Secondly, are you arguing that all the harm being caused to women right now is good legally because it could have been worse if the court made abortion federally illegal? Just because they didn’t make abortion federally illegal does not it mean Dobbs is good.
    cd8ed and Kode like this.
  10. Overitall

    Overitall Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 6, 2021
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    Now you're just being defensive (and maybe looking for a fight). I made a point, which you didn't like, not claiming you are stupid.
    I've read the decision (of both sides); have you? Based on what I read it is my humble opinion that the reasoning of the majority was sound legally and logically.

    Now comes the icing on the cake, and this might twist your noodle.
    I'm actually pro-choice. I've been that way due to my theological knowledge. For me it's very simple. God breathed into man the breath of life. When man can no longer breathe that man is dead. If life ends with one's last breath, then it's axiomatic (imho) that it begins with man's (all inclusive noun) first breath.
    You're still making emotional appeals. That's a logical fallacy. It doesn't matter what the outcomes are, it only matters what the law says. I might not like getting a ticket for speeding, but the law doesn't care about my feelings. Secondly, you're still avoiding a legal explanation for your pov. That's revealing.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2023
    CharisRose likes this.
  11. Overitall

    Overitall Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 6, 2021
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    Enjoy the rest of your evening.
    Trixare4kids and CharisRose like this.
  12. gorfias

    gorfias Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2012
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    That's become something of a running joke on some of the web think pieces I frequent, "remember when they just wanted to get gay married and be left alone?"
    Now we have things like drag queen story hour. In Canada, they're making it illegal to speak of your objections to harmful conduct carried out by drag queens. Objecting to something like drag queen story hour can get you thrown in prison. We've come a long way since people scoffed at Jordan Peterson for claiming we were on our way to putting people in jail for not using compelled speech. Now it is a reality.
    If letting "them" lives as they want means allowing them to sexualize, groom, sterilize, mutilate or otherwise harm children? So far in the USA, I'm still allowed to voice my opinion. For now. And my voiced opinion is that this is socially corrosive, evil, and must be fought.
    Eleuthera and CharisRose like this.
  13. Steve N

    Steve N Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 4, 2015
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    I was wondering if this day would ever come and it has. And if you can’t opt out of these classes then the indoctrination is being forced on you.

    Maryland Muslims blast schools' LGBTQ indoctrination, demand right to opt kids out

    On Tuesday, Muslims and Islamists gathered to protest the Mongomery County, Maryland, school board fighting to be allowed to opt their kids out of LGBTQ+ teachings by the school, on religious grounds. The parents were met with counter-protests by progressive activists waving what some call the Progress Pride Flags.
    Kristin Mink, a member of the Montgomery County Council, said that the issue puts "some Muslims families on the same side of an issue as white supremacists, and outright bigots." She explained that she has worked with many of the same families on other issues in the past. "The folks I've talked to today, I would not put in the same category."
    Eleuthera and CharisRose like this.
  14. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Have you ever seen one? I didn’t think so.

    If someone commits a crime you should contact the police.

    Have you ever seen one? I didn’t think so.

    What are you required to say?

    Is that a question? Where’s the “then”? You are imagining bullshit and making it up. My brother-in-law died of a heart attack when he was in his mid 40s but I never heard any stories about any such activities, and I met many of his friends, most of which, like most gays I’ve met, were obviously of above average intelligence. So we’re back to “mind your own business” and “live and let live”. You’re making it up and you can’t document numbers of such behavior because it is RARE.

    The cases to which you refer are rare. The vast, vast majority of gays live mostly like everyone else. Drag Queens are mostly an entertainment style with no real presence in society. You want to fuss and have laws that apply to all LGBTQ for the very few cases that are public issues. Existing laws deal with injury to others. So with the few cases that exist they are not “socially corrosive" or “evil”. I would bet you have never seen any of the “corrosive” or “evil" behavior you’re fussing about. So just mind your own business and live and let live.
  15. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Fake News, too much of the Left hates LBG and wants to perform medical conversion therapy on them that destroys their health and genitals but they claim that it 'trans away the gay'.

    The Genital Destruction Industry: It takes only 22 minutes to get approved for castration

    'two online gender “care” medical practices that admit that they will lie to hospitals and insurance companies to smooth the way for people to get castrations and other surgeries.'

    'The largest “trans healthcare” providers in the U.S. are rubber-stamping letters approving gruesome, life-altering surgeries. It’s such a racket that my producer was approved for testicle removal in #22minutes. The tape is disturbing.'

    'Ari Groner is a licensed clinical social worker who educates doctors on “trans healthcare.” At a recent training session for the Juniper Center, Groner explained that she writes whatever letters her patients want, because she’s not a “gatekeeper.”'


    'two telemedicine companies–both backed by big Wall Street money–that will provide diagnoses and letters that people can use to get “gender-affirming surgeries.” Diagnoses and recommendations can be provided with one phone call, and form letters will be sent to doctors confirming the need for surgeries.'

    'The companies are Folx and Plume.'

    'Groner was referring to the WPATH standards, which major hospitals follow. They require that trans patients obtain a letter before undergoing surgeries. But Groner tells her audience to treat the letters as a “persuasive essay," and to green-light even suicidal patients.'

    'Groner explains that insurance companies won't pay for these surgeries unless the patient is diagnosed with gender dysphoria. So, she says healthcare workers should provide the diagnosis. “We're using that diagnosis,” she says, “to ensure clients get that necessary treatment."'


    an insurance scam, with a side order of sterilization and bodily mutilation on the side.

    'In an undercover investigation, Walsh and his team discovered how easy it is to get approved for sex-change surgery when one of the host’s producers got a thumbs up for an orchiectomy — a procedure to remove testicles — after just a 22-minute virtual appointment with Plume, the largest transgender health care provider in the U.S. '

    'Walsh’s producer Gregg Re got scheduled for a video call with Plume after providing a fake name on an intake form. Re made it clear that he had not been experiencing gender dysphoria for six months or more, he mispronounced the name of the surgery he wanted, and he said he didn’t know what effect the surgery would have on him. Yet, Plume’s nurse practitioner told Re “she wanted to write the most ‘solid’ letter possible to justify surgery,” Walsh explained'


    'Folx, which provides letters authorizing surgeries for a nominal fee, goes on to admit that “it’s quite possible” patients will receive a letter indicating a gender dysphoria diagnosis, even though they “really do not have dysphoria.”'

    'We reached out to Folx about this. A staff member confirmed that a "diagnosis" of gender dysphoria -- with the word "diagnosis" in scare quotes -- is a “requirement” for insurance purposes, even if it “doesn’t apply.”'


    'The largest trans healthcare provider in the U.S., @plume_clinic, runs a similar scam. They sell letters for $150 authorizing surgeries. That's how our producer @gregg_re received approval for testicle removal after a 22-minute video call.'

    “The answer is that there’s big money behind this,” Walsh said. “Plume and Folx raised more than $45 million last year. '
    Steve N and CharisRose like this.
  16. gorfias

    gorfias Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2012
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    There are any number of youtube videos out there showing scenes from Drag Queen Story Hour. It is unacceptable to me.

    Preferred pronouns. At least in Canada.

    The then is that I will, at a minimum, reserve my right to object (to assaulting, grooming, mutilating etc., children). Which in Canada is increasingly illegal.

    John Stewart did a piece just this year claiming 5 year studies show transitioning children works out dandy so who is to complain? Well, now we are hearing of entire nations shutting down the transitioning of kids. I think it was Sweden, Norway and UK I posted about earlier. Those transitioning kids are getting the **** sued out of them by angry young people who speak of an industry eager to process such children without even the most perfunctory reviews. And increasingly trying to do so keeping parents out of the loop.

    I think you and I are largely talking about 3 different things:

    1) Gays: I'm fine with the majority of gays of which you speak, even if they are teaching very young children. If they are following proper dress codes and teaching appropriate subject matter, what would be the problem?

    2) Drag Queens: a drag queen, by nature of what they are, are not following proper dress conventions. They are never appropriately dressed to be around children. Ever. That's their whole point. So, anyone that would ever set up such a thing as drag queen story hour should be at a minimum, fired for violating morals clause employees of our school systems tend to have to sign. At a maximum, prison should be considered for a number of violations including assaulting children who should not have been exposed to this sort of thing.

    3) Transgender: 2 things
    A) Adult teachers that are transgender should be no problem for the same reasons that gay people should not be either. They can dress and teach appropriately, so what is the problem if they are doing that?
    B) Those that are taking steps towards transitioning children. Such people should be at a minimum, fired for violating morals clause employees of our school systems tend to have to sign. A number of criminal violations should be considered. It's illegal to mutilate someone, even if they appear willing.
  17. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    I'd be careful saying that around anyone in the Democratic party, you'll be cancelled before sundown.

    My nephew, who is starting high school in the fall, told me that his school was not just supporting people who 'identify' as trans, they are actively encouraging people to 'pursue that life', his words. This is not a dumb kid, Capt. of the Debate Team (my JHS didn't even have one of those!), and top in his class. It's not like his father is some member of the vast right wing conspiracy, or even the Republican party, so... Make of it what you will.
    CharisRose and Steve N like this.
  18. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    But you have no statistics because the incidence is negligible.

    Can you show me the official law and/or penalty that applies?

    I would also object or act against assaulting and mutilating children, …. in the 2 or 3 cases that typically happen in any given year.

    You’re providing your own anecdotal comments on news events from elsewhere without any of the details of the story to represent the factual circumstances and events. That strikes me as reaching. But I know “cross-dressers” have been holding story-telling hours for kids in libraries for years. Parents bring their kids to get a laugh and have a good time meeting other kids. Nothing evil is happening. Nothing obscene or corrupt. The parents are right there with their kids and could walk out if they wanted to. But until the RWers decided this was an issue with such little publicity that they could use it to create hysteria and hate for the unaware and gullible, nobody raised a fuss and nobody cared. All of a sudden this nothingburger is a “big deal”.

    Do you mean “even if they’re teachers”? Or what?

    This has almost nothing to do with schools. You’re getting carried away. I think you could benefit from a more varied culture. We had a drag queen show in Portland called “Darcel XV” which ran regularly for 50 years until “Darcel” (Walter Cole) died recently at age 92. You had to be of legal age to enter. People from out-of-state would come to see the show and have a good time.

    But now we’re supposed to be offended and angry according to the intolerant right.

    You’re being hysterical. How or to what are they “exposed”? It’s a ****ing READING HOUR with readers in colorful clothing and clowning around maybe. Don’t you like clowns? Kids do. You’re talking like it’s some kind of evil indoctrination!

    “Transitioning children”? You mean indoctrinating and recruiting children into perversion? If that happens I agree with you. PROSECUTE. We have laws. Use them. Use then on the one or two cases that show up every 5 years or so.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2023
    Lucifer likes this.
  19. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    I'm married to a bisexual woman, and we have an active sex life (or did, before my disability) in and out of our own bedroom. Your contention is bullshit.
  20. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Liberals aren't always what you think they are. They chose me to head bargaining for a teachers' union local with 2,000+ members even though they knew I support school vouchers.
    Don't know, but I'm quite sure most of these lurid tales are exaggerations or misunderstandings.
  21. gorfias

    gorfias Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Numbering for ease of response:

    1) I'm not a Canadian lawyer and one can play some semantics games with what is happening up there, but your answers derive from their hate speech laws and court compliance.
    Even back when Peterson was objecting to compelled speech (use OTS preferred pronouns or else you are committing a hate crime) people were arguing that he wouldn't go to prison but would have to pay a fine. He asked rhetorically, "and if I refuse to pay the fine?" to which they would respond that he isn't going to jail for misgendering someone, but for not paying the fine. Semantics.
    This guy, for instance, is going to jail not for misgendering his child, but for contempt of court that told him not to do so. Same difference.
    2) We simply have to disagree here. A parent who would take a child to see one of these deviants should lose custody of that child and possible face prison. Clowns aren't sexually aroused by dressing as such. Drag Queens as a rule, are: it is typically why they're doing it.
    3) How about a 10 year old that tells his teacher he thinks he is a girl, the teacher keeps parents out of the loop and takes actions that ultimately lead to the child being placed on puberty blockers? Even if long term, the boy trans into a woman and as an adult, thinks (s)he has made the correct decision? I'd still want that teacher fired and possibly criminally charged.
    CharisRose and Steve N like this.
  22. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Given what the political right has become and what they do, this all looks necessary and appropriate.

    Not “semantics”, but rather this is the normal performance of law.

    You get a “win” on this one. It is my opinion that a 14-year-old is not mature enough to make such a decision. I’m open to medical science and psychology which could make a case to the contrary, however. For example, if reliable studies show that delayed gender reassignment tends to do irreparable damage to the child’s later ability to live a normal balanced and fulfilled life,I might find that persuasive.

    No, we don’t have to disagree. I said you had to be of legal age to enter the establishment. And how do you know drag queens are sexually aroused by “dressing as such”? You’re injecting made up “facts” that I don’t believe. Who are you to say what a cross-dresser feels?

    I see that as a total fabrication. I also see it as a scenario potentially involving criminal or unlawful behavior if it were to ever occur.

    All-in-all I find that you are very loose with the facts, here. All too often you state things that look to be fabricated and untrue yet you lack the awareness of any need to support your claims and assertions with reliable links for support. This convinces me that you have no substantial case.
  23. MuchAdo

    MuchAdo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2022
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    Everyone deserves to feel safe from potential abuse.

    Why is that women should not feel comfortable in a rest room just because somebody in women’s restroom might have penis? Are men evil rapists because they have a penis or is perhaps something else that makes some men sexually assault women, men, whatever? Or is the reason women might feel uncomfortable with a trans woman in the restroom just an excuse for transphobia and bigotry? There are women that look ‘mannish’, are they now to be attacked and vilified because they might be sporting an evil penis?

    I haven’t heard one of you mention anything other than trans women causing women discomfort in restrooms. What about men who clean women’s restrooms? Oh my, what about men pretending they are janitors so they can sexually assault women in restrooms? I know many things that make women feel uncomfortable in restrooms and for many the potential presence of a trans women isn’t a reason. If I am in a restroom and notice there is no TP left and if there is a women in the next cubicle, I would ask if they could hand me some. I wouldn’t be thinking anything about a trans women who might just be in there pretending to have a wee when their real reason is to assault somebody according to the Ridiculous thinking of some.. And the only reason that thought would be happening in the first place is because of lies aimed at attacking trans people. Get a life. I get more concerned when I take my little one in a stall and see used needles, or some pig has left poop on the seat, or some pig hasn’t flushed, or somebody has left toilet paper everywhere, or the lock is broken and I don’t want somebody walking in mid-wee. Not one thought goes to trans women.

    There is very little evidence for any transgender females attacking other females in female public toilets.
    There is very little evidence of cis men dressing as women snd attacking females in female public toilets.
    There is absolutely overwhelming evidence of transgender people of either gender being attacked in whichever public facilities they choose, or are forced to use.

    Who should feel uncomfortable?

    It’s all just overblown lies by transphobes that a cis woman should be worried about being attacked by a trans female in a women’s restroom. It’s about as likely as getting attacked by a shark in a swimming pool.

    Plus, post-op trans females do not have the evil penis. Pre-op trans females on hormone replacement therapy do not produce testosterone and are sterile and most can’t even get an erection.

    Why waste time worrying about these evil trans women and stop speaking for cis women.
  24. Trixare4kids

    Trixare4kids Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2021
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    Why do I feel like you're woman-shaming me?
  25. MuchAdo

    MuchAdo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2022
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    No, not that.

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