Ostap Bender
Last Activity:
May 5, 2022
Aug 13, 2008
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Ostap Bender

Well-Known Member, from Alabama

Ostap Bender was last seen:
May 5, 2022
    1. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      Mine is "militant democracy" ;)

      This is also a democracy
    2. Ostap Bender
      Ostap Bender
      I say always terrorists or islamist. But if others muslims not condemn extrremists and no say against than we may write about religion too, what say nothing to terrorists and suizide bombers It's democracy, sorry.
    3. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      You should use words in your sentences like " radicals " , "Islamic bigots" etc etc
      Otherwise your generalization (Anyway, you say Turks or not) touches me.
    4. Ostap Bender
      Ostap Bender
      We lieve in a free society and may discuss about everything. Why we not may discuss about terrorismus in our countries?
    5. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      I see you always threads related to Islam.

      What the hell you know about that ? :)

      deal in threads are related gays,homosexuals, don't attack my religion! Do I attack your religion?
    6. tresha
      Thank you for the rep.
      See, I'm not all evil....:)
    7. Makedde
      Hello Ostap, I change my avatar about every two weeks!
    8. Ostap Bender
      Ostap Bender
      In my opinion we should support USA and fight against terror. We all are tied from terror and UN need urgently a decision about terrorismus. Only USA can save our world from terrorismus.
    9. Jovvn
      We should just make Giant robots, and send them to Middle East. you know? How the hell are Terrorists suppose to fight with a robot? And it would make their whole, suicide, chest bomb thing redundant wouldnt it? I mean they would succeed in nothing but damaging the robot a little, and maybe with a good enough robot, succeed in doing nothing at all.

      buuut... that would be to much power for a government. And im sure government it'll turn oppressive.

      dam balance of the universe......
    10. sabin
      Thank Olap, glad you liked.
    11. lita456
      Thanks Ostap for the rep! Your a sweetie!
    12. lita456
      Sadly, Wind requested to be permabanned. I don't know the reasoning behind it and I'm going to miss her terribly.
    13. lita456
      Hey Ostap! Thanks for the friends request! Wind told me so much about you!
    14. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      I like Mr. Schröder :)
      He doesn't look Turkey with prejudices
    15. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      Thanks . . . :)
      I was fan of Germany but Merkel broke my fan
    16. Ferris
      Thanks for the advice and compliment, I won't forget it
    17. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      It is Karamanid Flag... I am Karamanid Turk
    18. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      Hi, what's up ?
    19. Ostap Bender
      Ostap Bender
      Obama is a Christ.It's a huge difference.
    20. Matthew.lincoln
      Wait you talk about how the Koran and Muslims are so wrong, but in change you support Obama? One person that has realatives that are Muslim in Kenya.

      I have no problem with Obama, except he is arrogent, ignorant, and self concieved. haha
    21. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      Have you ever read the Quran ?
    22. Lopettaa
      I can't speak German, only few words. I was just saying how funny the thread about woman's restrooms was and how nice a person you are.
    23. Lopettaa
      Jag tror Amerikanerne nennen dette exzentrische, vet jag ikke.
    24. Lopettaa
      Du sind en goden Mensch. Jag hadde en dårlig dag, aber jetzt ist det bedre. Takk.
    25. Ostap Bender
      Ostap Bender
      Ich glaube, ich habe keine Angst vor Muslime. Ich sage nur, dass Ihnen die Zukunft gehört.
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