How Long and How Bad before the Socialism Fever Burns Out?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Kurmugeon, Apr 8, 2013.


How Long Until America Under Socialism falls?

Poll closed Apr 11, 2013.
  1. Never, Our Country will prosper under its socialist movement and never turn back.

    3 vote(s)
  2. It will take decades for the rot and corruption to destroy the wealth of America's Golden Years.

    1 vote(s)
  3. Less than a Decade, we're in Deep Trouble already, and Socialism is bankrupting the county.

    4 vote(s)
  4. America is meaningless now, a One World Socialist Government will replace all nations.

    2 vote(s)
  5. We're already there, America will reject Socialism and the Democratic Party in both 2014 and 2016.

    0 vote(s)
  6. We may or may not collapse under Socialism, the future is not set, and it is too early to tell.

    2 vote(s)
  1. RedRepublic

    RedRepublic Banned at Members Request

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Lol, where are you getting your figures from, the "black book of communism"?
  2. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    The establishment will try whatever works for them in order to stay in charge , name it whatever you like .

    *Of course the usual nonsense about "socialism" continues.
  3. Leffe

    Leffe New Member

    Aug 12, 2009
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    That's got to be the most pathetic reasoning I've seen in a long time, unless of course you were being sarcastic.

    I repeat:

    Originally Posted by Leffe
    In what way is the USA socialist?
  4. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    So, here we have a "True-Believer"

    or an incredibly mercenary user... it always hard to tell.

    Among those who hold truth valuable and have studied history, you would be called a "Purge Denier" and for that alone be seen as dubious at best.

    I suggest that you start by reading:

    There are many online sources:

    There are many good books on the subject of the Soviet Purges:
    http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.ed...e=lcsubc&key=Political purges -- Soviet Union

    Similar resources exist for the Chinese Communist Atrocities.

    Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

  5. monty1

    monty1 New Member

    Mar 4, 2013
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    Americans, here's one truth you can believe in: Socially responsible government is your future. You will confuse this with socialism but it's not. Extreme conservatism is on the way out and libertarianism isn't an option. You know that because the libertarians themselves admit it. None seriously predict that they can form government.

    The reason this is so is because the US has gone too far in trampling down the rights and freedoms of the ordinary people in favour of enriching those at the top. This is why protest groups have sprung up which consist of mostly angry people.

    Sure it's about big government but more than that it's about 'bad and big government'!

    Stop letting the right redirect your anger in their direction and to their benifit.
  6. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    I've said this many times already on this forum ( and many others ), but I guess I'll have to keep on saying it:

    Just because a 90% of the CEOs are white men, doesn’t mean that 90% of white men are CEOs!

    And, as I pointed out earlier in this thread:

    Stone Soup only works if everyone contributing their ingredients gets an equal share.

    Well, Obama, and the new "People of Color First!" wing of the Democratic Party seem to think because some guy who lived 100+ Years Ago did something bad to Blacks and others, a low-mid income white family should suffer a meager small bowl ration from the cauldron of Stone Soup.

    American Socialism will fail, because the best chance you ever will have at implementing it, in the year 2008, was fatally flawed by institutionalized racism.

    Low-Mid Income White Americans are over 64% of the American Population. For Good Reasons, We Do NOT TRUST YOU!

  7. monty1

    monty1 New Member

    Mar 4, 2013
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    Most likely everything will fail until Obama is finished as pres. There is too much racist hate coming from both sides. Obama undoubtedly makes it worse but I can't be convinced that it is intentional. It's not his fault that blacks are going to support him in many instances because he is black. However, there are lots of whites and blacks still who support him for the right reasons. Pure socialism won't come but socially responsible capitalism is most certainly going to come in due course.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I keep wondering that too.
  9. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Why take my word for it?

    There are plenty of people in our country, from both the Left and the Right, who see what Obama is, why can't or don't or won't you?

  10. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    This is an oxymoron.
  11. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Still looking for an answer

    In what way is the USA socialist?

    I keep wondering why you can't actually point out how we are socialist.
  12. Redalgo

    Redalgo New Member

    Oct 5, 2012
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    In response to the OP the United States is capitalist, and when it fails sometime in the distant future I suspect that its economic system will not be among the most significant reasons for its collapse.

    What? o_O

    The far left has very little political influence, President Obama is centrist on the whole, and adhering to my socialist values dissuades me from affiliating with the Democratic Party or casting votes for their candidates unless stuck choosing between members of major parties.

    Socialism as a significant political movement in the U.S. died long before I was even born.

    The U.S. is a constitutional republic and liberal democracy, and what - if I may ask - is an "ethnic socialist state"? :eek:
  13. Rusty Houser

    Rusty Houser Banned

    Mar 23, 2013
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    The US will be wishing socialism could cure what is wrong here soon.
  14. Libertarian ForOur Future

    Libertarian ForOur Future New Member Past Donor

    Mar 4, 2013
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    Kurmugeon, I think you need to read this article to get a better sense of what you're trying to debate: Another good article,, where it talks about various programs that can be stated as the basis of socialism. However, there are more to it than just these programs, keep that in mind.

    Now then, I think America, in my opinion, seems to be progressing more towards it. I think with a lot of issues going on, folks seem to be between having the government get involved versus getting the government out of their lives. As such, you see certain programs that majority of society are asking for (IE: Social security, medicare/medicaid, welfare, etc). Moreover, I don't know if we'll fully adapt true socialism. As Redalgo stated in one of his posts, socialism was destroyed sometime ago in America. There are other countries that still lead with those principals, just not fully America.

    Do I believe we could become a true socialist society? I highly doubt it because folks are getting tired of just a small taste of it, I for one. Right now, you have a mixed bag of sorts that this country is heading towards. I, for one, foresee it getting worse before it ever gets better. I believe folks, for various reasons, require these programs in order to get them to tomorrow. The problem is, I fault this to the convoluted issues of the government. However, I believe this is a cause from all political spectrum's, not just one or the other.

    However, to anyone who does believe in socialism and believes there should free services to folks and/or the government should be your parent, this is the perfect song for you. I absolutely love this song and songs like this, it makes me think twice about expecting people to do what I hope they will. As such, I simply take my life in my own hands and make it better. This is the premise of this song, hopefully it rings home for some.

  15. monty1

    monty1 New Member

    Mar 4, 2013
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    I think your mother is a sensible person and so I would really like to know what happened to you so that you picked up on this crazed libertarian agenda you pretend to adhere to. The point is, you don't and you aren't even close to libertarian in practice but you think you are. What happened? Did your father leave your mother when you were younger? You lead to believe that you're maybe 25 to 27 so I'm thinking it was something tragic in your teens or early twenties.

    I'm going to make a wild guess and say your mother is a Mormon or a Jehovah's witness. Something weird is going on in your family. I think the trauma may be your mother's and yours both and it has something to do with your father leaving under ugly circumstances.

    In any case, you're good at heart and you'll eventually become a good social minded liberal after the libertarian fad has passed. Hardly anybody stays with it into their 30's.

    I sure hope it's not just a racism problem with Obama but the timing seems to fit pretty well.
  16. Libertarian ForOur Future

    Libertarian ForOur Future New Member Past Donor

    Mar 4, 2013
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    Wow...that had every bit of insult in it. Thank you, you're providing 0 value to this discussion and continuing to be the person I knew you were. It warms my heart knowing that you are every bit of ignorant as I originally knew you were.

    No, the difference is I don't feel like cuddling lazy people like yourself. I'm not your Santa Claus, I don't come baring gifts. Achieve what you want in life, don't expect others to bring it to you.

    However, here's my salute to you (FYI: I'm 30, my views will continue until I'm long gone from this earth, get used to it, it ain't changing):

  17. monty1

    monty1 New Member

    Mar 4, 2013
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    So 27 was pretty close. That wasn't insulting, it was inquiring and it even included a comment for you. You're good at heart but there's really something troubling you that you are hiding. I'll have a look back and I'll find some hints because you always say a lot. Sometimes volumes on personal stuff.

    And thank you for the personal attack and insult in return.
  18. Libertarian ForOur Future

    Libertarian ForOur Future New Member Past Donor

    Mar 4, 2013
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    Ask and you shall receive. I'm not longer going to simply let you insult me and assume I'll just walk away from it. If you wish to insult, be prepared to be insulted back. Simple logic. Don't insult me, I don't insult you, plain and simple. Don't like it, put me on ignore or refrain from insults.
  19. Chad2

    Chad2 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    Democrats do (not) want socialism, they want "social capitalism."

    Switzerland is a "social capitalist" country. And Switzerland's economy is ranked higher/better than America's economy.
    People in Switzerland make 2x more money than Americans do.
    Switzerland kicks Americas as- in everything.

    A social capitalist country is a country that respects everyone, regardless of whether you are rich or poor.
    But republicans desire a different kind of government.

    Republicans want supply side tax cuts (that's literally tax cuts for large corporations and the rich.)
    Republicans want 0% tax rates on dividends, so billionaire CEO's get 0% federal tax rates.
    Republicans want corporate deregulation (thats lets large corporations do whatever they want.)

    Mitt Romney made the following $6.6 trillion dollar "supply side" attempt, and Americas republicans fought for him to win.

    (the stupid thing is that $6.6 trillion dollars would have been added to our national debt, and since there are no regulations on how to spend supply side tax cuts, that money would have financed the building of US factories in communist China.)

    But you republicans still want those Romney "supply side" tax cuts, don't you ???
  20. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    The Current Crop of Democrats do NOT respect everyone, they put a premium on Race and have nothing but contempt and denials for low-mid income Whites.

  21. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    It is called social democracy and it is one of the factors that ruined Europe .
  22. septimine

    septimine New Member

    Feb 18, 2012
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    Well, the thing is that socialism is popular because it appears to work -- on the outside. The NHS of Britain is just one such example. Sure "everyone has healthcare", however the waits are incredibly long (a month for a broken bone for example), things are rationed, and there's a shortage of health care workers. Or you could look at the SS system or even the welfare system in the US -- sure it looks good, but what it actually does is create the very things that it was meant to help. For example, welfare pays better for single mothers than for married mothers, thus creating the incentive for a woman to not get married upon having a child. So the families on welfare learned that single motherhood and absent fathers are desireable, and thus we now have a marriage rate among the poor that's dropping like a rock. Social Security CREATED the retirement problems we have. We've told people for a long time that once you reach the magic age of 65, you essentially get a second childhood, paid for by current workers. While the increase of life expectancy probably wasn't planned for initially, the system created the problem of having people live on SS income for 30 years. These are not for the most part disabled people, they're golfing and touring europe and skydiving and so on. It sounds great, except for the common denominator of all socialist programs -- it's unsustainable. Beyond a certain critical mass, the systems not only fail those on those systems by reducing benefits or rationing in some way, but they hurt those not on the program who must be taxed in ever higher amounts to pay for the people on the program. Plus, in the case of welfare, it creates a perverse incentive to not work and to learn ways to get yourself on as many programs as possible. Which then creates yet more burden on the system -- not only do we have the people who initially needed a service, but we have all of these other people who have learned how to need those programs. And of course once on them, they learn how much or how little to do to stay on the service.
  23. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    Just a small note , please avoid wall-o-text .

    There is no perfect system as there is no bullet proof system . What you call "socialism" is actually social democracy financed by the scraps of the inflated financial sector. Of course it is not socialism or anything close to it because there is no socialism with private corporations around.

    The way i see it the system is made to be exploited and to give government and capitalists a role in how people manage their savings .
    People should own their pension / Medicare funds , pay as much as they like every month , retire at the age they like , receive the benefits they like and have the medical coverage they like .
    To give you an example i am a typographer , each month i pay something more than a quarter of my wage to typographer's fund ( membership is compulsory for all registered typographers ) , my medical coverage , pension , retirement age and farther benefits are related to how strong this fund is , theoretically it is private and government has no say how it is managed (in reality Greek governments looted those funds but this is another story) , there you have a non government related system that works and the more you pay the more you receive , it can work with fixed monthly installations or even offer personalised packages.
    ( of course i know that some pension funds are handled by the capitalists and this is pure robbery )
  24. Chad2

    Chad2 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    You said "The Current Crop of Democrats do NOT respect everyone."
    Can you explain your above statement ??
    Answer: No you can't explain it (because your posting Fox/Rush lies.)

    Reality is "the republicans only respect the rich."

    Republicans are against high min wages for America's poor workers.
    Republicans are against earned income tax credits for poor workers.
    Republicans are against giving everyone health insurance.
    (The republicans are against any law that helps regular Americans.)

    Republicans only help large corporations and the rich.
    Republicans are for supply side tax cuts (these are tax cuts for large corporations and the rich)
    Republicans want 0% tax rates on dividends, so rich CEO's have 0% federal tax rates.
    Republicans want corporate deregulation (so large corporations can do whatever they want.)

    You should turn off the Fox news and Rush radio, scientists call them "corporate propaganda."
    The following Australian documentary shows, how the CEO's who fund Fox news, manipulate people like you (as if you were a retarded sheep.)
  25. Chad2

    Chad2 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    How did social democracy ruin Europe ??
    Answer: You're a brainless and childlike Fox/Rush follower, and you can't explain your above statement.

    How does it feel to post Fox/Rush corporate propaganda, that your stupid conservative brain can't even explain ??

    Social capitalist countries like Germany and Switzerland outperform America.
    Too bad your Fox/Rush CEO leaders, don't tell you what's actually happening in the world.

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