43 Iconic LGBT moments of 2013

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by TheTaoOfBill, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. Radio Refugee

    Radio Refugee New Member

    Sep 11, 2008
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    Fever dream.
  2. Osiris Faction

    Osiris Faction Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    Nah, the states legalized gay marriage.

    You can whines and cry all you like but it doesn't change anything.
  3. Liberalis

    Liberalis Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
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    Number 14 made me legitimately cry. Thanks for this list, very heart warming :)
  4. Grokmaster

    Grokmaster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 9, 2008
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    PLease cite a SINGLE RIGHT that gays do not have, that non gays do.

    - - - Updated - - -

    BUllcrap. VOTED DOWN 33 times, including California, whose citizens had their votes CANCELLED by a GAY JUDGE,who chose to rewrite the Constitution from the bench...an absolute OUTRAGE.
  5. Grokmaster

    Grokmaster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Don't forget that MSM (men having sex with men) , less than 4% of the population, account for 78% of new HIV/AIDS infections,and they are dragging the average age if new victims YOUNGER and YOUNGER,many new infections as young as THRITEEN, according to the CDC....

    Yeah, that's a "great thing", for all of us, especially since we are now promoting this public health NIGHTMARE lifestyle to school children.

    Awesome. How "iconic"...
  6. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    This is true, if an opinion poll had the word "indifferent" in it(which BTW, most millenials feel as I'm one of them), that 75% would be 75% indifferent.

    But I'm not indifferent as it relates to the social structure of the family. The nuclear family unit is absolutely necessary, and we can only be thankful that the LBGT movement is as irrelevant as it is(with only 5% of people falling into their respective categories).

    In fact, a poll pronounced that people thought there were much more gays than there really are. So why is that? Media Perception. This isn't so much a victory for a war for rights, then it is a successful media blitz for an agenda. (Think about all the coverage Jason Collins got, despite being one of the most irrelevant NBA players ever.).

    A 5% minority is going to topple at least 50% for a political agenda, and the hapless Liberals who've supported other failed ideas in the past, will come to rue this one as well, only to realize that it's "irreversible" much like the ACA Fail.

    They should try implementing ideas that can be "tweaked", so as to save their reputation and the people from unnecessary suffering.
  7. WalterSobchak

    WalterSobchak Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2010
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    Cons are celebrating Phil being allowed to be back on Duck Dynasty & calling it a victory against the homosexuals.

    Meanwhile, in the REAL world, 2 more States have just been shown that their laws banning same sex marriage are UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and have been killed.

    LMAO, whatever makes you poor cons on the wrong side of history sleep better at night. :roflol:
  8. doombug

    doombug Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Spot on. It isn't that I am really against gays as much as I don't see any reason to support them. Liberals haven't made the case for gays but people are tired of hearing the rhetoric so they let them have their way like an exhausted parent giving in to a spoiled child.

    Meanwhile the question as to whether or not this is bad for society or not goes unanswered. Liberals are so up in arms about it they will viciously go after anyone who has a differing opinion. The voice of reason falls on deaf ears with them. Just like with obamacare. When people were suggesting changes or postponing parts of it the libs plugged their ears. Now look at the mess we have.
  9. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    I actually agree with the title of this on all fronts.

    I am happy to see gays become more equal in many states.

    I am happy to see over reaching groups like GLAAD get slapped the F down.

    I am happy, here is to a great 2014!!!!
  10. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Posted earlier in the thread.
  11. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Looks like they already are tax exempt.
  12. Headlesseye

    Headlesseye New Member

    Oct 21, 2013
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    How do you figure? You just said everyone is "indifferent" to gay rights! How would it topple the progressive agenda if nobody cares? You're not making much sense here.

    Are you trying to rationalize this latest right-wing defeat with poor logic? Millennials are simply far more progressive than previous generations, and future generations will be even more liberal. For these young Americans this isn't even an issue worth discussing--same sex marriage should be legal and that's that. That isn't indifference, that's progress. 50 years from now, right-wingers won't argue against same-sex marriage unless they're posting on sites like stormfront. Even they will have moved towards the left, begrudgingly. That is the way of things.
  13. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Chances are having lost the fight to save traditional marriage the right wing will be fighting a losing battle against pedophilia and beastiality instead.
  14. Osiris Faction

    Osiris Faction Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    I know it's so hilarious to watch.
  15. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    It might be because you're reading it wrong. You see, sexual(and social) relations don't occur in your borg hive or your Liberal Arts class(which BTW, are not only AWFUL degrees but you couldn't get less political education if you tried :D). They occur from street to street, home to home, person to person.

    And there are many, many millions of Americans who feel outright disgusted, neutral or otherwise don't want to be sexually involved with these people who are radically different sexually. The whole "As long as you do it in the house" thing comes from these vast majorities of people.

    Liberals seem to have the mistaken concept that a "yes" means support. In general, perhaps. Politically, it's another story entirely. Politically, that yes has the pretext of several reasons. As an example, Americans voted for Barack Obama but that doesn't necessarily mean they supported the ACA as a whole.

    That still BTW is a shock to you guys. You guys still think his nomination and election meant that the majority of Americans supported the law. See, the ACA, as crappy as it is, is but one position. One of MANY. As Craptastic as it is, Mitt Romney being a war monger who would've bombed anyone and everyone was simply not electable. And that 47% comment was the killer. That, and as you point out he supported a similar movement in his home state.

    So I for one, wasn't going to believe he'd do anything to the ACA to begin with. Hence, I refrained from voting. Why should I? Both candidates were awful.

    Now, in the context of Gay Rights, Doomsbug and I already touched on it: The American People's "yes" is on the guise not of approval, but apathy. As long as it truly remains "in the closet", National America has no concern over it.

    To put this in perspective, all other minority groups are more than double the size of the LGBT community. If it weren't for the NATL. Media, just how much attention do you think it would get?

    None. And you know it.

    They aren't Liberal(by choice anyway) but indoctrinated! Recent studies show that the older people get, the more they move to the center. All the more so for my generation, which you've forced to carry the statist burden called the ACA. Do you really think you can have an entire generation on your side by making them your slave dogs?

    Especially our generation, there's been some stigma surrounding our "me, me, me" attitude(as described by older people). Well, I'm going to defend our "me, me, me" attitude. It's what allowed me to be a College Student, to be at a Dean Level at that It's that attitude which inspires people to do things, instead of sitting on their laurels and waiting for some miracle to come.

    Oh, and it's what we vote on. I find it funny that a Liberal believes that the Millenials(and Gen Y in particular) is simply going to vote against their own interests. But that's precisely what Liberalism is. Collectivism can only be achieved by eliminating the Individual..

    That's why you had to sell "Hope and Change", it's why you had to highlight the fact that a child can stay on a parent's plan until he's 26. The Plan(and Liberals) could only be supported politically insofar as you tried to look neutral, if not beneficial to our generation. And again, you underestimated our generation.

    Sure, for a time it worked in 2008 and it worked well enough in 2012. But now that we're seeing the ACA in action, pray tell why would a Millenial do this to themselves? No, that's an honest question. Put yourself in the shoes of a 20+ year old college student, and ask him why he'd take on a long-term burden that's absolutely financially unnecessary and back breaking?

    How many of them have a house, a car, heck even employed? You know NOTHING about our generation and about how we feel about how you guys stabbed us in the back. We believed in progress alright, but this isn't progressive. This is slavery, the older generations shackled us in chains and led us like sheep to the slaughter with pretty words.

    Much the same way with "gay marriage", if these marriages grow(with children nevertheless), these children will be sexually and socially perverted(or better said, undeveloped). One study came out and said these children are able to feel more for others. Yay! Let's ask a more meaningful question:

    Do they know themselves? They have absolutely no platform. The platform they do have, is one of an obscure minority of people. They're more bound to be disappointed than a heterosexual couple.



    Oh and I'll say this upfront: I came to my conclusion before reading the papers. Why? Because it's common freaking sense. Whether it's 10% or 2%, these kids will face questions. Questions their parents are hardly qualified to answer.(After all, what do they know of their own sexuality?)

    When people say they're "curious" or "want to try it" in the dating world, it means they're "confused". I know myself, at 21 I think about whether or not it would be productive, feel good, etc. But I know that when I think about my long-term goals and dreams, it would be best to have a loving woman by my side.

    Oh, and the depictions of a same-sex relationship on movies, shows, etc, doesn't quite fit reality. That's also a bummer. I've read/watched some great lesbian fiction. If only relationships were that magical :D.

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