Russian Flags Raised In Ukraine's South- How Far Will This Go?

Discussion in 'Russia & Eastern Europe' started by Jeannette, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    The flag of Ukraine isn't a far-right Neo-Nazi symbol.
  2. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    The Putin Backed former Ukrainian Leader that was LEGALLY removed from office has stolen BILLION'S OF DOLLARS from the Ukrainian Treasury.

    THAT is why the Ukraine has money issues.

  3. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Oh so the 200 one thousand year old orthodox Churches and monasteries were built by Muslim Albanians? Interesting! I never realized they were so generous, I guess then they had every right to destroy them...under the eyes of Nato no less: :confuse:


    So now you're saying that any land cleansed of its original inhabitants by terrorists, belongs to the terrorists. Interesting! :confuse: Seems the list you presented is a beautiful cover up, since the Croatians under Pres. Tudjman conducted the largest ethnic cleansing and genocide in Europe since WWII. Two hundred thousand Serbs ended up as refugees in Serbia.

    Uhhh! I guess you never heard of the Ustachi regime in Croatia during WWII, which appalled even the Germans with their cruelty? This is from the American Defense League:

    "...We have been writing about the UN-EU-approved systematic extermination of the Serbs in their native land for quite a while now. This recent article tells you about the horrific crimes committed by the Ustashi (Muslims and Croats) in the former Yugoslavia, in the puppet State of Croatia created by the Nazis during WWII, in the Jasenovac Concentration Camp and other extermination sites in Croatia and beyond..."

    "...The Usasha Nazi movement (also known as Ustaše, Ustashas or Ustashi) was formed in the early 30s by Dr Ante Pavelich as an underground organization with close ties to German Nazis and Italian Fascists. On coming to power, the Ustashe Party dictatorship in Croatia quickly commenced on a systematic policy of racial extermination of all Serbs, Jews and Romas living within its borders. By June 1941, signs on all public establishments read, NO SERBS, JEWS, GYPSIES AND DOGS ALLOWED..."

    "...If you are wondering why this might be relevant today, it is because it is still going on. It is part the the UN-EU’s plan of finishing off the Christian Serbs to make way for a Nazi-Muslim Caliphate in the Balkans. A genocide against the Christian Serbs that they have condoned from the very beginning...."

  4. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Russia is a hypocrite.

    They would never allow any republic of the Russian Federation to have a referendum on independence, espcially if that republic was occupied by tens of thousands of foreign troops.
  5. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    We don't want to harm the Russian People.

    The problem is PUTIN and his network of former Soviet era KGB members that he has basically positioned and formed a Private Putin lead agency.

    The United States has spent over $300 Billion trying to help Russia enter the modern world and it was working. We went to all the former Soviet states and paid for their Nukes and destroyed them and WE ARE STILL DOING THIS NOW.

    We forced Europe and other members of the G-7 to accept Russia in when Russia had no business being a member of the created G-8. We have done everything possible to help Russia transform to a peaceful and Democratic member of the modern world ONLY TO BE STABBED IN THE BACK.

    This matter with the Ukraine and Crimea is NOT something that the United States can solve Militarily. The problem is that Russia could not defend against any U.S. Conventional Military action and because of this Russia would have a choice....EITHER LOSE BIG ON THE BATTLEFIELD OR USE NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

    The Russian Military is not even CLOSE to being as capable as the U.S. Military but Russia still has Nuclear Weapons and even though many of Russia's Nukes are old and no where near as accurate and capable as U.S. Nuclear Forces and as well the United States has RIGHT NOW a very good and extremely capable Anti-Ballistic Missile System that is a combination of ABM/ASAT'S such as the SM-3 and a very numerous amount of other ABM'S either Ship Launched, Sub Launched, Air Launched, Ground Launched but as well the United States Military has RIGHT NOW several DIRECT ENERGY WEAPON SYSTEMS such as the FEL Free Electron Laser and MEB Microwave Emissions Beam and various Particle Beam Weapons that can easily vaporize incoming Russian Nuclear Missiles or Russian Aircraft....but that is talking about NUCLEAR WAR.


    So Putin can do what he wants as far as the Crimea is concerned but Putin and Russia WILL PAY A HUGE PRICE

    Some people just either don't or cannot understand what it means when the United States places SANCTIONS upon another is DEVASTATING to that nations economy, employment numbers and people.


    Never mind E.U. sanctions and any country that does business with the United States and wants to KEEP DOING BUSINESS with the United States is going to have to do what we ask.

    Putin HAS LOST HIS MIND!!!

    This will only hurt Russia, the Russian People....and it will hurt Putin as well.

  6. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Russia asked the U.N. for an impartial investigation of discrimination in Ukraine, but it was probably vetoed by the U.S. Aren't we lovely? But what can one expect, our State Department's policy was probably formed during the Clinton administration because the lies and deceptions they use, seem to be the same ones Clinton used for our illegal entrance into the civil war in Serbia. Even now the sanctions are political and against individuals in Russia and Ukraine, which again is the same kind of bullying the Clintons used in their domestic policies.

    I am waiting to see Putin's response, it should be interesting. I'm sure he's had it prepared for a while now. I'm thinking that maybe the individuals he'll hit, will be those in Poland, Lithuania, as well as other nations who had to do with the illegal takeover of Kiev. I'm putting my bets on Putin. Let's see!
  7. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Russian Imperialists think Eastern Europe belongs to them.
  8. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Oh yes the oligarchs did become rich because of the government. You do know the Western Ukrainian occupiers of Kiev want one the richest ones oligarchs; Julia Tymochenko to be President, and at her suggestion the richest oligarch in the world is now in charge of Doneskt? But that's okay, they are one of their oligarchs. The Polish leaning western Ukrainians will now be able to enjoy the IMF's austerity, and keep blaming Russia and Yanukovich as they're doing it.
  9. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    How about these excerpts from the Global Research Center:

    As the Euromaidan protests in the Ukrainian capitol of Kiev culminated this week, displays of open fascism and neo-Nazi extremism became too glaring to ignore. Since demonstrators filled the downtown square to battle Ukrainian riot police and demand the ouster of the corruption-stained, pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovich, it has been filled with far-right streetfighting men pledging to defend their country’s ethnic purity.

    Sieg heil salutes and the Nazi Wolfsangel symbol have become an increasingly common site in Maidan Square, and neo-Nazi forces have established “autonomous zones” in and around Kiev.

    “There are lots of Nationalists here, including Nazis,” the anti-fascist continued. “They came from all over Ukraine, and they make up about 30% of protesters.”

    One of the “Big Three” political parties behind the protests is the ultra-nationalist Svoboda, whose leader, Oleh Tyahnybok, has called for the liberation of his country from the “Muscovite-Jewish mafia.” After the 2010 conviction of the Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk for his supporting role in the death of nearly 30,000 people at the Sobibor camp, Tyahnybok rushed to Germany to declare him a hero who was “fighting for truth.” In the Ukrainian parliament, where Svoboda holds an unprecedented 37 seats, Tyahnybok’s deputy Yuriy Mykhalchyshyn is fond of quoting Joseph Goebbels – he has even founded a think tank originally called “the Joseph Goebbels Political Research Center
  10. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    This gets to the nub of the crisis. The underlying cause behind the unrest is the contradictory position of Ukraine's ruling class. Yanukovich represented the section of Ukrainian capital in the industrial belt that remains tied to Russian markets, while the former opposition parties -- Tymoshenko's Fatherland and Vitali Klitschko's "Punch" -- represent the western oligarchs who see their future within the European Union.

    In both instances the different sections of the ruling class have sought to align themselves with a social base. The western oligarchs pretend to represent workers' democratic aspirations and appeal to Ukrainian nationalism, while in the eastern belt oligarchs claim to be protecting both Russian minority interests and industrial workers from the "market".
    Jeannette and (deleted member) like this.
  11. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Hmmm! Then by your logic it would be right for Arabs to say that Jewish imperialists think that the Middle East belongs to them. Your logic mind you, not mine. Interesting! :confuse:
  12. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Come on...everyone knows the Middle East belongs to us.

  13. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Yes, Middle East belongs to us (USA). Obviously, Crimea does not and does not belong to Ukraine as well.
  14. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Let me ask you YOU PERSONALLY think it is smart for Putin to place the entire nation of Russia in such a bad position when all Putin has to do is wait a bit longer for a LEGAL REFERENDUM to be created under UKRAINIAN LAW that would LEGALLY ALLOW the Crimea to succeed??????

    This is ECONOMIC SUICIDE for Russia!!!

    Why not just do it legally?

  15. SyrianGirl1982

    SyrianGirl1982 New Member

    May 22, 2013
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    Perhaps you are blind or pretending not to notice the black/red flag. Why don't you go ahead and google what the flag means and then share with everyone here!
  16. SyrianGirl1982

    SyrianGirl1982 New Member

    May 22, 2013
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    Funny thing is that Western Ukraine is virtually worthless economically. There is very little industrial capabilities there. All the industry is in South East and East of Ukraine. Many Western Ukrainians come to Russia for work.

    They need to be stop being obsessed with Russia. Their hate of Russia is not justified. Without Russia, there would be no Western Ukraine as part of Ukraine. Western Ukraine would be in Eastern Poland right now.
  17. SyrianGirl1982

    SyrianGirl1982 New Member

    May 22, 2013
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    Funny how nobody was concerned with legality of Kosovo independence.

    Did Serbia approve of Kosovo independence? No

    Was there a vote in Serbia whether to allow Kosovo to secede? no
    Serbia constitution doesn't allow Kosovo to secede.
    Did the West give ordinary Serbians a vote whether to allow Kosovo to secede? no

    What the West did in Kosovo was give a finger to Russia and embarrass her worldwide. The time for payback has come.

    Russian takeover of Crimea is Russian way of giving the West a finger as revenge.
  18. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    83 in the flag stands for blood of the invaders...white stands for peace...blah...blah...blah.

    But there is a HELL of a lot more to it that this as I will provide a link that details how Syrian Flags change quicker than some people change their underwear.


    The FACTS are that Syria was a city ruled by the Turkish-Ottoman Empire and if it wasn't for the British and El Lawrence....Syria would STILL be a captured city.

    During WWII....the United States Army almost decided to take over Syria and there was a time Syria asked to become a STATE of the United States.

    The FACTS of the matter are...currently....Assad is playing a VERY DANGEROUS GAME.

    As I posted several times a while back Assad is doing EXACTLY what I said he would do and that is he keeps saying he has given up all his Chemical Weapons....then WE THREATEN....and he say's...OH!! I just found some more!!!

    This will go on for a time and we will be satisfied if he gives up about 95% of the total of his Chemical Weapons stockpile AN WE KNOW EXACTLY HOW MUCH ASSAD HAS.

    If he tries to lie....and he will....and because Assad has stored his Chemical Weapons within large population centers to prevent U.S. Air Strikes upon them....if Assad say tries to keep 20% to 30%....we will have to send in U.S. SPECIAL get them.

    This action has already been cleared with Russia.

    Most likely what would happen is before U.S. Special Forces came in we would probably send in F/A-22 Raptors with small Non-Nuclear EMP's which 2 devices can fit in the internal bomb bays of an F/A-22.

    We would drop them on any Syrian Mechanized Forces as this would not kill anyone but instead render all Syrian Weapons systems an EMP FRIES all electronic chips and even a car solenoid is destroyed by an EMP so Assad's forces could not even MOVE.

    Thousands of U.S. Special Forces and Airborne Rangers would come in at night and secure these Chemical Weapon Storage Areas in the middle of Syrian Cities and WE KNOW WHERE THEY ALL ARE....and we would use airdropped U.S. Trucks to load these Chemical Weapons and bring them to Syrian Airports seized by Special Forces and Rangers or even use C-17's and C-130's as both of these cargo aircraft can land and takeoff either at short length airfields or take off from flat desert sandy areas.

  19. big daryle

    big daryle New Member

    May 16, 2008
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    Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic States should all be part of a reestablished USSR.
  20. SyrianGirl1982

    SyrianGirl1982 New Member

    May 22, 2013
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    This is Ukraine thread.

    I don't care about your comments on Syria. Your paper tiger president and army will never attack Syria.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Ukrainian Freedom: A Neo-Nazi Criminal walks into a prosecutors office and assaults and threatens him. This is American vision of democracy. As long as any government is pro-West, they turn a blind eye.

    [video=youtube;78keoRsLCng] e&v=78keoRsLCng[/video]

    Same guy, 20 years ago in Chechnya. proudly proclaims he is fighting on side of terrorists against Russian Army. Proudly claims he killed numerous Russians and destroyed 6 tanks
  21. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    How is it even POSSIBLE for anyone to condone what the Serbian's were doing...that being ETHNICALLY CLEANSING ALL MUSLIMS FROM THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA!!!

    I WAS THERE!!! I saw huge PITS....dug with bulldozers where Serbian's rounded up Muslim Men, Women and Children and had them stand at the edges of these pits and them opened fire with AK-47's or .30 or .50 Cals.

    They would bring them to swamps and do the same.


    I cannot BELIEVE you even brought Kosovo up!!!

    The F@#%&#@ EUROPEAN'S kept delaying and delaying as one Politician after another from an E.U. country except thankfully the U.K. would set a meeting with Milosevic as that MURDERER would bargain for MORE TIME so he could kill more Muslims and FINALLY the United States had ENOUGH of these Politician's BULLS#!$ and we ordered the STRIKE.

    I CANNOT BELIEVE you of all people brought this up!!!!

  22. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Funny how you are now saying this is a UKRAINIAN THREAD after YOU started talking about the SYRIAN FLAG!!!

    What I posted is a FACT as far as what I predicted Assad would do...and any member can look at my posting History and see what I predicted MONTHS AGO is unfolding as we speak.

    As far as what I have just now predicted...I actually predicted this U.S. Military Action at THE SAME TIME I PREDICTED ASSAD WOULD STALL AND LIE.

    So...although it has not happened....YET....since Assad is doing EXACTLY what I said he would do it is logical for members to understand I have a great deal of knowledge and experience specific to this issue and I KNOW if Assad does NOT give up at least 92% to 95% of his Chemical Weapons...and I predicted and posted these percentages before months ago....THE UNITED STATES MILITARY WILL GO IN AND GET THEM.

  23. Rainbow Crow

    Rainbow Crow New Member Past Donor

    Apr 17, 2013
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    “Crimea is, was and will be our territory,” Tenyukh said. A truce between the two sides is in place until March 21.

    ^^ Notice the choice of words here. He didn't say a part of the country or talk about liberating the Crimean people or anything, it's all about territory to them. The media just can't cover up who the bad guy is in all of this.
  24. SyrianGirl1982

    SyrianGirl1982 New Member

    May 22, 2013
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    Serbs killed Albanians
    Albanians killed Serbs

    It still does not justify illegal NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. It is none of NATO business. A civil war in Kosovo doesn't justify taking away a piece of Serbian territory. Yugoslavia has nothing to do with America. They are not related to America. Leave them alone. America should butt out and mind it's own business. There's a reason why America and not Russia, is the most disliked country in the world by far.
  25. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Do yourself a favor and don't post about this anymore.

    Do you think I wanted to go there?

    Do you think the United States wanted to get involved with an issue the damn European's and Russian's should have handles but neither the European's or Russian's were capable either Militarily or Politically to end the killing?

    Do yourself a FAVOR and just don't say anything as far as Kosovo is concerned as YOU did not see what I did.

    I saw little Muslim Boy's and Girl's with TOY'S still in their hands laying dead and bloated in the mud. You have NO IDEA how seeing something like that can effect you.

    I am NOT Military and I and my Team were sent there specifically to deal with a Russian Colonel because this ASS#@!% was causing all sorts of problems and is directly responsible for delaying us and by doing so 347 Muslim Men, Women and Children were gunned down by Serbian Troops.

    The Serbs just brought them to a swamp and told them to walk into the swamp and when they refused the Serbs shot a few in the head which caused the Muslims to run into the swamp and then the Serbs opened up on them with .50 Cals. and Ak-47's.

    I know this because there were 2 survivors one that lived as this girl who was 14 years old hid under neither the body of her father and even though she was shot in the leg she kept quiet as the Serb Major who was in command ordered his troops to go into the swamp and shoot or stab anyone they thought might still be alive.

    YOU KNOW NOTHING about what happened.

    I have been all over the world and seen horror up close and personal and I have even been to Africa and watched as young kids hopped up on a drug known as BROWN-BROWN pulled a 11 year old over a log and chopped off his arms as a LESSON to the Villagers not to hide their Male Children from the local Warlord who DRAFTS them as Child Soldiers.

    But what happened in Bosnia and Kosovo was on such a scale of SENSELESS SLAUGHTER it boggles the mind.

    It was US...the United States that put an END to the Killing. WE STOPPED IT.

    No one else would.

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