How has being a Christian made you a better person?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by TheBlackPearl, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. thebrucebeat

    thebrucebeat Banned

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Long post that never answers the question of why you don't display the Fruits of the Spirit.
    No one here has ever suggested that they do no wrong. I asked you to quote someone that had, and you don't do it. You drag this out over and over and over and you have been shown to be deceitful, as you won't show any posters that have ever made the claim.
    This long rant is a whine, and an avoidance.
    What anyone's religion is does not impact the validity of their arguments.
    You don't want to be confined to the topic of the OP? What a terrible restriction.
  2. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    How sweet of you.
  3. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    It looks like the OP doesn't have anything to say about "How Christianity has made himself a better person".
    That's because he is an "atheist Jew" , if you can figure that one out.
    His purpose for starting the thread was not intended as anything more than a platform for an orgy of Christian bashing which is one of the Jew's favorite past times.
    If only I could get all the ZIO xtian ZOG Bots to get this message through their thick skulls.

    If it wasn't for charlatans like the "Reverend" John Hagee who is receiving millions of dollars from the Jews for things like private jets and so forth, constantly using the bully pulpit of the Jewish media to preach his Zionist heresies in the name of Christ for the sake of promoting his Jewish masters agenda to bring about a "Mashianic Age", there might be a chance of that.

    My thanks to the OP for sharing his anti Christian vitriol with the world.

    Hopefully it will help at least a couple or so to wake up as to who it is that's behind the movement to wreck the US.

    Honorable mention goes to all the "gays" who have joined the OP (who is also ) in the Christian bashing fun fest because they don't like anything or anyone telling them that men weren't designed to accommodate other men. It makes them throw a hissy fit.You can only imagine that the amount of pain involved in defying nature would get the message through but I guess not.
  4. Paul7

    Paul7 Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    Oh, OK, Stalin wasn't really an atheist. That is a lie.

    Or atheist dogma. I don't agree with that statement, many have been raised as non-believers who are now Christians.
  5. Paul7

    Paul7 Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    Wow, that's the post of the year. I predict none of the scoffers here have the cajones to tell what their real position is. You nailed the atheist trend here of instead of simply saying we disagree, they must demonize opponents, why, they are liars, incapable of logic, evil, blah, blah, blah.

    Fortunately they're repeling onlookers, I'm sure.

    Exactly why few Christians waste their time with them here.
  6. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Yeah, I love that. "I used to go around and blow people's brains out for no reason, but now they decided to give me three hots and a cot for the rest of my days for doing so, well Jesus is just The Way."

    I wonder if the relatives of all his victims rejoice in his 'forgiveness'?

    If God is letting that sonuva(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) into Heaven while condemning all his victims to Eternal Hell??? :confusion:Gimme a break willya, if Christians honestly believe that, then we OUGHT to be against them because they ARE truly EVIL (*)(*)(*)(*)ing people.
  7. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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  8. thebrucebeat

    thebrucebeat Banned

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Some are like that.
    Others simply ask Christians to support their views and point out where there views defy logic.
    Seems like an awful lot of Christians, yourself included, seem to like to "waste their time with them here".

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    Another avoidance.
    As expected.
  9. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Uh...Stalin was a seminary student. It's where he got his name for one he adopted in schoolboy games.

    I don't agree with that either. I went to Catholic School from first to 10th grade. You won't find a more devout atheist than me.
  10. thebrucebeat

    thebrucebeat Banned

    Sep 23, 2010
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    And Christians have educated themselves out of the faith as well.
    What is your point?
    Check the statistics of how many pastors leave the church every year. It is astounding.
    If you can't google that, I'll do it for you.
    Oh, heck, here you go.
  11. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    I don't mind that the disagree. A person can not really alter the fact that they disbelieve if that is in fact the case.

    For a person who does not believe can no more force themselves to believe in something which they see no evidence for anymore than a believer can deny the fact that he DOES believe.

    There was a long period of my life in which I TRIED to discard my belief!
    I had just enough doubt and misconceptions about it all that I set about to test and try everything to the limit.
    But try as I may, I could not for the life of me ever reach a point of certitude which would permit me in all sincerity to simply discard everything I knew about Christ and his life on earth.

    Eventually I reached a point to where the balance began to tilt in the direction of a positive affirmation of MY OWN CONVICTION that Christ WAS indeed who he said he was.

    Everyday when I think about it, the ramifications of it all still have a way of staggering me.

    People have tried to say that belief in Christ is like believing in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny or some other such nonsense as though there was any real comparison. But I will say that when I think about this man Jesus Christ actually rising from the dead and ascending into heaven in the same way I think of any other event which I experience in this world, there is still an element of astonishment which I imagine would be not unlike that I would feel if I DID see Santa Claus or little green men climbing out of a flying saucer.

    The quality of amazement is not a great deal different even if the nature of the evidences are light years apart!

    What I doubt about these characters here, is that while THEY SAY they disbelieve and claim to have some as yet unknown proof which could debunk the Christian saga "scientifically", they attack it with such a fervor that causes me to suspect a measure of doubt they hide within themselves as to their own certainty.

    The possibility that G-O-D , a living creator might exist who would also have the power to appear on earth to men is something they wish to dispel at all costs. If they cannot avoid the proposition then they must find some way to bury it.

    One may ask, if they are so assured of their own disbelief, why would they go to such lengths to prove it to others?
    And why would they attack the faith which belongs to others so vociferously if there was not something about it so objectionable to them that they felt compelled to destroy it?
    Why should the belief in others of a thing which "does not exist" be such a firebrand under their own private saddle?

    It's like the "Gay Rights" issue. The majority of people seem at ease enough to allow other consenting adults to do as they please in the privacy of their own homes as long as they do not try to force themselves or their ways on others. But many of them are not content just to be left alone or "in peace". They display a militant desire to FORCE their agendas upon unwilling people in unwelcome ways.

    So my problem with these people is not the fact that they cannot bring themselves to believe. I am familiar enough with doubt. I have had my own struggles with it. So I can sympathize with others who do. Therefore I do not approach them with the attitude that the correct approach to non-believers or to make converts is to "fist them" into submission.
    You could beat any kind of confession out of practically anyone with sticks or rubber hoses and it wouldn't be genuine. What good is that? NONE whatsoever!

    Faith in Christ is a thing which must be built from the inside up. Something must penetrate both the mind and heart to the point where absolute denial is no longer possible, even if someone were to beat you with sticks and rubber hoses until you said so!

    It's the venomous way in which they assault believers which leads me to think that they are more about destroying the last vestiges of that possibility within themselves than they are destroying it in others.

    They should realize that they can no more cause these kinds of changes to occur in others than others can produce similar changes in themselves.

    If they were actually convince of their own disbelief, they would have ample reasons to show others why they are.
    So far they haven't done anything but express their contempt and try to mock every effort I have made to reveal the reasoning I have which supports my faith.

    All this leads me to think that they haven't entirely convinced themselves and are angry because they can't.
    So rather than show me the "proof" they have which upholds their own conviction they prefer to try to tear mine down because that seems much easier.

    Perhaps inwardly, they secretly wish that I could produce something which would enable them to establish a working faith for themselves.
    I wish I could.

    I wish it was all that simple.

    But I must admit that there are many ideas and experiences which reside within me which would be very difficult for me to present in such a short time. Some of those ideas and experiences defy a simple way of presentation.

    Even where those ideas can be summarized in short and simple statements, the depth of reasoning which underlie them is far greater than would appear on the surface.

    Some people think the Bible is a long book. But considering the subject matter involved it is amazingly brief.

    The plan of salvation itself can be stated in a paragraph. God's intentions and will in a few simple sentences.

    The Commandments he gave Moses were only ten. Compare that to our legal codes!

    Jesus's sermons and parables are briefly summed up. Most of them wouldn't take an average person over five minutes to read. Yet the wealth of the material and the gravity of it's meanings extend far beyond that.

    People want it short and simple.

    The Bible gives it to them that way.

    Then they want an excruciatingly in depth analysis given which covers everything from the smallest particle to the further most reaches of the universe.
    They want it NOW! And they want it all to fit in a comic strip.

    That may suggest an explanation as to why the Bible states that without faith it is impossible to please him.
    People suppose that "faith" means the suspension of all reason and a denial of certain bodies of evidence.
    They should realize that their own knowledge and ability to comprehend have limitations and that an inability to force fit facts into those confined spaces is not an indication that such knowledge is unavailable or nonexistent.
  12. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Try explaining your own and stop making demands of me that you don't pay any attention to anyway.

    Obstinance is no sign of an intellect. But it is characteristic of an [​IMG]

    Replying to you is a waste of time.
  13. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Wow. That makes me wonder who would make a worse cell mate, you or Son of Sam.

    Ol' Berkowitz was a Jew too! I'm sure you're all proud of him.

    I had to look up the spelling of his name. I wonder if PearlBlackHeart did. I doubt it.


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    How would you know?
    You never respond to me. You simple avoid and runaway.

    Come to think of it, there are some people who maybe it would be the wisest thing to do.
  14. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Of course, Stalin was notable for the way in which he followed the commandments of Christ and the way he set about to transform Russia into a "Christian" nation.

    Your Mothers name wouldn't happen to be Rosemary would it?
    Nope. It couldn't be. Her son would know full well about Jesus and all that.
  15. thebrucebeat

    thebrucebeat Banned

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Continuing to do it doesn't really make your case any stronger.
  16. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    I don't mean to be rude, and I AM serious, but are you on drugs?

    you don't even know who you're quoting, just for starters. the first quote is from thebrucebeat, not me. well done! no wonder you're confused about the rest of it.

    the second quote is mine, and yes, it IS a sorry business when good and kind people sell their 'souls' to superstition.
  17. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Continuing to do it doesn't really make your case any stronger.:democrat:
  18. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    This message has been deleted by flounder.

  19. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    this is a very revealing post. the first part about comparisons with the easter bunny, etc, in particular. also your confessed inability to cut the ties. I can only speculate that it was fear which prevented you from truly emancipating yourself - but I'm guessing you'll deny this.

    but let's move on. I see you've fallen into the trap of convincing yourself that we must really believe deep down, as genuine disregard for your god is something too uncomfortable to contemplate. you also reveal your own fears in this. you imagine everyone else must have the same fears - but that atheists merely live in denial of it. the reality is that we fear your god as much as you fear the easter bunny. I understand that's hard to swallow, but it's the reality.

    finally, you find our energy for this 'fight' odd, or somehow revealing of a secret longing (see above), so let me ask you something. if, in your local area, the Baby Eating Sex Satanists decided to lobby for worship in your public schools, would you a) oppose it, vocally and actively - knowing that it cannot be good for the world, or b) admit to yourself that you really do secretly, deep deep down, love satan and that's why you feel so het up about it all?
  20. TheBlackPearl

    TheBlackPearl New Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    Thank you for admitting that. Here is the truth. Not that Christians ever it. But I'll give it to you anyway.

    People generally "come to Jesus" by two means. Most are brainwashed from a tender age before they are capable of thinking what it actually means. That's why they have no answer for my questions or comments. For example when I point out that in order for Jesus to "save" them they must have something to be saved from ie a megacidal lunatic god who would otherwise torture them FOREVER!

    The overwhelming majority who "come to Jesus" after attaining an age of reason are emotionally broken in some way. Death of a loved one, hitting bottom from drugs or alcohol abuse, lonely, etc. They are desperate for something to cling to for healing. Even if what they are clinging to is a myth. Now that would be all good and well except for one thing. They are being manipulated. They are manipulated for their money. And they are manipulated for their votes. And remember these are people who aren't wrapped too tight emotionally in the first place. And in order for them not to see through the bull(*)(*)(*)(*) they are being told they can't be very bright either. And from time to time Christians all band together to commit acts of extreme violence. Like the Inquisitions and the Holocaust to name just a couple. Although, if the right can get one riled up enough, one is it really all it takes to shoot up a Unitarian church or blow up a family planning center.
  21. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    I know a pastor who actively opposes the study of theology (which is something of an irony, given his profession), and a couple of lay protestants who do the same. The idea is that approaching religion academically creates distance between the individual and god, and has the awful habit of causing some to 'loose faith' ( dontcha love that emotive way of saying 'concluded it was unlikely to be true'). Effectively, the formal version of 'don't ask questions'.
  22. TheBlackPearl

    TheBlackPearl New Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    Here's the score:

  23. thebrucebeat

    thebrucebeat Banned

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Start a thread.
    Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
    Why do you hate Christianity, or why does the Holy Spirit reject you?
  24. thebrucebeat

    thebrucebeat Banned

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Bill Maher is a lapsed Catholic.
    I feel filthy after reading one of your anti-Semitic screeds.
  25. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    given the mods stepped in, I'll need to assume some of your responses were not very ..... Christian?

    meantime, your response to my hypothetical speaks volumes.

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    what an ugly rant.

    meantime, bill maher? the pope would be confused.

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