Notice how the GOPers are suddenly quite about Ebola in the US?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by 3link, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Yes that was what I wrote. However what I was responding to was what you wrote:

    So...again, and I'll type this slowly...I never said or implied that I wanted the government "to do something for the sake of doing something." I wanted the government to take appropriate, responsible, and competent action. The fact that health workers, the most educated about this virus, were getting sick, made me, and millions like me, worried that the government didn't know what it was doing. I don't think I was wrong about that.
  2. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Technically yes.
  3. My Fing ID

    My Fing ID Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 26, 2009
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    The government did do something. It sent people to Africa to study the disease. It sent the military over seas to set up infrastructure to help fight the disease. I'm sure they sent alerts to hospitals as well. As for healthcare workers getting Ebola, that's going to happen. It has been explained over and over that while it is hard to get Ebola is a highly infectious disease. It is hard to get because it spreads via fluids, however those fluids are very infectious. Therefore people who work directly with sick people are likely to get the disease, while those not dealing directly with sick people are not. This was explained over and over by media, by healthcare professionals, and on this forum. Despite this the right winger, and almost exclusively the right wingers, were in a panic. I'm guessing they were not looking at the same media sources, facts, and information put out by the government (CDC) and other outlets that everyone else was looking at. Honestly it is not my fault if you and others were scared by Fox News and rivht wing radio because everyone outside of the panic machine was telling you that things are fine and there is nothing to worry about.
  4. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Sigh, are you still that upset about the election that you desperately need to pin it on something like Ebola? Does that provide some psychological comfort?

    1. This wasn't a right wing media panic. It was an MSM media panic. Those are your guys. You control them, they serve your interests. If it was only Rush and Hannity freaking out, it would have had zero effect on the election since their listeners were not disposed to vote Democratic anyway.

    2. After each health worker got sick, the CDC first blamed the health workers personally, then decided they didn't know how they got the virus. So if the CDC is saying they didn't know how it happened and they got sick anyway, then obviously whatever precautions they were taking were not sufficient.

    3. The government justified decisions that made no scientific sense. They said that no quarantine or travel restrictions were necessary, but then Obama justified the military quarantine based on them being used to being told what to do. So healthcare workers in West Africa who worked directly with Ebola patients: no quarantine. Military personnel building facilities with no contact with Ebola patients: 21 day quarantine.

    Politics, not science, ran the decision making.
  5. My Fing ID

    My Fing ID Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 26, 2009
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    I'm a Libertarian, I was under no illusion of winning the election. It's funny that your mind goes there though, that I'd be upset about an election rather than people pressuring government to do something (close the borders, flight restrictions, quarantines) based on their ignorant fear rather than due to a real necessity.

    1) I control no media. I don't know what Fox was saying, all I know is that the rightwingers had themselves whipped into an ignoranced fueled fear frenzy while everyone else seemed to be handling themselves just fine.

    2) Clearly the precautions the nurses used were not enough. They were likely in scrubs with gloves and a paper mask. It's not like you average hospital has suits with their own environment. Taking a guess id say they likely got a bit of infected blood or vomit on them while taking off the protective gear. I'm sure the CDC came to the same conclusion because it's the most likely scenario. Rightwingers on the other hand started going off on how it was airborne, as though the viruses attack vector changed overnight. That doesn't just up and happen like that.

    3) The decisions made sense and were supported by the scientific community and the same procedures other first world nations took. As for the military quarantine that was a military decision.
  6. Lowden Clear

    Lowden Clear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2009
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    Yet you accuse the right in the very same way.

    Did you notice how appointing a czar pretty much shut down the information going to the press? Could that have contributed to the sudden silence? It happened at about the same time. 2 + 2 = ?
  7. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Just because you get high doesn't mean you're a libertarian. Libertarians often have a skepticism of government; something that's totally lacking in your posts in this thread. Instead you are blaming private media, specifically right wing media, for whipping up hysteria on Ebola when their audience wouldn't have made a difference anyway. Fox and Rush are not going to move the audience who watches NBC News or reads the New York Times. If you want to be mad at media, be mad at them.

    Obama (him specifically, not a spokesman) was justifying the legitimacy of the military quarantine. If it's scientifically irrelevant, then why was he supporting it. Because...Army?

    And if you agree that the precautions that the nurses took wasn't sufficient, then they weren't sufficient. So the CDC was wrong.
  8. Tahuyaman

    Tahuyaman Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
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    I'm wondering when "the GOPers" were all spun up over the ebola thing. It looked to ma as though a big deal in the media independent of anyone from the GOP.
  9. 3link

    3link Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2010
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    What a joke holy (*)(*)(*)(*). This denial is absolutely hilarious.
  10. cloppbeast

    cloppbeast New Member

    Feb 9, 2011
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    The followers of the radio trolls, Hannity, Savage, and company, the followers haven't batted an eye. It doesn't even register to them that they've been had. They just let their hosts move along to the next thing. How can you blame the opportunists in radio for spewing such nonsense when they're followers keep tagging along? Who is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
  11. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    There have only been four confirmed cases of Ebola in America so all this is just nonsense fear mongering for votes from all idiots on both sides.

    I say ship them off to Africa and let the fire ants devour them alive.
  12. My Fing ID

    My Fing ID Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 26, 2009
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    You have a link for him shutting down the flow of news? I haven't heard of any official position, but I could have swore I saw something saying that there was no media shutdown because an accusation of one surfaced on a kook site.
  13. My Fing ID

    My Fing ID Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 26, 2009
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    I am skeptical of government. If the government was on the other side of this issue I would be against them. They simply happened to agree with me. Unlike many other posters I don't simply agree with whatever my party tells me to agree with. I've even been at odds with the Libertarian party, I simply agree with them the most because they follow the same general philosophy I have of strong individual rights and a small government that is there to provide infrastructure that the private sector cannot. I know it's hard for a lot of right wingers to understand but there is a reason we have left the Republican party. Also yes, I blame the media for stirring up panic, because it was the media, not the government, screaming about the horrors of Ebola. That said some in government added to the panic, like the dumb (*)(*)(*)(*)s trying to create quarantines, but for the most part the government position was to just go the course and stay informed. It was a rare but correct move.

    As for the Army quarantine yes it was the Army. The Army does things differently and they treat their soldiers like children. I should know, I was one for 4 years. I guarantee we would have been in quarantine under similar conditions even if we didn't make contact with Ebola.

    As for the precautions yes it appears it was insufficient. They way to move forward is to learn what happened and do what is necessary to prevent it from happening again.
  14. Lowden Clear

    Lowden Clear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2009
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    Do I have a link for my own personal suspicion? Click here. You're looking at it.

    Do you see the czar answering questions? Has he made himself available for questions? Obama administration is keen on how to control the message by using silence. Is it a coincidence that the Ebola outrage settled down right at the time of the czar appointment? Come on, you like to throw coincidence out there and connect the dots. Connect this one with your explanation.
  15. Lowden Clear

    Lowden Clear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2009
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    That is the whole argument the right has been making. We want control of the damn thing, better training to prevent outbreak. Looks like they got the message and are training better. This thing is highly contagious and prevention is key. Bull(*)(*)(*)(*) assurances from the left while Ebola jumps past the first line of defense causes people to be highly concerned. Things are looking more stable now.
  16. My Fing ID

    My Fing ID Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 26, 2009
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    Things have been stable the whole time. What the right has wanted isn't better precautions but rather a scorched earth approach of no one come in from the infected nations. That isn't a good solution and neither is quarantine. If Ebola were airborne or highly transmittable yes, but it's not. That's why Monrovia isn't a complete nightmare. Its spread here in the US was stopped quickly because it doesn't spread fast. Yes the fluids are highly infectious, and you certainly need to respect the disease, but for the most part it's not that big of a deal. We can and should continue to treat our healthcare workers, and I hope we and other nations continue to support Liberia because they really need it. While we have good facilities to treat an outbreak in the very unlikely event it were to happen in the US, the hospitals in Liberia are overflowing, leading to further infection as family member must take care of a disease without much knowledge or equipment. There was a nurse out there who was able to care for 3 family members using trash bags and she didn't get infected, she's apparently trying to spread the word to help people out.

  17. My Fing ID

    My Fing ID Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 26, 2009
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    What would he say right now, Ebola isn't here and isn't a big deal. At no time was the government freaking out with the exception of a few states trying to quarantine people and create Ebola task forces. Hell the CDC has an Ebola task force now, which I guess is a good thing though it seems unnecessary. Ebola just isn't a threat here, but it is in Liberia, if you're around the people who are sick.
  18. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    How about all those that was exposed by him on the plane trip? At the airport? After he got here? I heard he was near death when they decided to transport him which was actually quite stupid.....and risky. Hopefully none of that happened....but it will be just pure luck if no one was infected. As casually as they seem to take the seriousness of's only a matter of time.
  19. Lowden Clear

    Lowden Clear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2009
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    What are you so obsessed about? You sound like a left leaning spin machine. Libertarian, really? You base your point on why all went silent then, now you shift it to now. Then you act like nothing even happened as the CDC tracked hundreds of people who may have come in contact with the infected. All those people who flew the same planes.

    None of us can help it that Obama's ability to lead is half the problem here. He leads from behind and has a tract record for telling lies and dragging his feet. When the thought of Ebola in America starting to spread, coupled with a leader of his caliber, the potential of a (*)(*)(*)(*) storm was there. But you keep spinning like a leftist and tell yourself the righties are wrong for trying to drum action into a bunch of dimwits.
  20. Lowden Clear

    Lowden Clear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2009
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    Those issues need to be looked at in a very serious way. But why not come out and admit you are a liberal. Using their, "scorched earth approach" language is so obvious. That's Gruber talk. Many feel the infected should not be allowed in the US. Valid concern. Many think their should be a delay in returning to the US from hot zones. Again, a valid consideration. Some contend that using existing quarantine centers as the place to treat those who do return infected is something to think about. When nurses associations come out and explain the various training that exists and the weak gear they are supposed to use, they are concerned for their lives. Do you think they are blowing it out of proportion? Really? That needs looked at as well.

    We were not ready. The left wanted us all to look at the squirrel. Elsewhere, people with common sense saw the obvious danger. Hospitals are changing their policies, more safeguards are now in place. Why? Because we stood up and rallied against the inept.

    Since you like to throw out suspicion, albeit only towards the right, ask yourself why those infected were sent to different places within the US. Why not one place that specializes? It seems to me the Obama administration was trying to politically introduce a kinder, gentler Ebola that can be treated anywhere because it is no more dangerous than a cold. Their response to the new cases here seemed more like they didn't want to change policy because there was a narrative in place they didn't want to change.
  21. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Fox News say "BENGHAZI!!!!!" is "the most important story of the year"

    Rightwing bloggers say "BENGHAZI!!!!!" is "the most important story of the year"

    Fox News say "EBOLAI!!!!!" is "the most important story of the year"

    Rightwing bloggers say "EBOLAI!!!!!" is "the most important story of the year"

    Fox News say "GRUBERI!!!!!" is "the most important story of the year"

    Rightwing bloggers say "GRUBERI!!!!!" is "the most important story of the year"

    Another week and Fox News will say "THE WAR ON CHRISTMASI!!!!!" is "the most important story of the year"

    and Rightwing bloggers will say "THE WAR ON CHRISTMASI!!!!!" is "the most important story of the year"
  22. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    OK so now you are blaming the media in general, not just "right wing media" was on the Ebola bandwagon. You are admitting that the military quarantine was based less on solid science than military overprecaution, even though Obama justified it. And you agree that the CDC approved precautions appeared to have been insufficient.

    Sounds like we're not so far apart.
  23. Blackbeard

    Blackbeard Active Member

    Nov 10, 2014
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    We already won the election, 3link. It wasn't any risk "we ainticipated." it "the stupidity of the American voter or whatever", we knew the ebola issue would scare the living bejesus out of em. We anticipated that if you all could walk up there and claim keep your plan and your doctor, if you could walk up there and in the face of corruption claim there was none at the IRS, if you can blame it all on a protest gone awry concerning some video that upset people, if you Dems can take advantage of the..what did your guru call it.."the stupidity of the American People"...then we just beat you at your own game.

    Don't hate the player, hate the game you're currently losing.
  24. My Fing ID

    My Fing ID Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 26, 2009
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    It's not my fault you all went nuts over nothing. What is wrong with the CDC tracking people who were potentially exposed to a diseases, that's standard procedure for dealing with an infectious disease; track people who may have been exposed. If you looked at the reality of how Ebola spreads you'd understand why things were done the way they were done. Also you're damn right I'll defend the government on this because they did the minimum necessary to be prepared for an outbreak yet not trample our rights as the Republicans wanted. It's not my fault you cant understand the value of individual rights.
  25. Blackbeard

    Blackbeard Active Member

    Nov 10, 2014
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    So, you'd be for tracking HIV patients for example?

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