What's Going On In The U.S. Is NOT About Race Or Color

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Watchman, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    I'm not black. I do express my condolences to the black community for what appears to be continued abuse, and excessive use of force from our incompetent law enforcement, toward unarmed, black civilians.

    What is going on, is, this present government and administration are trying to cause and start a race war, or, another civil war.

    Be smart. DO NOT let this happen. What's going on is planned and orchestrated on purpose, to further destroy and cripple our Nation, making it into a 3rd world Country, which is the agenda and propaganda of the new world order.

    White people, especially Constitutionalists, are aware of what's going on, because good, ordinary, every day, average American Citizens(INCLUDING WHITES), are being oppressed, harassed, terrorized, by this government and administration. We are ALL being treated as criminals, surveilled, spied on, followed…We are ALL victims to this tyrannical, oppressive government, and it's HIGH TIME for WE, THE PEOPLE, rise up, and say NO more to this out of control, rogue government, that continues to oppress good, innocent, law abiding American Citizens.

    This is NOT about race or color. ALL races and colors, with the exception, I have to say, of the muslim community(because they are catered to by our government and administration, because mr. obola in the White House is muslim, and it is WRONG) are being oppressed, harassed, and terrorized by our criminal, terrorist government.

    Again, this is NOT about race or color. This is about our GOD given Constitutional Freedoms, Liberties, and Justices, and Rights for ALL being stripped away little by little, being eroded.

    As an American People, this is the time NOT to divide, and be conquered continually by our oppressive, tyrannical government. This is a time to come together, UNITE, as one PEOPLE, and stand up and resist and fight to get our Constitutional Republic back.

    The government is the threat and the enemy.

    Please DO NOT misunderstand me. I am NOT anti government. I am for small, limited government, that is to be made up of the People, for the People, and by the People.

    My American Brothers and Sisters, our Constitutional Republic and government is gone…has been long gone, and WE need to get it back, at ALL costs, or there will NOT be any America and Constitution left for our children, grand children, and great grand children.

    DO NOT allow our tyrannical, oppressive, terrorizing government and law enforcement to cause any more division between the PEOPLE. They are the threats. They are the enemies. They are the terrorists, NOT the PEOPLE. NOT the black community. NOT the white community.

    As things continue to inevitably and imminently unfold, what's going to happen is, there will be another war in this Country. The global elite / illuminati are seeing to it to make it happen, because they know it will destroy U.S. and our Constitution. They have to have this done to further implement their satanic new world order.

    When it kicks off, and it will, it should be ALL races and colors UNITING and fighting as one, against a government that has betrayed the People, betrayed their Oath, betrayed their Country, and they have become a tyrant, dictator, oppressing, harassing, and terrorizing good, innocent, law abiding American Citizens.

    The Declaration of Independence states that if ever the government oppresses the People, becoming tyrannical, that it is our Right, it is our Duty, to throw off that government, and institute or establish new government. As American Citizens, that is the Right and Power that we have, under the Declaration of Independence, against a criminal government.


    "When the People fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the People, there is Liberty."- Thomas Jefferson

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."- Sir Edmond Burke
  2. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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  3. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    I would like to remind the black community that what is going on in the United States is NOT about race or color. It is ALL about our GOD given Constitutional Freedoms, Liberties, Justices, and Rights for ALL, being eroded and taken away little by little, subtly, in increments. It's been happening for centuries, by design.

    The student in the video was wrong, and totally out of control…a behavior that is completely unacceptable, and is NOT what the answer is, where the government is trying to start a race war or civil war.

    Please be reminded, who is responsible for getting the slave trade abolished in England? A white man by the name of William Wilberforce.

    Please be reminded, who is responsible for getting the slave trade abolished in the United States of America? A white man by the name of Abraham Lincoln, who, also happened to be our 16th President.

    Yes, some white people in the past are guilty for owning, buying, and selling slaves, using and abusing them. However, the ones who are the most guilty are your own people and ancestors in and from Africa. Your own people bought, sold, and owned more slaves than the whites ever did, and, the white man set you free in England and in the United States.

    White people have been slaves in the past, too, in some countries, NOT just black people. ALL races and colors have a little history of slavery.

    That's a history lesson for you.
  4. ballantine

    ballantine Banned

    Nov 19, 2009
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    Agreed. It's not about race or color. It's a leftie thing. A leftie liberal thing. It's the lefties trying to score brownie points, and they're screwing up very very badly. They're screwing up so badly that Al Sharpton may lose whatever influence he has left in New York. (Too bad it couldn't have happened thirty years ago, before he had a chance to destroy peoples' careers with his race mongering slander). The political left in this country has an extraordinary amount of egg on its face right now, and that includes media outlets like HuffPo and MSNBC. And it includes the president and Eric Holder (so what else is new), and it includes Al Sharpton and his ilk. And it includes the little racist thugs who think they can run around town killing people with hammers. 'Cause if the law won't stop these people, the vigilantes will.
  5. help3434

    help3434 Member

    Sep 5, 2014
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    Hi nutty conspiracy theorists. The actual Illuminati were against abuses of state power. Obama is for making police wear body cameras so there will be less abuse committed by police officers.

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