Can you argue against Bill O'Reilly's talking points?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Marine1, May 1, 2015.

  1. hseiken

    hseiken New Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    Well, maybe if the police stop incarcerating them and murdering them over simple stuff like walking down the street, these kids might have fathers.
  2. Daggdag

    Daggdag Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    Except for three strikes violations, that never happens. Simple possesion is a class E felony. The max is 5 years in most states.
  3. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Right, like that's all cops do is murder Blacks. There have been a lot more Whites killed by cops than Blacks, even though Blacks commit the majority of major crimes. It's just they always play up Black killings and play down White killings. The news media is much to blame for this racial strife. All they do is bring up racism over everything and it's gotten much worse since Obama has been President. You have to hate him because he's Black, not because you hate his stupid policies. MSNBC is the biggest one doing it.
  4. Just A Man

    Just A Man Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Hear! Hear! Well said. A voice of reason among the hysterical.
  5. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    How the media plays down Black on White crime and plays up White on Black crime.

    The stupid Liberal media has done more to stir up racial hatred then anything else. What the hell is wrong with them?

    This story hardly made it out of the city it happened in. None of the American papers would cover it. I understand it was a British paper who found out about it and made it's way on the Internet. Murders of Christopher Newsom and Channon ... › Home › Politics › Crime
    Account describes the rape and murder of Christopher Newsom and ... Why hasn't this received National coverage by the news media like the Duke "rape" case? ... Origins: On 6 January 2007, Knoxville, Tennessee, residents Christopher ... each: 16 counts of felony murder, 2 counts of premeditated murder, 2 counts of ...
  6. hseiken

    hseiken New Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    It's true, humans aren't not able to understand numbers...

    Do you understand what RATIO is? Do you know what RATIO represents?

    Go back and look at your numbers.

    As well, someone here decided that being black = somehow fundamentally different from any other human in that they just are violent. Is it their DNA? I mean, if we're going to be racist, just be racist and say black people are violent cause they're black.

    If that's not your point, then please, enlighten us on exactly what you're trying to say.

    As well, if you're going to start making comparisons, that plays right into race wars. "OH WE, THE MAJORITY ARE THE VICTIM".

    Can you understand why black people kinda want to tell white people to (*)(*)(*)(*) off when they start complaining about ANYTHING?
  7. Tuniwalrus

    Tuniwalrus Banned

    May 2, 2015
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    Thanks for the link! I love Bill O'Reilly. I have read all of his books. Well, almost all. I just started Killing Patton.

    I disagree on some of his points but agreed with the other 99%. This guy really is a true realist and doesn't sugar coat stuff for the little delicate princesses of the Democrat left.
    1) He said it's wrong to profile someone based on their appearance (at 3:02). I think racial profiling, clothing profiling, profiling how someone is acting (high, drunk, schizophrenic, militant, etc) - those are all self preservation instincts.
    2) He blames single family households on why blacks are so criminal (at 4:05). I grew up in a single parent household and have never been arrested, never done hard drugs, and have a good job and a college degree. So I think it must be something more than just not having a dad around.
    3) He hammers Hollyweird pretty hard (at 7:30). I have mixed feelings about that. Censorship is often a bad thing; and I think the problem is that the bad crap Hollyweird pushes on young black minds is due to the culture in those inner cities that are asking for this kind of media. Blame the people asking for that garbage, not the person making the crappy shows the people want to see.
  8. Tuniwalrus

    Tuniwalrus Banned

    May 2, 2015
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    You are confusing DNA with the black culture. Don't you remember the old expression "nature versus nurture"? Blacks are typically raised different than whites. They certainly are poorer, as evidenced by two comparisons: Race vs. Net Worth, and Race vs. Contribution to GDP. So you have blacks being poorer. Then you have the problem with education in the inner city. So if you look at Race vs. Education; blacks lag far behind whites in academic credentials and graduation rates. Poor cities are the have-nots; and often have-nots tend to involve themselves in crime, alcoholism, and drug abuse. So when you look at Race vs. Crime you see that blacks are an order of magnitude more criminal than whites; which also show itself statistically in prison population by race. When you hear an inner city black speak, they are often inarticulate. That is either an education problem; or (if you believe in The Bell Curve) there are differences when you compare Race vs. IQ. Lastly, the culture does not dress blacks for success. These pants hanging down below their underwear down by their knees, the t-shirts 24x7, etc. basically precludes blacks from finding meaningful employment because they are under dressed and the employers feel that is disrespectful and inappropriate. I would also use Obama as an example. He was raised by a white mother, in a white community, among white friends and family. He is articulate, well spoken, dresses appropriately, was well educated, and has an excellent job. If he looked and talked like some thug rapper he would not have made it anywhere in life.
  9. Tuniwalrus

    Tuniwalrus Banned

    May 2, 2015
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    Whatever sells is what they want to push. Advertising dollars keep them in business, and advertisers pay based on how many people are watching/listening/reading. Apparently folks want to hear about the racial divide. If you tell me there are blacks rioting in Baltimore or executing cops in NY; I turn on the TV to Fox and O'Reilly. If you tell me that the farm report is about to come on and you think pork bellies are gonna go up 5 cents; I turn on a movie or listen to XM Radio instead. So I am as guilty as the rest of America, I guess.
  10. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Are you saying only White on Black crime sells? That people wouldn't tune into listening Black crime on White? Because that's what's happening. Could it be that almost 100% of the nation major news outlets are Liberal and of course Liberals play up to Blacks.
  11. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Is that what you got out of all that? Because I said nothing of the sort. Your not even close to what I said or meant. Blacks can be just as peaceful as anyone else when give the opportunity. But when they are raised without fathers, their chance of getting that opportunity just got slashed. I put up numbers to show the majority of Black kids and for that matter all kids will mostly live in poverty in a single parent home where the father is missing. They are more likely to have children out of wedlock, more likely to drop out of school and get in trouble with the law and cause crime. Now if you drop out of school, get you a police record, what do you think your chances of getting a good job and pulling yourself out of poverty? It starts in the home. If we are to cut Black crime, cut the 72% of Black women having fatherless babies, we must find some way of getting Black father to stay and support and guide the lives of their children. You want to tell me by telling the truth it's racist?
  12. Tuniwalrus

    Tuniwalrus Banned

    May 2, 2015
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    Yep - that's exactly the deal. If a white person does something against a black it's on every headline and talked about ad nauseum. If a black person does something to a white person, the media doesn't report it or removes race from the equation. Basically the news is censoring out what blacks do to whites; and clearly it's intentional.
  13. Tuniwalrus

    Tuniwalrus Banned

    May 2, 2015
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    Police will stop throwing blacks in prison when blacks stop committing crimes. That's not racial. If someone doesn't want to go to prison, then they abide by the law and don't commit crimes. Doesn't matter what color they are - that's just plain common sense. But in the inner cities, blacks feel it is culturally and personally acceptable to commit violent crimes and to commit theft. The statistics prove that out. And to say that black kids don't have fathers because the cops murdered them all for walking down the streets - that's just moronic. And if that idiotic statement were true, there would be no more blacks to make kids and the black population would now be on it's very last generation. But last I checked black women were still getting pregnant.
  14. Tuniwalrus

    Tuniwalrus Banned

    May 2, 2015
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    I made it through academia with only a mother. And all of my friends only had a mom and no dad. They all made it through college and never committed a crime. My father left my mom when I was 3. I saw him perhaps 10 times in the past 50 years. The problem among inner city blacks is much deeper than just the dad and mom staying together. It's cultural. It is in the way they act in public and at home, it's in the music they listen to, it's in how they dress, it's in how they speak. There is a problem with the inner city culture - it is one of violence, dependance, and revolt against innocents.

    Please read this essay. It is one of 13 from the book Face to Face with Race. This essay is what drove me to buy the book. It is published free to read online at this link:

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