Sage Advice for the next generation

Discussion in 'Member Casual Chat' started by Lucifer, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2014
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    I don't have kids, but I often wonder what wisdom I would impart on them if I did.

    Beyond the typical, yet very astute, advice of aiming for the stars while keeping your feet on the ground, I would add BALANCE. Life is all about keeping the ball in the middle. It's a careful dance that requires discipline to achieve.

    What would you impart?
  2. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    1) Never pay for a lap dance

    2) Have as much fun as you can without getting a police record

    3) No matter what you do for a living, every job is work so screw "finding yourself" in college. Lose yourself instead.
  3. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2014
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    I like #2 and #3, #1...sorry, I've had some damn good ones!
  4. MySy

    MySy New Member

    Mar 18, 2008
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    Depending on which part of the World one lives, I would add honesty, humbleness and balance/equilibrium.
  5. LiveUninhibited

    LiveUninhibited Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    I can't imagine why somebody would pay to get teased. I am still not sure if I would ever even pay for sex under any circumstance, aside from the indirect way it happens in dating, but at least then they're actually interested in you.

    Number 2, yes.

    I don't know about number 3. I think my work is mostly fun, just more hours than I would like sometimes, but when I had jobs I didn't love, 12 hour days made me miserable whereas now I rarely mind. That said, I'm not sure how college was supposed to tell me what I love to do, just maybe what I prefer to learn/drink. I got lucky.
  6. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    1. Wear kevlar laced condoms until you are actually ready to have children
    2. Girls make sure the boys are wearing kevlar laced condoms until you are actually ready to have children
    3. Failing to do numbers 1 and 2 will result in slightly more pleasure for approximately 10 mins but may result in a lifetime of pain
    4. I'm not talking about just STD's in regards to Number 3
    5. Only have children when you are financially able to have children and you are with the person you want to be with for the rest of your life
    6. Number 5 does not include the person you met drunk at the bar who you've known for 2 weeks
    7. Children born as the result of failing to adhere to Numbers 1, 2, 5 and 6 are not "miracles", they are "mistakes"
    8. Get a degree or learn a trade in a realistic field that can actually earn you a living
    9. Number 8 does not mean "Puppetry" or "Dance" because you think it's "fun"
    10. Failing to adhere to this list is your own fault, nobody elses, so don't hold your hand out asking those who did adhere to this list for their money
  7. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2014
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    Something tells me you're under the age of 35.

    No matter what, all men are paying for sex. At least when you are paying for it on the barrel, you know the price up front and you get what you pay for.
  8. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2014
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    In regards to #5, please, pray tell, how does one determine both?

    It sounds like sound advice, but I have yet to meet any couple that has accomplished either side of that equation to either's satisfaction. It's one of those "theories" born and bred in the pulpit, but has no real connection to reality. Maybe that's the ticket; it requires as a prerequisite a belief in unicorns.
  9. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Well in regards to #5 I'm just telling people to use common sense. I'm not saying you should be rich or anything before reproducing but if you are working at Burger King making minimum wage and barely earning enough money to feed and house YOURSELF then it doesn't really make rational sense to bring another person in the world to take care of at that point.

    I only say that due to first hand experiences that I've seen in regards to childhood friends. I'm my opinion people should only have children with those who they actually plan on having a life with together. Now granted things happen, people grow apart, they get divorced, etc, I understand that. But I'm talking about at least waiting until you are in a stable relationship with someone for awhile and you have BOTH planned to build a future together before deciding to have children together. Every single one of my childhood female friends who have children are single mothers right now. EVERY SINGLE ONE of them. And every single of them is, for all intensive purposes, screwed.

    Thats why I said #6. Now I get it that accidents happen, the passion of the moment don't want to stop and grab a condom, don't want to use a condom, don't have any condoms but are drunk and don't care, etc. But what I saw with a lot of my female friends is that they would try to anchor down with a guy they haven't even known very long. It's not all their fault, I'm a realist, I wasn't born my age I used to be a young guy in my teens and early 20s and I know what guys do. Guys will tell a girl any damn thing she wants to hear to get her to sleep with him. Not all guys of course but a lot of guys are like that.

    Girl "I only have sex if I'm in a relationship"
    Guy "I love you"
    Girl "Really?"

    Now of course it's not that simple and I'm not trying to paint young women as completely naive and clueless to that extent but that's basically what is going on in a lot of these situations. Hell I did it plenty of times I'm not going to lie. I guess I should have worded #5 a bit differently to say make sure you BOTH want to actually be together and you don't have the type of "boyfriend" who immediately dumps you when you ask about moving in together because he was only telling you he loved you because it was the only way you were willing to drop your pants.

    So my advice is to just make sure before you have kids you ensure that BOTH parties involved are ok with that and are planning on building a future. I'd recommend waiting until at least marriage after having been together for a decent amount of time and had the sit down discussion regarding starting a family. That way you don't end up like all of my female friends who basically ruined their entire lives by getting pregnant by their "boyfriend" they met at the bar last Friday night who subsequently took off running like a horse at a glue factory the second they saw 2 lines on that birth control test.
  10. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Wisdom is often lost upon kids. Sometimes it can take many years for the nickel to drop. But I think your balance advice is good.
  11. Think for myself

    Think for myself Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 18, 2008
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    I have a 5 year old.

    The main theme in our household is work hard, think for yourself, and be your own person.

    There things said constantly.

    Anything is fixable.

    Get the legos out of the kitchen.

    Don't end sentences with prepositions.

    Always wear your bike helmet.

    You have to eat your vegetables or you will not poop.

    I don't care what Jake, Gavin, or Harry get to do. I am not their father.

    I am your father, not your buddy. Do not call me dude again, and I will still call you buckaroo..

    I am not telling you to do something to be mean. I am telling you because you will have to do it for the rest of your life so learn how now.

    Yes, I always want to go on a bike ride.
  12. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2014
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    Thanks for sharing. I find it very interesting how our environments shape our thoughts.

    You see for me, most of the females I grew up with were smart enough to use contraception, aka "The Pill", so for most of them the issue became one where as they approached their late 30's early 40's, they became desperate because of the pounding in their ears from their biological clocks. Most of them have accepted the fact they won't become mothers, which some may see as a shame. Others did eventually meet their Mr. Right and have settled into nice happy families, and yet others have not. Sometimes it does take a second marriage to get what you really want.

    The one common denominator I see across the board though is this strange infatuation many women have of purposely spending their youths going after the wrong guys, or more specifically the Bad Boys. Some eventually see the pattern and learn, others are doomed to repeat it over and over again.

    Again, I think environment is the key to this, large city versus the suburbs, I guess?
  13. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2014
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    This one is no joke!:wink:
  14. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    I dunno, I grew up in a relatively small town in the deep south and a whole lot of the girls back then tended to make some pretty terrible life choices. You are absolutely correct when you say a lot of women spend their youth going after the wrong guy. I don't know what the deal is with that. Like you said some grow and learn and some do not. My best friend is extremely hard headed and all these years later she still hasn't managed to figure that out yet.

    I stress about the having kids thing because while this may sound shocking and extremely harsh to a lot of people, having a child can very well be the single worst mistake that a person can make in their entire life if they weren't ready for it. I've watched so many of my friends, including my best friend ruin their lives by getting pregnant by accident. My best friend is absolutely screwed right now and I feel so bad for her. When I first heard she was pregnant I was crushed because I knew what was about to happen to her. She can never leave our home town because of custody issues. She has almost no money, the father of this child left her and married someone else and started a different family. She struggles to attend a handful of college classes that she can afford to pay for every once and awhile. And every so often when the severity of her situation gets to her I'll get a phone call of her crying saying "What the hell was a thinking? Why did I do this how could I be so stupid, I love my daughter shes my daughter, but dear God sometimes I wish I could rewind time".

    And I sit here and think to myself damnit...DAMNIT! I told you! I told you not to date that guy, I told you not to have kids back then, I told you to wait....I (*)(*)(*)(*)ing TOLD YOU! I get so frustrated and mad sometimes. I really do.

    Normally I don't care and the evil part of me sort of laughs at people like that. Yeah whatever you were the dummy who had kids at 18 like an idiot so now figure out how to raise them with no daddy and your job at Wendy's haha. Now dry your tears and suck it up, nobody told you to get pregnant. Meanwhile I'll sit here in my big house and watch my huge TV and drive my 2 cars around and play on my $1500 computer and drink very expensive whiskey out of very expensive glasses because I'm not an idiot like you were.

    But shes my best friend and I am devastated that she did this to herself and I just don't have the heart to even mock her in my mind because I care about her. I'd love to be able to rewind the clock and go back to that fateful day in the restaurant when she was telling me about how shes going to go spend the night with that new damn boyfriend of hers. I knew it was a stupid idea, I tried to tell her. I should have just took her home instead of dropping her off over there like she asked me to. Kicking and screaming and whatever, I don't care.

    Then sure enough, about a month later I get a phone call from her crying saying "Oh my God....I'm pregnant". And now shes screwed and it breaks my heart.

    Don't let me paint a false picture that I hate kids or anything because that is certainly not the case. I'm just telling young people that you better have a plan and you better be careful because you have absolutely no idea what a child will do to your life if you aren't prepared for it. And at an early stage in life, a child could RUIN it.

    It sounds harsh and a bit gross but I had this conversation with another friend of mine oh so many years ago. She had gotten drunk and was panicking because she had unprotected sex the night before and was freaking thinking she might have an STD. I told her flat out "You better pray that's all he gave you". And I'm serious.
  15. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    Wear sunscreen.
  16. Il Ðoge

    Il Ðoge Active Member

    Apr 8, 2015
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    I had a really profound thought tonight which I think is worth passing on to the next generation; no one has a higher opinion of you than a hater.
  17. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Care about your reputation. If you want others to think highly of you, you'll have to earn it by being kind, respectful and honest. If you want a friend, you have to be a friend. If you hurt someone, apologize and make it a sincere apology. Remember you can't unring a bell. Once you say mean, cutting words, that person will always remember them, despite your apologies...and that person may be someone you do love.

    Choose your friends carefully. "Birds of a feather flock together' is very true and their good or bad reputation will be a reflection back on you.

    Get educated on alcohol and drug abuse and make a choice never to go down that path, if you want a productive, stable future. Remember that bad choices do have consequences.....

    You're going to have to work to support yourself, so make sure you get into the line of work you want to get up every morning to go do.

    If you're going to have a sex life and don't want a child - male or female - it's your body and it's up to you to prevent pregnancies.

    When you're working, it's good to have a savings acc't, but be smart and set aside a certain % of every paycheck, even if it's only $5, and stash it away - NEVER touching matter how much you want that outfit, etc. Let it add up and extra $ will be there if you hit a crunch and do need $.

    Another way to save is save your change. You'd be surprised at how fast it'll add up. (I've always had glass containers full of change.)

    Well, that's some of my advice that I had talked to my kids about.......
  18. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    113 bad your friend can't go back and do it differently about her child. I do believe that in cases like this, when the mother knows she can't provide for her child, like the child deserves, adoption is the best option. They say that putting your child up for adoption when the mother KNOWS she can't give it the life it deserves, that is one of the most unselfish loves there is. She's putting her child b/f her own heartache......

    There is also what they call open adoption, where the mother can visit her child frequently and be part of it's life. A friend and her husband had adopted a boy thru this and the mother visited often, then the visits got less and less, then stopped visiting. Eric grew up very healthy and happy during this time of seeing his bio mom occasionally.
  19. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    It's not to the point where she can't provide for the child it's just that she has to pretty much sacrifice her entire life to do it. Has to work long hours to make the money to provide for two people, can't really afford college nor has the time to study for the few classes she can periodically take so shes spent 10 years trying to get a Associates Degree. No money for daycare, parents live too far away to help watch the child when she needs a break, etc. It's just a mess.

    Letting your child go is a huge pill to swallow to say the least. Words can't even begin to describe how hard that is to do and most parents would rather just work themselves into the ground to "make it work" over putting their kids up for adoption. I know there comes a point where the childs needs need to be addressed, but that's opening up a whole other discussion about morality and whatnot.

    She calls me often and talks about various ways that she can get some higher education or possibly learn a trade or something to get herself a better job because she just flat out can't keep doing what shes doing forever. But the issue always boils right back down to one thing, the child. She can't leave the state as long as she has joint custody. The childs father who went off and remarried has a very stable life and career and family so if she tried to fight for full custody she wouldn't be able to win. He actually threatened to take her to court and just take the child and his new family and leave and she panicked because sad to say it but in all reality if he did that then he would probably win.

    She was seriously considering just letting the father have the little girl and signing over parental rights so she could join the military. Or doing the same thing and getting some student loans and just going off to college and just hoping that the father wouldn't let their bad blood keep her away from her daughter forever. It's just extremely difficult for a parent to leave their child like that and I certainly understand that. But right now she's at a crossroads. I'm not sure if she is still considering any of these options, she hasn't brought it up and I don't ask her about things like that unless she tells me. But stepping completely out of the emotional box, these might be the best options she has right now.

    And another sad reality that she faces is the fact that she's a single mother. She gets so depressed watching almost all of her friends and relatives get married and start a life together while she remains single. Shes a beautiful woman, she really is, not just because shes my best friend but because she is gorgeous. She's also really cool and caring, a bit sassy at times but whatever ya know. But she has what most guys just do not want to deal with and that's a child that is not theirs. Most men don't want to raise someone elses child or deal with the childs real father and the awkward situations that poses. Plus with the financial situation shes in any guy that wishes to start a relationship with her is going to have to, for lack of better words, take her on. Her and her daughter. Thats not something most people want to do.

    It sucks, it really truly sucks and it's not fair and it seems really mean but thats how it is. Those are the other types of phone calls that I routinely get from her. Her just super depressed and crying because once again another one of her girlfriends went off and got married and shes still alone. She always says the same thing "Why? Why does nobody want me? I don't think I'm ugly. You know me I'm super nice and caring and loyal and fun to be around. I like going to guy things men like to do too. I'll go to the bar and watch the game with you or play video games. I don't care about nice fancy dinners at expensive restaurants or any of that. I'd be an awesome girlfriend why doesn't anybody want me?"

    Because you're a single mother in your late 20s with very little money and a child. As beautiful and cool and fun and caring as you are, most people just flat out do not want to deal with that. There are beautiful, cool, fun, and caring women out there who don't have kids. That's who most of these guys are looking for. Sadly, thats why all of her friends are married and she is not. She has the hardest time even getting a boyfriend let alone a husband.

    Thats why Im saying kids and young folks. You don't want to put yourselves in that sort of position. One night of pleasure for a lifetime of misery. Trust me, under no circumstances whatsoever is that worth it. NOBODY at the bar is THAT attractive to warrant risking doing that to yourself.
  20. MMC

    MMC Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Bruce says.....Be Water my Friend. [​IMG]


  21. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    First of all, I know it's to late for adoption, even open adoption - just mentioned it that it is an option for these unwed, pg women...or for some, even after they have the baby and she's realized she can't provide adequately for the child......

    Secondly, Nightmare - men all over this world marry women w/a child(ren). As one guy I knew said 'practically all the women you meet have at least one kid'. I've had female relatives/friends w/kids who married a man who was not the kid(s) father....

    Now....and I'm not saying this in a critical way, but the way you described your friend, I think she's trying to hard to find a man to marry her and when a woman does that, it's written all over her. Men aren't stupid and they can pick that up pretty quick and it turns them off.

    I can certainly understand her that she wants a husband, but she needs to put that on the back burner, learn to relax and tell herself that if it happens, it happens, but meanwhile, don't let it be her body language that men can read.......

    One thing I learned as a teenager, if there was a guy I was interested in, I acted like he wasn't even there.....a guy's ego can't handle that. "How come she's not interested in ME?' and I let him chase me until I caught! it worked every time! I don't care what century we're living in - mens egos don't change w/the passing of time. You know that, right? Talk to your gal-pal about this .....

    For all she knows, next week she may be shopping and w/o looking, crashes her grocery cart into her future husband's cart. Things like that have happened. I have a friend who met a couple of decent guys on eHarmony dating website......

    And I wish her the very best.........
  22. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    I wasn't saying that nobody will want a young woman with a child, but having a child does eliminate a decent sized chunk of your potential dating pool. I have plenty of guy friends who also married women with kids. I almost did that myself. I think that as she gets older she will have better success because as people age they get more mature and tend to leave the crazy wild party lifestyle behind and start wanting to settle down. Her problem was that she was seeking out guys in the completely wrong dating pool for what she is after. I personally knew all of her previous boyfriends, it's a small town, and I could tell right off the bat how well each of these guys was going to work out.

    I think thats what I'm trying to say. If you're in your teens or early 20s and a single mother then it's going to be hard to find a guy your own age who wants to actually be in a relationship with you. Guys that age don't tend to want anything to do with a family they want to go hang out with their buddies and party. It very well might take quite a few years to reach the age where guys start growing out of that mentality. The majority teens and young folks in their early 20s who have kids did so by accident. Look at the amount of single mothers in their teens and early 20s. Thats because that guy didn't want a family, he screwed up and would rather take off running and pay child support if he's even worth a damn over sitting there and raising a child at his young age.

    That's why I said in my first post to make sure the person you are with is actually the person you are going to be with if you have children. In reference to young people. I used to be a young guy in my early 20s, I had plenty of other guy friends in their teens and early 20s, I know how guys in their teens and early 20s think. Having kids and raising a family is the last thing on most of their minds. Not all of course, but a lot. Which is why every single one of my female friends from back then is currently a single mother. When they were in their teens or early 20s and met a guy in his teens and early 20s. They got pregnant and that guy bailed. Thats why I said I highly recommend people at least wait until they are married and discuss this before having children.

    I don't know every guy, and I know not all women are saints either, but I am a guy and used to be a young guy so I know a bit more about how they can be. I wasn't born old and grumpy lol, I used to be that age. Back then I'd tell you that I love you and I'd marry you first thing in the morning if it meant you'd sleep with me that night if thats what I knew you wanted to hear. We can be extremely cruel sometimes.
  23. Woolley

    Woolley Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
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    1. Only worry about the things you can control, think about it for a second, then stop worrying about that too.
    2. Live well but plan for the worst.
    3. See the world in your 20's.
    4. Stay healthy, no smoking or heavy drugs.
    5. Find your passion and then work in that field.
    6. When in doubt, do the right thing.
    7. Delay having kids until your 30's.
    8. Never sell your first house.
    9. Keep reading all your life.
    10. If you want good friends, be a good friend.
  24. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2014
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    I don't know anything about you, but from the way you describe her, it sure seems you have some very strong feelings for this girl. Maybe even more so than a friend?

    Just saying...
  25. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2014
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    This is the curse, American literature is rife with the angsts of growing up in small towns.

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