Is the prominence of racial equality theory a Jewish conspiracy?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Vekimekim, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. Vekimekim

    Vekimekim Banned

    Mar 16, 2016
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    Professor Kevin MacDonald has assembled a lot of evidence on this question in Culture of Critique.

    There is something suspicious about the heavily disproportionate number of Jews pushing this idea, since Jews as a race have always believed in their own superiority.

    Jews in involved in racial equality theory: Franz Boas, Jared Diamond, Alan Goodman, Steven Gould, Melville Herskovits, Max Horkheimer, Leon Kamin, Otto Klineberg, Leonard Lieberman, Richard Lewontin, Jonathan Marks, Barry Mehler, Ashley Montagu, Steven Rose, Edward Sapir, Robert Sussman, Gene Weltfish.

    Fraudulent tactics employed by Jewish egalitarian academics.

    Cherry picking.
    Boas cherry picked two groups of immigrants (Sicilians and Hebrews) which had varied most towards the same mean, and discarded other groups which had varied in the opposite direction, to make it appear skulls of immigrants converged on an "American type". "Using the recent reanalysis by Gravlee et al. (2003), we can observe in Figure 2 that the maximum difference in cranial index due to immigration (in Hebrews) is much smaller than the maximum ethnic difference, between Sicilians and Bohemians. It shows that long headed parents produce long headed offspring and vice versa. To make the argument that children of immigrants converge onto an "American type" required Boas to use the two groups that changed the most."
    Studies will also be cherry picked or ignored depending on the view to be pushed.

    Name calling and imputing political motive without rebutting evidence.
    Linda Gottfredson details this in her analysis of Lieberman's critique of Rushton.
    "Essentialism, Eurocentric, Causasoid-centrism, hierarchical or typological thinking (many variations), Racist thinking, Racism (latent, academic, scientific), racial ideology, inferiority, racial profiling, xenophobia, Evil people & events, Apartheid, colonialism, genocide, Holocaust, Nazi, Jim Crow segregation, slavery, Southerners, Evil politics,Disenfranchise, dominate, exclude, exploit, justify (various evils), torture, violence, Destructive results, Destruction of social generosity, discriminatory, downtrodden, inequity (& variations), misery, Subtotal, Unacceptable science, Incompetent, Aggregated, confounded, deterministic, erroneous, illogical, lacks (evidence, validity, conceptual, and, empirical merit,), seriously flawed, statistical artifact, substandard, subjective, unsophisticated, Pseudoscientific, Absurd, bad biology,, biased, contrived, deceptive, diseased, fabricated (races), fascinated by, sexuality of savages, fetishizes the brain, inexcusable anthropology, mischievous speculation, reactionary, same old lies, self-serving, sorry mess,Dangerous, Alarming, dangerous, destructive, notorious, odious"

    Demanding impossible standards of evidence for opposing views, allowing no standard of evidence for acceptable views.

    "Boas was the quintessential skeptic and an ardent defender of methodological rigor when it came to theories of cultural evolution and genetic influences on individual differences, yet “the burden of proof rested lightly upon Boas’s own shoulders” (White 1966, 12). Although Boas (like Freud; see Ch. 4) made his conjectures in a very dogmatic manner, his “historical reconstructions are inferences, guesses, and unsupported assertions [ranging] from the possible to the preposterous. Almost none is verifiable” (White 1966, 13). An unrelenting foe of generalization and theory construction, Boas nevertheless completely accepted the “absolute generalization at which [Margaret] Mead had arrived after probing for a few months into adolescent behavior on Samoa,” even though Mead’s results were contrary to previous research in the area (Freeman 1983, 291). Moreover, Boas uncritically allowed Ruth Benedict to distort his own data on the Kwakiutl (see Torrey 1992, 83)."


    "Kamin (1974a,b) and Gould (1981/1996a) have been in the forefront of spreading disinformation about the role of IQ testing in the immigration debates of the 1920s. Snyderman and Herrnstein (1983; see also Samelson 1982) show that Kamin and Gould misrepresented H. H. Goddard’s (1917) study of the IQ of Jewish immigrants as indicating that “83 percent of the Jews, 80 percent of the Hungarians, 79 percent of the Italians, and 87 percent of the Russians were ‘feeble-minded’""
  2. Vekimekim

    Vekimekim Banned

    Mar 16, 2016
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    Perhaps the widest public exposure to this issue was the PBS (run by Jew Paula Kerger) series "RACE - The Power of an Illusion". The experts featured were Jew Alan Goodman, Jew Jonathon Marks, mixed-race Pilar Ossorio, White George M. Fredrickson, Black James O. Horton, Black Audrey Smedley, Asian John Cheng, Asian Sumi Cho, Jew Dalton Conley, Jew David M.P. Freund and Jew Richard Lewontin.

    All of these individuals conform to the "race is not a valid biological construct and was constructed by supremacist Europeans" view. The series is full of fallacies designed to promote this view, even going as far as to deny the medical fact that individuals of the same race are genetically more similar to each other and more likely to be compatible for bone marrow transplants. The usual tired old fallacies which can impugn any classification system are trotted out, such as Lewontin's fallacy.

    None of the many other scholars who hold that race is a biologically valid construct separate from any political consideration were presented. The producers can thus create an artificial consensus by selecting ethnic activist "scholars" who all agree with the same lies, and presenting no one to logically or factually refute these lies.
  3. TombRaider

    TombRaider Banned

    Mar 28, 2016
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    You mean Kevin MacDonald, the director of an American neo-Nazi party who associates himself with paedophiles like Kevin Alfred Strom?

    How well has MacDonald's party done by the way?

    2011 Governor of West Virginia Harry Bertram American Third Position 1,111 (0.37%)
    2012 West Virginia House of Delegates, District 51 Harry Bertram American Third Position 1,110 (0.88%)
  4. Vekimekim

    Vekimekim Banned

    Mar 16, 2016
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  5. TombRaider

    TombRaider Banned

    Mar 28, 2016
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    Why are you criticising actual scientists for being politically biased (?), and then quote a director of a neo-Nazi political party that polls under 1%?

    Directors of neo-Nazi political parties are apolitical?:roll:
  6. Pax Aeon

    Pax Aeon Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    There is something to these Jewish conspiracies, at least the way I see it. I can say without a doubt, for such a small percentage of people, they control enormous wealth. There have been many time I have justifiably been critical of Israel, only to be barraged by pin-heads calling me anti-semantic, nazi and white supremacist. If anything, I treat jews with extreme caution if not disdain.

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