So much for the new Anti-Choice direction.

Discussion in 'Abortion' started by tecoyah, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. mamooth

    mamooth Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    That's a completely arbitrary definition on your part.

    Remember, objective criteria subjectively chosen are still subjective.
  2. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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    That's the first time you heard about the "anti-choice" movement? Were have you been for the past few decade or so? The reason they are referred to as anti-choice is because the "pro-life" movement really isn't all that pro-life.

    Your feigned moral outrage is duly noted.
  3. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    But it IS pro life...for 9 months, then it really does not care at all. Apparently it is only a "human being" while attached to and living inside another human being.....after it gets out it becomes an evil mooching gimme machine and so does it's mother.
  4. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    The death of 49 human beings at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida did not effect my life in the least.

    I could literally have not known about it and my life goes on the same.

    Should I not care about my fellow person because I am not directly effected by a particular moral wrong?

    The unborn have no voice. Their existence depends upon the whims of the host, a host that in 99% of cases, created this life out of a decision to engage in sexual intercourse knowing the risk of an unwanted pregnancy existed.

    The death of the unborn, do not effect my life in the least in the moment of their demise...that does not mean I can simply dismiss their right to exist anymore than I could yours if someone "chose" to take your life while you were a fetus.

    Pro-choice seems to think they were born fully capable of going to the grocery store and buying food and water and paying rent. They seem to have forgotten that at one point in their existence, they were conceived, they grew in the womb and they were born. Even after birth, we remain completely and utterly dependent upon others for our survival.

    Basically all of you, including my self, were lucky enough to have someone who cared about them.

    1,200,000 unborn last year in the U.S. , as an example, were not so lucky.

    The only distinction separating their early demise from mine, is that my Mom cared enough to carry me to term and cared for me until I was able to care for myself and live a truly independent life as an adult as I am now.

    Empathy is the capacity of experiencing from within another being's frame of reference.

    If a culture is so willing to kill a person at their most vulnerable state of existence, in the womb, a culture is capable of anything.

    If we only care about what goes on in our immediate lives, like horses with blinders on...don't be surprised when tragedy befalls your immediate life and the societal response is "sucks to be you."

    Do not ask for whom the bell tolls, the bell tolls for thee.

    Abortion degrades the sanctity of human life and this effects us all.
  5. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    Very emotional without a hint of caring for the rights or circumstances or health or safety of women.....actual people.

    The PEOPLE killed in the nightclub were actual PEOPLE with lives and friends and family, people who knew them.

    Their deaths affected many people , caring people who VALUE life.

    THAT doesn't affect you but the unborn that have never existed, that you have never known affects you???

    When you say , ""Abortion degrades the sanctity of human life and this effects us all"" show that you have no knowledge of the LONG history of abortion. It has been happening almost since the first woman discovered what was coming for the fourteenth time her period stopped.

    You say, ""If a culture is so willing to kill a person at their most vulnerable state of existence, in the womb, a culture is capable of anything."""

    So you are blaming all wars and terrorism, rape, violence, chaos, riots, insurrections, murder, corporate greed that kills with faulty products, on women having abortions.....that is ridiculous. It's the OLD "women are evil and must be controlled" crap.

    Why is everyone's life more valuable to you than womens' lives? Why don't you think the "sanctity" of women's lives is important(and thank you for showing how religion is always part of the hate for women with the word "sanctity".

    ""The bell tolls for thee" :roflol: OOOHHHHH, I 'm scared now ....:roflol:
  6. LibChik

    LibChik Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    When I saw this decision today...the first thing I thought was how awesome it is that Scalia isn't screwing up the SC anymore.
  7. Cady

    Cady Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 28, 2010
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    I prefer the term "anti-woman," but that's just me.

    And the flaw in your reasoning is that banning abortion affects the abortion rate--it doesn't. There are just as many, sometimes more, "murders of unborn children" in countries where abortion is banned, plus more maternal deaths.

    You are the one using semantic antics with your terms "murder" and "genicide." The rationale for the pro-choice view is that women are human beings with human rights, the most basic of which is the authority over one's own body and health. If you don't believe that, you might just be anti-woman.
  8. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    How about the irony(AKA stupidity extreme) in shutting down clinics where women can get birth control so they don't have to have an abortion.

    I tell ya, when a person has a bad case of misogynism they sure can't think straight....

  9. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    Correct, never seen anyone say any different.

    Again no argument from me on that

    That would be the pro-life side not pro-choice

    I'll stand my argument up against yours anytime, morally, legally and anything other way you want to argue it.

    The choice to decide who, what, where and when her body is used by another person .. EXACTLY the same choice you have.

    Yes, and?

    Yes, and?

    No I portray them as ill-informed and easily led.

    Then tell pro-lifers to stop bringing religion into it, and you talk about "word games and hysterical hyperbole" but use the word "murder" . .nothing more than a word game and hysterical hyperbole on your part.

    What is naked is the so called arguments of pro-lifers, they are so easily smashed to pieces.

    I have as much an issue with abortion as you have with killing in self-defence.

    Yep, no argument from me on that one

    There is nothing wrong in abortion, and you do know that whether the fetus is innocent or not is irrelevant, it is not what the fetus is that is relevant but what it does.

    And again there is nothing ethically wrong with abortion.

    Talk about being a hypocrite, you project what you think pro-choice people are, but you are guilty of the very things you accuse others of - vacuity and absurdity of the word play with an added boost of emotionally projection. If your arguments are sound you would not need to resort to mindless drivel of calling abortion murder or a fetus a baby, utterly intellectually dishonest and you know it.
  10. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    as a self proclaimed former military officer have you ever been involved in a conflict situation where innocent human beings have died, now was that morally wrong or just collateral damage? If you say it was morally wrong, what punishment did you receive for your involvement in those deaths?

    and herein lies the problem, pro-lifers switch between the human adjective and human noun as if they are one and the same, you use the human noun, where as your quote uses the human adjective.

    It simply does not matter what a woman's reasons or lack of are for getting an abortion, it is not your position to control what others do.

    no it does not.

    Right, so in your career as a military officer you have NEVER been involved in the killing of innocent civilians, after all if you had then by your own measure it would "always be wrong".

    Absolute rubbish, pro-choice does not deny the humanity of the fetus at all, and as to the human valuation .. human life only has the value another places upon it, and that is as true for you as it is for everyone.
    The ethical way to handle the issue is to leave the ethically decision to the person who has the most involvement ie the female.

    and you are wrong about "The fewer regulations of and the greater access to...abortion... will make killing the first resort rather than the last." one only has to look to Canada to show your assertion is incorrect.
  11. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    It is completely unethical IMHO to force someone to turn over control of their body, just because you want them to.
  12. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    Abortion is murder for convenience in 99% of cases.

    Everyone knows it.

    I've experienced it first hand.

    The woman getting the abortion, the family of the woman, the man who got the woman pregnant, the doctor performing the my case the person who gave a friend $400 to pay for his girl friend's abortion.

    I'm not in denial like the rest of you are.

    I was an accessory to the murder of a human being in the earliest stages of their development.

    It happened to be legal, and remains legal so I will never be charged with a crime, never suffer any sort of consequences at all. Other than being out the money until it was paid back.

    However I know, in my heart...the abortion I paid for, killed a human fetus, for no other reason than convenience. My friend panicked, he did not want to be tied down with a child while still in college and neither did his girl friend. In a momentary lapse of reason, they had unprotected sex and she got pregnant.

    The abortion took care of the problem, so that the life of the woman, the woman's family, the man who got the woman pregnant, could all go on as normal. As though getting pregnant never happened. I mean, statistics show 44% of women who have had an abortion will have another in their lifetime. Clearly there's little to no regret, remorse or repercussions.

    So I really don't care about the "circle jerk" going in here .

    I argue with the same people, every time on these threads and frankly it bores me.

    I know what abortion is, and why it is performed and why so many want to keep it legal.

    In the vast majority of cases, it is purely based upon convenience. It is easier to kill and get rid of the problem than to deal with it.

    Good day.
  13. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    So facts don't phase you. OK...shrug....

    """"" In the vast majority of cases, it is purely based upon convenience. It is easier to kill and get rid of the problem than to deal with it. """

    Which is why there is war.

    """"Abortion is a solution to a problem....period. ""

    On that we agree. If you personally feel you should compound all your problems , you have every right.

    But don't try to control what others do with their lives.

    """"So I really don't care about the "circle jerk" going in here .

    I argue with the same people, every time on these threads and frankly it bores me. """"

    Logic and facts "bore " you but yet you posted.......????
  14. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    Good to know that the Supreme Court has overruled "Nature" ;)

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