Eight Democrats and Independents in Mississippi Switch Parties to Republican

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by US Conservative, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    I knew using the line "Only real Democrats, please." would come back to bite me. For all I know, the Democratic party IS inclusive. I don't know. But, I heard that a blue wave is coming. And, I wouldn't want to be a Republican candidate, or even worse, a former-Democratic candidate that hid who they truly were to their constituents.
  2. US Conservative

    US Conservative Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 19, 2015
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    Obama warned the party about purity tests-its not a winning strategy.
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  3. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    I don't know man. When looking at this from a purely unbiased political perspective it actually makes pretty good sense.

    One day, whether this November, or in 2024, or next decade, or next generation "Progressivism" will be the new "normal" the way traditional American Conservatism was the norm for generations. Yes it's true that folks tend to become more moderate and more conservative as they age but this was largely true when most Americans shared the same core values of generations past. When you have a new generation of young folks who don't even hold the same core values then even a gradual shift towards moderation as they age won't result in the "moderate" type of folks we are accustomed to.

    Progressivism is an extreme view, this isn't the same as JFK Democrats or even Clinton Democrats vs Reagan Republicans. This is a MASSIVE difference of core values and visions of how America should be. Traditional Democrats shifting towards traditional Conservatism as they age isn't the same as Progressives shifting their viewpoints as they age. Even if these folks gradually shift more right towards moderation as they get older there is a massive difference between a moderate Progressive and a moderate Democrat. There isn't even such a thing as moderate Progressive that is an oxymoron. The closest thing to that with the current name recognized Democrats is probably Amy Klobuchar or Tulsi Gabbard. A young person with the viewpoints of Amy or Tulsi may gradually shift right as they get older to something resembling the ideology of Bloomberg. But NO young person with the ideology of Bernie Sanders will shift right enough as they age to something resembling Bloomberg. It's just too massive of a shift for anybody to do who is that far Left.

    If that makes any sense.

    They are trying to slowly take over the ideology of the nation by simply waiting it out. Wait until the "traditionalists" of both major parties die off and as they go the new era of Progressive young folks step up. Eventually there will not be enough Conservatives or traditional Democrats left to counter the amount of Progressives in the country. And as I said even when these new Bernie style Progressives age, they will not shift right far enough to return to normal Democrats, they will be what Klobuchar is at BEST. The ideology of Bernie will be the new "Democrat", the ideology of Klobuchar will be the new "moderate", and the ideology of Gabbard or Bloomberg will be the new "Republican" at best. With current Conservatism and traditional Democrat ideology slowly having died off with the older folks who hold these views.

    It'll happen one day, may not be tomorrow but that's their plan.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2020
  4. Paul7

    Paul7 Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    Doesn't mean it will be hear to stay, especially after socialism fails. Margaret Thatcher came after Clement Atlee.
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  5. Dispondent

    Dispondent Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 5, 2009
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    The Mississippi GOP should put them to test, soon. It wouldn't need to a vital issue, but something to prove their loyalty. Otherwise allowing them in is useless...
  6. US Conservative

    US Conservative Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 19, 2015
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    It very well may happen one day.

    Trump, SCOTUS, etc is to buy time.
  7. LogNDog

    LogNDog Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I never liked Carville but I have ALWAYS listened to him. Sometimes what he has to say is just spin and sometimes it's something that should be listened to. His remark about Gennifer Flowers and dragging a dollar bill through a trailer park was one example of his spin. It's usually pretty easy to tell the difference.
  8. LogNDog

    LogNDog Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I think they are in major denial and just want what they want at all costs while totally ignoring the fact that just because they make a lot of noise they won't necessarily get what they want.
  9. US Conservative

    US Conservative Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 19, 2015
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    They have been in denial for 4 years.
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  10. US Conservative

    US Conservative Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 19, 2015
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    Warren (a former Republican) attacking Bloomberg for being a former Republican.
  11. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Yeah but the aftermath of a nation consumed by socialism is horrifying to put it mildly. Nations do survive and they do drive on, but the damage done in it's wake is devastating. Will we be able to rebuild ourselves into our once glorious past once this experiment fails as it fails EVERY OTHER TIME. Or will our children of the future be reading history in school about the latest in the long line of empires that collapsed in the history class.
  12. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Sadly I believe I'll see it in my own lifetime. To be brutally honest with you I thought it was over in 2016. I was busy fighting Iraq 2.0 during that year and I remember sitting there with all of my buddies just waiting for the inevitable. It was early morning in Iraq when the election results were coming in and we all gathered around a computer with an internet connection to watch it live. I'm not exaggerating and many folks always think I am when I tell this story, but you would have literally thought we had just won the war against ISIS when those results came in. The American troops on that airbase were so loud that the Brits and Aussies we shared it with came outside of their housing areas on the other side of the compound and told us to shut the hell up lol. We all thought it was a done deal, I see the news, I see the young folks of today and I thought there were just too many of these new age "Progressive" people to stop. I, along with literally every single other Soldier sitting over there, thought that what we were seeing was the last dying breath of American Conservatism and that there just weren't enough of them left to counter these college kids and this new radical ideology of theirs....

    But as it said on the signs we seriously took with us on our next combat flights over Iraq in 2016 the day after the election...

    "We aren't dead yet!"

    One day we will be, and it will probably be in my lifetime.

    But not yet.
    ButterBalls, HB Surfer, Libby and 4 others like this.
  13. US Conservative

    US Conservative Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 19, 2015
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    I will never forget that day. As I was driving into work, the school districts bus drivers (generally black women) stopped their buses for WAY longer than they normally do-a way to flip the finger at voters in the area-which is a Republican enclave. Corporate was visiting that morning and they were walking around like zombies-very disappointed.
    My boss pulled me into the copy room and whispered "can you effing believe it?" we were jumping up and down like schoolgirls.

    Im in California where Im used to having no political representation.

    Hope its not in my lifetime, but it would be better to settle it now than pass it on.
    ButterBalls, HB Surfer, Libby and 3 others like this.
  14. Robert E Allen

    Robert E Allen Banned

    Jul 17, 2018
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    Umm i think the democratic party moved away from them not vice versa.

    Fact is Tump has more in common with traditional Democrats than modern progressives do, and by a wide margin. Regardless of party affiliation Trump is a moderate Democrat not a conservative Republican.
    ButterBalls and roorooroo like this.
  15. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    I hear you on that.

    Part of me wants to settle it now as well actually. This is a pretty selfish mentality but I'm at the age now to where I could still recover(ish) when (not if) the market tanks if one of these people get elected President. I don't think it would tank too bad if it were Bloomberg or Biden, but if Bernie wins then say goodbye to your 401k. I mean literally, you're screwed and that's not even debatable and no economist in the country will disagree with that regardless of political affiliation. If you are at the age where you can suffer a MASSIVE hit then you might be alright in the long run. But if you are closer to cashing out then you are about to lose your shirt if Bernie wins.

    The problem is that folks don't understand reality, or simply don't care. History means nothing at all and for some reason folks always think that even though something never worked out in the past it will somehow work out "this time". Sort of how we convinced ourselves that we could win Afghanistan even though the US military is not equipped to fight a war like that as if we learned nothing at all from Vietnam but that's a different topic. Folks from all political ideologies are guilty of ignoring blatant red flags throughout history.

    But as insane as it sounds and no matter how many alarm bells get rung from EVERYBODY whether they be Democrat or Republican, Bernie keeps chugging along. What needs to happen is for folks to actually see what will happen because obviously just telling them isn't enough or they don't believe it or just don't care. The real world horrific implications of a Bernie Sanders style America needs to be brought to light so that folks can be shown, ONCE AGAIN, that this is a terrible idea. It has to be shown that it's not realistic, not affordable regardless of if you taxed the "rich" at 99%. The major American corporations have to take their corporations abroad and abandon our country. Workers need to be laid off by the millions when this happens. The middle class with their nest eggs who were promised "I'm not after you, only the rich" need to watch the taxes on them roll in and watch their nest eggs dissolve when the markets fail.

    I don't want it to happen, hell no I am the middle class I like my money and my nest eggs. But being as unbiased as I can I genuinely see this new "Progressive" era coming at some point in America. And the only real way to stop it is to let the consequences of it play out so that we can say "I told you so" and get it over with quickly before TOO MUCH damage is done.
  16. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    So let me get this straight:

    8 "Politicians" in a State Where:

    1) There is a GOP Governor
    2) Both Houses of the State Legislature are overwhelmingly GOP
    3) Both U.S. Senators are GOP
    4) 3 of 4 House Members are GOP
    5) Trump Won by 18 points in 2016
    6) And has a whopping 6 Electoral Votes

    8 "Politicians" in that State switched to the GOP?

    Did I outline this Ground-Shaking Narrative Correctly?

    This is Truly an Mind-Boggling Development that will entirely flip the Political Destiny of the USA Upside-Down.

    The Democrats will most likely never again be able to elect a City Councilman in San Francisco in light of this Earth-Shattering Event.

    RIP Dem. Party. :flagus::salute:
    ButterBalls and The Wyrd of Gawd like this.
  17. US Conservative

    US Conservative Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 19, 2015
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    Its kinda nice having a nest egg building up, and a rate of return at 30% annually. I didn't do quite so well but its not far off.

    Its true people don't understand or don't care. Its not all their fault as some are born with a lower IQ (not PC but yes its a factor-the average IQ in CA is 95), and some are from nations where the govt "providing" is expected. In my county alone-HALF of adults are functionally illiterate-they can't read at a 9th grade level and activities are prevented because they can't understand. (think how you feel reading a dry legal document).

    Then there are schools-primary education up is highly biased and agenda driven. I don't have kids yet but they won't be going to public schools. These poor souls are indoctrinated for decades and its not only academia but also the parents to blame. I received "outside" education-from working on my grandparents dairy farm every summer, to boy scouts, to working at 16, to working for a few years in EMS before "real" college. Bernies top donors last quarter were school teachers.

    It gets no better in college. I watched an Iranian chemistry "professor" tell a amphitheater full of would be nursing students that Ronald Reagan got Alzheimer's because of high levels of aluminum. He then claimed it was because of Aluminum pans and instant pancake mix.
    I asked him if a wealthy Reagan preferred instant pancake mix, and if aluminum cookware was common in his years. Nothing but silence and blinks from the "professor".
    The room full of young, poor women (many mothers) were panic stricken and many sold both their cookware and vowed never to use pancake mix again.

    As for reality-these kids are essentially raised in leftist test tubes-I would be great with state and federal mandates for a year of service after graduation. They keep raising the age for drinking, smoking, vaping, etc under the guise that these young people aren't mature enough-fine send them to work on farms, at hospitals, charities in marxist countries, former socialist nations, etc. Let them get mugged by reality-thats what they need and never got.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  18. US Conservative

    US Conservative Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 19, 2015
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    Just like Congressman Van Drew in New Jersey.
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  19. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    As my father used to routinely say to my younger cousins and his younger coworkers "Real life is going to punch you in the ****ing mouth son".

    I don't get it half the time and with me being the type who tries to be as unbiased as I can I often find myself getting gaslighted by simply thinking too much....

    Am "I" the crazy one? I keep hearing things that make no logical or rational sense and I sit down and ask myself if I'm out of touch or something or losing my ever loving mind.

    What WORLD do some of these folks live in? I hear proposals and statements and beliefs from some folks and it seriously makes me wonder if they've watched one too many Star Trek episodes. I'm a Trek guy, I love Sci Fi, but Star Trek is a freakin' TV show that isn't real life. The society of Star Trek isn't REAL but I swear some of these folks think that's how the world will be tomorrow if a Progressive were elected President. Yeah everything is free, money doesn't exist, your entirely livelihood is taken care of by the government, you just live and do whatever you want and if you want to do something "great" then you join Starfleet Academy and get on one of those Enterprise Class Starships and go zip around the galaxy.

    Of course that's a bit exaggerated we obviously don't have Starships but I mean the entire concept of that is unrealistic. Stuff can't be FREE, nothing is FREE. Even in ancient times when slavery and forced labor was a common practice and they could just make coinage at will there was still economies. Ancient civilizations had the ability to RUN OUT OF MONEY somehow even when they could just conquer entire other nations and enslave everybody to do everything for them. Even the ancient Egyptians of 5,000 years ago understood that you could RUN OUT OF MONEY, which they did at various points throughout the civilization.

    I swear it seems like many folks believe we can just print more money and the concept of inflation just isn't a "thing". Every single proposal requires funding, every single one. We can't just increase the GDP of the US at will, that isn't how the real world works. But even when it is blatantly explained that "Your free stuff is literally un-affordable because even if we literally took every dime from every rich person in America it still wouldn't be enough money to pay for it" they still just shrug their shoulders and say "Yeah whatever other nations do it your math must be wrong Mr PhD in Economics".
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2020
    ButterBalls and US Conservative like this.
  20. US Conservative

    US Conservative Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 19, 2015
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    Agree and thats why young people NEED to be put on the spot.

    They should be responsible for mapping in a fire truck (with a cap overseeing), for accounting and inventory to a business owner, for being able to direct an ambulance crew to an ED bed, for keeping track of a 2nd grade classes reading progress, etc.

    If they are never are challenged they will never rise up.

    And for the record, being mugged by reality is hard enough when you are supposedly "prepared"-its a starting point, not an end point.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  21. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Young folks just need a better education in REAL WORLD day to day life. This new age of coddling to folks and tip toeing around so as to not hurt anyones feelings is absolute nonsense. I'm not saying we should instill a policy of unrestricted bullying or anything but kids need to learn how to grow up.

    In the REAL WORLD your feelings are going to be hurt.
    In the REAL WORLD your boss is not going to "respect your opinion" all the time
    In the REAL WORLD you are going to be told to sit down and shut up and color
    In the REAL WORLD there is no participation trophy because you "tried your best". Perform the work properly and to the standard or you're fired.

    These are alien concepts that are being hidden from kids growing up nowadays. Colleges especially are protecting folks from the harsh reality of REAL LIFE and it's doing them a disservice. That's why my father always used the phrase Real life is going to punch you in the ****ing mouth. Not because he wanted it to happen but because he saw, and I see, that folks are leaving educational institutions able to speak intelligently about the history of ancient Rome but completely unable to function as an adult human being in the REAL WORLD.

    Here is how the real world actually works.

    "You can't have blue hair working for this company"
    "My hair is my expression of myself, you can't tell me how to live my life I am a free person"
    "You're fired"

    Folks don't understand that ^^^ because they've been sheltered from ever having to experience anything like that. We've created a generation of young people who leave primary and higher level education who are taught that you can do whatever you want. The reality is that yes as a free America you can do whatever you want, but as a free American working for someone elses business no you can't do whatever you want you are subject to the rules of that employer.

    Colleges in America right now have created this fantasy bubble utopia that doesn't actually EXIST in the real world. So when these folks head off into the real world they are hit with a nasty dose of cold water reality and they have no idea how to handle it because their entire lives they were sheltered from anything like that. We are doing our young folks a huge disservice with this nonsense.

    There are no safe spaces in the REAL ADULT WORLD so get rid of them in any institution that teaches young folks how to be adults...
  22. US Conservative

    US Conservative Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 19, 2015
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    All very true.

    I'd be mad and scared too if everything I learned turned out to be bullshit. (much of it was, btw)

    I teach adult ed, and one saving grace-In a group of 10 or so of these kids, there is one who knows better.

    His/her job isn't to convince others-but they know-and the rest can see that.
  23. Libby

    Libby Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2017
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    I remember the election also. None of us had much optimism as we gathered to watch the election results come in. And then Trump won one state, then another state, and then another. It was like a state of euphoric shock when it became clear that Trump had pulled off the impossible and won. There are no words to describe the sense of relief, hope, and optimism. The jump in my business was almost immediate too. People weren't even waiting until Trump was sworn in, they were optimistic and ready to spend money again right away, like a celebration.

    I'm 42. That puts me right in the middle I suppose ---- between those who are old enough they probably won't live to see our country destroyed by Progressives, and those who are young and dumb enough they want to destroy our country with Progressivism. I wish we could kick the Progressive can down the road a few more decades. It makes me sad to think I may see our country fall apart in my lifetime. Even if we'll be able to rebuild afterwards, I'm not sure my heart will be in it. I worked too damn hard to get where I am to see it all fall apart, or to be pushed back to square one.
    ButterBalls and US Conservative like this.
  24. RP12

    RP12 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    Hilary Clinton was a Republican as well
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  25. Paul7

    Paul7 Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    It was a close call, Hillary was holding the cattle stun gun to America's head.
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