Boris Johnson says he won't be 'bullied' into taking a knee in support of Black Lives Matter

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Space_Time, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    I remember when they hijacked Bernie's campaigning . So the bullying of BLM and the race card makes for 3 peas in the pod. If one is fair.
  2. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    And I must disagree with you ... because if BLM leads to black racisim which also exists at least ... then they are the same and you are right. But BLM is not automatically this, even some far righties want to make people believe this. ;-)
  3. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    BLM is racist right now. They attack people who say "all lives matter." They are more dangerous than the white supremacists. The while supremacists are just racists. They don't have any other agenda. BLM's goal is to undo American culture and government and replace it with something akin to Marxism.
  4. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Sorry, that is unfortunately not true and you generalize here. Yes ... there are black racists in the BLM ... there have always been and even if they are no better than white racists, you can get a little understanding for it, because the blacks have not started and There are always extremists of this type ... regardless of skin color, politics, ideology or religion.

    The BLM itself is about absolute equality and equal opportunities and treatment and that is ... unfortunately ... too often not available in the USA, which is also due to prejudices and apparent experiences that have been made.

    A black, successful and rich musician or athlete and who drives through the city with a totally tuned 100,000 USD SUV and blaring music wins every bet that he will be stopped by the police far faster and more often than a white, who is also a successful musician or is an athlete and does the same.
    And ... too often, the police treat him far worse than a white man.

    Because for the police, a black man in such a car is almost automatically suspected of either being a gangster and / or stealing the car. This may be covered by experience and police statistics ... BUT:

    Then the hypocrite comes up again in the discussion. The fact is that purely from the pure number, more white people are shot by police than black people and that is then said by the anti - BLM faction like a prayer again and again ... but that it is normal because it is simply a lot more Whites than black Americans are ignored. but when it comes to the percentage of the population, etc., it suddenly looks very different.
    Conversely: if there are always more white people than black people who are shot by the police ... then there are correspondingly more white car thieves and gangsters who are suspected, eh?
  5. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    You are a serious insider, I guess. I simply repeated what BLM has said. If you think what they say is untrue then take it up with them.

    They have you believing that. But that is not their agenda. Their agenda is replacing American culture and government.

    At least you watch and read the media.

    I will defer to your superior knowledge of the subject. ;)
  6. philosophical

    philosophical Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Boris Johnson describes black people as 'piccaninnies' with 'watermelon smiles', so black lives matter enough for him to take the knee because black people are so decorative.
  7. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I take a knee for one reason only and it has to do with no man on earth. Good for him.
    Booman likes this.
  8. Booman

    Booman Banned

    May 19, 2020
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    Or the wife. Never piss off the wife.
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  9. mitchscove

    mitchscove Well-Known Member Donor

    Sep 4, 2016
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    BLM has nothing to do with racial equality. Looting has nothing to do with racial equality. Destroying the livelihoods of small business owners by burning their businesses has nothing to do with racial equality. White females brainwashed by radical college professors who defined BLM's terrorist tactics don't know anything ,,, especially what racial equality means.
  10. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Again ... that's what people said who jumped on the "BLM" train and who are actually black racists.

    It's like when a group of Republicans suddenly claims Trump is the worst president ever and you say THAT is the opinion of all Republicans!

    That's ... sorry ... an outrageous lie by right wingers who are close to white racists that you are repeating here ... and apparently still believe.
    Take a look at the program and the goals of the BLM ... and not through the medium of white racists and those who see BLM as an enemy of the state because they see white leadership in danger.
    It's really disgusting how Right-Wingers twist the truth and claim things to demonize the enemy ... and how quickly people believe this BS as truth.

    This is also the case with the ANTIFA ... everything that looted, set fire to cars and attacks police officers is automatically ANTIFA and cannot and should not be anything else. That the truth and the facts are different ... doesn't matter. If Trump says that, then that's automatically true ... as always!

    No! Anyone who only looks at and reads the media reports ... of course according to their preferred perspective ... is a troll.
    The trick is to separate what actually happened from the "Bla Bla Bla" of the reporting and then to make yourself aware of the background based on what happened and NOT to adopt the background served by the reporter ... whether lefty or righty media!

    Do it ... but you can also start ot investigate by your own about facts and use the brain as explained above ;-)

    Number of US population: As of December 31, 2019, there were 328.2 million people according to the US government
    Number of blacks in the US population: around 40 million

    That means: A good 12% of the US population is black ...

    And as a whole ...
    About 60% are whites
    About 12% are black
    About 20% are "Hispanics"
    The rest are Asians and Natives / Indians and other minorities

    These are the facts ... official governemt facts of the Trump government! And now you can start to check out the realities about how many are killed by police or get other sort of police violence ... how many are criminals and so on by your own.
  11. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    The reality is that violence has always occured in Western countries among the people who have next to nothing. One way of making yourself big. One way of being successful which is denied to you in other ways. The fact that there is no talk of white on white violence would appear to be just another attempt to suggest black people are more violent when as I said we find and always have found it to be syptomatic in areas where people have little. Glasgow used to be the murder capital of Europe before a trial was put in place where police worked with Dr's social workers and others to give them a chance. If they chose to give up crime and violence they would be given every help possible to turn their life around, get a job and become part of society again but if they did not choose this they would get harsher sentences. Murder in Glasgow halved by doing this. I have recently heard this has stopped with the reduction in money for the police so we will need to wait and see if Glasgow again becomes the murder capital of Europe.

    However concerning your question about taking the knee. It seems to have a connection to American football in general before it was used in the way now. The first answer to what it meant I got was 'am I not your brother too' and of course it was apparently done to make people think about the unfair treatment of black Americans and has now become a symbol of anti racism.

    However I have another idea to put to you. It was done during the US National Anthem was it not. Taking the original meaning I heard, 'am I not your brother too' with this being to create awareness of the unfare treatment of American non whites, the National Anthem was a very astute time to say this. Do you know what the third verse of your anthem is?

    '"No refuge could save the hireling or the slave from the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave
    And the Star spangled banner in triumph does wave o'er the and of the three and the home of the brave"

    Your country was born of White Supremacy and has only very recently to any extent tried to move away from it. Within many in your country it is so much part of their psyche and has been because that is how your have lived.

    It isn't just in the US of course. It is the long history of how the West managed to become the richest people in the world - by stealing the resources of others. I heard the other day that prior to colonialism India was the second richest country in the world and for much of the time had been the richest. When Colialism ended of course it had become one of the poorest. However it is I think psychologically more difficult for Americans as your entire history is on treating Africans as non humans and treating them in an inhumane way. It stands to reason that this will psychologically be difficult to come to turns with for some people and so some people may need to continue talking of black people as being somewhat less human than them. The question 'am I not a brother too' is hence a very astute one.

    We all, western people and those of colour too need to start looking at the history of those we colonised. plundered and made into slaves because that history is very different from the one Britain, Europe in general and the US have chosen to spread as they erased it.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2020
    Mandelus likes this.
  12. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Correct ... good post!

    Unfortunately, it is generally the case that many people only see or want to see things and issues in black or white in term of good and bad ... but ignore the many shades of gray in between, which are often even more important.
    Then there is the wrong way of looking at it ... often on purpose because only this "version" corresponds to your own opinion, which then usually ends in hypocrisy or lies.

    As I mentioned earlier, a counter argument to BLM and the accusation of police racism is that more white people than black people are shot by police officers in the United States. That is correct in terms of the number of crimes, but that is the wrong way of looking at it, because whites make up around 60% of the US population, but blacks only make up around 12% ... only a fifth of whites! If you take this fact into account and then see the sheer number of people shot by Police, you get a different result and the right view. A black man is much more likely to be a victim of police violence ... and the fact that there are more white Americans in terms of numbers a victim is totally irrelevant!

    The same applies to the number of crimes and convicted offenders. There are more blacks in all matters, that's right. But with this "counter notification" you completely hide all reasons and backgrounds for what is wrong. It is also a fact ... the number of innocent and overly harshly convicted Black Americans is significantly higher than that of white Americans.

    You're absolutely right about slavery and colonialism. Incidentally ... many Americans deny that the United States ... which had risen as a former British colony and gained independence ... had colonies. THIS IS WRONG AND A LIE ... because the Philippines and Cuba were de facto an American colony. Yes, they were never officially called a colony, but in terms of status, handling, and practice, they were de facto US colonies.
    Likewise ... in principle this also applies to many other countries in Central America and South America and in the Caribbean, e.g. Panama, because the United States de facto determined who ruled these countries and how ... and this even since before the First World War and in the 1920s ... so before the Cold War with the silly argument that it was legitimized to support the worst "El Presidente" in the fight against evil communism.

    Anyway ...
    There is often the argument that the former colonies are mostly "shitholes" and are themselves guilty at their miserable situation, etc. ...
    But this is a damned outrageous argument, because that they are "shitholes" is all to often the fault of the countries whose colony was, or other countries, because they are the ones who support the evil guys, who play the willing puppet and corrupt president and this due to the keyword influence and hands on the resources of the countries.
    Somtimes it is at least a corporation who play the "Colony Master" like Shell in Nigeria ... but no Western government does really something and ignore that there are happeining bad things of all kind which would never be allowed to be done by these corporations in their own country.
    alexa likes this.
  13. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Yes I would go along with what you said. The East India company certainly had a strong role to play in India. I remember when I was visiting the Taj Mahal in the 70's. This Indian came to tell me all about this and that. He said that the jewels of the Taj Mahal were not the real Jewels that the East Indai Company had taken them 'to keep them safe' and these were just fakes. He said this with a big smile on his face and seemed to love Britain. At the time I thought wtf, the East India company stole their Jewels and they are ok with it and with the British but if I think of it now it was probably what he had to say to keep his job. I would be a bit surprised if he really believed the East India company took them for safe keeping and doubt if people would say that now.

    Regarding police killing of Blacks and in particular unarmed well anything I have seen definately suggests they do this a lot more than they kill white people. I cannot imagine what it is like living in a country where the police can kill you when you are unarmed. Here is a report from last month. One of the things which is evident is that the number of blacks killed by the police vary from area to area. In the worse it is six times as many.

    Read more:

    They reject the believe that some people have that the police only kill more black people than white because they commit more crimes and further say in those last lines that police killings did not follow crime rates. Can be read at link.

    Given that New York has some of the highest statistics for the killing of black people it was good to hear last night that they aim on making big changes to the police in order to sort this out. It was less inspiring hearing Trump speaking to jis base that this meant New York wanted to diss American History and he would make sure this did not happen.
    Mandelus likes this.
  14. Kal'Stang

    Kal'Stang Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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    Don't care either way. I know that I won't bend my knee. I don't bend my knee to anyone. I wouldn't even bend my knee to God. I am a free willed person and no one or idea is better than me. Which is what bending the knee means. To submit. I submit to no one.
  15. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    That is what the New York boss of BLM said who, like the rest, is a black racist.

  16. Bjorn

    Bjorn Active Member

    Mar 24, 2017
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    There are votes to be had in the culture war. Johnson's remark was likely aimed at being publicized in the British right-leaning tabloids, where the comment sections will go: "Yeah, that Johnson fella, he's really one of us, salt of the earth lad he is, ain't no political correctness from him, no sirreh". It's probably just intended as virtue signalling.
  17. Esau

    Esau Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    free will is hocus pocus. egomaniac comes to mind.
  18. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Yes this nation was created by western European stock and we thought the ideas of these white people were superior to non western cultures. And IMO that is a fact. The Chinese would nor have created our republic nor the Africans nor even the Spanish. As proven by Mexico, central and south america.

    This could be called white supremacy . And in this context I hope we never lose what those whites created here. But that isn't racism for we have tried to share this culture since the 60s..We are all equal under the law except the rich. They can special consideration and their wealth corrupts our vanishing republic.
  19. philosophical

    philosophical Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2017
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    The Chinese and others would not have brought about the so called republic because they may not have wished to cause mass genocide on the native Americans, or had industrialised slavery.
    The republic was not 'created' it is the result of incomers loving bloodshed and greed and emerged because of that.

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