Howdy Y'all

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Dr.Phibes, Jan 19, 2021.

  1. Dr.Phibes

    Dr.Phibes Newly Registered

    Jan 17, 2021
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    Been on this planet for some time now. Been an observer of people, human interaction, social graces (or lack thereof), and everything related to the psychology of social and human interaction. Even when I was little, I would sit in my little red wagon in the front yard, and watch, listen, and observe what people did and said, how they did it, how they said it, how they interacted with each other.

    I'm no psychologist, but I've learned great deals from observing the human condition for so many decades.

    I've also been observing some politicians since the 70' they act, how they treat people, whether they are hypocrites or not, or whether they are in office for their bank accounts, the power, or to serve the people.

    All media sources nowadays are all akin to The Enquirer, which is nothing more than Russian toilet paper....stiff, rough, hard, and extremely irritable.....and covered with poop. LMAO I believe my eyes and ears, rather than believe anything the media spews out into the public.

    I'm of no party in particular. I vote for the best person available. If there is no best person available, I use the write in option.

    I also have a very slight case of if my wording looks funny or does not quite sound right, that could be the reason.
  2. Sallyally

    Sallyally Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 12, 2017
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  3. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Welcome. Have you a list of politicians who aren’t hypocrites? :)

    Great bit on the media.
    Dr.Phibes likes this.
  4. altmiddle

    altmiddle Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2017
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    I don't fit any established political mold either. Careful with that though, party loyalty runs deep around here with some :)

    It definitely is worth it though, there are some great minds on here from all walks of life. It is a great place to have a debate or just check the political temperature from time to time.
    Dr.Phibes likes this.
  5. Montegriffo

    Montegriffo Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2017
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    Last edited: Jan 20, 2021
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  6. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Do YOU trust :flagcanada: ? Why? How so?

    Speak clearly into the microphone please

    Moi :oldman:
    The only normal person here. All others deviate this way or that.
    Welcome status: pending

    Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic,
    regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.

    BTW @Sallyally welcomes anyone, regardless.
  7. Sallyally

    Sallyally Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 12, 2017
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    You’re a grumpy old man, Moi.
  8. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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  9. Dr.Phibes

    Dr.Phibes Newly Registered

    Jan 17, 2021
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    What do you mean by "trust" Canada?

    Do I trust they are governed by a psychotic, self-absorbed, self-entitled frat boy that has the sense of a pile of dog crap?

    Do I trust that Truderp is corrupt and as dangerous and destructive for Canada as they Dems are for the USA?

    Do I trust that Trudumb has relentlessly proven time and time again what a useless, racist, hate-mongering sellout he is?

    Do I trust that the Canadian government needs an overhaul in the most severe way possible?

    Do I trust the current Canadian government to take care of it's people and trade, instead of selling them out to foreign countries?

    Do I trust the Canadian government to give it's people what is needed to make them capable and self-sufficient people?

    Hope that answers your questions.
    Abby and FatBack like this.
  10. Sallyally

    Sallyally Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 12, 2017
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    You are now Moi’s BFF.
    Moi621 and Dr.Phibes like this.
  11. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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  12. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Moi :oldman:

    Support The Dual Wall Solution
  13. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    The plan is working perfectly. this is most pleasing. welcome and please feel free to spread the cheer around. Every little bit helps in advancing down the road to our Great Canadian Destiny of taking over America so divine right to the stanley cup being won by a Canadian team can be fulfilled prennially. Nothing can stop our relentless march.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2021
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  14. Montegriffo

    Montegriffo Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2017
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  15. Dr.Phibes

    Dr.Phibes Newly Registered

    Jan 17, 2021
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    Canada can barely stand on its own as it is. There are some parts of Canada that have been in Red Lockdown since before Christmas, and now they are fighting for food. The gov't cut their monthly income for those that don't have a job, so they can barely even afford their utility bills, much less food! The food banks are almost depleted, and it's hard for anyone registered with a food bank to get anything now. There are three times as many potheads and druggies now, as there were before, just for the fact this is the ONLY way they can survive being locked in their dwellings for such an extended period of time with NO gov't assistance or help! I've been sending food rations to my friend in Manitoba for months now, because he does not have the money to pay for his utility bills AND food!

    The gov't funded counselors and psychiatrists are "drowning" in people needing mental help to get through the BS that Trudumb has dumped on them since in office, aside from all this lockdown crap.

    Yeah, Canada's gonna overtake the USA. Uh huh.

    Were you trying to spell "perennially"???

    I like you!
    Abby and Red Lily like this.
  16. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    [​IMG] ~ Welcome to the nut house. Remember there is other stuff here besides politics.
    Curious Always likes this.
  17. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Thank you once again. That sitrep demonstrates exactly how our "lull the rubes" covert communication influence plan is humming along in prefect precision.

    So easy to keep reinforcing American Exceptionalism by ensuring they have no clue how good life actually is everywhere else.

    Seems my dictionary function was turned off on my browser. AS a virulent anti nazi (grammar or goosestepper) I now thumb my nose at your petty attempts to humiliate me. It was touch and go there I'll admit, but steppping up is what I do.
  18. Dr.Phibes

    Dr.Phibes Newly Registered

    Jan 17, 2021
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    All joking and poking each other aside..........
    I really do have a friend in Manitoba, and he keeps me apprised of what's going on up there.
    I realize Canadian gov't works different from the US gov't, but they are similar in many ways.
    I find that if I'm going to open my yap about anything with particulars, it's best I have an
    actual source. And for what's going on in Canada.....what better source than an actual Canadian?!

    I really hope you don't think I'm trying to humiliate you! I just haven't had a "nemesis" in quite a while.
    Especially one that can keep up "jab for jab" and "nitpick for nitpick"! LOL!! I think it's fun to have an opposite to keep you on
    your toes. I have friends that are hard core Dems, and we talk politics and we appreciate each others
    positions and feelings on what's going on. We may jab each other and poke each other with the proverbial
    "stick", but at the end of the day, we still are close friends. That's what America is supposed to be, right?

  19. Curious Always

    Curious Always Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 6, 2016
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    ^^What he said.
    Sallyally likes this.
  20. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I don't believe your characterization of your friend's plight. Our forms of government are not similar, but the values underpinning them are identical.
    And a single anecdotal source of evidence is hardly sufficient to extrapolate to the whole.

    Now worries, its impossible to humiliate me, only I can do that. I have no problems with repartee, in fact I consider it a "fine art", although I am not much of an artist.

    As you may have noticed, I am extremely bigoted against, in no particular order, nazis, holocaust deniers, jew haters, racist of all colors, extreme ethnic nationalists, religious fanatics of all stripes, commies, and anarchists. Since these are all chosen ideologies based on hatred, fear, exclusion and self righteous superiority, I consider their adherence to reflect their character and therefore are relegated to the cesspools of society. I treat those that I encounter who espouse such putrid dehumanizing garbage with the same disdain, disgust, animus and adamancy as they harbor for the "objects" of their poison.
    The one exception to this are pedophiles, who I believe should be eliminated from the gene pool, regardless of any justification.

    I say the above not to virtue signal but to explain where I'm coming from and where I am going. Apart from that I'm a Canadian Liberal, or in American terms slightly left of Marx.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
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  21. Sallyally

    Sallyally Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 12, 2017
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    What’s your star sign?
  22. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    May 1, Taurean. A typical one according to the missus. I wouldn't know.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
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  23. Dr.Phibes

    Dr.Phibes Newly Registered

    Jan 17, 2021
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    Well, my friend isn't really politically inclined, but he does keep me apprised of what goes on up there. But I'm sure the Canadian media is like all other medias on this planet, they report what they want the public to hear. But I take it all with a grain of salt, since I do not live up there and only have a one sided source. Maybe when I have some questions about Canada's legal system or politics, I can get your views as well as my friends. He is definitely not a liberal. I don't think he's figured out what ideology he sides with yet, to tell the truth.

    I can understand your feelings towards those who hate for the sake of hating, or for any reason at all. offense meant here......aren't you doing the same thing that they do? I understand the hate for the haters, but doesn't that make you one of them? I think this could be a conversation for a thread on its own....possibly?

    I was friends with someone for almost 20 years. In 2015, she asked who I was voting for. I told her Trump. She told me she couldn't be my friend anymore. I found this very hypocritical of her, seeing as she has been understanding of pretty much every person she's come in contact with, regardless of their race, religion, or background. I asked her why she didn't want to be friends anymore. She said because she couldn't be friends with someone who is voting for someone who hates people that don't think and act like they do! I had to laugh (not the ha ha laugh, but the sick at my stomach laugh) because she was being the exact type of person she was claiming Trump to be, and she had never even met this man or listened to any of his speeches at that time, and she just went along with all the lies the media was spewing out. I was sad to lose her, but if she wanted to play that game, then I was more than happy to be rid of her. I have enough in my life to deal with, without someone playing head games with me.

    You don't think it's hypocritical to hate people who hate? I just pretend they aren't there. I used to hate people that I thought weren't worthy of walking this planet, but I realized one day that was eating me up. Even though I thought I felt good medically and mentally, I was diagnosed with extreme anxiety and a high level of depression. And most of that was coming from holding onto the animosity I had for stupid people and the ignorance they wallowed in, and spread around. I have some extremely wise friends, so I talked to them, and after coming to an internal conclusion, I decided to simply ignore these people. Treat them like they don't exist at all. The best thing I could do, was to use what knowledge and wisdom I've hopefully gained in my life, to erase some of the stupidity they keep spreading.

    But I also had to learn that there are stupid people, and there are ignorant people. Stupid people wallow in their stupidity. They LOVE their stupidity. They know what they know, and thats ALL they are going to know. You will never, ever change their small, closed minds on anything. People who are ignorant just haven't LEARNED yet. Their minds aren't necessarily open, but you have to make sense to them for them to want to hear more. They are open to learn, you just have to "speak their language" in order for them to "get it" and learn. And it feels so good to teach someone to open their minds and seek out new thoughts and search for information to answer their questions!

    Another thing I've learned, is to give people three chances. "Three strikes and you're out", as I call it. This has worked well for me. If someone shows even the slightest interest in learning, I want to be there for them. It's a hard enough life, without living a life full of questions and nobody there to listen to you or answer your questions. I've always been full of questions. And I don't get my knowledge from books.....I've talked to actual people all of my life. I've talked to people on the street, coworkers, family, friends, teachers, police, lawyers, and college professors. Anybody that will talk with me, I'll talk their ears off! I'm not scared to ask someone a question about anything they are interested in or have views on. As far as the ignorant go, maybe they've gotten bad information, or have only had the media to rely on. I've helped a few younger people with their issues, answering questions, letting them get things off their chests, and I can say it really has helped them quite a lot. They've made their mistakes in life, but they did it with open eyes, instead of wandering around blind.

    As you have no time for haters, I have no time for stupid. But ignorance is something I can help change. Anyone with wisdom and knowledge (even if it's limited at the time) should be able to help the younger sets that WANT to learn, and WANT to know, and have tons of questions! I despise people that don't have time for their kids! I get extremely angry when I see a parent brush off a kids question. To me, that is mental child abuse.

    As for pedophiles, rapists, and animal abusers.....well, I'd get banned if I told you what I want done to them.
    Especially animal abusers! Humans create their own misery and have the option of doing something or not doing something.
    Animals don't have that option. We are supposed to be the "higher intelligence" on this planet, so it's our job to take care of them all.

    I'm not perfect, I put both feet in my mouth sometimes, I get in bad moods, I say stupid things sometimes, and I come across as a total bitch once in a while, but I try to learn a little something from everybody I talk too, I try to keep myself calm and not let all my problems get me in a state where I get to the "bitch" point. I'm Southern (USA). I'm opinionated, I'm sarcastic, I can say things that lots of people take in many different ways, but I try to always be civilized enough to "take my own medicine" when I have to, and excuse my dumba**ed behavior when needed. I was raised by my grandma, and she did NOT put up with any BS!!

    I tell my friends if I ever, EVER offend them, they can punch my arm, kick my shin, or "get in my face" about it. Because I sure as hell don't ever want to offend my friends! We verbally jab each other, and talk about many different subjects that people aren't supposed to talk about, but it's all in debate form, even when we shout. But at the end of the day, we are all still friends. And that is why we've all been friends for such a very, very long time!

    I was lucky enough to be in a high school with some freeking awesome teachers, that not only taught us "book learnin", but talked to us like human beings, answered our questions, and told us about the real world and what goes on in it. And it just so happened, I graduated the year before public schools were all changed for the worse/worst (still can't get that one right).

    One of these awesome teachers was my Sociology teacher. She told us that all political systems/governments/philosophies all have their good points and bad points. It's just up to those in power, to decide which points are going to take them in the direction they want.

    Geez......yack, yack, yack!!! I'll shut up now.

    Sallyally and James California like this.
  24. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    while we have politically biased media here, the discourse is entirely different. A multi party system provides multiple perspectives and biases. Attempts to create "fox news" types have failed dismally.

    I am well aware. As I mentioned, I am completely comfortable in my bigotry and yes it does make me a hater.

    My personal philosophy includes the golden rule and its corollary.

    Do unto others as they do unto others before they do unto you.

    IOW, I project upon them a reflection of themselves.

    Another interesting anecdote.
    Some people attribute the same character traits to all the supporters of their leader, in this case a charismatic narcissistic sociopath. This is natural and perhaps a tad of self awareness might help here.

    No its not hypocritical, because I am open and above board. I recognize that hate is a common human emotion. My hatred isn't consuming. And I only exercise it, when I encounter or search out the objects of it. I was VERY aggressive in my holocaust denier bashing (intellectually of course) back in the day when it was an big thing in fascist nationalist jew hating circles and in the courts.

    I agree there are a lot of stupid people in this world. I define stupid as genetically limited in intelligence as further defined as the ability to acquire, process, retain and apply knowledge. Of course this is a relative measure but technically the bottom two quintile are stupid. Thats roughly 3 billion people.

    Ignorance is a condition we all suffer from. Again, some less than others. Too big a chunk of humanity is challenged by underdeveloped or unattainable critical thinking and creative problem solving skills. To me the biggest "thought crime" is willful ignorance.

    One of my management rules was make a mistake the first time, okay noted learn move on, make the same mistake the second time, sit down and let's talk, make it a third time - thank you for your efforts, goodbye.

    I appear to be kindred spirit in many ways if not politically. My family has banned me from talking international politics with the waiter from Hunan, but they put up with my hour long conversations with the JW's at the door. :)

    I "retired" at 40 to have time for my kids. My peers and friends thought I was insane. My family and I had the time of our lives. No matter how many riches I may have given up or most definitely spent, I shall forever be a wealthy man because of that decision.

    Definitely a kindred spirit. Cheers.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2021
  25. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    ~ I just tell people I voted for Putin. :aww:
    Abby and Jonsa like this.

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