Why libertarianism isn't conservatism

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by aCultureWarrior, Sep 19, 2021.

  1. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    No, it is your subject. You thought steel has to melt into a puddle before it bends, and I showed you how flawed such thinking is. Of course 911 has nothing to do with the topic of the thread, which is ok since the OP has managed to destroy his own thread.

    Pfffftt........ Sleep well
  2. EMH

    EMH Banned

    Jul 16, 2021
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    A true believer of any religion tends to reject libertarianism because a true believer is a one source parrot who really never thinks or asks questions. Anyone who analyzes size of government issues quickly does become a libertarian, because whether it is education or health care or housing, the more government gets involved, the worse everything gets....
  3. EMH

    EMH Banned

    Jul 16, 2021
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    You just flat out lied.

    I never claimed steel has to melt to bend. Steel bends in the gym on the bench press at 315.

    Zionist 911 traitors cannot explain the river of 2200F molten steel that poured out of the south tower.

    Hence, they lie, they change the subject, they twist words, and attempt to censor....
  4. aCultureWarrior

    aCultureWarrior Active Member

    Feb 22, 2016
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    Just because God says that it's wrong for libertarians to buggerize their own gender, doesn't mean that His followers can't investigate why for themselves and back His Words with scientific evidence.


    Anyone with a half of brain knows that the size of government skyrockets because it has to get involved in libertarian social policies because drug addicts, homosexuals, pornographers and prostitutes breed crime and the need for social programs.
  5. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Have you given any thought to opening a thread about the evil zionits, farenheits, word twisting and the molten steel conspiracy?
  6. EMH

    EMH Banned

    Jul 16, 2021
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    You keep equating libertarians with homos. The vast majority of libertarians are not homos, and the vast majority of homos are with you, W, Obama, and other left wing supporters of big government.

    Drug addicts have always been around. Jews say Jesus was a drug addict, addicted to alcohol and sex. The difference between you and I is that you seem obsessed that you "know better" than others and hence support big government intervention to enforce behavioral purity, even policing thought. You are not a democrat (small d) because you hate free speech, just like CRT supporters. You bring in the cops and the lawyers and phony drug tests and you have been bleeding American taxpayers for four decades with absolutely no progress at all. Your approach failed, and you want more of it....

    Libertarians can be quite harsh on those who abuse the greatness of America = freedom, democracy, privacy, due process, capitalism. You will find many libertarians like me who support a legal definition of

    Worthless societal liability

    Roughly defined as 10 years where an American does nothing but crime, time, dope, begging, trespassing, and fails to demonstrate anything but "societal liability." Such individual will never do anything good, they will only do harm and cost the taxpayer. 10 years is enough. Off 'em.
  7. EMH

    EMH Banned

    Jul 16, 2021
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    Oops, responding to the bottom of the last post....

    Tell us how 600F burning jet fuel cause 2200F molten steel to pour out of the south tower....
  8. aCultureWarrior

    aCultureWarrior Active Member

    Feb 22, 2016
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    You had stated

    EMH said:
    A true believer of any religion tends to reject libertarianism because a true believer is a one source parrot who really never thinks or asks questions.

    I used the health hazards of homosexuality to debunk yet another libertarian lie, showing that followers of Christ can investigate for themselves why God condemns certain behaviors.

    Now about libertarianism and homosexuality:

    Those that embrace libertarian ideology far out number those that identify as homosexual, but let me point out that there wasn't any outcry from Ron Paul's libertarian supporters when he crossed Party lines and voted to allow openly homosexual men and women to serve in the military.
    House Votes to Repeal Military Gay Ban | Fox News

    Had you or any of your sock puppet accounts replied to my "Seattle is Dying" video, we could have discussed how recreational drug use is an out of control cancer in the US, but I do have to hand it to you libertarians: you do know your limitations when it comes to debate.

    Regarding your HATRED of Judeo-Christian doctrine: Was the childhood trauma that you experienced brought on by a homosexual priest or clergy, as that is often times the case with those that have a foaming at the mouth HATRED of God.

    Without a doubt you know how destructive libertarian policies are, but your HATRED of mankind and hence wanting to see them suffer as you did and currently are, blinds you to that.

    You just defined the outcome of libertarianism in action in a nutshell, but tell me, why would you want to murder your brethren?

    Wait, are you saying that "discipline" needs to be used when engaging in libertarian behaviors?

    Does this mean that we can finally have the "discipline" discussion that you didn't want to talk about at the other forum?
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2021
  9. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Anyone who tried to explain libertarian views to that guy is a homo to him, because he is obsessed with gays. Him, and his like-minded lslamists, want a religious police force to make sure everyone behaves according to religious law. We saw what religious authoritarianism did when Taliban was in power 1996-2000, or ISIS when they controlled parts of Syria, or inquisition in Europe etc, so that's a "no thanks" from me. Jesus taught faith is a matter between an individual and God. Christianity was never meant to be a matter between oppressive government and the people. Old Mosaic law was more authoritarian, but as the Bible explains, God created a new covenant between Himself and the faithful, and it made the old law obsolete: "By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear."

    Jet fuel burns much hotter than that, and is more than enough to weaken steel which was the case in 911. You are regurgitating a debunked conspiracy theory and it has NOTHING to do with the topic of the thread.
  10. EMH

    EMH Banned

    Jul 16, 2021
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    The American drug problem has gotten worse since the drug war started. Those are not libertarian policies. Those are your fascist big government policies. How much have we spent on the drug war? What good has the drug war done?

    Does the drug war stop drug use? No
    Does the drug war stop drugs from coming into America ? No
    What has happened to drug use since the start of the drug war? Drugs have become more dangerous and addictive to get around the law. Crack, X, now opium pills are all side effects of trying to force your sick will on others.

    Cite one good thing the drug war has done....

    The Seattle is dying video is 100% on you and W, supporters of the drug war and w socializing senior drugs and hence flooding high schools with opium pills.

    There has been no libertarianism in US drug policy at all, and THAT is why Seattle has so many street druggies who get taxpayer handouts and can just sit there, day after day, doing dope and getting handouts. Libertarians are vehemently opposed to handouts, including your taxpayer funded pills.

    Ron Paul is a pseudo libertarian which is why he could not get 10% in a NH primary. Ron Paul defends the confederacy. Ron Paul told supporters not to support Bob Barr, who is a more authentic libertarian than Paul. Ron Paul as the "face of libertarianism" was a disaster for the libertarians for the above reasons and because Ron Paul is not personable or likeable. Supporters of Ron Paul cannot define the word libertarian, just as you cannot define the word conservative.

    Jews like Albert Einstein were/are fantastic Americans. Jews like Chris Wray, Biden, Rupert Murdoch, Dick Cheney, and Adam Schiff are 180 degrees the opposite.

    I have no problem with the sane practice of religion.

    People who think the US exist to serve another country like Israel are not patriotic Americans and should be purged on that basis.

    People who think war in the Middle East will result in Jesus floating down from the clouds are sub humans with IQ under 5....
    Bob Newhart likes this.
  11. EMH

    EMH Banned

    Jul 16, 2021
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    Nice try. Open air jet fuel burns at 600F and the vast majority of the jet fuel of the plane (767 cargo version) that hit the south tower exited the other side in a massive orange fireball.

    The river of molten steel that poured out of the south tower was caused by thermite because both towers and 7 were subjected to controlled demolition....
  12. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Cheney is Methodist, Murdock & Biden are Catholic, so what do you mean "Jews like them"?

    Einstein was a fine person of course, but he was a US Citizen only for about 10 years.
  13. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Why don't you just look up the facts about it, as opposed to parroting nonsense from conspiracy theorists. Jet fuel open air burning temp is 1,890F, and apparently it can be much higher that that. Who told you it burns at 600F? Do you even validate your sources?

    According to
    Aviation Safety Advisory Group
    Resource Guide To Aircraft Fire Fighting & Rescue


    If you don't want to open a thread about your conspiracies, then I have nothing further to say about it.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
  14. EMH

    EMH Banned

    Jul 16, 2021
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    Jews lie about being Jews. That is why some in history went at great length to identify Jews as Jews.

    Dick Cheney is a Zionist Jew who masquerades as a Methodist.

    Murdoch is really obvious, media magnate etc. ironically all of the so-called "coalition of the willing" aka countries fooled by 911 were countries where Murdoch owned major media property. Murdoch was 100% for Bill "finish the Zionist, not American, "job" in Iraq" Clinton in 1992, and only after Clinton double crossed Zionism and did not invent a bogus reason to invade Iraq did Murdoch turn on him.

    Joe Biden was W's #1 Dem supporter

    For Iraq
    For afghan
    For GItmo
    For socializing senior drugs
    For flushing $1 trillion into unaccountable public education
    For OPEN borders
    For making "Osama" aka CIA/Mossad double agent Col Tim osman "not a priority"
    For flipping off The Northern Alliance and handing the afghan civil war to Taliban

    Ron Wyden is a Jewish dem senator who self IDs as Jewish

    Eric Heiden was a great American speedscater who was Jewish

    Wyden Heiden Biden

    That is how Jewish names work

    Bell Dell Sell Tell Zell Fells Heller Zoeller

    All of the "republicans for Biden" are Zionist 911 W people.

    Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, all the Zionist billionaires were for Biden....

    Everyone who vehemently supported invading Iraq over 100% pure lies is for Biden, or "accepted" the Steal and pretends to oppose (Tucker Carlson, a Jew masquerading as a Catholic).

    Indeed, the Jewish manipulation of American Christian faith is almost absolute in certain areas of the Bible Belt...

    Billy Graham is exhibit A, a Jew fraud of a Christian who pushed


    Every time he preached....
  15. EMH

    EMH Banned

    Jul 16, 2021
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    I am quite aware of just how far your side goes to lie about 911.

    Everyone is free to search for that answer.

    Anyone who thinks an airline engine runs at 1800F is not exactly a genius...

    600F is really the warmest combustion engine possible. Engine parts cannot get "mushy..."

    Nice try.

    Keep the Zionist lies coming....
  16. cabse5

    cabse5 Banned

    Apr 28, 2013
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    What is that quote?
  17. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Rip away, but correction, it's multiple posts, not just one.
  18. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    You don't know? You claimed I said it.
  19. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Well I guess you will wait forever since I have no interest in hunting it up for you. Poor you!
  20. aCultureWarrior

    aCultureWarrior Active Member

    Feb 22, 2016
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    ("That guy" responds).

    You act as if defending homosexuality, incest and bestialty are not noble causes Aaron. Your Libertarian Party Platform and hence libertarianism proudly supports homosexuality, why are you now ashamed of it?

    If anyone hasn't noticed that this ploy is the number #1 tactic used by libertarian/LGBT activists, then you're not paying attention. If you're against that "infamous crime against nature", a behavior that has brought AIDS and death to countless homosexuals, and believe that institituions like marriage, the family, youth mentor groups, Education, the military, civil government and the Church are invaluable to society and that Aaron's beloved LGBT movement only destroys them, then you must be a member of the Taliban.

    Sigh, Aaron tries so hard.

    And now, more doctrine from Aaron's LGBT bible: The Queen James Bible....

    I read LGBT propaganda, so let me interpret what Aaron just said:

    "Jesus approves of 'loving' homosexual relationships".

    Notice how libertarians like to banter back and forth over anything that will blow a smokescreen over their evil ideology and political movement. Zionism, 9/11 conspriacy theories are right up there with calling those that stand for decency "the Christian Taliban".
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
  21. aCultureWarrior

    aCultureWarrior Active Member

    Feb 22, 2016
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    LOL...wise choice, as you know that I'd pick your support of libertarian Candace Owens apart.

    More on Owens and Charlie Kirk to come...
  22. aCultureWarrior

    aCultureWarrior Active Member

    Feb 22, 2016
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    Does this mean that you're ready to debate me on the video "Seattle is Dying"?

    Keep in mind that the video is done from a liberal/libertarian perspective and that they won't admit that it's libertarian ideology "It's MY body and I can do with it as I please!" that has caused a city and hence a nation to die.

    Have your 'roommate' watch it with you and you two boyz can come up with some phony excuse how drug use and hence libertarianism hasn't really ruined a city and a nation, but that it's tough on drug policies that have.
  23. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    There is no need for me to be ashamed of something I have nothing to do with. You are obsessed with homosexuality, not me.

    I am just tired of your trolling. Its dishonest as hell. That's all.

    I quoted from the Bible, so this is just more childish name calling, and more lies.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
  24. aCultureWarrior

    aCultureWarrior Active Member

    Feb 22, 2016
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    As stated earlier, I want to expose Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk's organization "Turning Point USA" as a libertarian front, passing itself off as conservative.

    Their use of words like "freedom" and "liberty" gives it away, as those are libertarian out of context talking points.

    • Educate students about the importance of freedom, free markets, and limited government. With innovative marketing techniques and strategic outreach methods, TPUSA has expanded our presence to include 2,500 high school and college campuses nationwide.

    • Identify student activists across the country who believe in limited government and individual liberty. TPUSA activists are the community organizers of the right.

    • Empower young activists to get involved in the fight for free markets and limited government. Through building strong campus networks, organizing conferences, and equipping activists with the knowledge and strategies needed to combat the left, TPUSA empowers young people to make a difference within their community.

      Our Mission - Turning Point USA (tpusa.com)

      • More on Owens, Kirk and TPUSA to come...
  25. Par10

    Par10 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    Ok, I'm late to the party. I consider myself a conservative leaning libertarian. I disagree with the original premise.
    That would imply that liberals must be liberating something or believe in liberty. That has proven not to be the case as they have shown over and over to want to take from the haves and give to the have nots. That's not liberty for the haves. They also want to control the morality of those who believe differently than they do. That is not liberty for the others.
    A true conservative may want to conserve the Judeo Christian doctrine, but may also want to conserve money, power, or a host of other things.
    In the end, neither of the two parties are true to their name. Both want to control some part of the other side's belief system. The abortion/covid vaccine debate is a great example.

    Why I consider myself a libertarian.
    I am pro-choice up to a point. My personal point is 20 weeks. After that, I believe it is murder but I could be swayed due to unforeseen issues like genetic defects or the impending Death of the mother.
    I believe that my choices in life has led to my personal success and the government shouldn't be allowed to take from me in order to give to those who have made bad choices. With that said, I think people need some level of a safety net although you shouldn't be allowed to permanently live there. I'm perfectly happy to help others get on their feet but they need to have a plan to get out of the system and the system should help and guide them to do that.
    If you want to destroy your body, that's your business. However, some drugs are not good for society. Make pot legal and use every resource available to destroy the cartels that push the truly destructive stuff.
    Believe in whatever God, god, spirit you want but it should have no bearing on public policy. Additionally, people shouldn't get butt hurt over having to look at a cross or baby Jesus.
    Racism is not a cure for racism.
    Statues are not evil. If you don't like it, put up a plaque or something that explains why you think it is bad. Teach instead of tear down.
    Southerners, hillbillies, and hippies have a culture that should be celebrated just as much as black culture, gay culture, or Hispanic culture. If you don't like it, ignore it.
    I welcome everyone to immigrate to this great country. I expect them to do it legally and I expect the politicians to enforce the laws that they make.

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