How policy of FDR and Truman administrations toward communism was mismanaged

Discussion in 'History & Past Politicians' started by Anonymous.Professor, Jan 17, 2020.

  1. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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    Nixon built his career on anti-communism, and dirty politics. Before he became VP, he was close to McCarthy, the closest after Roy Cohn (who was a real piece of work). Ike told Nixon to attack McCarthy. It's unlikely he wanted to, but his personal ambition came first.

    You seem to be saying we should have fought in China. That's a non-starter for a number of reasons. The public wouldn't have supported sending massive amounts of soldiers at that time. Chiang got the crap kicked out of him, we would have had to do the bulk of the fighting. And the last thing? We are still in Korea, generations later. Holding onto a country that doesn't want you, when it's the size of China? That's nuts.

    Ike? Weak? Fearful? That's beyond dumb. Ike didn't want another war, and he pulled it off. That's a good thing.

    In the 1950s, France sent their best military guy to Vietnam. They wanted to keep it as a colony. His report said it couldn't be done, not even with 500,000 men. We would later prove him correct.

    Russia AND China would have gotten directly involved if we had invaded North Vietnam. That's why we didn't..

    It would not have been a disaster. Vietnam and Korea were of no importance. Countries look to their own interests, and neither country would have negatively impacted any country that was an ally.

    That was an astonishingly bad post.
  2. Anonymous.Professor

    Anonymous.Professor Newly Registered

    Jan 9, 2020
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    Americans were of course not ready for an intervention in China in 1945 or 1946 because communism was painted to rosy by Roosevelt and his companions.

    Loss of China was a major cold war defeat. Communism won over quite some more countries later in 60s and 70s in Asia and Africa. Some were taken over also by Chinese help. Tibet already in 1951. In this case it was in fact another direction of communist expansion. Main target was at that time Korea.
  3. Farnsworth

    Farnsworth Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2010
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    Rubbish.You got banned, so won't bother parsing your post.

    Ike's over-cautious approach to foreign policy is well enough documented to not need any explanation, and most of the anti-Roosevelt nonsense is specious gossip and merely ideological smearing anyway.
    Last edited: May 24, 2022
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  4. Anonymous.Professor

    Anonymous.Professor Newly Registered

    Jan 9, 2020
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    I add this short documentary to demonstrate how red China used Korean war to expand in to Tibet.

  5. JohnHamilton

    JohnHamilton Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2022
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    The most effective period during the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt was World War II. His top down style of running the Federal Government worked because that was what was required to produce the resources that were needed to win the war.

    His Great Depression era policies made some people feel better because "he was doing something," but high taxes on job creators and phony ways to reduce the supply of goods to boost prices only made things worse. It was a prime example of what "educated fools" can do to the economy when crack pot theories are made into policy.

    Piglets Squeal.jpg

    One example was the killing of "farm surpluses" to drive up prices when people were going hungry during the Great Depression.

    FDR NRA R.jpg FDR NRA O.jpg

    Another was the NRA which encouraged business to collude to fix prices higher. When a Jewish poultry plant in Brooklyn, New York offered dressed chickens at lower prices that those established by the NRA, the Government sued them. That led to the Supreme Court decision which put the NRA out of business. The New Deal far leftists complained about that for decades.
  6. Farnsworth

    Farnsworth Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2010
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    Rubbish. Those work programs kept food on peoples' tables, roof over the heads of millions, and subsidized a whole lot of businesses and farms that would have failed. All the wealthy 'conservatives' had to offer was hiding out behind the walls of their private estates and private armies screaming for the Feds to start shooting down all those uppity proles who refuse to go somewhere and quietly starve to death and not disturb the criminals who caused the Depression in the first place. Most of the floors on wages and prices was a necessary action, despite all the hindsight sniveling from libertoons and right wingers and their hobby of FDR bashing, His election alone started the growth of GDP upward for the next 5-6 years, a small drop during the Supreme Court battles in 1937, then after after a few months back up again, to pre-Depression levels. He was elected four time for a good reason, he was a much better choice than the GOP ever offered re policies.

    It would have been better if he had prosecuted a lot more of the thieves who caused the Depression of course, but neither Party really does that; Obama didn't, neither did Reagan or the Bushes, nor Nixon, unless the culprits ripped off a lot of rich people, the only reason Madoff went to prison and all those crooked bankers and CEO's got off with giant bonuses.

    But keep on deflecting from the abject failure of 'laissez faire' policies that caused his election to four terms in a row; it's obvious the far right and the GOP only have nothing burgers to rely on. They can't even beat total loons like AOC and Beto by more than single digit margins.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2022
  7. Anonymous.Professor

    Anonymous.Professor Newly Registered

    Jan 9, 2020
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    The FDR administration did prepare USA for war which was inevitable taking into the account the nature of both totalitarian regimes National socialism and communism.

    However if USA was defending free world and with it itself at the end the Job was only badly done because of communist infiltration in USA government. World after WW2 was not more free that happened only with the victory in cold war.

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