If step 1 of revitalizing the American Economy was outsourcing manufacturing, what was step 2?

Discussion in 'Economics & Trade' started by yangforward, Apr 30, 2024.


What was step 2?

  1. set up a large trading bloc called BRICS and leave ourselves out of it

    1 vote(s)
  2. start lots of wars

    1 vote(s)
  3. flood the country with immigrants

    1 vote(s)
  4. create fake jobs to hide the unemployment and run up a huge national debt

    1 vote(s)
  5. what do you think step 2 is?

    1 vote(s)
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  1. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    I'm not sure we should have got rid of our manufacturing before
    we had something to replace it, to:
    1 give people useful or meaningful work
    2 keep the balance of trade balanced, and the national debt controlled

    We're hoping to have three major wars or proxy wars
    all at the same time and not manufacturing enough
    munitions for even one.

    I really hate seeing this country destroy itself.
    DennisTate likes this.
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Am I an idiot to think that there may be some valid comparison between the

    2010 lecture by Bill Gates entitled "Innovating to zero" with the book "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler?????

    After all.... there is just no easy way to take the world population of six point eight billion in 2010 down to two or three billion people......

    as Philantropist and MONOPOLIST Bill Gates has been advocating????????

    The implications of his lecture sound so serious to me...........

    that I can't help but make a rather APOCALYPTIC comparison...... to at least some degree???????

    Is Bill Gates the rider on the White Horse of Revelation six?

    And on that note.....

    is Mr. Bill Gates pretty good at getting less that entirely altruistic and courageous political leaders to cooperate with his schemes???????

    It does somewhat seem like it doesn't it????????

    Do Biden's advisors and Trudeau's advisors seem to want to crash the markets?

    It almost seems like I am not the only person who is beginning to get a bit suspicious of Biden and Trudeau????????

    Do Biden's advisors want to create an economic crisis?

    1. No
      9 vote(s)
    2. *
      11 vote(s)

    3. I certainly hope not????
      2 vote(s)

    4. I hope so... because I know how to invest no matter which way this goes!
      0 vote(s)
    Change Your Vote


    Last edited: May 1, 2024
  3. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    I think this is a great question, or observation.

    Step 2, it could be said, was massive amounts of immigration. So take away the manufacturing jobs, which provided good paying employment for lower educated workers and engineers, and then bring in lots of immigrants to compete with those same groups of Americans, after many of those jobs had been shipped overseas.

    It's a double whammy

    I remember from around 1999 to 2007, there was actually this mentality, pushed in the media and academic papers, that all Americans needed to go to college so they could rise up in the pyramid, and meanwhile America would just bring in immigrants to do all the "lower level" jobs.

    It sounds absurd now, and unrealistic, clearly an economic pyramid scheme, but that was the actual thinking then, by experts and politicians, and you couldn't convince them otherwise.
    The Left totally seemed to buy into it, because it meant more funding for colleges, more money for the intellectuals of the Left, and of course they thought they could use that to their advantage and also indoctrinate a whole generation. Government would give more money to colleges, and immigrants would give them votes.

    The business interests that dominated the Republican party supported it because they could cut wages, lower business expenses, and the vast supply of immigrant labor weakened the bargaining power of unions, well actually beyond that, most worker unions ended up completely decimated by the time the 90s came to a close.

    So the leaders benefitted, you could say.
    Last edited: May 2, 2024
    yangforward and DennisTate like this.
  4. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    Yes, I define that as neoliberalism, global competition, and it benefits
    company owners and company employees lose their incomes.

    Donald Trump stood out because he said things against sending
    our jobs out of the country, but the entire owning class including
    a lot in his own government were against him, so he didn't get very

    The problem with Joe Biden is he is both a neoliberal and a neocon,
    so he gives away jobs and starts wars.

    We are going to have to do something radical to get the country
    back to where it was in the early 1960s.
    DennisTate likes this.

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