So You Want To Talk RACE RELATIONS, huh ? OK.

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by protectionist, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    "Whites" did not do anything to slaves in America. Slavery in America was just in the South, and even there only a tiny minority of Whites had slaves. I wouldn't doubt if 99% of White southerners before 1865, ever had a slave, and most probably never even saw one. Many White southerners were more poor then the slaves were (who generally got good food, medical care, full sets of clothes including shoes, and even occasionally got recreational things like fishing rods and banjos and fiddles). Photos of White Confederate soldiers show hundreds of them barefoot. Those who got uniforms with boots often were quoted as saying "This is the best suit of clothes I've ever had".
  2. LoneLaugher

    LoneLaugher New Member

    Jul 14, 2013
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    Is it weird or is it goofball?

    I find it incredible that you are blaming your station in life on affirmative action. You are claiming that being a white dude has been a major disadvantage for you. It is a joke. It must be.
  3. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Ex-Justice Department official: Agency tainted by ‘racial favoritism’

    They think it's OK because the Justice Dept is doing it themselves. Check out the link above.
  4. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    Here's how long society is supposed to institute AA laws >> Never.

    AMEN !!!
  5. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    I brought it up as part of a discussion of affirmative action. You brought it up just as an attack on me personally, which BTW is a violation of forum rules. Start your own thread if you want to talk about tax money paying for college aid.
  6. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    Yeah ? WHY "must" it be ? Because everything you've been taught is that every White dude is rich, and every Black dude is poor, and therefore every White person is guilty of ripping off every Black person ? Or something as ludicrous as that. And maybe you've been brainwashed that every "bad" White person should payoff every "good" Black person ? Is that somewhere near to the brain trash you've been fed ?

    Not only has being a White dude been a major disadvantage to me, it has eliminated my chances to succeed through 50 years of my worklife, and now in retirement, it will continue to damage me since my Social Security benefit amount is reduced because of the lower paying jobs I've had to get (because of AA). And it's not just me. It's hundreds of Millions of White people (males & females) and Asians too, for the past 50 years. And during this time, Blacks have had it easy with AA, preference for jobs, promotions, college admissions, open admissions, watered down college courses, etc. You heard right. :nod:
  7. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    So Ondray Harris says "We'll get to the bottom of it". OK. So what is he doing about Thomas Battles and his anti-white racism in the CRS ? Will we see him fired, or more of his organized protests against George Zimmerman (with US tax $$$)
  8. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    It is not a personal attack, it was a critique of your opinion. Different. Resume thread, as long as you are OK with discrimination, just had to make it clear. It is not racial, but class discrimination is still discrimination.
  9. septimine

    septimine New Member

    Feb 18, 2012
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    Yet the black unemployment rate has been higher than the white unemployment rate for decades. I don't doubt your personal story (though I admit I have a hard time figuring out what you would have gone to grad school in), but one sample is poor statistics, and I don't think you can take your personal history and multiply it by the entire white population of the USA. I don't think it's that simple. Some people have been denied because of AA, some just suck at their jobs, some just have really bad luck.
    Not only has being a White dude been a major disadvantage to me, it has eliminated my chances to succeed through 50 years of my worklife, and now in retirement, it will continue to damage me since my Social Security benefit amount is reduced because of the lower paying jobs I've had to get (because of AA). And it's not just me. It's hundreds of Millions of White people (males & females) and Asians too, for the past 50 years. And during this time, Blacks have had it easy with AA, preference for jobs, promotions, college admissions, open admissions, watered down college courses, etc. You heard right. :nod:[/QUOTE]

    Actually, by supreme court decision, you can't simply let a black into college because he's black.

    It might have worked that way in the 1970's or the 1980's, but the law says that race alone cannot be the reason for admitting someone to college. It can't even be the primary reason for the admission.

    As far as work, if there's a test, and no blacks pass it, the test is still valid.
  10. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    The fact that you have achieved as little as you have achieved, is not because of discrimination. Perhaps you should look up and read "The Peter Principle."

    There is no subject, just your whining because you believe that a black person succeeding means that a white person must have been forced to lose. but, there is no evidence to support that "theory." just your belief that no person of color can possibly be superior to a white person.
  11. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    When we get rid of Affirmative Action Government Institutionalized Racial Discrimination, you will actually Help Blacks in a number of Ways:

    0] Because Blacks will know from an early age, they have to produce, or be eliminated, they will focus much more on education and early entry level jobs.

    1] Blacks have among their population, people with talent in every field, just like every other "Race". With AA gone, the Correct Blacks, the ones with Talent, will be getting the Degrees, Jobs, Promotions, etc, instead of anyone with the PC skin tone. This means that those Blacks in the positions will be the right person for the job, and succeed.

    2] After a few decades of AA being gone, only those Blacks with Talent will be in the jobs/have the degree to which they have true talent, and employers will start to TRUST that a Black Person with a degree is more than a Race-Token. Because of this, they will be trusted with positions/projects which are important. The trust of Co-workers and Subordinates will also grow over time.

    3] After a few decades of AA being gone, Those White Employers, who having been significantly denied and damaged by AA policies, and have been "Cutting a Break" to whites, in effect counter discriminating, not because they hate Blacks, but because they feel the Injustice of AA needs to be countered,...

    After a few Decades, these people will not longer feel they need to act to counter AA, and begin seeing Blacks as just another person, who happens to have a different skin tone, in much the same way we all see different eye or hair color.

    4] Blacks will be able to have Confidence and Pride in their accomplishments and positions, because they will KNOW that they did not get them just as Race-Tokens, but because they have been EARNED!

    I don't think I even need to go into the ways and reasons that getting rid of Racial Preferences will benefit Low Income Whites, but I would point out that every statement I've made above about Blacks could be made about Women, or Hispanics.

    In fact, the ONLY people who will lose when we get rid of Institutionalized Discrimination, is the Liberals who have been Politically Profiteering from the Discrimination Pandering.

    The only way you can justify Never Ending, always increasing AA, is if you:

    A] Believe the receiving groups really are inferior, and need a permanent handi-cap to compete

    B] You want to Pander for Political Profit to a particular group, regardless of the imbalance and injustice it creates.

    The Blatant Corruption and Injustice of Affirmative Action has gone on for three Decades longer than it ever should have.

    It is Past Time for AA to END.

  12. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    So what if it's discrimination ? Discrimination isn't a bad thing necessarily. All depends on how its done. This morning I discriminated between wearing my blue shirt and my green shirt. I chose the blue. You are a racist who seems to support racial discrimination (affirmative action) That's bad. When financial aid is given out by discriminating among who needs it and who doesn't, that's good.
  13. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    You are OK with discriminating against people depending on where their parents were in life then? That is basically what you are saying, it doesn't check to see if the kids are rich, just their parents. Depending on your age, they dont care if your parents dont help you they count it, so basically they judge you by the standards of your parents.

    I am not in favor of AA, I am going to show you that you are in a few quick steps though.
  14. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    I don't believe stated unemployment rates. And even if Black unemployment is higher than whites, that could be partially because of Blacks choosing to not work. And I'm not multiplying anything. I said hundreds of Millions of Whites have been discriminanted against because of their race and WE ALL KNOW IT. I don't have to multiply anything.

    "Actually", yes you can. Here's the first sentence from YOUR LINK >> the usnews.nbcnews article.

    It says "The Supreme Court on Monday allowed affirmative action to survive in college admissions but imposed a tough legal standard, ruling that schools must prove there are “no workable race-neutral alternatives” to achieve diversity on campus."
  15. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    How the hell do YOU know what has caused my work history ? You don't have a clue about that. And where do you get the idea that "a black person succeeding means that a white person must have been forced to lose" is a "theory" ? It's not a theory. It's an everyday FACT, that occurs every hour of every day all across America, every time a Black person is offered a job because he's Black, and a White person who applied for the same job (often better qualified) is denied that job. Same occurs with promotions (as in the Ricci vs DeStefano case, involving firefighters in New Haven, CT) It also occurs every time a Black person succeeds in being admitted to a university, causing a White person to be denied. Malicious racial discrimination, an dif you support it, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

    And where do you get this weird idea that I believe "no person of color can possibly be superior to a white person" ? I never said that, and I happen to be a person of color myself.
  16. Cassius

    Cassius New Member

    May 17, 2013
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    Well put, good sir. You seem to be the only moderate voice on this thread.
  17. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    You're talking ridiculous/ I am in favor of affirmative action if/whenever it's based on financial need, and so are the great majority of people. As I've known it, it was based on your household income. Reason why the parents' income is involved was because most 18 year olds still live at home with their parents and don't work (just go to school) , so the parent's income is their income. Get it ? Now that this has been explained to you, you can forget some loony idea of trying to accuse me of being an affirmative action supporter, in general.. If you do, that will be harassment, and I will report it to the forum (fair warning) Don't play games. Be truthful. :nod:
  18. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    How is what he saying any different that what the OP, myself, and several other saying?

    He said, to paraphrase, all discrimination, pro or against any race is bad... i.e. Affirmative Action needs to go.

    He's not the first or the only voice saying that.

  19. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Ok so it is about parents income. So already it favors Hispanics and blacks at the expense of whites. Right? Where were most black parents born before civil rights? Poor? Rich? Well off? Broke? was for the same idea to pay for the disadvantage.

    And no, using the majority doesnt help, the majority likes affirmative action. AA can use the same rationalization you do. Anyone can rationalize what is good for then is good for the country. It is called directors law.

    I will cut it short though because I now you do like to cry to the mods if anyone disagrees with you.
  20. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Dude, been communicating with you here. Doesn't take a security engineer with a masters in AI and 30 years experience to figure out who and what your are.

    But, I guess you're right about one thing, if we'd just keep those blacks out of school and quit hiring them then maybe, just maybe you could get a better job. But you know something? Same thing would happen all over again.

    You'd do something stupid, say something stupid and end up getting fired. Except this time you wouldn't have "them" to blame it on.

    Affirmative action is not a problem in this country. Quotas were a problem and quotas were rightly found to be illegal but recruiting qualified applicants from all racial and ethnic and both genders, and even sexual orientation is a problem only to unqualified and not to bright white people.

    From 1502 to 1965 white people on this continent got the advantage in education, employment, business, access to capital, legal protection, housing, health care, and the rest for no other reason that being white.

    The pendulum has swung slightly more towards the middle. Live with it.
  21. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    "The majority" does NOT like affirmative action. Only Blacks (as racist as they are) like it, and they are severely in the minority. If the idea is to help the "disadvantaged" fine, but we should define the disadvantaged by their economic need, not their skin color. And it's the law, which racial affirmative action is in violation of.
  22. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    You know AA was passed by a majority right? Just like your discrimination policies that you like? That favor minorities an immigrants at the expense of whites in practice?
  23. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    NO, I will NOT "live with it" and you are a racist, for saying that. You support racial discrimination.. What occured from 1502 to 1965, is not the issue. What occured from 1965 to 2013 is the issue, and it has been immoral and illegal racial discrimination by way of affirmative action. Banning quotas but not affirmative action, was nothing but a ploy, designed to make it look like Whites were not being discriminated against. That changed nothing. You see an affirmative action questionnaire ? It's used to hire Blacks based on their race, denying Whites that job, and that is ALL whites, not just unqualified and not too bright ones. BTW, speaking of "not too bright" the word "too" is spelled with 2 o's not just one. :roll:
  24. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    It was not!

    Go read the real history of how Affirmative Action came into existence. It was created by Judicial Activism.

    It was created by the courts, not the legislature.

    Even if it had been created by the Legislature, it has morphed over the years into something completely opposite and outside of what was originally defined.

    We were promised "Strict Scrutiny" by the courts, when they suspended the 14th Amendment Rights of White Males, to create it, but the Courts never followed through.

    AA is the biggest Betrayal of Justice in American History.

  25. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    You need to learn how to construct sentences. One cannot decipher what in hell you're talking about. Your grammar is very poor. As for discrimination based on economic need, I don't care what race gets favored by it, for the most part. I support it because it's correct. Racists are the ones who support things because of race. I'm not one of them

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