Gee Wally.. Why would NASA ever lie?

Discussion in 'Moon Landing' started by Validation Boy, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. Validation Boy

    Validation Boy Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    This OP is not an attempt to propose any theories whatsoever. Questions are not theories. After reading, please enjoy the HQ TV News broadcast segment (linked below, English Translation available) which contains crystal clear footage of multiple items discussed herein.

    What would motivate a Govt funded agency like NASA to lie?

    Who would benefit?

    Would patriotism undergo a huge resurgence if, for example, the Govt were suddenly able to brag to a disenfranchised populous about how NASA had sent human beings safely to the moon and back?

    What if, to rub it in Russia's face, they went ahead and did it 5 more times?

    Do you think anyone would tune in for that?

    Do you think something like that could make the State appear even more powerful and Godlike than it already does?

    Could any money be made from say, (completely rhetorically) faking something like a moon landing?

    Could something such as a Space Program ever realistically be used by the military as a means to justify the confiscation of potentially ALL independently developed technologies not yet known to the public?

    Would Russia really have "Won the Jackpot" in the proverbial Propaganda Lottery, had they exposed America for (completely rhetorically) faking something as monumental as perhaps, a moon landing?

    Would Russia have gained more by exposing America's (possible but highly unlikely) Space hoaxes, or would they have gained more by simply emulating America, subtly validating the notion that the world's two largest superpowers were indeed so Omnipotent in their abilities?

    Then again, Russia never did end up making it there, did they? I guess the one screwup on Apollo 13 made Russia think twice, huh? I just don't get it, though... America had already shown how safe and easy it was to do!

    6 times!

    Of course, NASA held a widely televised press conference a few years back, telling the publuc about how they don't currently possess the technology to safely travel to the moon and back, but that's not going to stop me from believing they did it 6 times in the late 1960's (using Von Braun's then scientifically antiquated 1940's rocket technology.)

    Is it an absolute truth that "Thousands of people would have to be in on it", if something like a moon landing were ever to be staged?

    Have you ever heard of this crazy little thing called Compartmentalization?

    No? Well, how about these other crazy little things called Salaries and Pensions?

    Funny how America & Russia never got around to nuking each other to smithereens, despite 5 decades worth of opportunities and promises to do so. Very, very funny.

    Isn't it also funny how China (the world's Official brand new 3rd Superpower) has very recently joined in on all the fun? Hmm...

    Speaking of China, have you ever seen the multitudes of air bubbles that float up past the Chinese Astronauts and travel off into space in jagged paths during their Space Walks? Crazy. I was always told by my Govt that space is a vacuum. I guess air bubbles (in the vacuum of space) behave exactly as if they were in a giant swimming pool. Heck! I'm amazed at the fact China was able to even successfully bring such neat little air bubbles into orbit with them. That's cool!

    Another thing I learned from watching the Chinese Space Walks is that any equipment or tools you bring outside the spaceship will always appear buoyant and will need to be held down, so they don't float directly upwards. You'll have to physically hold them down between every crank of your space wrench, but that's ok. See, your space suit is way heavier in Space Gravity, so you won't be as buoyant!

    Do people sincerely believe such an overblown Govt agency with so much to gain (and so much to benefit from by perpetuating) would NEVER lie to the public?

    Our Alphabet Soup of Govt agencies are constantly being exposed for fraud and misappropriation of funds. I guess NASA is different, though. They're special.

    Remember, they are at the cutting edge of technology, so obviously they're morally obligated to be 100% honest and transparent to the public.

    I mean, with 10,000+ Satellites in orbit, there should be thousands upon thousands of photographs of the Earth from space. I've looked for them, but unfortunately can't seem to find any Official "non-composite" photos other than the ones from 1969-1972, when we heroically went to the moon and back 6 times in a 4 year span. I'm sure if I look real hard I'll eventually find them, though. I always hope for the best.

    On top of that, we automatically know that any image NASA has given us of the earth from space in more recent years are doctored, as is clearly demonstrated by the fact that the 10,000+ satellites our Govts have floating around up there are nowhere to be seen in any of them. Sure, there are tons of composite shots with partial earth views and one satellite taking up most of the frame, but there aren't any images showing the entire planet surrounded by multiple satellites, let alone 10,000 of them.

    Peep this HQ Chinese Govt Broadcast NEWS package=

    Air bubbles @ 1:59, 2:04, 2:33, 7:17, 9:06-9:12

    Blatant Stage Lighting on wrist mirrors @ 3:57, 4:09, then vanishes

    Inexplicably buoyant equipment @ 4:44 and throughout

    What's reflecting off his face mask @ 7:27-7:58 ???
    (The earth is supposed to be behind them.)

    Observe the look of slightly sped up film throughout only the Space Walk portion of footage.

    Have a wonderful evening, and thanx so much for viewing!!!
  2. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    LOL. There have been conspiracies in our nation's history. This isn't one of them. What is interesting is WHY some human brains refuse to believe facts, and therefore choose to live in a delusional world, of their own making. But such people are numerous, and it's generally a lack of intelligence responsible. You need to celebrate a major achievement in the history of humanity, for yes Alice, it did happen. And man went there several times, which was on small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

    If your delusions continue, please sir, get some mental health, help. For you do have a problem, and it might get more serious as you get older.
  3. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Out of all the conspiracies out there the moon landing is one of the most credible simply from a evidentiary standpoint.

    Also, in order to establish a good conspiracy the most important thing is risk v. reward and there was definitely many reasons for us to get up there before the Soviets.

    The number of people involved could also be done with only a couple of hundred, not thousands. Now its possible that one of the later missions was real but the first one has so, so many flaws in it that its hard to admit its real once you study it.
  4. Validation Boy

    Validation Boy Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    MOD EDIT - Reply to Deleted

    Thank you, kind sir.
  5. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    What 'flaws'?
  6. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    The same ones that have been repeated over and over and over again. The rock with C on it. The fact that shadows stretch in different directions yadda yadda yadda yadd....
  7. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Way to complicated of a subject for a forum post but something you can find out on your own if you start researching it. Photo's, video's, documentation........way too complicated of a subject for here and would need its own thread. The information is all out there though.

    Perhaps its better for new people to this issue to consider why the US would need to try this massive cover-up. Think Cold War and alien conspiracies floating around (another big topic).
  8. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    What would motivate some random internet user to make such an implied insinuation when they have nothing at all to back it up?

    Hardly! The government that instigated this was turfed out, replaced by Nixon who then proceeded to savage NASA and their budget.

    Ludicrous claim. The easiest way to get away with something doesn't involve performing it a further 5 times!

    Well the vast majority of the costs involved the Saturn V rockets. Did you see them all take off? You did?

    Baloney and no.

    Yes, bragging rights for eternity, abject humiliation of the USA. But it never happened and your ridiculous rhetorical questions show a naivety exclusive to blinkered conspiracy claimants.


    You are so hopelessly uninformed, no wonder you can provide such ignorant questions. The Soviets had everything in place. Their N1 heavy launch rocket couldn't get off the ground for a number of well documented reasons. That is the showstopper. Had they managed to get the N1 into orbit, I have no doubt they would have beaten us to the Moon.

    You make this sound like a feasible thing performed by people intending a hoax. Once would have been enough, since the public tired of it before Apollo 13 even launched!

    That is hogwash. They didn't possess the hardware or funds to do it. Equating that to not having already done it is the realm of stupidity.

    Such blinding ignorance. I suppose not having any idea of what was involved allows such a hopeless statement. Thousands would need to have been involved and still continue to be so, and on and on. This whilst staying permanently quiet about it. Anyone who believes thousands could keep such a secret is delusional. It is however, the ultimate strawman since there is not one single item of proof that the missions were faked.

    Bubbles huh?


    They are ice particles from frozen water. You see, bubbles are round, not misshapen and they don't rotate. They also don't fly off in random directions underthe energy produced by sublimation in a vacuum.

    You saved your most stupid comment until near the end. There were not 10,000+ satellites at the time of Apollo and seeing a tiny craft at the scale and resolution of the pictures taken, and with said objects travelling at 17,500mph is a claim that a small child might make.

    Ice particles.

    Blatant fitted exterior lights to work with.

    Explicably caused by shape memory. A property whereby a wound cable has a tendency to assume that curled position, something it is best able to do in a vacuum with no friction.

    I guess I shouldn't laugh at such a stupid statement. The Earth is above them, the curve of the helmet is the top part of it. The camera is a very wide angled view.

    I notice no such thing and your observation skills are even worse than your total lack of knowledge of the subject.

    The Chinese spacewalk supposed hoax debunked for those who are able to take their blinkers off.

    I have no doubt you will fail to adequately respond to the major points made in my post and blog.
  9. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Hogwash. You make an erroneous claim and were asked to back it up. Kindly do so.

    I suspect you have been suckered in by the corrupt film maker Bart Sibrel who claimed to have got his hands on freely available video that he claimed was some kind of secret footage! It wasn't. He then claimed the Earth was shot in its entirety from within the craft using the round CM window. A claim as idiotic as you can get. He later changed his story to this being done with a transparency. Very odd when he deliberately omits a section of the video that shows the Earth disappearing to the side of the window and also where it can be proven that the Earth actually rotates slightly during the continuous footage.

    So, no need to list all these so called flaws that you have "studied". Just provide a few - I would be happy to show you why your claim is nonsense.

    One of hundreds of pages that make a mockery of this hoax claim.
  10. Validation Boy

    Validation Boy Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I'm assuming you are employed by the govt, or have some kind of financial motivation behind these ridiculous and frankly obscene rebuttals to the VIDEO FOOTAGE WHICH PROVES EVERYTHING I'VE SAID.

    You've put way too much effort into this, subsequently making your true motives quite obvious.

    Love how you just say "baloney" when the questions are too biting and too damning for you to be honest with yourself and give the only legitimate answer that's possible.

    Also, space is supposed to be a vacuum. Ice particles wouldn't shoot off like they're in water.

    If Nixon had ripped apart their budget, how did they afford 6 moon landings???

    Also, when did the Chinese astronauts rig that stage lighting up?

    Where did it go when they were done?

    If they're soaring at thousands of MPH, how did that blatant stage lighting withstand the pressure?

    Don't you think ice particles would be a pretty dangerous thing at that speed?

    How did water get on their spaceship in the first place, and how did it survive the intense heat of the atmosphere when they left earth?

    WOW! Water is a lot tougher than I thought!
  11. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    they have to drink WATER....duh
  12. Validation Boy

    Validation Boy Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    They drink the water which later became ice that's flaking off the outside of the space craft???

    Your post here was pointless.
  13. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    I'm doing this a lot with your stupid posts,,, View attachment 34294
  14. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Once again you make a claim that is hogwash. Obscene you say? What manner of blinkers do you have on and why is your motivation so pure that enables you to make such crap observations?


    Answering you is not much effort at all, it takes more effort to educate children.

    Your questions and observations are amongst the most ignorant I've seen, they are toothless.

    Now, here is the crux of the matter. Ice doesn't shoot off like that in water, what in heavens name are you talking about? If you want me to explain the basic science involved I shall. Water forms as condensation on and around all the seals and joints. Water immediately turns to ice in a vacuum caused by no pressure lowering its boiling point.

    We then get ice particles forming in various sizes. Now why does the ice shoot about in random directions? Sublimation. The ice converts directly to gas in a vacuum and in doing so creates enough of a venting effect to make the ice move around until it all turns to gas.

    Consider yourself educated. You can see the Shenzhou bubble is a piece of ice and not air in water.

    They had to cancel the last 2.

    Questions I would expect from a child. The lights were bult into the hull.

    "Zhang Tao, a technician with the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said the Shenzhou-7 mission's success marks China's space program has "entered a new stage."

    Zhang was in charge of developing the illumination lamp on the exterior of the Shenzhou-7 vessel."

    They would if everything else wasn't doing the same speed!

    Explained above.
  15. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Small correction to above concerning the actions of Nixon on their financial budget. NASA were forced to cancel 3 missions(not 2 as I stated) and bring forward objectives more rapidly than planned.
  16. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    One of those cancelled Saturn V's was quietly corroding away outside the Johnson Space center in the weather,before they restored it,and built a new climate controlled building for it.
  17. Validation Boy

    Validation Boy Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I think its hilarious how they worship these fake historical artifacts as idols, and expect the rest of us to, as well.
  18. Validation Boy

    Validation Boy Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    Some of your arguments do make bits of sense, but most do not.

    The ones that do, only work if one blindly and circularly accepts ALL of NASA's baseless postulations as absolute fact.

    And even then, due to the lack of continuity in many areas of their holy "Space Logic", your arguments and video are honestly still just laughable to me.
  19. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    No one's asking you to 'worship' a thing,BOY,but expect to understand THIS is a fight you will lose.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Argument from incredulity...

  20. ARDY

    ARDY Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2015
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    gotta give sone kudos for imagination
  21. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    The moon landing was not faked. (probably not faked nothing is 100% for sure or not sure). have read and read the read most of the conspiracy theories and most have been debunked. I am no fan of government so I don't care if I expose fraud etc, So why do you think the moon landings were faked?

  22. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    I don't think they were
  23. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    All my statements make sense. Your inability to concede this or take it on board is not my problem. I notice your blanket statement omits to elaborate on which ones don't make sense. You won't be able to do this.

    Hogwash. Give examples and be specific.

    I really couldn't care less what you find laughable. You exhibit the same dishonest traits and shortcomings exhibited by every HB I have ever come across. Reply and be specific.
  24. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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  25. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Your "crushing" proof crushed and ignored by you:-

    What now, the same spam lines as before? The same back to the basketball forum to whinge and claim fake victory? The same ad hominems about myself or others? Off topic crap about how I show the Chinese Spacewalk to be real?

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