Baby boomers screwed the country...then want a reward

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Murikawins, May 2, 2015.

  1. Murikawins

    Murikawins Banned at Members Request

    Jan 5, 2013
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    ...this is called a lack of "accountability."

    Baby boomers are the most selfish generation so far in America. It's unfortunate because they talk so loudly about how Millenials are spoiled, selfish, etc. Yet, they have essentially screwed future generations and could care less.

    Let's have a conversation on social security:

    Baby Boomer: I paid into it, I get it. Future generations be damned!

    Millennial: I will never get social security, yet I'm paying for you to receive it.

    Baby Boomer: Future generations be damned, I want what's mine. I paid into it!

    Millennial: Why don't you look at the facts regarding how much you probably paid in? Here:

    Essentially you didn't pay in nearly as much as you're getting out of it, so you can drop that meme.

    Baby Boomer: I come from the hippie generation, where a lack of self reliance all started. Damn the future generations, they're spoiled anyways.

    So, the next time you start railing on younger generations for being selfish/unmotivated/coddled, remember to look in the mirror?

    Disclaimer: No need for personal attacks on me or your perception of my background, keep it on social security.
    Korben and (deleted member) like this.
  2. logical1

    logical1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Talk to the idiot liberals. Social Security can easily be fixed by raising to the age of 70 for full SS. Partial would start at 65. Then also raise the upper limit to $500,000 for pay in. The reason, people are living longer.

    Liberals that dont want to do this are the people you need to convince!!!!! Talk to them about giving SS to illegals also.
  3. Murikawins

    Murikawins Banned at Members Request

    Jan 5, 2013
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    Agreed. Yet, just the other day I saw a peculiar thread on here. The individual had clearly been a long-time Republican and, when reading an article about Gov. Christie wanting to reform SS, went ballistic and stated he would be switching parties (to vote for Hillary).

    So yes, it seems you are one able to compromise. Yet we look at other baby boomers, the "responsible" and presumably wise older generation now, and see utter selfishness.

    Maybe the old paradigm of wisdom among the elderly is breaking down in the Boomer generation?
  4. blackharvest216

    blackharvest216 Banned

    Jan 4, 2015
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    Social security is basically a guaranteed retirement investment program the site you listed says the average person receiving benefits comes out too about $966,000. after paying about $722,000.

    Im not sure what parameters they used, and im not denying the numbers are real, but I've seen several different numbers when calculating the rate of return for SS. but the average rate of return for a 401k is about 6% annually which is only little higher than the rate of return from SS. the difference is social security is designed to help the poor and also the disabled, many people receive social security for their children. the fact is if someone isn't financially intelligent or clever enough to fund their retirement or if their is somekind of malfeasance with lets's say the investment bank that manages their retirement account. doesn't mean they should live in a chicken coop when their 65 when their too arthritis and dementia ridden to work
  5. Murikawins

    Murikawins Banned at Members Request

    Jan 5, 2013
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    Agreed. This isn't about punishing baby boomers. It's about considering future generations, presumably because the elderly are supposed to have the wisdom and empathy to do so. Yet again, I predict there will be those who lambaste the idea of sacrificing some of their social security to help future generations.

    edit: for those interested. Here's a good thread showing what I'm talking about:

    doesn't it just make you sick :)
  6. blackharvest216

    blackharvest216 Banned

    Jan 4, 2015
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    what are you talking about? you said "Essentially you didn't pay in nearly as much as you're getting out of it, so you can drop that meme." I just pointed out that its designed to be that way because its an investment similair to a retirement account

    you also said: "I will never get social security, yet I'm paying for you to receive it." well what does that even mean? I'm pretty sure you'll be getting social security, so what's the problem here?
  7. Merwen

    Merwen Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    People are usually only willing to compromise to the extent that it leaves them able to survive.

    What you and most of them don't realize is that inflation is the usual way used to balance the books. By the time the seniors on SS are too old and feeble to protest, their SS incomes will have decreased substantially in value.

    Luckily, the old and feeble don't eat much, anyway, and have a delightful propensity to die readily in unheated residences.

    If you really want to protest SS, look at the first generation that received it. They never paid in anything. Since they already knew what starvation was, though (having been through the Great Depression already), they didn't turn the payments down.

    One further consideration is the increasing productivity in the US due to robotics. Although there will be fewer people paying into SS, productivity per person will be higher. This should also play out in a beneficial way, provided our capitalistic system is fairly regulated by then (IMO it isn't right now). That, however, will depend upon the political awareness and will of the current generation. A bit more attention on the extravagances and animosities playing out in the Mideast and other areas could also be a real cost saver for the country. There is no good reason that I can see why our taxes should go to providing weaponry to terrorists in Syria.
  8. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    For someone with the username "logical", this certainly seems simple-minded of you. Would it not make more sense to just continue to offer benefits at 65, but reduce the payments between the ages of, say, 65-72 ?

    Many people cannot continue to work past the age of 65, it gets very difficult for them, though it really depends what type of career they have.
  9. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Of course many die before even collecting a fraction of what they pay in, so you can drop that meme.

    Here's a few boomers for ya. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Paul Gardner Allen and so many more that made modern computing including smart phones possible.

    What has the "younger" generations done to make our lives better besides crapping on Police Cars as part of Occupoo Wall Street? Enlighten us to their specific.
  10. ringotuna

    ringotuna Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 18, 2013
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    Is it beyond the Millenial's comprehension to expect a return on investment? Based on the graphs in the article, I'll receive a total of 15% return on my SS 'investment' over the lifetime of the account. That's a pretty pisspoor return on my investment.
  11. Cautiously Conservative

    Cautiously Conservative New Member Past Donor

    Feb 24, 2015
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    I find this ironic, not because your argument is without merit - actually, you make some good point.

    I find it ironic because 30 years ago, the Baby Boomers were saying the same thing to the "Greatest Generation." Calling them the "me, me, me" generation because when the baby boomer retired, there were so many of them that SS could not help them. Same song and dance.

    Now, the Millennials are set to outsize the Boomers - so whatever provisions the millenials make for retirement will be decried by those who come after.

    I'm not a fan of SS, but they're probably going to set back the retirement age and remove the limit on annual SS contributions.

    And, in the long run, we will all find a way to survive - or we wont. But, the world will keep on turning and the one thing we can count on is younger generations always trying to improve on what former generations did.

    And, I suppose that's a good thing.
  12. bclark

    bclark Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    This is the only generation that would think of something like using fetal tissue from abortions to prolong their own lives. (Sounds like something out of a horror movie doesn't it).
  13. Ray9

    Ray9 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2014
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    I'm 68. I'll be retiring in three weeks. I get full SS benefits plus a small pension from The Steelworkers Pension Trust (20years) in addition to a full pension from my current employer (30years). I don't have a lot of college credits. Never needed them. I am highly skilled (technical engineering) and have always been very well paid. I have six grandchildren who got/get all their school clothes from my wife and I In addition to anything else they need that their parents cannot give them. My children who are all in their forties, would not have been able to purchase automobiles or houses without my wife and I because they had no credit.

    If you want to criticize boomers then you have to look at all the failed social engineering that came about since LBJ. The end result being cities like Baltimore where the inmates are running the asylum. You have to consider the attack on families by government central planners. Today many of what we call families are comprised of arrangements where all the kids have different fathers whose role in their lives consists of child support payments and little more. This aspect alone creates a predictable situation of indigence which guarantees government assistance is needed at some point. When a government must intervene to compensate for its own bad judgment by burdening taxpayers to support healthy able-bodied people who take no responsibility for their actions, then chaos ensues. (see Baltimore).

    Let's look at the generations. Generation X (1961-1981) is somewhat in limbo or on the fence as far as personal responsibility is measured because some (about two thirds) have availed themselves of the benefit of observing the responsible behavior of Boomers who rejected central planning and raised them properly. The remaining third has succumbed to central planning and is lost. The upside to this is that many of the remaining third have already fallen to an early death or are in the process of dying. This is the primary impetus for the implementation of the Affordable Care Act as government tries to save itself by extracting as many votes as posible from these people before they expire.

    Generation Y-The Millennials (1975-1995). This generation is the saddest. It has destroyed itself with overuse of alcohol, tobacco and drugs, out-of-wedlock births and criminal activity. It is the ultimate victim of central planning and the logical end result of intrusive, self serving, and self preserving big government. The best way to deal with this generation is to write them off and move on.

    Generation Z- The redeemers-savers. (1995-2015). These are the kids burdened with the mammoth task of not only saving American civilization but in all likelihood the human race itself. They are not smoking, not abusing drugs and alcohol, not committing crimes and in general shunning the bad, central planning inspired behavior of their parents. They are doing better in school and they realize that their goal is to do better than the pervious generation and not repeat the their mistakes. Look for the Republican Party to come back stronger than ever.
  14. unrealist42

    unrealist42 New Member

    Mar 3, 2011
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    SS taxes were doubled in the 1980s so that SS would build up a surplus that would be needed for the baby boomers retirement. In the early 1990s the government adopted a responsible fiscal policy that would reduce the government's debt so it could begin paying back the money is was borrowing from SS by 2010 when it was estimated that SS payouts would exceed revenues. Everything was going according to plan until 2001, when the republicans took over thanks to greatly increasing the republican vote among generation X and tossed the fiscal responsibility plan out the window in order to give tax cuts to the wealthy.

    SS has accumulated a $2Trillion surplus to pay for the baby boomers retirement without drastically reducing the fund for future generations. It did this while also taking the baby boomers money to pay for the SS benefits of their parents, which was far more than their parents paid in. To say that the baby boomers are the most selfish generation about SS is just plain wrong. Who is far more selfish is the younger generations who would rather blame the baby boomers than accept that they are the ones who created this fiasco with their idiotic belief that less taxes is always better for them.
  15. Bondo

    Bondo Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2010
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    Ayuh,.... As designed originally, the SS fund was supposed to be a slush fund for the Progressives to buy votes, which is exactly what it's turned into,...

    As designed, nobody is supposed to live long enough to collect a dime,.....

    As designed, the average age of death was higher than when you could collect, 'n movin' the date you can collect, just continues the designed basis,....

    FDR started the decline of a strong America, 'n LBJ drove in the last coffin nail,.....
  16. Daggdag

    Daggdag Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    The issue is that the baby boomers are living much longer than previous generations, and so have used not only their own SS funds, but their kids', and are currently using their grandkids' as well. As it's going now, the next two generations to retire with have none of the money they put into SS to retire on, because baby boomers used it all.

    According to experts, the average lifespan will go up with Obamacare and other healthcare laws giving more access to treatment and drugs to older people. It will be about 80 for men and 85 to 87 for women. That means men have around 13 years after retiring, from age 67, and women have almost 20, retiring around 65.

    Raising the retiring age a couple years will do nothing by itself. We would have to raise the cap on taxation as well. Right now, only income up to $250,000.00 is taxes on SS. If we are going to reform SS, we need to raise that much higher. Raising the cap just to $1,000,000.00 would put a lot more into the system. Also, we should institute a contribution match requirement. Make companies match a certain percentage of what their employees pay into SS, and turn SS basically into a public 401K.
  17. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    EVERY generation has done something 'screwy'.

    A nation comprised of HUMAN beings; what could go wrong? (LOL!!)
  18. FaerieGodfather

    FaerieGodfather New Member

    Mar 30, 2015
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    We really need to abolish Social Security, preferably in favor of a Guaranteed Basic Income and a privatized investment program for people who want more income in retirement.
  19. jdog

    jdog Banned

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Must suck to be part of a generation with a giant L on your forehead.

    You idiot article fails to take a few things into consideration.
    The boomers are not responsible for the Ponzi scheme to begin with.... that would be the traitor FDR and his cabinet of communists.
    The boomers are also not responsible for the inflation that turned the Ponzi scheme into a pyramid scheme. That would be the bankers and the FED.
    The boomers are also not responsible for the illegal war that drained the trust fund... That would be the liberal government headed by LBJ.

    Also the article fails to figure into their equation the interest that would have been paid on the money stolen from the boomers for 40 years or the fact that the employers share of Social Security is not figured into the equation despite the fact that it is figured into your pay and you make that much less because of it so you are actually paying both the employee and the employers share out of your labor.

    Lastly, my children will be inheriting my estate, providing the communist liberals do not steal it first, so if your parents are not providing for you then your gripe is with them.
    Lastly, if you had any personal integrity whatsoever you would be earning your own way and not whining about what you are not getting. I do not need Social Security because like you I did not ever think I would ever see a dime of it. I fully expected to pay into it my entire life and get screwed at the end, the only difference is I did not whine and cry and stamp my foot like a child and blame my parents, I simply planned to be self sufficient... That is the kind of character the millennials lack.
  20. Murikawins

    Murikawins Banned at Members Request

    Jan 5, 2013
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    Classic example of the Boomers I'm talking about right here folks.

    I'm doing great for my age group I'm in the top 2-3% in income for my age group, grow a pair and deal with the message I wrote rather than attacking my integrity.

    So many Boomers, so many undeserving of the respect they demand ^^^^^ see above

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    I don't think Barack Obama is a baby boomer.
  22. jdog

    jdog Banned

    Jul 20, 2014
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    I addressed every issue you put up, it is you who are avoiding the issues due to not having a pair. When you make something of yourself you can tell me something about respect, but as of now I doubt you can even respect yourself, but you can certainly cry a river, I will give you that.
  23. Murikawins

    Murikawins Banned at Members Request

    Jan 5, 2013
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    ^^^ Once again, why should anyone respect your generation when you don't show the widsom prior elderly generations have shown?

    You sound like an 18 year old, not a senior citizen. Grow up, if it's not too late.
  24. jdog

    jdog Banned

    Jul 20, 2014
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    It is you who need to grow up and to provide for yourself, the world owes you nothing. Stop looking for a handout.
  25. Murikawins

    Murikawins Banned at Members Request

    Jan 5, 2013
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    I reiterate, you sound like you're 18, not 50+.

    WTF happened to the elderly people in our society lol...

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