More quackery.

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by Brett Nortje, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Terburculosis is a terrible disease that infects many people in my country south africa each week. we need a quick fix for this, like, as in that day!

    Terburculosis is caused by dryness and irritation in the lungs when it is contracted, simply rubbing some vaseline on your head will alleviate the problem quickly, or, 'dilute' it, but, this is not a quick fix enough! we need something like now, without the pharmacy getting involved, unless it is sold for cheap.

    Now, the best way to get rid of t.b. is to observe it is a lung infection, and, it needs fuel to survive, as it is an infection. then, we could 'smelting' or melting antibiotics and breathing them in. this will get them in gaseous form straight to the lungs where they will kill off all bacteria.

    To get the bacteria back, just eat yoghurt.
  2. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    This is a condition caused by bacteria on the gums or on the tongue. seeing s how it can be picked up or 'lost,' i suggest some antibiotics to kill all of it, and then there will be none left to infect these areas again.
  3. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    If we were to observe the state of bad body odor, we would have to say that it comes from the sweat glands, yes? to fix this would probably be a very expensive, long and painful procedure with surgery, and, it is hard to get to each gland. the good news is that we could use the hair roots to get to the majority of the sweat glands. this would see most of the sweat, if not all, be damped in terms of odor.

    So, we need to rub something on the hairs as if it was 'contact cream.' maybe something like a chemical each day would suffice? how about meth? that stuff damps out all odors!

    But, we need something permanent. to get rid of all odors, we could kill the smell aspect of the sweat, or maybe even stopping sweating all together, by using mucous to go into th pores and then forming a 'glucose layer' to keep all sweat in. i doubt anyone will die from this!
  4. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    This is a bacteria caused by animals onto human beings. as with all bacteria, it is a foreign body in our bodies. bacteria is easily gotten rid of by anibiotics, and, then they might come back, but, what we need is a permanent cure for this disease, yes?

    So, what do we know about this disease from the annals of wikipedia;

    Sometimes antibiotics are hard to get hold of, or, you might feel embarrassed to go get it inspected by a doctor. so, we need a household cure!

    If we were to look at this disease as if it were a infection, then we will see that it can be prevented also by using condoms.
  5. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    This disease is where you have seizures.

    Seeing as how they do not even know what causes epilepsy, we have to start at the bottom!

    Seizures would be caused by nerves 'contorting' or sensory overload, yes? this could be when they watch television, of course - the afflicted or victims.

    To prevent seizures, there should be better communication between nerves and the nervous system, duh, and that means that the people will better 'understand' their environment. they only understand their environment because of sensory input - this leads to thoughts, as, without something coming in, there can be nothing to process or go out, yes? think of a 'engine,' if there is no petrol, nothing can happen. the petrol comes into the engine through a tube and that is like your eyes, then the information or impulse or oil gets used, yes?

    Now, to get rid of this all together, you need to observe that the actual seizure is where the nerves say there is too much information. this means they need to be dampened, so, there needs to be some limit to how the nervous system will interpret the information. this can be done by reorganizing the nerves themselves with cream of some sort, something i am going to make now!

    This, 'miracle cream,' as they call it, can fix the nerves by cutting out the dead ones. this could be like a white blood cell killing off the dead cells, or, using a lame disease that eats dead cells, there must be something like that. these cells are damaged and dangerous, so, it could also be cured by making them stop dividing. let's stick to getting rid of damaged nerves?

    So, we would need to use snail gel on the skin to repair all the scars inside of it.
  6. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Or, we could give the patients a cold or the flu for a while?
  7. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    So, what is an inflammation? this is where there is irritation on the nerves of the organ and then they swell. to clear a chest of r a short while, use some chest vaseline. this will get you through the night.

    Then, another short term remedy, mean you need to get rid of the dryness, as, dryness leads to inflammations. this can be done by inhaling dew filled air, as, this will have the same effect nearly as vaseline. if it is dry, moisten it, yes?

    To get rid of it permanently, we need to add 'mucous' to the 'chest.' this can be done with chemicals like antiseptics.
  8. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Have you ever seen the feet of a refugee from africa? they get so swollen and stuff!

    So, it is a fluid build up in the feet. i would suggest that you use a pen or knife and cut it open to let all the fluid leave your feet, cut on the heel, not where you walk really, and then you will see all the 'puss' and 'junk' come out. just a little hole, mind you, do not make a big wound!

    Then, cover it with a plaster to get your foot to heel properly. remember, the more you walk on your feet, the more you will get this again, so, wear shoes!
  9. perdidochas

    perdidochas Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Is terburculosis the same as tuberculosis?
  10. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Why take silly and expensive medicine? Flame kills everything, so simply aim an oxyacetylene torch down the patient's throat. As this may dry the lungs even more you must make sure to throw them into a large body of water immediately afterward and have them breathe in copious quantities of it. After this, take two aspirin and call me in the morning. $200 please.
  11. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    I have a theory that all this business of Internal organs and other nonsense is just a plot by liberals to get our guns. Humans are solid right through like mashed potatos. The next time they tell me one of my kids has appendicitis I'm going to just saw out where it hurts with power tools and save a bundle
  12. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    lol, very funny.
  13. MaxxMurxx

    MaxxMurxx New Member

    Aug 18, 2013
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    Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection of the lung. healthy people cope with it by "encapsulating" the bacteria into little chalk particles, visible on X-ray (primary complex). There the bacteria stay forever unless the carrier comes into a situation of severe disease or starvation. Then those bacteria cause "generalized" or organ tuberculosis, which is lethal. Tuberculosis can be treated (if active) by tuberculostatica, antibiotics against tuberculosis bacteria. From the time of the Soviet Union's biological warfare program multiresistant tuberculosis comes from Russia. This was experimentally spread by the KGB on GULAG inmates decades ago but becomes virulent now, for example when those acquire cancer or AIDS..
  14. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    I was looking at pink eye, and thought that it would be great if it could be cured quickly and cheaply, but then it dawned on me that it is just an inflammation and it would be good to cure all inflammations.

    So, if we can cure this, we can cure all exterior inflammations, yes?

    Now, to cure this inflammation, we need to ask ourselves, what is an inflammation? it is an irritation of the skin of some sort, and, will be 'cured' by stopping the irritation. what do you think we should use to stop an irritation? or, more importantly, irritation is dryness of the skin, as, the nerves will need moisture to feel normal. this is like trying to lick a sucker stick where there should be 'sucker,' of course. or like trying to drink water with sand in it - the sand is the dryness, basically.

    If we want to lubricate the skin somehow, we need only try to observe while it is on the outside of the body, it is in a sensitive area. this means, our 'anti inflammatory cream' or whatever needs to be 'organ sensitive,' yes? so, it needs to be non acidic, or anything else that could harm our eyes.

    Maybe if we were to administer some beauty cream, well, that is non acidic and takes care of the body. if i am not mistaken, it has a little bit of moisture and skin soothing elements to it, yes?
  15. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    This is a nervous system problem. this can be fixed by strengthening the nervous system with electro therapy.

    Or, we could administer things to the areas in question, maybe some snail gel and deep heat - muscle relaxant that burns? - every now and then? this could be complimented with some vaseline and injections with lots of electrolytes in them.
  16. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Motor neuron disease is where your motor neurons - reminding me of a car's motor? - stop working well, and then there is clumsiness and muscle mass loss.

    To get the neurons working again, properly, we need to look at the brain and spine, as that is where instructions come from to do things in the body.

    Okay, so, the neurons are not working. this means, we need to fix them or replace them. surgery is so messy, but respected in my country - let's see if we can cure this without the surgery, which is so stupid anyways. hell, there is no cure for this yet!

    So, we need to stimulate them, and this is done by exercise, but that is obvious. now, to get them to work again, we need to observe that they are dying because they are not getting fuels, so, they will wither and die. fuels like protein and oxygen, yes? this could come from some sort of injury, like this rugby player i am looking at right now on the net.

    If we want the neurons to work again, we need to quickly 'bring them back to life.' this can be done by nano bots, but is extremely expensive, so, we need to use electro therapy or shock therapy often to keep them going, as it is like finding air during a swim.

    Of course, getting a permanent cure would be much better, so, we need to keep them stimulated. this can be done by repairing them, as they are made of biomass and dead mass.

    So we get these cells to eat away the dying or harmed neurons, and then we quickly replace them afterwards - this could take a while though!

    Replacing the dead cells would be done by using the person's d.n.a. or genes and giving it an instruction to grow. this means there will be a few holes for the body to regrow, as if growing them for the first time. of course, the genes will grow into things faster with growth hormones.

    Now, the instruction to regrow or grow will come from the genes being told they are still developing, so, injecting those areas with the blood of a child will tell the genes that they are a child! then they will regrow quickly.
  17. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    This disease 'infects' the liver, yes? the way to get it dead in the liver is to occasionally eat something that goes to the liver that is native to the body, but foreign to the disease. this would be like sending a lot of cops into a mall to deal with terrorists, of course.

    So, we could try to get some white blood cells in there en masse and then see the root of the problem dealt with, but, how?

    If we were to observe that they are made in the bones, we merely need to make sure the way to the liver from the bones is 'easier.' this would mean that we want the bones to deliver blood directly to the liver, or, something like that.

    So, we need to make a new avenue, so to speak. all leukocytes are made of cells, so, they could be guided there by elements - like in the food you eat, as, when we eat food it goes to the liver to be 'cleaned,' of course. getting the right food now is all that remains.

    If we were to drink a lot of water, it will flood the system with blood and then the bones will produce a lot more of these cells we spoke of. this would mean, basically, drinking a lot of water will make the blood 'pump harder' as there will be more blood that the body is used to, and, then some of it will congest in the liver where the disease is - compressing the blood in the liver, so there will be more pressure. this pressure will lead to more acids being produced and staying in the liver, as there will be no way out, and then dissolving the disease, which is non native to the system.
  18. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    This is a virus that spreads like any other disease i think. the body has a natural defense against this disease, where it's antibodies will cut off the reproductive actions of the virus. this means the cells in the virus will age and die without reproducing, hopefully.

    I was reading and they were talking a lot about proteins that will help fight the disease. of course, if we were to want to flood the system with proteins, we should digest proteins, and, that means eating proteins. this will lead to a natural change of their proteins to our proteins and, then they will be able to quickly feed the system. of course, how could our naturally produced proteins be as good for the body as proteins from outside the body? sounds like cannibalism to me!

    Of course, if that is not the answer, then we need to produce more proteins with the body in mind, but, the body can only produce so many proteins at a time, we could inject insect blood that has had the protease inhibitors sieved out of it. this should help use the plentiful amounts of low disease infected insects with our problem.
  19. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Not quackery - but theft of malaria drugs in Malawi...
    Can Rampant Theft of Malaria Drugs in Malawi Be Stopped?
    April 13, 2016 — Malawi is trying to stop the rampant theft of malaria medicines from its public hospitals. A recent study found the robberies are costing the country millions of dollars each year, and the United States has threatened to stop providing the drugs if authorities do not get the situation under control.
  20. HonestJoe

    HonestJoe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 28, 2010
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    If you recognise that this is entirely off topic to this thread (which is trash that rightfully died anyway), why the hell did you post this here rather than creating a new thread?!?
  21. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Side effect of dengue fever vaccine Could Cause Severe Illness...
    Dengue Fever Vaccine Could Cause Severe Illness
    September 01, 2016 - The first vaccine marketed to prevent dengue fever could be making people sick, according to a new study. The authors are urging public health officials to consider carefully which individuals to vaccinate, to prevent severe illness.

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