The 9/11 Propaganda Machine Keeps On Truckin'

Discussion in '9/11' started by Bob0627, Sep 8, 2016.

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  1. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Real investigators are searching for the truth.

    Those advancing a preconceived conclusion, such as NIST and others, are false investigators, political sycophants.
  2. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Please list some of these "real investigators". No, people posting in forums on the Internet do not count.
  3. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Why not? Must one be a government employee or sycophant to be a "real investigator" in your world?

    If the government had conducted an honest investigation from the beginning, instead of trying to hide the truth, there would be no citizen investigators.

    But it didn't, and so there are hundreds.
  4. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Why don't you list a sample of who you believe are "real investigators", specifically 9/11 investigators?
  5. phoenyx

    phoenyx Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Good points Eleuthera. I think l4zarus has become a little too arrogant here. He's full of opinions, but he doesn't spend much time actually trying to back them up. I'd like to hear a detailed, civilized explanation as to why people online can't be "real investigators", and I and many others, including many whistleblowers, believe that the 9/11 Commission Report was a sham.
  6. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    No, but one does have to have expertise in the relevant fields. It's been 3 weeks since your post. I assume you have no credible investigators on the "truther" side to recommend.
  7. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Because Eleuthera made the statement "Real investigators are searching for the truth.", not me.
  8. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    This is a misrepresentation. A cursory view of my posts will show an abundance of links backing up facts.

    People on line can conduct investigations for their personal satisfaction. But to rise to professional credibility(which seems to be what truthers want) requires professionals using professional standards. That is among the many reasons, Jones' Bentham paper is less than useless: the peer review was not professional or credible.
  9. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    This has to be called my opinion.
    A 757 is mostly aluminum. Counting fuel, the maximum takeoff weight is around 260,000 pounds. Subject to model of that airplane. Fuel weighs about 6 #gal for 11,276 X 6 =67,656 pounds from Boeing.

    Let's say the passengers were 100. We calculate passengers as 160 pounds per person. This gives us 16,000 pounds for humans.

    I am not certain on baggage but say each bag weighs on average 40 pounds; That I believe is high. Say you have then 2 bags per, or 80 #per X 100 = 8,000 pounds.

    Roughly we have about 168,344 in airplane. We know part is tires and some is steel, such as the landing gear. Let's deduct 8,344 for that and we have 160,000 pounds of aluminum. This is rough of course. So you have 80 tons of aluminum.

    Compared to the many tens of thousands of tons of the building, not much is airplane.

    But the metal that flowed from one of the two towers is aluminum. Aluminum melts at a far lower temperature than steel does.

  10. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    My computer has been broken down.

    There are many credible investigators on the truther side, more than I can count. That is because, IMO, the US government refused to conduct any sort of investigation for the better part of 2 years. Though they "never saw it coming" they said, by the end of the day they knew all the answers, exactly who did it and why.

    IMO, the best of the investigators has been Christopher Bollyn. But there are many equally good.
  11. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    I have no problem understanding that some of the molten metal observed flowing from the corner of the building before it fell was aluminum, however small the amount was. Miniscule in the big picture.

    But the flowing metal described by several firemen as "looking like a foundry", and the metal that remained molten in the bowels for about 90 days was steel, which comprised at least 95% of any and all metals present in the standing buildings.
  12. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    1. No eyewitness that I heard about claims to have seen molten aluminum.
    2. Many eyewitnesses claim to have seen molten steel and others molten metal. There are several video interviews and multiple quotes from other eyewitnesses.
    3. An eyewitness claims to have seen "melting of girders" at Ground Zero, which are of course made of steel, not aluminum.


    "I saw melting of girders" - Abolhassan Astaneh, FEMA investigator
  13. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Christopher Bollyn is an anti-Semitic, Holocaust denier hack. But you know that. You've skimmed through threads I've participated so you know where I stand on Bollyn. Making your comment one of the more pathetic attempts at baiting. 3/10

    Now, try again. Or just skip to the part where you blame the Jews and save us both time.
  14. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Oh, you're just offended when the bitter truth is spoken. Try to get over it.

    Compared to 911, the attacks on the USS Liberty were child's play.
  15. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    On the 20th anniversary of 9/11 the MSM is still pushing propaganda nonsense that never happened. Then again, this is coming from Fox News.

    Remembering 9/11: Barbara Olson fought for life until her final minutes, now Ted Olson does too

    Barbara Olson, a conservative commentator and lawyer, wasn't panicked when hijackers took over her flight on Sept. 11, 2001, from Washington Dulles airport to Los Angeles, where she was heading for an appearance on Bill Maher's TV show.

    She managed to call her solicitor general husband, Ted Olson, twice from the back of the plane where the terrorists, armed with knives and box cutters, herded the passengers. She reported the hijacking aboard American Airlines Flight 77 and asked what she could convey to the captain.

    According to the 9/11 Commission report, only Olson and flight attendant Renee May were able to make phone calls to loved ones from the plane before it was crashed into the Pentagon. Twenty years later, Barbara's husband still marvels at her bravery and calm in the final moments of her life.

    "To this day, I don't know how in the world she managed to do it," said Ted Olson, who received the calls at his Justice Department office in Washington, D.C.

    The real story, in part:

    A second more serious problem is that the Olson story was contradicted in the FBI’s 2006 report to the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui. In its report about phone calls from AA 77, the FBI stated that there was one call from Barbara Olson (not two), and that this call was “unconnected,” so that it lasted “0 seconds.” [14] This report thereby contradicted Ted Olson’s report that his wife had made two calls to him, one that lasted “about one minute” and another that lasted “two or three or four minutes.” [15]
    Eleuthera likes this.
  16. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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  17. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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  18. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Help raise $17,000 by Monday to put this billboard in front of the NY Times

    Dear friends,

    I have an incredible opportunity to share with you, and I urgently need your help to make it a reality.

    The billboard directly across the street from the New York Times Building is available for a month starting November 29. This spot, which usually goes for well over $20,000, is being offered for just $17,000 — but we have to raise the funds by this coming Monday in order to secure it.

    Will you donate now to send the New York Times this powerful message and help promote AE911Truth’s new film The Unspeakable?

    From September 12, 2001, to the 20th anniversary, the New York Times has led the way in pushing the official story and denigrating those who question it — most recently referring to 9/11 family members as Bob McIlvaine and Drew DePalma “conspiracy theorists.” It’s time to start calling out “the newspaper of record” more directly for covering up the truth about the murder of nearly 3,000 people.

    Thanks to its central location, this billboard is seen by 100,000 passersby each day, i.e., three million per month. This means your gift of $25 will reach more than 4,000 people — not to mention the entire staff of the Times.

    Please give before Monday to help take on the New York Times and bring more attention to The Unspeakable, which just surpassed 160,000 views!
  19. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    “Shame on You”: A 9/11 daughter’s letter to two New York Times reporters

    In the leadup to the 20th anniversary of 9/11, The New York Times was at the forefront of the media’s assault on filmmaker Spike Lee for devoting a half-hour of his HBO docuseries, NYC Epicenters 9/11 → 2021½, to questioning how the Twin Towers and Building 7 came down on 9/11.

    Over the course of four days, The New York Times and other news outlets succeeded in pressuring Lee and HBO to remove the half-hour section entirely — before a single member of the public could lay eyes on it.

    In the wake of this disappointment, Kacee Papa — whose father Edward Papa was killed in the demolition of the North Tower and who is one of eight 9/11 family members suing the National Institute of Standards and Technology over its final report on the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 — wrote to Julia Jacobs and Reggie Ugwu, the two Times reporters who had covered the controversy. Neither of them has responded to her.

    Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is proud to publish Kacee’s letter in conjunction with the billboard that was unveiled this past Monday outside the New York Times Building, featuring 9/11 family members Maureen Campbell and Bob McIlvaine saying, “Our children were murdered on 9/11. Why does the New York Times lie about how they died?” Kacee’s letter has been lightly edited.

    Julia and Reggie,

    I am writing to you as a 9/11 victim's family member. I was interviewed by Spike Lee and will no longer be in the final version of the documentary.

    Your, along with many other journalists', use of the words “conspiracy theorists” and “debunked” has played a part in the silencing and censorship of many people who have concerns about the future welfare of our country and the world. You are allowed your views and we are allowed ours. Yet yours get headlines and ours get omitted. Why is this?

    The “jet fuels don't melt steel beams narrative” is not the one and only message of the organization Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. There are thousands of individuals, including scientists, engineers, architects (all with high-level degrees, I might add), first responders and victims’ family members who support taking another look at all of the evidence that has been compiled over the years. Much more than 100 hours of research. We are a bunch of good people, many volunteering their time, in the pursuit of truth and understanding as to what exactly happened to their sons, mother, father, friends, etc. And yet people like you that spread misinformation negatively label us. I am a 36-year-old woman with a family, bachelor's degree in English and a master's degree in nursing, and I have worked as a registered nurse for 12 years. Is that what a conspiracy theorist looks like to you? Thousands of people are asking valid, and in my case very personal, questions that don't deserve to be so easily discarded just because it makes people feel uncomfortable.

    The evidence presented by AE911Truth isn't meant to do anything other than highlight unprecedented events that defy the laws of physics. One such reality that I have learned many years after that day in 2001 is that the victims’ body parts were found on top of buildings far from the Twin Towers. While I acknowledge that there is some degree of outward velocity of debris from the collapse, there is not enough to justify body parts being found far away on top of buildings, as is what happened. Gravity pulls downward not outward. Or to know that something is off when there is seismographic data reflecting activity at the Twin Tower sites before their collapse. Or that both Twin Towers were specifically engineered and built to withstand a plane's impact. Or that engineering by way of physics and mathematics yields standards of buildings and not one standard has been changed or edited for safety purposes after such a catastrophic failure. Or the countless video clips of first responders witnessing explosions, the audience hearing explosions and newscasters talking about explosions that morning. Or that Larry Silverstein was recorded saying he told the FDNY to “pull” WTC 7, a term used for controlled demolitions. These are merely a few examples.

    My father was murdered on 9/11 and I am reminded of that every single day. Families of 9/11 victims continue since day one to fight for federal investigations into this crime and the truth has yet to see the light of day. Shame on you for your contribution to the silencing.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  20. EMH

    EMH Banned

    Jul 16, 2021
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    Good lord, anyone who watches the 911 videos either sees the obvious fraud or cannot pass a third grade math course....
    Eleuthera likes this.
  21. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    For the majority (according to polls) the vast criminal fraud is more than obvious. But there are many, including some seemingly intelligent people, who not only buy but even defend the phony official 9/11 narrative. And the MSM is quite complicit, always ridiculing those who raise questions by labeling them "conspiracy theorists". Using a weaponized term designed to silence anyone who challenges the official narrative.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  22. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Your “conspiracy theorist” allegation is not founded upon reality: AE911Truth’s letter to the censorship-loving media

    Dear Mr. Ugwu,

    As the president and CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, I am writing to inform you that your allegation that our organization is a “conspiracy group” is not founded upon reality.

    AE911Truth represents more than 3,500 technical professionals — architects, engineers, and other specialists in the building trades, many of whom are licensed by government agencies in jurisdictions throughout the world. These professionals are legally responsible for the safety of the members of the public who come into contact with structures and other facilities they design. The signatories to AE911Truth’s petition represent more than 50,000 years of collective experience in the practice of architecture, engineering, and related professions.

    Your contention that we are “conspiracy theorists” would be amusing if it were not so tragically central to the perpetuation of profound ignorance regarding a matter of such supreme importance — namely, the unprecedented total destruction of three steel-framed skyscrapers on September 11, 2001, which claimed the lives of some 2,600 people and served as the pretext for two decades of endless war, the colossal expansion of the U.S. national security state, and the erosion of our civil liberties.

    Rather than smear the more than 3,500 professionals who have signed AE911Truth’s petition, I suggest that you turn your concern to understanding the evidence we have developed that disproves the demonstrably fraudulent reports issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and to interrogating why the professional organizations in our field (e.g., the American Society of Civil Engineers, the National Society of Professional Engineers, the National Academy of Forensic Engineers, among others) refuse to discuss this evidence.

    The evidence we have developed should be the subject of rigorous scientific debate by experts in our field. The tradition of debate lies at the heart of the scientific method and stretches back to the dawn of the age of science. But politics and fear of being ostracized are preventing such debate from happening. Through your actions, you are playing a crucial role in suppressing and censoring this very necessary debate.

    The profession of journalism has its own traditions: At its best, it shines a light on areas of ignorance and brings scrutiny to actions by special interests that run counter to the public good.

    We are standing up for our profession. I call upon you to stand up for yours.

    As a film and television reporter, you might start by writing about the film we recently released called The Unspeakable, about the 9/11 families whom we are supporting in their pursuit of truth and justice. They — and the world — could use your assistance in that worthy pursuit.


    Roland Angle, P.E.
    President and CEO
    Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
    Eleuthera likes this.
  23. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    This (likely CIA) propaganda article is beyond nuts. Who buys this idiotic crap? Oh never mind millions will eat it up without question.

    The Bin Laden Papers: al-Qaeda’s secret documents – and delusions – finally revealed

    The papers – recently declassified and now analysed in detail for the first time by Lahoud, an Arabic-speaking expert in security and counter-terrorism – offer an extraordinary insight into the inner workings of Al-Qaeda, both before and after 9/11, and lay bare the terrorist organisation’s closely guarded plans, ambitions and frustrations.

    The first of many revelations is a scribbled note by Bin Laden on a sheet of paper torn from a spiral notebook, headed “The Birth of the Idea of September 11. In the note he explains that he had been reading a news report about the disgruntled pilot al-Batouty who deliberately crashed EgyptAir Flight 990 from New York to Cairo off the New England coast, killing 217 people, on October 31 1999. Turning to his associates, Bin Laden asked: “Why didn’t he crash it into a financial tower?”

    The article would have the reader believe that the moment Bin Laden conceived the idea, amazingly he was going to make it happen on September 11, even before laying out a rough plan. He allegedly got this idea a couple of days after 10/31/99 (almost 2 years earlier). There were 12 war games scheduled for the morning of 9/11, at least 4 of these were re-scheduled to 9/11. So almost 2 years before 9/11, Bin Laden must have taken out his crystal ball or someone in NORAD told him there were going to be war games scheduled on 9/11 or he guessed the date 100% correctly despite lottery type odds. It's just one of tens of thousands of convenient coincidences that helped make 9/11 a rousing success.

    The CIA (or whoever in the pretend US government) still peddling the 9/11 fairy tale more than 20 years later.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  24. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    I suspect some within the Deep State might think that if the Official Conspiracy Theory not defended, all subsequent Official Conspiracy Theories will also be shown to be false.
  25. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    They're defending fairy tales by reciting supporting fairy tales. Great strategy because most people readily buy this horse manure as long as government and media say so. See the following ( Post #528 ):
    Eleuthera likes this.

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