Brett's healthcare for Africa.

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by Brett Nortje, Feb 8, 2017.

  1. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    It seems there are not enough nurses in our country, as, there are new requirements to meet for the licenses to become a nurse. this means a lot of nurses need to go back to school to ensure that they receive the right kind of training, yes?

    What about doctors? they could work as nurses for their last few years, and as doctors too. let's face it, they do not have the much to do - they are not operating on people all day long, and, those receiving treatment in the public hospitals could use the doctors to support this stance.

    Then, there could be a lot of doctors flown in from impoverished cities where they could earn decent money here, obviously to send back home in part to their families. the refugee crisis will leave africa spoilt for choice in this regard - simply organize something with the refugee social workers and 'fly them in,' yes?
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    That is actually a pretty interesting plan!

    Doctors.... working as nurses......
    Twenty or thirty years ago I read a book entitled The Peter Principle
    that basically advocated stopping..... .
    one promotion before you end up exalted into a position that
    you are not really happy in........
    and might even be incompetent in doing.......
  3. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Recently i have had a dispute with some people that i know nothing about medicine. these people are trying to run for president or something, trying to get people behind them. then i challenged them to go to a retarded shelter to comfort them, as they are incapable of helping them directly otherwise. then they challenged me to help them, and here i am, getting ready to cure autism and retardation once more.

    First, autism. this is where the brain does not communicate properly, so, they should repair the brain. think of this as if the pipes of a motor were clogged, it still works, but it does not work well enough, with a lot of 'noise.' this means that this noise keeps them from living normally, and, that it should be easy to repair, as i have done it before, but now i want a cure you can put together in your local marketplace and kitchen, okay? this means we need to observe that the pre-motor cortex needs to over power the brain in 'responding' as nerves do, but the problem is that the feeling are 'restricted.' this is because the synapses are not feeling, as the brain will always respond, as they are both nerves. of course, if we were to replace the synapses, maybe with something that kills dead tissue, like white blood cells, yes? so, you need to ingest something that stimulates white blood cells to the brain to be manufactured, like meat? eating meat will trick the body to produce something that eats dead cells, as, when they are in the stomach, the body being only a 'collection of nerves,' forming one responding body, the stuff you eat goes to your stomach, and then the body is alerted of tissue in the body 'that needs clearing,' yes? meat and eating a lot will clear the symptoms quickly, as the white blood vessels get produced to eat the dead cells, or, the dead parts of the synapses, with the synapses regrowing or 'redeveloping' due to the genetic codes we have.

    Then, retardation. this is where you do not develop to be all you can be, yes? this could be set right by having the person learn from the time of the cure, now all we need is a cure! obviously, the ways the brain learns is with emotions, as this is base feeling and neural activity, yes? then, we need to make the brain retain these emotions, as i suspect some are lost on the whole, if not most of them. this can be done by pumping the premotor cortex and motor cortex, as these relay the emotions into the brain - they feel the biochemical signals into a 'stronger feeling.' then, this goes to the left side of the brain, for processing, and, then the left hand side of the brain deals with this information based on previous information, and, emotions. so, we need to learn and have these people express themselves more accurately, where the body will be more sensitive, yes? to make the body more sensitive, we need to proliferate cell division, or use white blood cells - my new favourite street sweeper - in a combination with viagra, which produces many new cells when used, as they stimulate all hormones, even growth hormones.
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  4. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Viruses are very nasty organisms, and include h.i.v. i want to produce a treatment that cures people of all viruses, including the common cold. this would be where a foreign organism is fought by native white blood cells, but, these are not enough for aids, as, the virus hides inside the other cells where it cannot be suffocated by the white blood cells.

    Previously, i found that if the cells were located, and the white blood cells smothered the cells with the viruses in them, the pressure would push the white blood cells into the other cell and then they could fight the viruses. but, i have not heard anything about that since then...

    So, here i am, again, to try to cure all viruses. if they were to, all the 'virus infected cells,' collect at one place, they could be sneezed out, yes? so, leading a trail of fuels to the nasal passages would result in the virus being kept under control, as, the body would go into overdrive to supply the body with the cells it needs to stay healthy, while filtering out the disease infected cells, of course.

    Then, there is the capacity of the red blood cells to 'clean cells?' maybe if we were to flood the system with red blood cells, they could clean the whole body and then get rid of the dying or dead cells, like we do with cancer?

    ~ Cancer is about dying cells that are like zombies infecting various areas of the body, of course. these dying cells, or, 'trushy cells' can be cleaned instead of killed, with the red blood cells eating away at all the parts that the body does not agree with, of course.

    Now, with the cell proliferation, by stimulating the hormones that produce the cells that are being infected, the body may survive and quickly repair itself, or, maybe slowly? the mechanism for this should be excessive eating and exercise, or, sauna visits to get rid of the bad cells while stimulating the hormones to produce cells to replace them.
  5. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Herpes is a virus that causes sores and blisters for the mouth and this virus has not got a cure yet. it also happens that it eludes detection through some clever muffling of the immune cells that want to kill it.

    So, to make this disappear, we need to fight the disease with 'soap.' their are 'natural soaps' in the world that will be able to pass through the body and clean the disease of little life forms that it is made out of. after all, all biomass is alive, just, well, spreading the life and 'gospel' of the disease, and no doubt as with every life form, it's primary purpose is to make more of it, and, bugger the host.

    If we were to observe that these soaps could be made in the body, with some sort of mucous mixed with stomach acid, as well as some harsh peppers, that would destroy their breeding patterns, then there would be more of a over clocking of the body to secrete the dead cells, the ones that have matured under the pressure and heat and anti fungal... wait, i think i have it now!

    If we were to observe that the virus goes to the snot of the mouth, this slimy sludge would fester all sorts of things - this reminds me of a friend of mine, valentine, who has a lot of mucous problems. the solution was to drink water and vodka as they will thin his blood, so, the answer is to thin the blood, yes? this can be done by ingesting celery too, or other 'things without taste,' as they will not carry the heavy fuels that we taste, of course, so we will know that they will do some good.

    Now, if we want to get rid of the whole virus family at once, we could be put on a drip, where, the water is injected artificially into the body in the areas affected. or, we could make a hybrid 'soap' that is made out of chilli peppers, peppermint, and sodium, as these will dissolve the sludge.
  6. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Cancer treatments are usually very expensive and hard to get hold of. this means we need to make a home remedy for cancer, of course... why not?

    If you were to observe that cancer is native to the system, and that red blood cells fight it, as it is dead and dying cells that linger in the system and infect other cells, or, build up in areas, where growths form, this is all down to old dying cells gathering in clusters because they come out of the bones of that area, and, find cells to hang onto with their dying breaths where they swell up.

    So, if we want to get rid of this disease, in the kitchen or with common things, we could also observe that some things like smoking, will kill cells eventually and they will all cluster, of course. if we were to use 'peppermints' or other 'foods' or 'spices' that clean your body, like that green stuff that the karate kid uses in the movie, then you could eat or drink that for subtle results each time, or, rapid results with great administration to your body.
  7. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    I find with any neural breakdown, like blindness, deafness and paralysis, there is a lack of communication between the nervous system and the brain. the brain is the half way point between registering things and dispatching instructions - anything coming in leads to some sort of reaction. this is because the body is merely a lot of nerves interacting - even organs are reacting, otherwise they would not be there.

    So, when communication breaks down, the nerves do not register an instruction. to get them connected to the brain again, we could merely use them, as if we will them to be used, and send pulses down the nervous system to the body part and to the brain, 'cupid style' connecting them. this could be done by moving your arm up and down, and, then watching it, and, then hitting it. this will make the brain see there is movement from there, identifying what it should be feeling, and, then it will look for a connection, recognizing the arm or leg, and, then trying to make the connection through it's own means. sticking the appendage with a pin, lancing it to the bone, will definitely get a reaction out of a body part, but an ear or eye ball?

    Well, to get these things sensations working again, one should massage these areas with their fingers or ear buds. this will stimulate them, and, they will get a feeling eventually.
  8. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Aids is a disease that brings much attention today. if you were to observe this is a virus, and, is foreign in the body, then we could create cells to eat it, yes? i mean, if it were foreign, it would be classed as fuels and absorbed into the cells, of course. so much for that plan...

    If we were to try to administer some stomach acids directly into the blood stream, it would eat away at every foreign cell in the body, as, it will digest the fuels, as they are only fuels - i don't think stomach acids believe in foreign cells, maybe they are xenophobic?
  9. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    For the 'ultimate cure' to many foreign body diseases, including most viruses and aids, we need something simple to inject into ourselves. i am suggesting we use fluoride as it is a cleansing agent and is semi biotic. this mixed with oxygen and carbon will make the virus try to eat it, only to be poisoned by the fluoride. basically, i am trying to make an antibiotic for viruses.

    So, if there is enough oxygen, it will fuel cells, carbon will do the same. but, if you observe correctly, co2 is carbon dioxide, something we breathe out, yes? that said, if you are breathe it in you will not die, of course. so, carbon dioxide being injected into the blood stream will be 'biomass,' and absorbed by the cells, and, if the virus inside the cells eats first, as i am sure it does, the fluoride will kill it.
  10. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    With the 'ultimate cure,' we need to be very careful delivering these poisons to the right cells. this is why i suggest we put a layer of red blood cells in a circle around the fluoride or other poisons, and, cover that circle of red blood vessels with 'these fuels.' this will mean they will be attracted to the cells, and, if the circle of red blood vessels breaks inside the cell, then the poison will be released, of course.
  11. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    With the focus of the african states being on health care, education and social services, there needs to be more done for health care as if there is great chance of the people becoming sick, then they might not be so forthcoming in the various working places where they come into contact with other people that may be sick.

    So, to make it easier to get medications, there should be an observation into this 'hypocratic oath.' this is the oath that health care professionals take to make sure they do their best to keep everyone healthy, but, in the private sector, where medicines are more expensive, they will turn people away, yes? this makes me think of maybe raising the prices of these private services by another five percent so as to allow for the funnelling of cash to the public sector directly.

    Or, they could allow licenses for wholesalers to sell 'basic medicines.' i am talking about shops in malls that are often called 'super markets,' to sell these medications, where, the state of competition would bring prices down, of course.
  12. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    This may help in treating HIV:
    This Fungus Is Known As “The Mushroom Of Immortality” & “The King Of All Herbs”

  13. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Could this be why the Keto diet helps some people who are autistic?
    Keto Film “The Magic Pill” Slammed For “Harmful” Ideas. Separate Fact From Fiction


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