Jamie Baillie, Nova Scotia, Israel and Jordan.

Discussion in 'Canada' started by DennisTate, Jun 5, 2017.

  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Mr. Jamie Baillie, I personally am hoping that you will continue as Leader of Nova Scotia's Progressive Conservative Party.

    In my opinion you and your team did extremely well in this election and more importantly during the NSTU work to rule action.

    I believe that you have the experience, background and the ability to do something with a suggestion that I put in front of the federal Liberal Party back in 2012 that I knew would be ignored once they were given a majority government.


    I was a member of Canada's Liberal Party from 2009 - 2015 and I believe that you have the capability to do something with a proposal and challenge that I put in front of my fellow Liberals back in 2012. Once I saw that P. M. Justin Trudeau had been given a majority government I lost all hope that he would seriously consider what I was suggesting.

    A Liberal Party Dollar or Liberal Party Volunteerism Hour could.......

  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Mr. Jaimie Bailley........ I have a question on basic physics that I believe you can turn
    into a mission in life.

    In my part of Nova Scotia, Guysborough County near Sherbrooke, the difference from
    low tide to high tide isn't much more than one meter.

    As you know extremely well........ in parts of your riding the difference from low tide to high tide is around FIFTEEN

    My question is.......... if a significant amount of cracking and sliding of ice on the West Antarctic
    Ice Sheet were to occur...... and if average ocean levels were to rise by one meter...... would the
    difference along part of the Bay of Fundy continue to have a FACTOR OF 15 X?

    Would a one meter rise in average ocean levels translate into another fifteen meters added to high tide
    due to the funneling effect that the Bay of Fundy has on the tidal waters as it comes in???????

    I don't know the answer to this question.

    I am hoping that there is some other factor that would lessen the
    multiplier effect on high tides in parts of your riding........... but the
    question needs to be asked...... because my online friend Mr. Carl Cantrell
    gave me an alternative theory on how to address climate stabilization that
    has the side benefit of also directly addressing the threat of rising ocean levels.

    Obviously every cubic meter of ocean water that is desalinated and added to the
    water table of Israel, Jordan, Qatar, Tunisia, California, Saudi Arabia, Australia or any
    other nation with lots of desert is good news for people whose homes are along the Bay of Fundy.


    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Oh...... nine months after joining Canada's Conservative Party I did
    re-word this basic idea to give it a somewhat different flavor.

    Proposal for the creation of a Conservative Party Volunteerism Hour or Dollar.

  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Mr. Jaimie Baillie, if you were to do an internet search you will find that very few people are using a particular phrase publicly.

    Is a Unified Theory of Modern World Problems even possible?

    You will find that the name DennisTate comes up often with the results for any
    search for "Unified Theory of Modern World Problems."

    Each time that I get into this it seems to get a little easier to explain so essentially:

    1. I am advocating large scale desalination of ocean water in many nations that will result in a huge increase in food production on land that is now unproductive.

    2. I am advocating a deliberate LOWERING OF OCEAN LEVELS by thirty centimeters, one foot, in order to give coastal communities a buffer zone for that probable eventual time where rapid cracking and sliding of ice on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet or the land based Greenland Ice Pack probably occurs. (If an earthquake or tsunami were to hit the West Antarctic Ice Sheet the results would probably be scary indeed)!

    3. I am advocating adding eighty or more trace minerals to fertilizer which several physicians and researchers claim can greatly reduce the incidence of many of our major medical conditions that cause our deaths. I want to see food, to a degree, turned into "medicine."

    4. I am advocating a revamping of Canadian central banking policies to maximize productivity.......... and place a higher value on human life.

    5. The foundation for this new look at central banking policy should be a revolt against the simplistic, ignorant, intellectually dishonest theories put forward by rather dogmatic Atheists such as Richard Dawkins Ph. D. (Since education is a responsibility of provincial governments as Leader of the Nova Scotia Progressive Conservative Party you are in a perfect position to get into this controversial subject).

    Where did Intelligence begin, in matter or fundamental energy?

    (This idea is relevant to central banking policy because.......IF....
    it is true that intelligence first came into existence in a fundamental
    form of energy implied by String Theory and Energy from Quantum Vacuum
    THEN..... that life form would get extremely emotionally involved in the creation
    after planning and choreographing an essentially infinite number of Big Bang type

    Near death experiencer Mellen Benedict was shown a rather Theistic Cyclic Model of
    the Universe which contrasts with the Atheistic Cyclic Model explained in chapter 13 of
    "Stephen Hawking's Universe."

    Could God the Father be the most emotional being in the universe/ multiverse?

    Last edited: Jun 10, 2017
  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Mr. Jaimie Baillie.... because you are a Harvard man you
    are in a unique position to initiate a somewhat friendly, win - win - win, but
    genuine competition against Yale.

    The opening gambit is to give credit to Yale man
    Irving Fisher Ph. D. who accomplished so much nearly
    a century ago.

    Mr. Baillie, I am hopeful that you may be willing Sir, to
    become the point man in a movement that could set in motion
    something even larger than the FDR New Deal!

    Last edited: Jun 10, 2017
  7. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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  8. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Last edited: Jun 11, 2017
  9. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    On the plus side, being a mile inland on a bluff with at an elevation of 60'
    sea level rise may just make my home ocean front with a private dock. :woot:
    DennisTate likes this.
  10. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I hate to admit it but knowing the history of
    how rapidly and effectively political leaders
    inspired their people to prepare for obvious threats
    has me worried that you might just get your
    beachfront property Moi621!

    I do hope not though because even a one meter rise in ocean levels
    will create more than twenty million climate change refugees in
    Bangladesh alone. Many of them would flee to India.

    I gave a statistic over in another discussion that explains why we
    have not seen significant ocean level rise so far............. in spite of all
    the melting and cracking and sliding of ice off the world's glaciers
    and the land based Greenland Ice Pack.

    HAB Theory and getting Conservatives to take climate change seriously.


    Just a few days ago I ran into an article that sure gives us hope that
    this threat may well be almost negated.

    Desert Farm Grows 17,000 Tons Of Food Without Soil, Pesticides, Fossil Fuels, or Even Groundwater

  11. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Some say as the glaciers melt the land rises being relieved of the weight of ice.
    Maybe we could just move some of those flooded peoples to the green hills of Greenland
    Or Northern :flagcanada:
    DennisTate likes this.
  12. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I am definitely expecting a general shift away from the urban lifestyle toward
    the land. Theoretically...... this could assist in paying off the national debt of
    the USA and get us looking at economics quite differently than we do now.

    The fact that so many careers can largely be done online these days will
    certainly play a role in this probable trend.

    Could a real estate boom plus better Fed policy pay off USA national debt?


    There is a pretty serious theory out there that somewhere between one to 4.3 trillion dollars USA may hit the market in the not too distant future........
    if this idea is correct.......
    that money has to go somewhere?!


    Last edited: Jun 14, 2017
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  13. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Speaking of Greenland......
    near death experiencer Dannion Brinkley was shown the country of Jordan
    changing colour.

    I believe the new colour will be green......
    as we deliberately decide that that nation should be one of the first
    to benefit in this large scale movement toward protecting coastal communities
    from the threat of rising ocean levels..........
    at the same time that we produce lot of food.

    Mr. Jamie Baillie is in a perfect position to perhaps encourage retired Prime Minister Stephen Harper
    to get involved in the proposed project.

    He is extremely popular in the nation of Israel and is good friends with
    P. M. Benjamin Netanyahu who will never forget what he and his team did
    at the G-8 in 2011.

    Please pray or meditate on Canada's P. M. brokering Jordan - Israel peace deal?

    Note... I wrote those positive statements about P. M. Stephen Harper while I was still a member of Canada's Liberal Party. What he did so impressed me that I had to acknowledge it!
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2017
  14. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Dennis Tate
    RR#2 Sherbrooke, N. S.

    June 16, 2017

    Member of Parliament Mr. Sean Fraser:

    Dear Mr. Minister Fraser:

    I so thank you for being so involved in events down in Sherbrooke. I will be
    seeing you again tomorrow apparently.

    My apologies if this is kind of rude of me to write to you within a discussion
    addressed to the leader of Nova Scotia's Progressive Conservative Party but.......
    I feel that the seriousness of the situation that we are in calls for drastic actions.

    I believe that it was back in 2008 when I joined Canada's Christian Heritage Party.
    In less than a year I knew that I did not fit in there so I left.

    Green Party Leader Ms. Elizabeth May personally responded to my 2008 campaign
    writing with such brilliance that she got my vote in that federal election.


    Ms. May sent me a message on Facebook stating that yes....... investment in turning
    deserts green was one important part of a full response to climate change. She also
    stated that if she was elected M. P. she would try her best to make Central Nova a hub
    for film production.

    The sheer intelligence of her reply put me into some serious cognitive dissonance because
    I was, and am, extremely impressed with M. P. Peter MacKay and I only voted for somebody
    else other than him on two occasions. (One of them was when he ran for the first time ever
    against M. P. Francis LeBlanc who I regarded as Prime Minister material)!

    My casting my ballot for Ms. May in 2008 played a significant role in my joining Canada's Liberal
    Party early in 2009.

    In December of 2015 I saw two documentaries about the life of Mr. Donald Trump that caused me
    to decide that I wanted him to become President of the United States. I made that public on
    December 21, 2015 which made my being a member of Canada's Liberal Party something of a
    waste of time. I also wanted to do what I could online to attempt to encourage Mr. Peter MacKay
    to campaign for the office of National Leader of Canada's Federal Conservative Party but........
    I do completely understand why he stayed out of this one.

    Mr. Sean Fraser I believe that you are in a position to play a significant role in bringing all
    major political parties of Canada somewhat together on the question that I put in front of
    M.L.A. Jamie Baillie in post #2 here.

    Ms. Lenore Zann can do an Academy Award winning role of acting as something of a "damsel in
    distress" on behalf of the residents of Truro.

    Mr. Minister Fraser....... you are now set up as best as I can for you to act out the role of
    diplomat........ and I know that I know that you can do a phenomenal job of playing that role Sir!

    All the best Sir!

    Dennis Tate

    p.s. Once I publicly posted the following message on December 21, 2015 there was no longer much point
    in my being a member of Canada's Liberal Party.

    Donald Trump can be a GREAT President because.......

    Last edited: Jun 16, 2017
  15. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Here is the quotation that convinced me that Mr. Donald Trump was
    the best person to become President of the United States in 2016.


    His financial problems in 1992 have set President Donald Trump up to be willing
    to tackle the flaws in the existing policies of the Federal Reserve system that
    if un-addressed would make it very difficult to raise the necessary funds to
    invest in large scale desalination of ocean water for agriculture at a level that
    will make it unnecessary to build sea walls, dikes and levees to protect low
    lying towns and cities from rising ocean levels.

    P. M. Justin Trudeau and a plan for Canada, Jordan - Israeli cooperation on....

  16. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Mr. Minister Baillie:
    Mr. Minister Fraser:

    I want you to see my source for the statistic that it could be 4.3 trillion
    dollars US that might hit the market soon........
    if the nations opposed to America do decide to attempt to
    go off the Petro Dollar?

    Best explanation for Weimar Republic Inflation I ever read....

    Last edited: Jun 17, 2017
  17. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Dear Mr. Minister Fraser:
    Dear Mr. Minister Baillie:

    We had a horrible tragedy in our community last week.

    A young boy only eighteen months old choked on a cashew nut and died.

    The following morning I was working at the school a few hundred yards from his home
    and it was as if I got a download
    on how to put all of this together in such a way that could lead to saving millions, even
    billions of lives.

    98% of the money supply in Canada is created as a debt to privately owned banks. The Bank of Canada
    only creates two percent of the money supply in such a way that does not result in Canadian taxpayers
    having a greater debt load on their shoulders, (the actual printed currency notes and coins).

    From what I have read of near death experience accounts, (especially that of little Colton Burpo), it seems
    that even an infant, within a day of being in the higher dimensions of space - time can become far more
    knowledgeable on all subjects, than the wisest person on earth. I suspect that I may be a bit psychic......
    and I had a background on how to set this up....... so it seems like our young friend Mr. Leo Cook may have
    been allowed to download into my head a strategy on this that can actually work.

    First........ we need to organize a class action lawsuit by the residents of Truro, Nova Scotia against me,
    Dennis Tate.

    What I wrote in post #2 above could potentially lead to a decrease in their property values.

    I would suggest a large sum, perhaps ten million dollars to one hundred million dollars
    in damages caused by my irresponsibility in writing on topics that I am not an expert on.

    But...... in my defence...... I attempt to organize cooperation between M. L. A. Lenore Zann with
    M. P. Sean Fraser and Nova Scotia Progressive Conservative Leader M.L.A. Jamie Baillie
    so whatever sum of money this court case results in
    is donated to an organization set up to study......... and respond to this question.

    One way for all of you to get me off the hook legally would be to set this in a somewhat different time period
    and make this look like a semi-reality science fiction film project. I hereby offer to donate my time as
    a writer and actor playing the role of myself on occasion for one dollar per year for twenty years,
    to this organization that you will hopefully assist to set up.

    Thank you for seriously considering my offer.

    A title of the "Leo Clayton Cook Memorial Film Production Cooperative" might be a good name for it if
    Robert and Holly like the idea.

    Somewhere between ten to one hundred million dollars donated to it would be a good beginning.

    Leo wants all of us to be less critical of each other's flaws and concentrate more on what our
    opponents are doing right, (or at least half right), because we are facing off the scale dangers and
    threats, that can only be solved if we work together.

    All the best......

    Dennis Tate

    Leo Clayton Cook
    Cook, Leo Clayton of Sherbrooke at the tender age of 18 months our lovable boy went to rest, on Wednesday June 21, 2017, to play with our angel baby and his Papa Harry. Born in Antigonish on December 4, 2015, he was a son of Robert and Holly (Gerrior) Cook. Leo was the happiest, lovable child ever. He had the most beautiful brown eyes and a smile that could melt your heart. He loved Mickey Mouse Club House, Thomas the Train and Curious George. He also loved buses and big trucks, driving tricycles, running in the trampoline and swinging in his swing. He loved playing with any and all kids, especially his sister Kenzie and cousins Lilly and Aaron. Leo was also a huge fan of jumping in puddles; he would run right into them, water flying everywhere, with the biggest smile ever. Along with his parents Leo leaves behind his sister, Kenzie; grandparents, Bud and Cindy Cook, Evelyn Jack and Freddie MacKenzie, Fabian and Aldona Gerrior, aunts and uncles, Tanya (Brian) Langille, Kevin (Cara) Hatton, Brian Hatton, David Hatton, Sheldon Richard; great-grandmothers, Joan Crooks, Lillian Carroll, Pearl Cook, Barbara Gerrior; cousins, Lilly and Aaron, loving extended family, Amanda and her girls Abbey and Sierra; many great-aunts, great-uncles and cousins. He was predeceased by, grandfather, Harry Hatton. Visitation will be held Saturday, from 1pm until time of funeral service at 3pm in St. James Presbyterian Church, Historic Sherbrooke Village with Rev. Kristin MacKenzie officiating. Interment to follow in St. James Anglican Cemetery, Sherbrooke. Memorial donations may be made to St. Mary’s Amateur Athletic Association. Funeral arrangements are under the dignified and compassionate care of the G.W. Giffin Funeral Home, St. Mary’s Chapel, Sherbrooke. On-line condolences may be made at www.gwgiffin.com


    I believe little Leo cares about the issues that I write about here:

    Are we facing 70 - 90 percent depopulation of world?
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2017
  18. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I got back one exceptional response to this question, but please note I used a one foot, thirty centimeter rise rather than a one meter rise in average ocean levels.

    Geology, physics, high tides question.


    Last edited: Jun 26, 2017
  19. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Dear Mr. Minister Fraser:
    Dear Mr. Minister Baillie:

    I need to let you know specifically how serious a number we are talking about:


    Could a Utah State Dollar save the USA Dollar?



    ... and another major plus in the favor of the Latter Day Saints is that the State of Utah seems to be in the best position to deal with a potential issue that threatens the national security of both the USA and Canada:


    Some brilliant experts fear that two to 4.3 TRILLION Dollars US might hit the markets in the near future........ it is theoretically possible to divert most of this into win - win - win - win - win - win projects..........
  20. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I copied and pasted most of post #2 to the Facebook page of a Canadian political party that
    I just noticed on Facebook.

    Their reply was quite encouraging:

    United People's Party of Canada

    Your response is brilliant and profoundly encouraging. May I quote you in full, along with a link to your Facebook page into this discussion?

    Excellent... thank you again!
    I have campaigned for public office four times already. I brought this up in my 2008 campaign.


    Last edited: Jul 18, 2017
  21. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Cliff notes, please.
    Thank you.

    What's it have to do with how I was quoted? ? :confused:
    DennisTate likes this.
  22. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Moi621....... you have done a wonderful job of warning your fellow Americans
    that we Canadians cannot be trusted........... we could invade America and except for
    our usage of words like "eh" it is almost impossible to discover us...............

    ....... you may think that President Trump can protect you from us......
    but........ we Canadians can be like chameleons and we can fit in almost anywhere in the US........

    You noticed on the previous page where I used the number 4.3 Trillion Dollars US?

    Well........ a Canadian variation of a Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems could
    well lead to.............

    My counsel to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is to borrow, borrow and borrow USA Dollars.......
    in an attempt to divert those 4.3 Trillion Dollars in a manner that is win - win - win - win - win and......
    the net result could be the Canadian Dollar valued the same as one Dollar US?!?!


    One Billion Strong Praying for Donald Trump

    "The nation of ISRAEL has experienced COOLING in its climate since the 1950's. On a per capita basis they led the world in planting trees and in large scale desalination of ocean water for agriculture, reforestation projects as well as for towns. Israel has given us hope that my obviously well informed online friend may well NOT be correct! ' (Dennis Tate)

    Guess what was the nationality of the person who began this group?

    You guessed it...... CANADIAN!

    But these diabolical Canadians get Americans to be the most visible.........
    probably a dastardly plot indeed isn't it Moi621?
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2017
  23. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    My guess is we are going to witness Trudeau trading with nations :flagus: placed trade restrictions. And also join economic groups such as BRICS and the Central Asia Economic Development organization. An aggressive, economic flanking maneuver.

    Remember, "There are tremendous opportunities for countries like Canada and Ireland, at a time where perhaps our significant allies and trading partners in the case of both the U.S. and the U.K. are turning inward or at least turning into a different direction,” Trudeau said in comments carried by AFP.
    #118 http://politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/is-it-true-part-deux.495478/page-6

    Some "thanks" after we paid their way through the Cold War.
    Allowed them free access to :flagus: markets as they devalue their currency like China for the trade advantage. A real :flagcanada: Thank You, eh.

    What I don't understand is why do so few if any that can be counted Americans, get it.

    Moi :oldman:

    r > g

    It need not be military.
    It could be economic, population shifts, other means of conquest.

    Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic,
    regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us
    DennisTate likes this.
  24. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    My theory is that an essentially all powerful hand is on this........
    President Trump is in the perfect position to make a deal with Israel while he
    manoeuvres P. M. Trudeau to reach out to the nation of Jordan..........

    They are in a position to alter the formula for the whole Middle East which could cause the world economy to boom......


    Near death experiencer shown peace deal between Jordan and Israel is coming.


    "The country of Jordan was changing color" could mean that the deserts were turning green. There is an ancient Islamic prophecy that in the latter days the deserts of the Islamic nations would be turned green.

    Last edited: Jul 19, 2017
  25. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Not holding my breath over it!
    Besides, I believe in producing more CO2 :lol:
    DennisTate likes this.

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