Was Trump Wrong?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by RPA1, Aug 22, 2017.


Should Trump Have Specifically Named White Nationalists?

  1. Yes, Trump is obviously racist.

    10 vote(s)
  2. No, Both sides were equally to blame

    24 vote(s)
  3. Other (Please Explain)

    8 vote(s)
  1. TOG 6

    TOG 6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    There was a lot more violence in this incident than the driver who ran over those people.
    That violence was initiated by the antifa terrorists, who attended the rally to "oppose" the supremacists "with deeds, not words".
    Had the antifa not done so and the supremacists left to themselves, it is likely no one would have been hurt.
    Including the woman that died.
  2. amartin7889

    amartin7889 Active Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    The police had already declared an unlawful assembly, and dispersed the crowds. The driver hit that peaceful crowd walking away from the protests almost two hours afterward.

    There have been several protests and counter-protests between the same groups this year, and during the Presidential campaign. Some people got hurt, but this time someone was killed.

    What do you think the variable was?
  3. TOG 6

    TOG 6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    The presence of this guy.
    How is any of that relevant to the points I made?
  4. amartin7889

    amartin7889 Active Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    We aren't even having this discussion if that guy doesn't slam his car into those people. It would have been another run of the mill protest.

    Your points are irrelevant, and grounded in a fantasy world. You don't even think the Nazis are culpable at all.
  5. TOG 6

    TOG 6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Indeed -- because no one apparently cares that antifa terrorists seek to suppress free speech with violence.
    Except those of us who value free speech, of course.
    Translation: You haven't been able to effectively counter them.
    The Nazis did not initiate the violence; the whole purpose of the antifi attendance was to "oppose" the Nazis 'with deeds not words". However prepared the Nazis may have been for violence, the fact is their protest, when left to their own devices, was peaceful.

    Why do you refuse to condemn the antifa terrorists for trying to suppress free speech with violence?
  6. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    An oldie but a goodie:
    Asia - Sole Survivor

    This song came out when I was twelve years old. :grin:
  7. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Correct! But, the Right-wing group that had applied for and gotten a PERMIT to demonstrate against removing the statue of Robert E. Lee was there LEGALLY. The rabid, violent hyperlibs were there to cause nothing but trouble, and their actions were ILLEGAL. The idiot that drove the car that killed the woman? His status and fate will be determined in a court of law.
  8. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Has the real point of a statue of Robert E. Lee been forgotten? This is the reason for the protests, the removal of a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee. This is the purpose of the initial protests, the removal of a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee. Say what you will, but the removal of a statue that has erected in 19 and 24, that is NINETY-THREE YEARS. Think about it, NINETY-THREE YEARS this particular statue has been in the park where it stood in Charlottesville, NC!
  9. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Guess what, you get what you asked for. The Antifa was there for the purposes of violence, and violence came, so the continued protests from the Left is moot and lost its validity as soon Antifa showed up on the scene. Had Antifa not shown up, the madness that ensued would have never take place. This point has been clearly demonstrated through the entire discourse and exchange in this OP. Is there blame to be given, yes, ANTIFA is to blame for the violence that has taken place. To me, this is reminiscent of Patricia Hearst and her escapades.

    Listen to ANTIFA from their own mouths:

    This is why I HATE THE LEFT!
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2017
    Pollycy likes this.
  10. james M

    james M Banned

    Jul 10, 2014
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    Most importantly, the huge excitement about the monuments is a wedge issue that the libcommies are hoping to use for much larger purposes, namely, the conversion of America to communism. Al Sharpton is already calling for destruction of the Jefferson monument in DC, and has never made a secret of his contempt for America in general. What a profound irony that the descendants of slavery no longer want freedom but rather dependency on liberal govt. Now they have a wedge issue that, they hope, can alert supporters to American's essential racism and push America further down the road to communism wherein everyone truly cares for everyone.
    AlifQadr likes this.
  11. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    This is what I am also fighting against, the sinking too many of us, the children of the former slaves of the United States, into Leftist ideology because it is lawlessness. These idiots are promoting slavery with a smile (The Left).
  12. GrayMan

    GrayMan Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2010
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    If I you ask me if I like broccoli, and I say "I don't like veggies" you can assume that I don't like broccoli.

    When Trump says bigotry and hate is bad in response to Charlottesville, you can assume he is calling out the white supremacists.
    AlifQadr likes this.
  13. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    : I have the need to explain the comment that I made yesterday regarding African-Americans (as some like to call themselves; although it is a fiction) and the Leftist ideology. Being that I have no power over another, whatever others choose to believe, follow, and adhere to, really has nothing to do with me. I personally, dislike Leftist rhetoric because it actually adds to nothing but misery and the acceptance of behaviors that I oppose morally, intuitively, as well as intellectually. What others choose for themselves is their business, as long as they do not attempt to impose their ideological differences on me. This from my experience is part of the major problem within this nation internally. As I have made it well-known, I am a Muslim, a student of Messenger Elijah Muhammad, one who seeks to have a nation separate and apart from this nation (America), because I am for living my life without the hindrances that are part of the American fabric. With all of this being said, time and again by me, those who seek to follow the easy way out of the difficulties of life in America, actually exhibit and practice many of the points that they seemingly object to. Are their some Black people who are haters of other Black people? Of course there are, I would be lying if I said differently. Are there problems with Black people overall in this nation and society? Absolutely, there are problems that should be confronted and eliminated, but these problems will never be solved via outside interference. It is often the case where those who seemingly want to “help” inflict more injury than healing. From what I know, it is the Left who are largely the sources of many of the problems that Black people, those who adhere to and follow the Leftist diatribes of Marxism, Communism, and government dependency. As I have stated before, it has been four hundred sixty-two (462) years. It is time to reassess, reevaluate, and solve the problems using old tried and true methods that have garnered success in the past, present and will continue to be the model of success in the future. I, as a Black Man, am tired of what I see and really want a change, but where I currently live, there is no chance of implementing what needs to be accomplished.
  14. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Obviously. His mealy-mouthed, namby-pamby equivocation earned the praise of Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Emeritus David Duke, neo-nazis, and other white supremacists, but was repudiated by members of his own administration, GOP elected officials, the CEOs of America's leading corporations, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the overwhelming majority of patriotic Americans.
    Senator Jack Danforth's eloquent call to Republicans to save their Party from odious trumpery is a rejection of The Great Divider's crapping on traditional American values:


    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
  15. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Here is my opinion on President Trump and what took place in Charlottesville, North Carolina:
    Mr. Trump did praise what took place. Instead, he, President Trump, condemned the driver and the others who came to the demonstration to provoke violence. Yet, this is not good enough for some. It is good enough for me though.
    As for the others condemning Mr. Trump, what do you expect them to do? The CEO are placating to the consumers, David Duke, is taking advantage of the situation to make have free press, The Joint Chiefs are also placating to future enlisteds and the media,Establishment GOPers, are doing what they normally do, stump for votes, and the "overwhelming patriotic Americans" only react to what they are told via television, newspapers, and other information media sources.
    So there you have it, the "I don't want to be bothered" being lead by the diabolical few right into a Lake of Fire. May they ALL burn happily together.
    See, I am not running for office nor in a popularity contest so I speak freely.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
  16. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    The vast majority of decent folks recognize Trump's pandering to neo-nazis, ku klux klan, and other white supremacists. He earned their praise.

    You remind me of the proud mother among the spectators watching the troops march off to war when she spotted her son in the ranks.
    "Will you look at that! They're all out of step but my little Alphonse!"
  17. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Decent Folk is subjective. Here is a reality check for you, Whenever there is a police shooting of a Black person, those same groups that you have named cheer the police on, Does this mean the the cop is a Klansman or a Neo-Nazi? I leave that you to answer. It appears that there are those, you included, who seize any opportunity for political ends. As to me being as a "proud mother", not at all being that I am not a female, but I am a REAL MOTHER when it comes to certain things.
  18. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Yes, just as it would be subjective to label the vast majority of Americans "indecent" when they unambiguously reject neo-nazis, ku klux klan, and other white supremacists.

    Silly. It's like saying, "Most white supremacists think puppies are cute. Does that make most puppies resemble white supremacists?" Obviously, the puppies and police are not defined by white supremacists' opinion of them.

    The squalid behaviour of Trump wins the approval of neo-nazis, ku klux klan, and other white supremacists, but it does not make him anything different that what he already is.
  19. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Natty Natty Natty. To state that everyone who considers President Trump, as decent people, is a stretch, and as I stated, saying as much is subjective to the perception of the person who is stating it. Notice, I did not say that they are indecent, that is a concept that you introduced. What we are dealing with is opinion, it is foolish to argue with opinion, because opinion is based on perception and agenda. So I used the word subjective to signify that the use of the phrase "decent people" is clearly a matter of opinion.
    As to me introducing the realities that the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nation, and others cheer when cops murder Black people and implying via a question that cops who murder Black people are members of the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nation and others, are facts that cannot be denied. Yes, some cops, even Negros and Hispanics do in fact hate Black people and they are more than willing to show their Caucasian (White) counterparts that they are not "one of them" so they tend to be more brutal, confrontational and aggressive towards Black people, so how is me implying this "Silly" as you posted? .
  20. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    And if racists weren't there there'd been no story. Pretty bad point you made.
  21. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Expressing an opinion isn't a lie. Merely a point of view. And trump many times is unhinged.
  22. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    I have no idea what "everyone who considers President Trump, as decent people, is a stretch" means, but you are entitled to your subjective opinion, whatever that might be.

    It is not about some ultimate, unassailable, empirical truth. It is all about opinion - the opinion of the 35% who approve of Trump's performance as well as the 60% who disapprove of it. Members of the administration, Republican politicians, CEOs of major American corporations, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and others have expressed their opinion of Trump's behavior. It is not favourable.

    Obviously your suggesting such a thing cannot be denied. It is a matter of record. If you tried to deny your own recorded words, you would be following Trump's example, and that is clearly a very foolish thing to do.

    I have no idea how it relates to the topic, but your opinion is noted.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
  23. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    I have always stated and will continue to state the President Trump is doing a good job and that I support him, until and when he does something that obviously is detrimental to the country as a whole. I agree with his stance on immigration, I agree with his stance on not allowing people into this country that come from nations that this country has recently engaged in combat. I agree with his attempting to bring manufacturing back to this country, although in my opinion, it is far too late for that move. Had Richard Millhouse Nixon, not opened trading with China, had Ronald Wilson Regan not caused the folding up of steel manufacturing in the U.S. by authorizing steel to be shipped from Japan to the U.S. Had not William Jefferson Clinton further established the demise of the manufacturing in the continental U.S. by granting China “Most Favored Nation” trading status, along with NAFTA. Had not George Walker Bush pushed for CAFTA, Had not Barack Hussein Obama not signed Trade Promotion Authority and the Trade Preferences Extension Act, which includes Trade Adjustment Assistance not signed these into law, maybe, just maybe the United States as a whole would be in better standing, I even recall when Reagan suggested that the United States was entering into Service Oriented Economy, yet he is the darling of the establishment Republicans an so-called Conservatives. From day one, all of those who detest the idea of President Trump holding the office of the presidency of these United States of [North] America, which is your right, have sought his ultimate demise and have nit-picked over everything that he does, which is borderline treasonous. These are many of the same (party hacks and such) who has inherited ad carried out the agenda of Globalism. The men who authored the book “None Dare Call It Conspiracy” were not whistling a happy tune, they were warning of the coming demise of this country and who is too blame. Meanwhile, in reality, he is attempting to bring resolution to many problems that have sprung up since the days of Richard Milhouse Nixon and continued unabated through the last term of former-President Barack Hussein Obama. To add to this, he has to contend with a belligerent congress, both houses, the Republican and Democrat establishment and many whom he thought would work with him to help solve the problems within the political arena of this country, only to have them turn around walk-out. By you mentioning Members of the administration, Republican politicians, CEOs of major American corporations, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and others have expressed their opinion of Trump's behavior, only shows the lack of credibility and the contempt that I have previously mentioned. As for the Joint Chiefs, they cannot espouse any political views publicly while still active, i.e. serving in the capacity of their rank. If you are referring to retired military persons, they too are only voicing their opinions. Hate Mr. Trump all you like, but when a person actively works against a sitting president and they are in politics, said person or persons cannot be trusted, in my opinion. Everyone in the entire Ops do is present their opinion(s) on the given subject matters unless they present facts and evidence. As of yet, not one of you anti-Trumpeteers has produced any tangible evidence the Mr. Trump has done anything that would amount to him being impeached, prosecuted and convicted. All of you, including the Bobbsey twins (DnRs), has presented any credible evidence that Mr. Trump suffers from incompetency nor have you done anything except attempt to crucify him in the public arena. I defend him because this is exactly what has been done to people over the years, in and outside of politics. All of this, president Trump has to contend with, along with the DnRs and their usual pandering and placating to foreign interests, while smiling in the faces of American citizens and Denizens alike. The public in America need to wake-up, learn some history and then they will see who the authors of the problems that this once great nation really are. Here is a hint; President Trump was not involved in politics when the destruction of these United States was being carefully drafted, crafted and executed.

    To end this, of course Natty, you haven't a clue where the evils of police fit into this discussion.Clue: A POLICE STATES IS ALWAYS THE CONSEQUENCE OF THE ECONOMIC DECLINE OF A NATION. Moreover and directly related to this OP, President Trump has been accused of siding with White Nationalists because of the manner in which he commented on about the incident in Charlottesville and as a result, I mentioned the police and their hatred and uneven handedness when it comes to Black people. That is how the police fit into the topic of the post.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
  24. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Edgar Winter Group - Frankenstein

    Overkill - Frankenstein
  25. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    When their messiah boasted that he could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and his hardcore fans would not be critical, he acknowledged the lack of moral values of those he has beguiled.

    Fortunately, most Americans, including his own cabinet secretaries, are not of the cult.


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