P. M. Justin Trudeau makes daring gambit regarding abortion issue.....

Discussion in 'Canada' started by DennisTate, Jan 23, 2018.


Is P. M. Trudeau a political genius..... or idiot?

  1. Genius... this will secure him another majority in 2019....

    0 vote(s)
  2. Very unwise.... I think this will lose him the election if his opponents respond wisely.

    1 vote(s)
  3. I am not sure..... but this is interesting and I will research this further....

    0 vote(s)
  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has just made a serious error........ that will divide "his" Liberal Party into two groups........... those who at least empathize with the Pro-Life movement.... .and those Liberals who are so politically correct that they have nothing but contempt for anybody who disagrees with their own personal views.

    My wife is Pentecostal..... she is extremely Pro-Life.... and although I personally understand and to a significant degree empathize with the Pro-Choice Movement.......... if Charles McVety has understood P. M. Trudeau's proposal properly........... then P. M. Trudeau has just torched and burned his Liberal Party and handed the 2019 election to Conservative Leader Mr. Andrew Scheer, (who incidentally was my #2 choice in the leadership campaign after Mr. Kevin O'Leary)!

    Charles McVety:
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    But... .P. M. Justin Trudeau and his advisors should not be mis-underestimated.....
    as an online poster insightfully stated when they saw my message:

    Aaron Foster
    That is an excellent point.................. we Conservatives have to turn this around.... .and an event from the life of Ms. Corrie Ten Boom can be useful........... Her family owned watch repair shop hired a Hitler Youth............ and eventually had to fire him.... the why.... is important......

    Aaron Foster
    Wow.......... an exceptionally well informed online friend of mine suggested that I should promote..... "A ban on Intra-cardiac potassium chloride injections on singletons."
    That is actually an anti-feticide bill.... and could well be passed in parliament... if enough pro-life M. P.'s supported it.....

    Aaron Foster...... may I quote you into other discussions that I have going? If so..... do you prefer that I use your full name.... only your initials or..... (Anonymous)? You have warned us about something big here.......

    Aaron Foster:
  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I am merely a red neck from the back woods of Nova Scotia...... and I have to admit that I tend to lack wisdom and tact when reacting to certain videos.......... and to whatever degree my reaction was unwise....... .sorry.... .but personally I think that I would prefer to be ..... buried in a shallow grave..... .urinated on........... and perhaps a few buckets of pigs blood and entrails dumped on my grave..... than to stand along with my impressive M. P. Mr. Sean Fraser.... .in spite of the fact that I voted for him in 2015?!

    I will have to send this comment off to him for clarification....... because M. P. Sean Fraser impresses me as being exceptionally well informed and it is possible that he understands something about all this that I personally missed..........????!

    I noticed M. P. Bill Casey standing along with P. M. Justin Trudeau on that one.... .and I have to admit that this was also quite disappointing to me??!

    Maybe I am wrong.....
    but I am a Conservative who feels that an attempt must be made to
    unite with the federal NDP for this one election of 2019..........
    defeat the Liberals soundly.......
    and prove that radical politics like this will not be tolerated by Canadians!

    After doing that we can go back to squabbling with each other as usual!

    Conservative and NDP unity to destroy Liberals in 2019?
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2018
  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Lib- Scott Simms,
    NDP- David Christopherson
    Bloc- Xavier Barsalou-Daval, Mario Beaulieu, Marilene Gill,
    Green- Elizabeth May
    all voted against P. M. Justin Trudeau's hairball political ploy.

    I am seriously impressed with the courage and integrity shown by Liberal M. P. Scott Simms,
    NDP M. P. David Christopherson,
    Bloc M.P's Xavier Barsalou-Daval, Mario Beaulieu and Marleen Gill and.......
    Green Party Leader Ms. Elizabeth May!!!!!!

    I apologized to Green Party Leader Ms. May a few years ago for the ignorance
    obvious for all to see in my 2008 primary campaign writing in my failed bid to become
    a municipal councillor.

    Ignorance shown in my 2008 campaign, my apology to Ms. Elizabeth May!

  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Now here is some relevant information on all this!

    Now how in the world did that Ford guy ever win against HER??????

    FULL SHOW / Guest: Tanya Granic Allen with Dr. Jordan Peterson Segment
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2018

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