BREAKING: Trump moves to ban bump stocks

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Talon, Feb 20, 2018.


    PARTIZAN1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2015
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    I do believe that these days the unions or the environmentalists have the ability to use their donations in a targeted manner that the NRA has - no pun intended but the NRA is good at it.
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    PARTIZAN1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2015
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    These are a matter of opinion not bonafide accomplishments.

    There were people who were recommended for a judgeship that did not have any experience in a court room. One guy's only claim to fame was the fact that his wife worked for the Trump WH.

    Tax Cut is a tax cut it is not Tax Reform.. This was not tax reform.

    The individual mandate was a way to kill Obama care not a stand alone "accomplishment.

    DEREGULATION!!! Would ned to see what was deregulated and see where the deregulation cause a problem so calling all of that an accomplishment is not true.

    What government waste was cut? One man's waster is another man's essential service.

    The travel ban was stupidly rolled out and we do not see where it solved anything. No new vetting was implemented so big deal.

    Trump did not defeat ISIS the Kurds, Iragis and other allies did. he was just in office when it happened.
    When Bin laden was neutralized Obama was in office but I did not hear those who had Obama hatred syndrome praise him.
    Like defeating ISIS the military did it not Trump not Obama.

    She will see what comes out of the recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital brings us.

    So calling all of that accomplishments is a matter of opinion.

    I have one accomplishment that is not yet implemented Trump did say that we will send lethal weapons to Ukraine but I have yet to see proof that we are sending them.
    Zhivago likes this.
  3. perdidochas

    perdidochas Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Bump stocks were allowed because they do not make guns into automatic weapons per the definition in the LAW. Has nothing to do with Obama or Bush or Trump. It has to do with reading the law, and determining if the bump stocks are illegal. The ATF did reject several different designs of bump stocks with springs in them. They approved, IIRC, two versions that didn't have springs.
    PARTIZAN1 likes this.
  4. cupAsoup

    cupAsoup Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2015
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    Don't for a second pretend like you care about victims or about people being victimized. You care about your own paranoid delusions and not about American children being slaughtered. You care more about being mildly inconvenienced the next time you go to buy a firearm more than you care about keeping a weapon out of the hands of a crazy person. Yes yes, liberals are all responsible for all the crime and innocent hannity watching nutjobs are just trying to protect themselves.

    An intelligent man and a dementia addled moron.

    No, you wouldn't have been able to do it because paranoia is all the right has. There's no courage, no principles, no morality, and certainly no spine. You're perfectly happy to sit back and whine about the inconvenience a background check or a registry would be while American kids are murdered. The 2nd amendment never envisioned favoring a bunch of scared,old, insecure clowns over protecting our children.
    Zhivago likes this.
  5. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Oh, now I'm 'pretending to care', I'm "paranoid", and I care more about being "inconvenienced" than keeping weapons out of the hands of crazy people?! HAVE YOU READ ONE F*CKING WORD THAT I HAVE WRITTEN IN THIS THREAD?

    I'm don't give a damn about being "inconvenienced" because I've never been "inconvenienced" while buying a firearm. Why would I be? My record is as clean as the driven snow, I am not in any kind of 'trouble' with any government authority, I mind my own damned business, and I do not bother anyone else! Moreover, I wouldn't care if it took a f*cking MONTH, or TWO MONTHS, or THREE MONTHS for a background check to be finalized if it would save one single person from being shot by a creature like Nikolas Cruz. I also favor confiscating all firearms, on a PROACTIVE, before-the-fact basis, from people with a documented background like Cruz has, and never allowing them to buy other firearms again! We don't have to wait for these snakes to bite us before we cut their heads off! But, it's stupid and totally unjust to try to infringe on the constitutional rights of lawful firearms owners -- can't you see that, or are you so consumed with hatred that it has blinded you?!

    If so, continue your big hatred orgasm. You probably haven't read one word of this post, anyway. There's no use in even trying to reason with people as unstable as YOU make YOURSELF out to be, if all you can do is vomit out condemnation and derision against people you don't even know, based on stupid, unsubstantiated charges that you make.

    But you aren't interested in even being rational, so, here's a parting piece of advice -- if you don't like the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, then mount an effort to have it thrown out of the Constitution of the United States. Otherwise, grow the hell up, and learn that spewing unsubstantiated blather at people you think you hate impresses no one but other over-wrought idiots who think with their emotions and little else....
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2018
  6. cupAsoup

    cupAsoup Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2015
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    No actually, I haven't outside of the reply you made to me.

    You sound conflicted. Your opinion would seem to contradict your statement about infringing on the rights of lawful firearms owners. In fact, i'm pretty sure some degenerates in this thread would consider what you propose as "gun grabbing" or whatever nonsense ammosexuals stylize themselves with these days. So, the question is, how do we institute those reforms, which I agree with, without the nutjobs I described in my reply losing their minds and frothing at the mouth? (you're clearly not one, so i'll swallow my pride and take that back. It's been a long week dealing with these psychopaths and dead kids really stresses me out).

    It's tough to take a rational approach when any measure, in a any form, no matter how reasonable is going to be painted as infringing on the 2nd amendment.
    Zhivago likes this.
  7. Vote4Future

    Vote4Future Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    ACCOMPLISHMENTS! Respect it! Expect it! More to come! Simply better than the empty suit previously occupying the White House who did nothing for Americans!
  8. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Weak and dishonest attempt at deflection.

    George Soros did not bring or support the Citizen's United case. That was run by a go to GOP political lawyer named Steve Bupp, who is also associated with various voter supression tactics.

    Obama predicted a flood of secret money into political campaigns. The conservative movement wasted no time in proving him right.

    The tea party "movement" which was created on K Street, and largely run by lobbying firms and GOP political acitivitists funded a massive astroturf campaign, and hid the fact that they were putting up all the money by using the 501c4 tax statues to set up front groups. 501c4's don't have to report thier sources of funds. So big money can be fake grass roots simply by hiding behind a front, which is what most of the major tea party groups were.

    That's why you don't hear anything from them anymore. The DC and Wall Street money dried up and the grass roots withered for lack of corporate nourishment.

    BTW, if you want to know what Goerge Soros has done with that $18 billion, you can look at the Open Society's website. Unlike every tea party group, you can read their financial out in the open.
    Zhivago likes this.
  9. RP12

    RP12 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    Blah blah blah big money is bad blah blah blah ignore Soros blah blah

    PARTIZAN1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2015
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    Problem is these are not all accomplishments manybarevopinions that they are accomplishments.
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    PARTIZAN1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2015
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    George Soros does not really exist he is being played by an actor or actually a group of actors so it appears that he is everywhere.
    Zhivago likes this.
  12. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I appreciate your willingness to take back the statements you made against me, and I will admit to being 'conflicted'. In spite of myself, I , too, have been more stressed-out over this than I had thought I would be. You would be correct in assuming that some of my fellow Right-wingers are upset with me for my ideas about firearm confiscation for those who have a criminal record -- both felonies and misdemeanors. I've been called a "Nazi" for taking that viewpoint, but we have approached a point now where we simply cannot tolerate violent people in possessing or obtaining any firearms. They say, "Aw, hell -- even for misdemeanors?!" Yes, for misdemeanors, too. Firearms in the hands of people who possess no self-discipline, and who practice violence against others, or preach it, are a "clear and present danger" among us. Maybe only one in 10,000 of these people would commit mass-murder, but that is NOT something we can tolerate!

    Honestly, I'm even more 'extreme' than that, Soup. I would proactively identify, isolate, and remove creatures like Nikolas Cruz from our society! Based on his record, and his advertised intentions on social media, I'd throw his ass in a "detention center" of some kind for the dangerously mentally-ill. And keep him there for as long as necessary.

    BUT, and this is an equally important point... the anti-gun crusaders must make a differentiation between creatures like Cruz and these other mass-murderers, and the rest of us who own firearms -- we, who are law-abiding, peaceful people with no record of violence, aren't under psychiatric care, don't have violent "issues", aren't drug-addicts, and so on. I'm all in favor of getting the mentally diseased, dangerous people out of our society, and criminals too, obviously, Soup. But please don't try to disarm the rest of us because of them....
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2018

    PARTIZAN1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2015
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    Nice going! You just ruined a bunch of Obama hater's afternoon. You should be ashamed of yourself.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018

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