Screw Loose Change - Not Freakin' Again Edition: Remastered

Discussion in '9/11' started by cjnewson88, Feb 17, 2019.

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  1. cjnewson88

    cjnewson88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2013
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    Good afternoon all [​IMG]

    So it recently came to my attention that about 2 months ago Korey Rowe uploaded an HD remake of 'Loose Change 2nd Edition' on YouTube.

    A second edition of the second edition...[​IMG]

    This was rather fortunate, as in the last year or so I've noticed that there are no copies of 'Screw Loose Change' online anymore. I have a copy on my computer but the quality is so poor I was considering for a while of remaking it.

    But upon viewing this HD Loose Change I noticed that the film was completely redone. There was clearer pictures, footage and animations, and even Dylan was brought back in to narrate it all again.

    But what most surprised me is that the content of it was a little different too. Only a couple of very minor 'new' things, most of the changes was the removal of a fair amount of claims.

    Still, stunned that someone would remake a 2005 conspiracy film in 2018 and not include any of the massive quantity of previously unreleased 9/11 information now available to the public, I figured this would be a great opportunity for me to not only remake Screw Loose Change with HD footage, but also add to it the plethora of new information which is now available to us compared to when Mark originally produced it in 2006.

    So without further ado I present:

    Screw Loose Change - Not Freakin' Again Edition: Remastered

    Which will most likely get a DMCA copyright strike put on it by those 'Louder Than Words' *nice guys* within a couple of weeks, and so if it does I'll just upload it to LiveLeak and post a link here.


    p.s. there are a couple of minor grammar errors and spelling mistakes floating around in this, but I can live with it.
    Adam Fitzgerald likes this.
  2. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    I wondered what happened to this. Thanks for bringing it back.
    That's weird. I was working on the assumption, back when Avery was discharged(?), disillusioned and full of creative energy, he got caught up with people using him as their front guy to expose the Great NWO Conspiracy of the Century. As we know many of these people turned out to be nut job grifters and worse. I thought, after the vocative article, Dylan was distancing himself from the whole conspiracy circus?

    From the vocative article:


    "Avery was tired and beginning to grow wary of both the Truth Movement and his place in it. “There were anti-Semites saying the Israeli intelligence agency pulled off 9/11,” he says. “They wanted me to put that stuff in my films.”"

    “Do you feel, for you personally, that’s one of the greatest impacts of 9/11? The loss of you as a filmmaker?” Baldwin asked.

    “All I’ve ever had is broken promises and phones that don’t get answered,” he replied.

    Today Avery has little money and his future remains uncertain. Back in 2006, when his movie was hot and the movement was peaking, he earned $75,000. Now he scrapes by as a freelancer
    And though questions still linger about 9/11, such as why, on Sept. 6, 2001, the daily average for put-options on United Airlines stock quadrupled, he no longer tortures himself with speculation. “In my truly angry times, in 2005 or 2006, if you asked if the Bush administration planned the attacks, I would have said, ‘**** yeah’.”

    But now?

    “I don’t think Bush could plan a bowl of cereal,” he says.


    It's done offline, old reddit thread and wayback link

    So its strange to hear he was willing to do voice over duty. OTOH, he appears to still be Facebook friends with all these weirdos so who knows....
  3. cjnewson88

    cjnewson88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2013
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    Yeah well apparently this was done to "preserve the original" rather than add anything new or remove anything "wrong". One of the guys on a thread I created on JREF keeps in touch with both Dylan Avery and Korey Rowe. Apparently both of them know practically everything in Loose Change is wrong, but this was about preservation rather than 'being correct'.

    I dunno if preserving something that shat on the deaths of 3,000 people is a good thing....
  4. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Yeah, I would like to think, if I'd have been that grotesquely wrong about something so serious, I'd be spending my time correcting my errors, not editing or remastering them for republication...
    cjnewson88 likes this.
  5. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    The more analytical amongst us move on from Loose Change. It was very useful years ago for those with curious and open minds, but most people have moved on.

    The people who still believe the official story, those who have not yet come to realize they were duped, will never understand they were duped. They are unable to face unpleasant facts, Loose Change or no.
    Bob0627 likes this.
  6. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    This is 2019, if you spent that kind of effort on "Loose Change" (over 3 hours long) you should spend a lot more effort on a project you can call "Screw the 9/11 Exhibits" and forward it to the special grand jury in Amicus Curea form (i.e. file it in the Southern District of New York). It would make a lot more "sense" for you (because you're such a "debunking" hero who desperately wants the OCT to be 100% true) and it will be a lot more useful in the real world. The grand jury will then have the opportunity to review a defense of the OCT so they won't hear only one side. It's fair, right?

    Suggestion: Explain how and why ALL the EVIDENCE, physical, expert witness and eyewitness are mistaken, lying and/or delusional and/or ALL the EVIDENCE that directly and indirectly contradicts the NIST and 9/11 Commission "investigations" simply doesn't really exist.

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