Results EU Parliament elections for countries

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by Mandelus, May 27, 2019.

  1. The Scotsman

    The Scotsman Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2017
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    well.... yes eventually.... but from some nasty morbidity or ailment never thought I'd shuffle off the mortal coil from the Brexit!!!
    Is there a pill I can take to ward off the worst effects of it?
  2. gnoib

    gnoib Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    Sadly no and there is no vaccine either for self destruction.

    How would a no deal Brexit come across in Scotland ?
  3. The Scotsman

    The Scotsman Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2017
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    Ah but there is. A bit of self-confidence with a tad of optimism mixed in and all washed down with a good slug of self-respect..
    I guess the same as the rest of those that don't want a "no-deal"?
  4. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Oh .... but you know that most democracies are party democravies and so there is never ever the head of state elected by the people directly, but after the elections by the parties in the parliament with majority.
    Even in the US is the President not directly elected by the people as you maybe know!

    The EU is no state ... as you know and as you are not tired to tell ... and so the EU has no government. The EU is a community which has a common administration.
    This joint administration of the EU has the clear task of member states to monitor and enforce the common rules, regulations and the like in all 27 member states. This joint administration has received from all 27 member states also the necessary, supranational powers to fulfill these tasks.
    This also includes things like a European Court of Justice, which still stands above the national supreme courts on many things and can be called as the ultimate authority of every citizen of every EU member state.
    The EU institutions also have the right to penalize individual member states of the EU if they do not adhere to the common rules ... and therefore also of the state itself ... and even accuse them accordingly at the EU court.
    In all economic matters, the EU administration has the mandate of all member states to act and negotiate supranationally and on behalf of all its members. Contracts are therefore negotiated by the EU ... but they are only valid by the EU, if the corresponding other EU bodies agree and decide too!

    In order for this not to become a dictatorship of the administration, there are a total of 14 organs in the EU, all of which are democratic. The most important are:

    - The EU Parliament, elected by all citizens within the EU and all MEPs come from the EU!
    - European Council representing all 27 member states of the EU. These are the representations of the democratically elected governments with their heads of government. Thus governments are also fully represented nation-states.
    - Council of the European Union ... it is often confused with the European Council, but in principle it is the same, with only one category lower, namely that instead of the Chancellor and the President, it is the Ministers from the relevant departments.
    - European Commission, composed of 27 Commissioners, one Commissioner from each Member State. She is the highest administrative body and is chaired by the EU Commission President, currently Jean Claude Juncker. This EU Commission President is re-elected every 5 years. Candidate proposals come from the European Council, but candidates are elected by the EU Parliament!

    As I said, there are 10 other EU institutions .. but the most important point is that all this procedure has been agreed and agreed by all EU Member States ... and that approval is made by the democratically elected governments of the members!

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