The dilemma of succeeding Juncker in the EU!

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by Mandelus, Jul 3, 2019.

  1. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    For once, the EU is once again busy with important things and not with the Bexit nonsense or the mental garbage of a Donald Trump ...

    The EU is known to be an economic community with a single common market of all 27 member states (excluding the UK because of Brexit). The EU institutions are therefore something like the administration of this single market, with far-reaching rights, but no government. In itself, the idea of democracy is also present in the institutions and even exists well on paper. Three important pillars of the EU are the EU Council, the EU Commission and the EU Parliament ... and number 4 should also be the European Court of Justice named!

    Head of the EU Commission is the EU Commission President, currently Mr. Juncker, whose term ends in October 2019 and a successor must be elected by the EU Parliament.

    In order to democratically weigh the power relations between the EU institutions and the individual member states, the procedure is this:

    In the elections to the EU Parliament, not national parties are elected, but political alliances. So an alliance of all conservative parties of the EU member states, one of the social democrats, one of all greens, one of all liberal, etc. ... and each has a top EU candidate from one of the member countries. Among the Conservatives it was the German Manfred Weber, in the Social Democrats it was the Dutch Frans Timmermanns, among the Liberals, the Danish Margrethe Vestager.
    The winner with the most votes was Manfred Weber, followed by Franz Timmermans and then Margrethe Vestager. However, a majority of 50% + has not reached any of the candidates. The EU Parliament is therefore split in itself ... because none of the candidates has sufficient support in Parliament.

    But in order for member states to have the right to co-determination, the EU Council proposes the candidate to the EU Parliament to elect as successor of Juncker and so not automatically the top candidat who got most votes in elections ... and that is the beginning of the problem at the latest, where the EU is democratically advocating its own shorts with democratic means.
    Manfred Weber as a person (not because German !!!!) is hated especially by Macron in France. The Dutchman Timmermans is the absolute hatred figure for the Eastern European members, above all Poland, Hungary and Romania, because he is derenkige Brussels, which had demanded sanctions for their breaches of contract. He has also made the neo-fascists under Salvini in Italy an enemy. The Danish Vestager had directly no chance!

    After two days of very intensive negotiations between the heads of state and government in the EU Council, it was agreed that none of the three named persons would be considered successors to Juncker. Therefore, an alternative was sought and it was agreed by a large majority in the EU Council on the current German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen as a proposal for the EU Parliament for the succession of Jean Claude Juncker.

    Of course, this decision applies to some severe criticism!
    Time the ever-to-hear garbage comes from the Anti-German Corner ... Yawn ... are legitimate points.
    There was a surprisingly good turnout in the EU general election a few weeks ago, and the candidates chosen here are all out of the race! That makes for bad mood in the parliament at the deputies.
    But even in Germany itself it meets with strong criticism. Frau von der Leyen is the current Minister and was not even on any agenda. In the coalition of the government it encounters fierce resistence, because the entire process for us was simply ignored.

    But as I wrote in the beginning ... unfortunately sometimes democracy can hinder itself!
    The last election for EU parliament made it impossible to clearly name a candidate from the EU Parliament with an existing majority of MPs ... and the 3 where there are are not getting a majority in the EU Council.
    However, since Parliament does not stand for a candidate with a majority ... they could not dictate to the EU Council, as it did when Juncker was appointed, that he would become or no one else would be elected by Parliament!

    Complicated situation...
  2. gnoib

    gnoib Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    Yes, that was interesting to follow.
    It was not just about Junckers replacement, EZB and President of the parliament, too.
    So Macron brought von der Leyen up and got Legrande the EZB, the Social Democrats got the Speaker post for 2.5 years and than the candidate of the Conservatives takes over.
    Now the EU parliament is pissed of and the SPD, coalition partner of Merkels party, which dislikes Leyen, is throwing a tissy fit and Spiegel goes ballistic.

    Pretty wild.
  3. The Rhetoric of Life

    The Rhetoric of Life Banned

    Apr 17, 2017
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  4. gnoib

    gnoib Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    The dilemma is solved.
    Von der Leyen got elected, first women and first German in that position
  5. The Rhetoric of Life

    The Rhetoric of Life Banned

    Apr 17, 2017
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  6. gnoib

    gnoib Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    That you do not get what happened is no surprise.
  7. The Rhetoric of Life

    The Rhetoric of Life Banned

    Apr 17, 2017
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    What happened? Some German person's head of the EU, she may as well been French or Spanish or Irish, that's how much it doesn't matter, also, she basically has nothing new to offer Brexit so it's like SSDD (same **** different day). But, really, does it matter what country she's from? Really? She's been appointed and MEPs had to vote for her on a ballot that was her and no one else - and she still barely won!
    You can call it what you want, but the EU's top job isn't chosen by democracy.
    At least in Russia, Putin pretends to have an opponent.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019

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