Tolerated Political Bad Conduct- fosters general bad conduct.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by spiritgide, Jan 17, 2020.

  1. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    No you voted for a dream

    The rest of us are living the nightmare of being awake and aware
  2. SEAL Team V

    SEAL Team V Banned

    Jul 27, 2019
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    How do you know who or what I voted for?

    I had no idea that the rest of you resided in Mexico.
  3. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Of course Trump is not above the law. That is the silly pretense the left is trying to sell to make it legitimate to make everything the president does a capital offense. However, the left clearly thinks they are above the law, somehow excepted from it by the righteousness of their own hate. That is being demonstrated every day, in ludicrous ways. Worst conduct, most egregious and offensive conduct I've ever seen in politics in my life, and I remember Harry Truman. Today's left leadership reminds me most of Joe McCarthy, who tried to turn all his opposition into communists to destroy them. Today's left exceeds the despicable conduct of McCarthy.

    Any fool- literally- can look at what Biden did with Ukraine money and what Trump did, and see that Biden's act was clearly Quid-Pro-Quo and Trumps was not. The left tries to sell the exact opposite view, and that is something even a fool would reject. If a person can't see crime and abuse in Joe Bidens video proclaiming his victory in extorting the dismissal of the investigator looking into his son's corruption, that person is unfit to judge anything- and may be righteously suspect of aiding and abetting the real criminals attempting to frame the president if they support it.

    The dems are losing because they fail to apply the same ruler to themselves they insist applies to Trump. It is so obviously biased and hate driven, that none but a fool's fool would fail to see it.

    Now I don't assume you to be a fool. That means I know damn well you see it, and I know you know what I'm talking about. So if I know you see it clearly and you steadfastly insist it's not so- what am I to think of your motives and character? Why would I give such people a shred of credibility?

    There's an old saying among the class of salesmen known as "pitchmen". "If you can't blind them with brilliance- baffle them with Bullsh*t". Seems to the motto of the new democratic party. It's not working.

    I say new- because the party of today bears no resemblance at all to the previous entity that once held that name. There were honorable people in that old party, who often disagreed with the opposition, but would never have lowered themselves to the level of the one we see today.
  4. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Oh please. Take your fertilizer down the road about 30 miles to the hate farm.
    Labouroflove likes this.
  5. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Every group has their extremists, but some promote it, while others discourage it.
    If you wish to have a contest comparing disrespectful, hateful people with general links to the left or right..... the pile will bury you, but there will be a lot of politicians who are supposed to be honorable and supposed to be leaders in the pile on the left.

    You can deny it, but you know damn well it's true.
  6. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Your king - Trump - sets the example for disrespectful people. He disrespects his wives, his business partners, veterans, and his university students. So please, just stop with the Holier-than-Thou bull crap.
  7. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Wow! Whole cloth construction complete with embroidered conspiracy
  8. Pants

    Pants Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    What would you do if you had someone in your life, your family or in your employment, told 15,413 lies or made false statements in 1,055 days?
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
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  9. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Ev'rywhere I hear the sound
    Of marching charging feet, boy
    'Cause summer's here and the time is right
    For fighting in the street, boy

    Well now, what can a poor boy do
    Except to sing for a rock n' roll band?
    'Cause in sleepy London town
    There's just no place for a street fighting man, no

    Hey think the time is right
    For a palace revolution
    But where I live the game
    To play is compromise solution

    Well now, what can a poor boy do
    Except to sing for a rock n' roll band?
    'Cause in sleepy London town
    There's just no place for a street fighting man, no. Get down.

    Hey so my name is called Disturbance
    I'll shout and scream
    I'll kill the king, I'll rail at all his servants

    Well, what can a poor boy do
    Except to sing for a rock n' roll band?
    'Cause in sleepy London town
    There's just no place for a street fighting man, no
    Get down

    -Rolling Stones
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
    Adfundum and Bowerbird like this.
  10. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    My dad was like that, as is one of my brothers. It isn’t so much that they lie as they are mostly just Bulls$@&ers. They just say whatever seems to fit for the moment. The tend to think that they can talk their way out of anything, even though they really can’t.
  11. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    No ****ing way a Trump backer is going to lecture me on honor or morals - no ****ing way.
    Quantum Nerd and ImNotOliver like this.
  12. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    What you won't see you can't see- and that is the reason the left enables the kind of despicable garbage we are seeing from them. That's not a problem with their eyes- but with their heads. No cure for willful ignorance and the dismissal of integrity to benefit malicious motives.

    There are a lot of people in the world, and right now in politics, who DESERVE to be disrespected. Such people always have and always will consider their own conduct as above reproach no matter how pitiful it is. When they get called a duck for being a duck- that is NOT disrespect, it's factual recognition. I refuse to grant any politician the right to be excused for unjustified, baseless attacks. Neither does Trump.
    You seem quite comfortable with the double standard.

    That's close to correct. Denial doesn't make it disappear, no matter what the lefty loonies tell you to believe.

    The conspiracy-
    We had people planning an impeachment before the president was inaugurated.
    Tell us how justice is served by planning a trial before there is even the possibility of committing any offense.
    Tell us why that doesn't fit into the definition of a developing conspiracy.
    Tell us how honorable people why any honorable person would believe that.

    Now you know all this. We know you know this...... and why you are telling us you don't.
  13. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    OF course not. Morals are things people choose for themselves. YOU are fully responsible for what you believe, what you claim to believe- and what you do.
    The only person who can change you is you. Others only point things out that you may seem to never see.

    Blaming one's choice of behavior on Trump may be popular, but of course it's never been attributable to anyone except the person doing it.
  14. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    Hey you, yeah you. Stop calling left leaning people lefty loonies.
  15. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Why? When people act crazy- they are crazy. Act respectable, be respected.That's the way the world works. Crazy ideas and support for crazy ideas IS NOT respectable. And pretending it is doesn't work well.
    But..... you know that.
  16. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    Oh I know, and I refuse to tolerate bad behavior. You call them crazy but never seem to try to understand why it is that way. Did you reflect on their points and see how they fit in with your own? No. You are acting like a hypocrite in this thread about what good behavior looks like. And I will call you out on it.
    ImNotOliver likes this.
  17. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    You are entitled to your opinion. You seem to think I should try to understand their reasons- but you obviously don't think people are responsible for their own behavior, and it's reasonable to blame it on somebody else. Well- somebody else doesn't have the power to control your choices. When a person decides to be outraged over what someone else does, the emotion is a reaction, the action they take is their own choice. IF they are unable to understand that, then they have no power to control themselves or their own lives,except by trying to force others that they hold responsible for their feelings to keep them happy.
    Good luck with that. Nobody's found a way to make it work yet.

    I think some study into core psychology would be of benefit to you. Psychologists agree with the statement I made above. I've had many in my classes on this subject, and I've seen a thousand people refuse to quit blaming others for this very behavior, and never find a way to resolve their issues as a result.

    If you don't like or don't understand what I said- that is your problem. You can ask that I clarify it, and I can do that as I just have.
    Or you can blame me because you don't like it, you won't have to consider any option you don't agree with, and nothing will change.
  18. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    1. Should you assume things about my positions on different matter or should you ask?
    2. Strawman, also something you shouldn't do. I can poke you with a fork and make you think of pain, without you controlling it.
    3. I think you are trying to refer to Emotivism? The idea that our emotions play a significant guiding role in our behavior? One of the books I'm citing in a literature review I'm working on is about this very topic. The idea is called cruel optimism, the idea that sometimes we need toxic relationships in our lives and we can not let go of them.

    Instead of talking yourself up, could you talk those psychologists up and cite? Citing enables all of us to start on a good common ground in order to communicate among ourselves. I would be more careful if I were you, it sounds like your positions requires a kind of dualism as the mind has to be a cause in of itself, separate from any external influence. It's a doable idea, but immediately ruins into issues with neuroscience.

    Why would I blame you when I can just educate you instead? There is no blame, only reasons for why things are the way they are.
  19. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    By the looks of Trump's environmental policies...yeah, you might want to hold onto that AZ property.
  20. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    You just HATE Obama...and Biden...and Clinton!!!

    See how stupid that argument sounds? Yet the "hate" fallacy is the strongest argument Trump supporters have.
  21. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    In America, they become the President.
  22. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    The reasons given for drawing up articles of impeachment early on:

    Grounds asserted for impeachment have included possible violations of the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the Constitution by accepting payments from foreign dignitaries; alleged collusion with Russia during the campaign for the 2016 United States presidential election; alleged obstruction of justice with respect to investigation of the collusion claim; and accusations of "Associating the Presidency with White Nationalism, Neo-Nazism and Hatred", which formed the basis of a resolution for impeachment brought on December 6, 2017. Since the Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate during 2017 and 2018, the likelihood of impeachment during that period was considered by all to be low.[8][9] A December 2017 resolution of impeachment failed in the House by a 58–364 margin.[10] The Democrats gained control of the House in 2019 and launched multiple investigations into Trump's actions and finances.
  23. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    But before any of that makes sense- you have to know what you're talking about. Few people in todays world control their own lives, because they can't control their own thought processes. Just as almost all teenagers think their parents are stupid, any person who by lack of experience or resistance to learning or thinking or change but willing to pretend understanding is doing the same thing. The difference between those who have that control and those that don't is visible in their actions, values, and the way they defend their positions and attack others. Words are hot air. Actions tell others who you are regardless of what you say.

    When you ARE in control of yourself, what others think about you is virtually irrelevant- it is what you think that matters. And IF you are a person who genuinely holds yourself to standards you can genuinely respect, you have something that those who don't will never have. They will claim it, pretend it, but never own it or have it work for them. It's not about one person being better than another- it's about them making themselves what they are and refusing to be responsible for that which makes some people less. Everybody is an "expert", no matter how far off track they are. IF people were able to identify and follow solid advice, and IF they had the courage required to master themselves- society would not be in the sorry condition it is today. That however requires changing yourself, not demanding the world change to suit you. Most can't see how that is possible- and the whole premise scares hell out of them and they lack the courage to try. Where you choose to be in that spectrum is up to you. I would prefer every person to be strong, confident and self-sufficient, and I know it's possible. Strong people do not need to diminish others, but trying to help others often creates the impression they are- because weaker people don't want you rocking their shaky boat. They want to start where they want to be, not where they are- and think every solution should fit neatly into what they already believe. Never works.
    I've spent a fair amount of time teaching how any person can master their own lives. It can be done- but there is no way for any to accomplish it unless you do it yourself. It's actually simple. Not enough to learn it, you also have to live it.

    You can't educate anyone if you don't genuinely know and understand this. Nor can you educate anyone who does not wish to learn.
    An old oriental saying covers it pretty well: "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear".
    That means when the obstacles in the mind finally fall away, you discover the answers are simple and have been right in front of you all your life. Most people will die before they reach that moment.

    The teacher is everywhere and has always been. But few are ready to learn- because they already know it all. Or at least they feel safer telling themselves that, even when they hate the world around them for making them miserable and don't know how to fix themselves.

    Look up Albert Ellis. I was teaching similar concepts long before I knew who he was. He's gone, but his work is being used everyday.
  24. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    To assume one's position as correct without establishing common ground is a weak argumentative strategy. It reeks of narcissism and a waste of oxygen lecturing when one can be better off listening. I hit you back by pointing out cruel optimism, yet you say nothing on it. You assume your position is correct regardless of what anyone else writes. For someone who makes talk of changing oneself, you seem to misunderstand something as basic as civility. By your own logic, that must your moral failure and yours alone. You blame the left for being crazy, but you can't even be civil enough to understand them. You ask for a teacher, yet you are unwilling to be a student to others and learn from them.
    ImNotOliver likes this.
  25. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    You mistake understanding them as requiring treating their position as if it has any logical substance behind it. Validating crazy behavior by claiming one needs to understand it- IS crazy, and detrimental.
    It's like agreeing to debate why 2+2 is not 5, and saying it's necessary to try and understand why sometimes it is so the other person will feel better.

    Cruel optimism- you think that believing that everyone does have something of value and can make it work is cruel? I believe that. I also know few people will find the courage do what is needed to find out how and actually do it. That's not pessimism either- that's realism, and it saddens me to recognize it.

    Civility- is responding with understanding to ludicrous ideas, to rants and insults?

    OF COURSE everybody thinks they are right. They think their abuse is justified. Their outrage is justified. Part of them knows that is a facade, but they don't go there in the light of day.
    And if you accommodate that with the pretense of it being reasonable- you reinforce the illusion that perpetuates it; you patronize them.

    IF you can consistently demonstrate a skill successfully- you have it. If you do so unsuccessfully, regardless of what you claim or believe, you don't have it. Faking it doesn't change anything. It is the illusion that you do that keeps you from making the changes that would bring you success. I'm not a psychologist- but many psychologists came to classes I taught for 3 years on personal development, to figure out why I could do what they could not. More than once I've been told by practicing clinical psychologists that what I had accomplished was impossible- and at the same time, been asked to teach them how I did it. I know how to do something that everyone should be able to do, that makes people strong, independent and gives them control of their lives. I know how to teach too, as I spent 15 years training people in other critical skills. However- at this level, it takes more than a teacher and a skill- it also takes a student who is totally prepared to learn and anxious to learn, almost regardless of what it will take. One who is willing to learn that it is what he already thinks he knows that is preventing him from learning what he needs to know to reach the goal. Very few people are in that position- and telling them they are in order to be kind only insures they will stay remain unable to change. Yes, it is beyond what most people can grasp. But there is no half-way. You either get it right or you don't get it at all, and that doesn't work.

    What I teach is how you change your thinking- take control of the whole process. It's simple and fundamental- and changes everything. It will not fit neatly into what you already believe- it will disrupt it. It will be an uncomfortable process, and for most it will be frightening for a while, and people without the courage to face fundamental change will fail- and insist it can't be done.

    It's possible for everybody, and simple to learn- but not simple to use. It does not tell you who you have to be, or what your values are- it's more fundamental than that. And it's not the knowledge that makes it work; it is the act of living it, using the knowledge consistently. Unfortunately that takes more courage that the majority can muster in the beginning, and the is key to why people have such great difficulty changing. People who need this want answers that fit into what they already believe- and the right answers won't. I'm not going to tell anybody that they will- because they don't.

    I've lived by three rules for almost 40 years now. They have brought me success in business, love and marriage, in personal peace and every aspect of life. Nothing would please me more than to be able to gift others with this skill. Indeed, I thought I could in the beginning- but I ran squarely into the aspect of people who were intimidated just by the idea it was possible for them. They couldn't let go of where they were, even when it was miserable, in order to make the journey to a new and far better place. I'm not going tell anyone that staying in a miserable place is a good thing to do. To do so- that would be conveying cruel optimism.

    There is no argument here. You either understand or you don't. Once you do, no explanation is necessary- and until you are truly open to learning, none is possible.

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