Obama Says Internet, Social Media Are Threat To Democracy

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Horhey, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. Oh Yeah

    Oh Yeah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2010
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    We elected Trump, Not because we liked him, and he was a jolly good fellow. We elected him to stop the abuse of our Constitution and the Rule of Law from previous administrations. Many in the US do not believe in Global government or being under the jurisdiction of a Global World Court. Many of us do not believe in open borders and the free flow of drugs, slave trading and labor which undercuts our wages and social structure. Our founding Fathers warned us about getting involved in foreign wars and staying around and doing nation building as we become hired policemen. Why should we be tied to treaties that put our country at a disadvantage?

    I have been to Germany, France, Luxembourg, Austria, Italy, England in Europe and your countries have some nice traditions and manners but the underbelly is a quiet dislike for Americans. Our youth are attracted to the socialist ways of your collective societies and many of the old have a longing for it also. On the other hand the rest of us our of the Capitalist mindset and rugged individualism. Were not ready yet to give up freedom for cultural realignment. The pendulum swings both ways and we are at the far left but I sense it is ready to swing the other way.
    Jeannette, JET3534 and Pollycy like this.
  2. Oh Yeah

    Oh Yeah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2010
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    It's hard to honor something if you don't know what it is. How does the single child honor his father on Fathers Day if he has no idea who he is?
  3. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    What he did not mention, and neither do you, is that the very same can be said about extremists and closed minds on the left. :angel:
  4. drluggit

    drluggit Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Gosh, the irony. Actually advocating for censorship. Well, it seems to be what the left like these days. And if you disagree? They shout at you. "shut up... racist".... "Shut up.... fascist"... even though it is their news media that are shilling for these foreign propaganda purveyors...

    Now, explain to us again why you like what China does??
    Oh Yeah likes this.
  5. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    I'm not sure of your point, but those serving in government take an oath to protect and defend and honor the US Constitution. The record shows that by their collective actions, they do not honor the document or its principles.
  6. Enuf Istoomuch

    Enuf Istoomuch Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2018
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    I lean to the right but am independent and not a partisan. I have come to despise the two political parties. For in them I see a movement away from identifying as American Citizens, toward some sort of Party Member or Party Citizen. Not unlike repressive regimes on both sides of the ideological split, over the course of history.

    So yes, I agree these faults are found on the left as well. They are not of the magnitude of the right, and so I criticize my more natural side of the aisle more than what I would call the "Loyal Opposition".

    For me that is a core concern, the more vital point. That left and right wing ideologies, all their raucous factions, should be loyal to and share common foundational beliefs. This concept of the side that is in power viewing the side that is not as a "Loyal Opposition" has been burned down in our country. Mostly, burned down by the right wing extreme. It is an attack upon our fundamentals.

    As that is the topic of this thread, at least in my view it is, that is what I focused on. It does not make me a friend to or supporter of the left. It makes me an independent thinker and an American Patriot in a sense that is of long history but largely forgotten, and often twisted by Party Citizens and their ideological fellow travelers in our current, troubled times.
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  7. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    I voted LP, and not for the first time.
  8. Tahuyaman

    Tahuyaman Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
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    The progressives want to use social media to identify thosecwhonopposevtheirvideas,Nethen basically cancel these people. Elected officials like AOC and a few others have made that perfectly clear.

    These people are dangerously close to former Soviet Union Politburo types.
  9. Tahuyaman

    Tahuyaman Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
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    Explain how that makes sense.
    JET3534 likes this.
  10. Oh Yeah

    Oh Yeah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Just like those who tell the girls they love them but bail as soon as they come up pregnant and leave others to support them.
  11. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    It's a supreme irony to listen to a dyed-in-the-wool autocrat like Barack Obama opining about how ANYTHING is a "threat to Democracy". Hell, essentially, his entire last four years in office, during which he ruled over us with his "pen and phone" was a study in the use of "Executive Orders" instead of working through the other branches of government.

    "Hypocrite, thy name is Democrat!" And since Lyndon Johnson, "Messiah" Obama has been the worst Democrat president yet....

    [​IMG]. Democrat "Democracy" in action!
    Jeannette and JET3534 like this.
  12. Oh Yeah

    Oh Yeah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Obama is the master of communication. Trump and others get loud when they do it sets off alarms. Obama uses that soft voice to tell you he is going to take you on a wonderful trip to hell and you can't hardly wait to get on the train and go with him.
  13. Turin

    Turin Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2012
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    Says the man complaining about censorship. lololol. Is the irony not lost on you?
  14. Turin

    Turin Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2012
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    It is NOT. We do not get to decide if facts are true or false. Facts are Facts. There is no such thing as alternative facts as Mrs Conway would like to claim.
  15. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    Obama Says Internet, Social Media Are Threat To Democracy

    They are a threat to unity, good manners and governmental hijinx but they have probably helped democracy.
  16. Oh Yeah

    Oh Yeah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Democracy doesn't try to censure or fear opposing opinions.
  17. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    It's probably more accurate to say, "Obama is the master of NARRATION"!

    He could read prepared script from a teleprompter more professionally than anyone -- but if you listen to audio of him speaking 'in extempore' (spontaneously), all of his sentences are peppered with the near-stuttering, halting pauses consisting mostly of "um", "uh", "ah", "eh", and a vocabulary which -- his reputed stellar academic achievements notwithstanding -- reflect little ability to articulate and comprehend, interpret, or understand anything of importance... let alone actually SPEAK coherently about anything, unless it was all already written for him in a script....

    Afterthought: We never did get to see the "Messiah's" college TRANSCRIPTS, did we...? :lol:

    [​IMG]. "I gotta pen, phone, and I can read what's on that thing -- so whadda you WANT?!"
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2020
    JET3534 likes this.
  18. Oh Yeah

    Oh Yeah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2010
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    You are right. I have noticed that about him.
  19. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    OK, thanks to the 2016 primaries, you Americans only had the choice between Satan or the Devil. But with Trump you really made the arsonist a fire protection officer!
    And the interesting thing about it, however, is that we had the same situation in Germany around 90 years ago ... where more and more in the population were getting rid and tired of the real politics of normal parties and politicians ... and where someone from Austria then exactly these criticisms and made all the worries about his worries and criticisms of the system ... and then democratically got the majority of the votes and was ultimately made Chancellor. You know who I'm talking about ... don't you?
    STOP! Before anyone gets upset about it: my comparison refers to Donald Trump and Hitler up to 1933 ... BUT NOT what happened after that until 1945. THAT is an important difference ... and if you are objective and honest with yourself, then there are amazing similarities in the system of popilism in both!

    As you write it yourself, times change and so do your views. I seriously deny that in the United States, Stone Age capitalism had anything of freedom or cultural identity. It is the unconditional submission to the power of money, in which despite the picking up of phrases everyone has a chance of hard work etc ... which is just a ridiculous lie and ultimately self-deception.
    And a lot of these old American values are just a fancy facade and fairy tales. Religious freedom? Doesn't really exist in practice ... because everything that is not somehow Christian = evil ... especially since 9/11 Islam.
    Likewise, the USa are not the hired world cop! No ... most of the time, the US has appointed itself to do so out of its own geostrategic interests, coupled with total hypocrisy, ignorance and arrogance. And that is precisely what is a plague in the USA ... if not only in the USA, but actually worldwide.

    I am well aware that in the USA there is a tendency towards new self-isolation, especially in the right-wing political camp ... as it existed until around 1895 and to a certain extent also between the two world wars.
    You are free to do so ... but then you also have to be aware of the disadvantages and negative consequences for yourself, because they are part of the decision.
    Above all, the rest of the world will then gradually change and certainly not to your advantage ...
    Pollycy and Curious Always like this.
  20. Oh Yeah

    Oh Yeah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2010
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    I say give Peace a chance. Already the war hawks are screaming about pulling our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Oh the Russians will move in they preach. The Russians failed miserably in Afghanistan once before. Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and all those countries have been fighting each other for centuries over religious differences . One thing that unites them is foreign influence and interference.

    We have spent billions helping out various countries overseas and I'm sure it was a nobel undertaking. Yet, our own infrastructure is the laughing stock of the world. Every country we have helped in Europe has better roads, airports, logistics, and overall modernization infrastructure than America. All I can see with a Biden victory is going back to doing business overseas the old way. There are those who would rather to be able to sit and drink at fancy European restaurants and be perceived as intellectual Americans, secretly dismantling peaceful accords, as they work out arms deals to keep the military machine in power.
  21. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    It is easy to see, in 'hindsight', that Franz von Papen and his Junker aristocrat buddies really 'stepped on their dicks' when they maneuvered German politics to make Hitler the Kanzler. They did it, of course, to crush the spectre of an ever more powerful German Communist Party, because while the big-rich of the Weimar Republik thought they could control a bunch of nationalist, low-bred, street-fighting zealots like the Nazis, they knew they'd NEVER control a bunch of "idealistic", acquisitive Communists who were determined to steal everything they owned!

    For us in the States, Trump was never thought of as a "Hitler", but rather as a beneficial anachronism who could satisfy the yearnings of an American Middle-Class that, especially after eight years under Obama's autocracy, were screaming, "WE DEMAND TO HAVE OUR COUNTRY BACK!" Ah, that wonderous post-WWII period that lasted until about the beginning of the 21st-century... the "Happy Days" when the United States more or less ruled the world -- squandered largely in stupid, expensive, needless foreign 'involvements' and staggering amounts of political corruption....

    Conclusion: we didn't "get our country back", and now it becomes increasingly clear that we never will. Instead, look for the continued, rapid rise of CHINA -- especially as it becomes more closely allied with the Russian Federation, and, economically, with the EU!

    BTW... Have you seen "Babylon Berlin"...? Very interesting and well-done, if a little bit imaginative. Lars Eidinger is MAGNIFICENT in the role of "Alfred Nyssen" (clearly modeled on Fritz Thyssen, an anti-communist industrialist who increasingly supported and funded Hitler's efforts). It is available over here only by Netflix.

    [​IMG]. Lars Eidinger as "Alfred Nyssen" in "Babylon Berlin". :applause:
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2020
    Mandelus and Oh Yeah like this.
  22. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    I think you're wrong. Trump was going to 5 rallies a day before the election, and there were thousands of people at each one of those rallies. I don't believe any previous president other than Reagan could reach out to the American people that way. Ronald Reagan knew the Americans wanted an end to the recession and Cold War, and the people knew he was sincere - as they know Trump is sincere when he said he wanted to bring jobs back to the US.

    So even though Trump does not have Reagan's likability, he can be considered a great communicator in that he knows what the American people want.

    Obama in contrast is a liar. What he presented himself as being, was the opposite of what he was and what he believed. When he spoke, I would look at his eyes and they appeared amazed that people were actually believing him. To me that's demagoguery.

    Of course Obama wasn't the only one that lied. His whole administration lied as well, especially in foreign policy. At the UN, he would do so blatantly and yet the delegates would clap even though they knew he was lying.

    Anyway today lying is commonplace in our government, especially in foreign policy, and it doesn't matter what party is in power.
  23. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    People forget that the Nazi party was formed to fight the communists. To the Germans, the mass atrocities of the Bolsheviks next door was quite recent. Millions of Russians had escaped into Europe and they weren't silent about what they saw and experienced. Some estimates put the death toll of Russians, predominantly Christians as high as 40 million.

    Europeans can only relate the situation in our country to their own history. As an example, 'conservative' to them means nationalism, and a return to their former authoritarianism. And yet in the US, conservative is the exact opposite. It means a return to the freedoms given to us in our Constitution.

    In contrast, liberals want to take away those freedoms with a strong central government so they can enact their own personal ideals.

    I believe Trump will be president, but regardless it will lead to civil strife and maybe a war. There is no way the American people who voted for Trump will accept Biden who profited from his position as Vice President and might have committed treason, becoming the president of the US.

    That was stated bluntly at the million man 'Stop the Steal' march in Washington by an 'Oath Keeper', which is the largest militia in the US. It consists of tens of thousands of veterans, and it is not the only militia. There are many of them.

    On the other side, there are the Soros supported anarchist groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and they will not accept a Trump presidency, especially knowing that under Trump that they and the crooked politicians will be facing jail time.

    Should Trump be president, as I believe he will be, he's going to need every bit of the strong will, strength and stamina he's been gifted with to save this country - or what might be left of it, and I'm not talking of just a civil war.

    There's also a depression looming, and the geological problems brewing in the Northwest and the Juan De Fuca fault line near Seattle - as well the New Madrid fault line along the Mississippi - which could literally tear this country apart. In addition, there's also the potential for a conflict between a weakened US and China and Russia.

    One thing is certain, Trump is not going to have an easy ride.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2020
    Pollycy likes this.
  24. Oh Yeah

    Oh Yeah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2010
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    You could be right.
  25. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I fear you are wrong about Trump emerging triumphant in this election, Jeannette. And, in an overall sense, it does appear that THE 'SWAMP' WON! We'll never "get our country back", and that is emerging as a fact with the passing of every new day....

    My advice is now to take very good care of yourself -- stockpile whatever you think you will need between now and about the end of next June. Don't have any direct contact with anybody outside your immediate, home-sharing family if at all possible. Wear the masks, wear nitrile gloves, wash your hands, lock your doors, load your weapons... you know the rest by now.... Don't worry about an economic 'depression' because the Federal Reserve will go right on buying 'bonds' and creating imaginary money to keep a depression from happening. For better or worse, we passed that 'milestone' a long time ago.... :cynic:

    The Juan de Fuca plate...?! Holy cow -- I thought I was the only one in this Forum who thought it might be something different from what a person serves food on.... :lol: . But, yes, you're right!

    And according to Dr. Brian Atwater, when the Juan de Fuca plate makes another major 'shove' under the North American plate, it will cause not only earthquakes larger than anything even imagined for California in the future, there will also be horrendous volcanic eruptions, probably involving Mt. Hood and Mt. Rainier, et al. The message: If you have any sense, and if you live in either coastal Oregon or Washington State -- MOVE! Dr. Atwater believes the coming quake/tsunami/volcanic activity is already WAY overdue....
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2020

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