Why Democrats children turn out to be poorer than republicans kids

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Robert, Sep 25, 2021.

  1. Noone

    Noone Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2021
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    President Biden started out in a deep hole, after four years of tRump debasing OUR Presidency culminating in the January 6th insurrection. He's just warming up, given a chance President Biden will do just fine.
  2. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    It is wrong to think Trump inherited anything from Obama.
    And you know it is wrong. We did have a lot of Growth under Trump.
  3. Noone

    Noone Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2021
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    President Roosevelt and his wife pulled this country together when it was falling apart and created the environment that WAS the 50's and 60's
  4. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Again, all you proved is you believed some who thought Roosevelt was cool. FDR could have not been involved in the war.
    But he needed the war. To make himself seem good i believe.
    I happen to recall General MacArthur when he lived. I recall Ike when he was still an Army General.

    Sure if you want to talk about hiking trails in the woods, FDR did that. If you want to talk of him curing the Depression, that he did not cure. War is what put America back to work. Do you recall the Tanks on Trucks in WW2? i recall those. Do you recall family going to war? i recall my uncles going to war.

    Why do Democrats think of war as some accomplishment?
  5. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    I made a very good living off of the infrastructure when Ike and then Kennedy was president. Ask me about building highways. I did a lot of that. Ask me about foundations for very large buildings or bridge foundations. i made my living doing things like that.
    I do not hate Democrats.
    Frankly they hate my guts.
    I spent up to age 42 as a loyal Democrat. I paid my dues to Democrat's by voting for them all the time.
    They are not honest at all.
  6. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    No matter what party FDR was in, that is not true at all. FDR got us into WW2. And surely you do not think that was good.
  7. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    While the Democrats bankrupt this country you want that to happen? Biden has no means to create jobs. Jobs opening back up were jobs due to Trump.
  8. Noone

    Noone Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2021
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    tRump took President Obama's trajectory and ran it off a cliff.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2021
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  9. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Well my family who were more concerned with what was good for America than the silly Demikins vs Republicrats circus always have and still do appreciate Ike. The first election materials I ever saw were I like Ike buttons that I still have. My mom and dad respected and liked Ike. They supported Jack Kennedy in 1960 mostly because of his uplifting charisma and that he was an Irish Catholic. We were all devastated when he was murdered. I do not give a damn about the whole Dem vs Republican crap. My old man was for Goldwater in 1964 then Bobby Kennedy in 1968. He did not like Johnson od Nixon because he thought they were both bullshit artists. I have absolutely no allegiance to either of the two major political parties. Most of my voting history has been supporting independent candidates like John Anderson, Ross Perot and Governors Gary Johnson and Bill Weld. I am really disappointed in the Democrats because they turned their backs on Union workers and many supported Bush/Cheney’s bullshit wars for profit. However the GOP has morphed into a racist white nationalist party with absolutely no redeeming qualities over the last three decades and then Trump coopted them. Now they are controlled by a sociopathic liar who will try to gain and retain power by any and all means. I am glad that he is out and I support Biden’s plan to upgrade our infrastructure and create high paying jobs for the lower and middle class.
    Quantum Nerd and Noone like this.
  10. Noone

    Noone Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2021
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    I like President Biden's chances of doing a good job.

    growth dem v gop.png
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2021
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  11. Bow To The Robots

    Bow To The Robots Banned at Members Request

    Jun 17, 2009
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    Contradicting yourself yet again! I'm beginning to detect a pattern here.

    And fact: Trump kept about 1/4 of his promises, and the big one -- his signature piece -- was not one of them.

    Important promises he kept:

    • Defense Sequester: CNN.com - Transcripts. Although the sequester is still on the books, he did manage to render it moot by negotiating with Congress, hence ending the Obozo era caps on military budget enhancements.
    • Social Security: Despite promises, Trump takes aim at Social Security, Medicare (msnbc.com). Well, he said during the campaign that he was not going to cut SS "like every other Republican will." He actually tried three times but failed to swing Congress so I guess that was an accidental promise kept.
    • Veterans' Benefits: How Donald Trump's first year in office has changed Arizona (azcentral.com). Here he knocked it out of the park. He was able to put $37B in additional funds into the VA and more importantly had his administration perform a top-to-bottom audit of what was one of the worst bureaucracies in the government. Our treatment of veterans was absolutely shameful. Disgusting, criminal. Trump fired a bunch of seat warmers and got some real leadership in there. As a side note, my dad is a veteran and a member of the American Legion through which he volunteers to help vets navigate the quagmire that is the bureaucracy of the US federal government. He has told me things have gotten "way, way better." We'll see if Sniffy doesn't undo all that good work...
    • Tariffs: Tariffs: Will Trump's Protectionism Be The Death Knell For Free Trade? (investors.com). It was an awful idea, but he got it done. Mainly because Congress has progressively ceded much of its power to the Executive over the last century.
    • HBCUs: He ensured funding without these institutions having to go to Congress to re-authorize each year.
    • Presidential Salary: He promised not to take the $400,000 salary paid to presidents. The Constitution actually requires a president to accept the salary so he donated it all to various federal agencies. This is documented. Trump Kept His Promise: Donated All His $1.6M Salary To Federal Agencies (ibtimes.com)
    • Moving the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem: Trump's Jerusalem embassy move breaks with decades of U.S. policy (usatoday.com). Promise kept. He also pissed off a lot of America-hating Arabs and Palestinians as a bonus.
    • Pull Out of Paris Accords: Ignore Climate Angst In A New Policy Era (forbes.com). Mission accomplished. I think next to fixing the VA, this was one of his most important policy objectives achieved. Of course Sniffy put us right back in on like Day 2 of his "cancel Trump E.O. frenzy."
    • Confirm a "Scalia-like" justice to the USSC: CNN.com - Transcripts. Gorsuch is a solid constitutionalist.
    • Cut Federal Regulations: He promised that for every new federal regulation, two existing ones must be revoked. And this actually worked. Mission accomplished.

    Important promises he failed to keep:

    • He Will Release His Tax Returns When the "Audit" is Finished: That was five years ago. Never saw the returns.
    • Build a Wall and Make Mexico Pay For It: Well, we all know what happened with this one... We got 23% of a wall. And Mexico lauged at the suggestion they would be paying for it. I mean Vicente Fox literally laughed in Trump's face and dropped an f-bomb at the idea.
    • End Birthright Citizenship: This singular move would have had the biggest impact on illegal immigration by eliminating anchor babies. Even with his friendly majority in the USSC and THREE justices who ascended to the high court by his hand, he was unable to fix the 14th Amendment.
    • Repeal Obozocare: Negative. Mission failed. We still have Obozocare.
    • Lock Up Hillary: Didn't even appoint a special prosecutor.
    • Grow the Economy by Minimum 4%: Best ever inflation-adjusted GDP growth on his watch was 2.9%.
    • Constitutional Carry: I don't think he ever even got started on this one. I still have to unload and lock my Roscoe (where it is totally useless for self-defense) when I drive into California.
    • Remove Unlawfully Present Aliens: Nope. The low estimate was 10 million illegals remaining in the US as Trump tossed the nuclear football over to Sniffy.
    • Cancel Federal Funds to Sanctuary Jurisdictions: Doesn't even have the legal authority to do that.
    • Eliminate Common Core: Strangely enough, we still have Common Core, even though Trump promised to eliminate it, take it behind the gym and beat the hell out of it like Sniffy said he'd do to Trump himself (wasn't that a threat to the president?)
    • Eliminate Gun Free Zones: Nope.
    I believe this is an objective look at the major promises made and kept by Mr. Trump. The fact is there are many many more, and unfortunately for him, the ledger leans far to the 'broken promise' side of the book. I think it is quite a stretch, objectively speaking, to suggest he was "excellent" at keeping his promises as you have done as your major premise for this subthread.

    Thank you for an interesting discussion.
    Melb_muser likes this.
  12. Bow To The Robots

    Bow To The Robots Banned at Members Request

    Jun 17, 2009
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    LOL he can't even read a teleprompter correctly.
  13. LiveUninhibited

    LiveUninhibited Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    This is kind of a poisonous attitude and one reason why American culture is so messed up. This obsession with money. Better to do what you like to do, do it well, live honorably, and make enough. People who make more are not necessarily better people to emulate. I'm basically a democrat. I make more than your grandson at part time, but no way in hell does a "university" degree guarantee a good job, and one can want corporations to contribute more to society and be more responsible without hating them. Democrat is not the same as socialist.

    But I thought it was Republicans who were worried about unskilled migrant workers taking their jobs, lol. Maybe those are the former democrats who joined Trumps new white nationalist party.
  14. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Yours is the poison.
    I posted to help posters. Not to read them judging me.
    First you think somebody is obsessed with money. I assure you I have no clue at all if my two grandsons are obsessed with money. You may out earn the oldest boy. But he is still very young. Watch for him to steam roll over you.

    Prior to FDR, Democrat did not mean socialist. FDR changed all of that.

    Trump has no white nationalist party. That is fiction on your part.
    Democrats once feared the illegal aliens. But not now. Now they love illegal aliens. Want them in the party with them.

    I spent years as a loyal Democrat and yes we feared the aliens. Why you ask? We picked the crops. We were field hands. We used to work for a living. Democrats quit working for a living.
  15. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    What is the source of that copy and paste job?
  16. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Who the hell told you Democrats would claim anything else? You quoted the Democrats.
  17. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    So you are a true died in the wool Bidenista.
    And he has screwed with your mind to make you hate republicans.
    Bush was in charge of the war. Cheney played a role but not as much in the War as you suppose.
    Bush did the right thing to home in on the Al Qaeda. Iraq never was about them. It was to stop the mad Saddam from more invasions. He had a history of invasions.
    Trump actually was good for America. The press was lousy.

    Look at Russia. The press realized early on that it was Hillary working with the Russians. Trump had no way to work with them. As was proven by the bogus impeachments.
    Trump was being called a Russian stooge by our media. Do not try to tell me they liked Trump and did him favors.
    Trump was already announcing the press as the enemy in his first year of office. Trump knew what the press was doing and was not able to stop it.

    Take CV19 now.

    Do you realize that Biden is losing more to this disease daily than Trump lost daily? The media is not telling you are they?
  18. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    I am not more impressed by statistic than by algebra, Euclidean or Riemannian geometry or Banach Spaces, but what I see Republicans lack ability to analyze statistic event.

    You came to conclusion about millions of Americans basing it on your 2 grandsons, many Republicans refuse to vaccine, even when statistics shows that vaccinated people have less covid-19 infections and less death than unvaccinated one, there is no evidence of the election fraud which can be proved in the court of law, over 50 judges, some Republicans Senators and Congressman didn’t see any evidence of the election fraud, recently Cyber Ninjas (owner by Trump supporter) confirmed Biden won, so STATISTICALY you have more evidence that Biden won, but over 70% Republicans come to different conclusion that President Trump won.

    My conclusion – we need better statistical teachers in Republican counties.
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  19. Noone

    Noone Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2021
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    "There's lies, damn lies and Statistics" -Mark Twain
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  20. 3link

    3link Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2010
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    My parents were Democrats. I earn more than your grandson who works for facebook. Consider your anecdote vanquished.
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  21. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    You then had no reason to vote for Biden or other than Trump.
  22. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    I never came to conclusions merely due to my Grandsons. I spelled out I do not know if they vote for anybody in any party.
    I know many republicans and we are vaccinated. We thank Trump for the vaccines in fact.
    As to election fraud, every election has people saying there is election fraud. Even Hillary claims she faced it.
    Gore alleged he faced it. You pass judgement on the researchers checking for irregularities in AZ voting that I have not done.
    Biden is a failure. So why would anybody want to support him?
  23. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Nothing in any of my posts suggests that I am a dyed in the wool Bidenesta or that he has screwed with my mind to make me hate Republicans. At this point in time Biden is President and I hope he is able to accomplish the goals that he ran his campaign on. So far he has gotten us out of the $500,000,000 a day shitshow over in Afghanistan. Now I hope we can use our resources more wisely by creating huge infrastructure projects which will create millions of high paying jobs and drive up the value of our country.

    Far from being a dyed in the wool Bidenista, I was disgusted with Biden, Hillary Clinton and other US Senators when they voted to give the scumbag Cheney/Bush war profiteers free license to start the wars and occupations over in the Middle East 20 years ago. Those idiotic wars have cost us far more than Biden’s proposed $3.5 Trillion infrastructure proposal and the only Americans who benefited were war profiteering scum. Biden’s new proposal will benefit middle class working Americans. So, even though Biden was far from my first choice in 2020, he certainly appears to have learned from his mistakes.

    Trump caused his own problems by surrounding himself with slimy, crooked people like Cohen, Flynn, Ailes, Stone, Manafort, Gates, Parnas, Fruman and other assorted scumbags many of whom have been convicted of multiple felonies. Look at the record. Then, after losing, Trump acted like a big sissy and still hasn’t accepted his loss. I hope we never see the likes of him again on the national political stage. His administration was a disgusting spectacle. The first impeachment was an opportunity for the GOP to rid itself of the obviously unfit Trump and move forward. If they had done that, they may have won in 2020. But noooooo, they stuck with the loudmouthed sociopath and got their asses beat and only have themselves to blame.
  24. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    I am the last human supporting wars.
    Notice I have blasted Abe Lincoln for his massive war and called him out for his invasion.
    I guess you forgot 911 and how pissed off and hurt America was when attacked by Muslims.
    Cheney is a very smart man. And he played a tiny role in the Bush war with Afghanistan.
    I tell all who read, focus not on Bush nor even Cheney but focus on General Tommy Franks.
    Franks is a genius for how he whipped the Taliban super fast.
    Did we need to remain in Afghanistan?
    Bush was told by the political yapping class, you broke it so you fix it.
    Bush would have looked stupid for simply slinking back out of that country.

    No, he did the war with the complete approval of the political class. Too late for them to piss and moan at Bush.

    Hillary lost and whines to this very day. Do you blast her at all?

    I took no beating by voting for Trump and believe me, i would double down if possible.
    Biden is a god awful failure. So let's not let that flunky off the hook.
  25. Noone

    Noone Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2021
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    Obviously you're obfuscating ... AGAIN!

    Follow the money, who profited most from our wars in Iran and Afganistan, Halliburton/Brown and root; so don't tell me President Cheney was not involved.

    How is HRC whining to this day? Is she claiming the election was rigged and State electors were in cahoots with Republicans ... NO ... she is not.

    President Biden is just getting started digging out of the hole Benedict Donald created. Give him time, he will prove he is the man for the job.
    jack4freedom likes this.

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