What You Want to See from Governing Entities Regarding COVID-19

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Meta777, Jan 15, 2022.

  1. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    I’m happy with what Desantis has been doing. The only other major thing is the tax payers befitting from the profits any company that has received tax payer money. If a VC invests in a product you’re developing then they reap the benefits as well.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  2. Rampart

    Rampart Banned

    Oct 27, 2017
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    the "honor system?"

    if there is one thing the coronavirus has taught me is that many "patriots" have no honor and must be treated like willful children.

    is wearing a mask and vaccinating really too much to ask? i think i realized what we were dealing with when they. got their fake vaccination cards.
  3. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Rampart! Yes, you get your full name like when your mom called you in "that voice"!!!

    Play nice! You can't call people's 'Mini-mes' "brats". You are off to the corner young man if you do not behave!!!! ;-0
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  4. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    What You Want to See from Governing Entities Regarding COVID-19

    ~ The truth ...
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  5. Chrizton

    Chrizton Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    I think they have done all they can do constructively. At this point, it just seems to be Biden wanting to find ways to target the deplorables just to be a penis. Earlier on in the pandemic I thought the more practical and realistic way to deal with it was to just encourage people to make better choices, educate them, and possibly try instead of shutfdowns something like they did during gas rationing. Maybe if your last name starts with A-L you ship Mondays, and Wednesday, M-Z Tuesday and Thursdays, Seniors on Friday
    ButterBalls likes this.
  6. Rampart

    Rampart Banned

    Oct 27, 2017
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    the deplorables seem to be doing a good job of targeting themselves.

    i don't think it is biden's or dr gauci's goal to expose as many as possible to the virus in order to "attain herd immunity." spme of the governors, well, forvidding schoo;s to mandate masks id kind of counterproductive.
  7. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Good luck magically getting the entire portion of humanity on planet Earth to self quarantine at the same time because that's what it would take to cause the virus to go extinct....

    And this is of course assuming that it would not lay dormant and incubate in some animal vector
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2022
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  8. Pixie

    Pixie Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    I know it sounds facile but IMO public and private should work together.

    1) state influence in the partnership can provide more finance.
    2) the state is more in touch with international developments and avoids repeating the latest research.
    3) Private development always runs the risk of patenting and a closed market.


    1) Private development can more more quickly as it doesn't gave to rely on state inputs.
    2) no private company can organise a national programme of administering the vaccines. It has to be done by the state.

    The original US Covid vaccines were originally developed by such a partnership. Most if not all international vaccines were also developed in this way. I do know that some European pharma in conjunction with USA companies are developing vaccines and pills but I don't know how much the state is supporting them.
    Finally for the last two years in the UK and France, the vaccine was free to anyone as it was considered a major public health emergency. There are rumours that this will stop because the developing companies are having to pay, and also to pay for free doses in the third world. They just can't afford to do this anymore.
  9. Pixie

    Pixie Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    European countries require isolation after testing positive. The usual period was for 7 days, now sometimes down to 5 days, respecting the damage it is doing to production and trade, schools, hospitals and care homes.
  10. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    ~ Then China would just have another "accident " and we would start all over again. Think of the power - the glory to shut down the entire world. Very James Bond ! :wierdface: :eekeyes:
    ButterBalls, FatBack and MJ Davies like this.
  11. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Evil has no limits.
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  12. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Do you know if it was it like that last year or in 2020? I tested positive in November 2020 (required to test prior to surgery) and had to quarantine for 14 days. I had no symptoms or risks. I still don't know how I contracted it. I sheltered in place as soon as our Governor confirmed our first case (IL, USA).

    The person I hire to run my errands was my ONLY human contact (and we both were always masked and sanitizing when in contact) except for the guy that did the nasal swab and they were doing curbside testing at that point and he was covered head to toe. My employee had to quarantine for 19 days (5 days longer than me) because it was assumed that she was tested too early for it show positive.

    Each time a doctor and/or nurse is exposed to a COVID-positive patient, they are immediately sent home to quarantine for 14 days. I don't know the actual numbers but there is a shortage of health care workers and caregivers. A person would have to be completely incompetent, shooting up drugs at work and kill somebody before they could get fired out here.

    Next month or early March will make it two years. I've been on video exams except for when I have to have to have lab work done the whole time, across the board with all my doctors. I am a bit surprised that we don't have it a bit more organized by now.
  13. modernpaladin

    modernpaladin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2017
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    I'd like governing entities to stop using donations from pharmaceutical corporations to fund research regarding products manufactured by those same pharmaceutical corporations. Until then, governing entities should do nothing because they don't have accurate data.
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  14. Pixie

    Pixie Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    Heavens, some of that sounds draconian. I assume those are statewide restrictions.
    AFAIK no European country has imposed such strict measures including sending home those who find a positive test result.
    I seem to remember the first quarantine period was 14 days but it has come down (irregularly) to five in the UK. However Europeans in general have never stopped wearing masks everywhere , have kept social distance and respected curfews and avoidance of large crowds. I don't know what Illinois has done.
    MJ Davies likes this.
  15. Pixie

    Pixie Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    So the companies are in fact financially encouraging the governing bodies to use their products??
    They don't miss a trick, do they?
    modernpaladin likes this.
  16. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Government should do all it's doing AND

    Lockdown all businesses with compensation AND

    Provide 10 free K95 masks by mail to everybody until such time as the disease is certified eradicated
    Rampart likes this.
  17. modernpaladin

    modernpaladin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Its not new either. This from another thread, so forgive any extra context:

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  18. Pixie

    Pixie Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    If someone, either politician or a private person, wanted to expose these (and presumably other) examples of such happy bedfellows, do you think they would survive very long, given the amounts of money involved??
  19. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Is that correct? They DO NOT send home employees that test positive? Wow. I have a friend who is dating an RN and he (the RN) was sent home BEFORE they even got his test results. They get sent home if any patient they've attended to tests positive. That makes sense because a nurse is usually assigned X number of patients and could easily catch it and transfer it all around before anyone knows they are sick.

    I live off the beaten path so I don't have a feel for what it's like in the big cities but my neighbors don't care. One senior I know is just driving herself (and everybody else) crazy because she can't accept the fact that she can't go to the community room and gossip over coffee with the other nosy busybodies. She has a flip phone and doesn't know how to use the internet and refuses to learn. She just complains non-stop.

    I took a fall about a year ago and my doctor sent me for physical therapy but I refused to go because I lost two family members about this time last year. I probably would have gone in if that didn't rattle me a bit. She just resubmitted it for in-home and the physical therapist came to me. I told her about testing positive with no symptoms an no identifiable source and she said that several of her clients have told her the same thing. I was surprised because she said about HALF of her clients told her that.

    Also, our Governor ordered all businesses open to the public to display signs indicating they would not allow anyone inside without a mask and he made it tough because the business owner or manager is the one that gets fined if the don't enforce it. He ticked off a bunch of people because he declared the shelter-in-place and his wife and daughter flew somewhere for the holidays. But, honestly, many of us were already ticked at him because he had all the toilets removed from one of his mansions to avoid property taxes. Yeah, for real. ;-)


    Management put tape on every 2nd and 3rd chair so people could space out. They just ripped the tape off and mingled anyway. Management fixed that by removing all the chairs and the restrooms in our lobby are now locked.

    One of the employees that manages all the events has been out sick for about a month now and they aren't sure if she'll come back because she's developed complications. Other than my cousin and aunt (they passed last January), she is the first person I've known to require hospitalization and with signs of long-COVID. I feel so sorry for her as she just got hired about six months ago. Another employee (who should not have been gossiping) told some of us that right before that she had to go into a guy's apartment for a wellness check and he had passed away. They said it was about 4-5 days before neighbors started asking about him because he would walk to the gas station for cigarettes and nobody had seen him. I think he was in his early to mid 50s. He didn't tell us if he had COVID but I think that's what people are assuming.

    My kids are in high school and they were on remote learning until this past Fall. Yet, where I live (they don't live with me), the elementary school is right across the baseball field and that school never closed. I wondered about that because it would seem harder to keep it under control with younger kids. They are little balls of germs WITHOUT a pandemic. LOL But, I hear them over there and maybe that was a good idea because MANY kids suffered mental stress not being able to see their friends and have after-school activities.

    Overall, I know everyone has been doing what they can. I just wish that Trump has presented a more unified "front" back when it started because it seems like the inconsistencies is what has been so confusing and draining on people. I washed my hands way back when because of all that drama and now new drama with people not wanting the vaccine because Biden is POTUS. I don't really understand why people are getting their medical advice from politicians (with any letter behind their name). I guess that's just easier than educating and advocating for themselves. <smh>
  20. Pixie

    Pixie Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    I guess that was unclear.
    I was referring to the medical staff who find a positive test result in a patient.
    Those doing the tests are of course seriously gowned up and masked nad undergo tests themselves every day or two. If they test positive of course they go home.
    MJ Davies likes this.
  21. Joe knows

    Joe knows Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Yes it’s too much to ask. What’s the logic in forcing vaccination that does not stop the transmission or the spread of the disease? You read about it on the news almost every day that someone who has their two shots and a third booster got the disease. It doesn’t work to a level that will end Covid. It will still spread, it will still mutate, it will still be here. Mandating an ineffective vaccine is moronic.
    ButterBalls and James California like this.
  22. Pixie

    Pixie Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    I would run out of things to compare them to because such a fatuous act can infect dozens of other people.
    No one has mentioned long covid...it sounds really nasty and every example is different.
    MJ Davies likes this.
  23. Joe knows

    Joe knows Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    The act of vaccination can also Infect others. How many in congress that is fully vaccinated and boasted became ill? It can spread and you can spread it. Nothing we have stands a single chance in hell at stopping covid. It’s here to stay.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  24. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Yes, of course.

    Everybody that hated Trump didn't want to get the vaccine because he was POTUS.
    Everybody that hates Biden don't want to get the vaccine because he is POTUS.

    It is just a never-ending cycle of hateful blame game from both sides. It makes no sense to me because the people here (in this country) are all Americans and we should be united. A difference in political opinion shouldn't be an obstacle by which nobody is willing to discuss the issues and policies that we think are important and work together to find a mutually acceptable solutions.

    We claim to be civilized but sometimes I question that. Life is short. The time we have shouldn't be wasted with constant bickering. There is NOT one single time, in the history of the planet, that fighting has solved anything. What, for Christians, we've had 2020 years to sort it out? That's more than enough time for seeking positive results and resolutions. If we can't do that, we have no right to claim we are the most intelligent mammals on the planet. -)

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  25. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    I understand now. Thanks for clarifying.

    The way they do testing out here is the patient is required to be tested 48-72 hours prior to surgery. We aren't allowed to use one test for all requirements though. So, let's say that I have a dentist appointment and stress test with my cardiologist on the same day or two consecutive days. I can't do one COVID test. I have to do two and the results are only acceptable if we use the testing site the doctor approves. That has been a bit annoying because a couple of my doctors are almost an hour away and the only approved testing sites are somewhere near their offices. I live across the street from the hospital and five minutes from my PCP so it would be very convenient to get tested at either location and have the results sent, but they won't do it.

    Also, if a person is asymptomatic and their doctor has not ordered a test, it costs $400 up front to get tested at the hospital. I've been in the ER or admitted about six times last year and they test all patients in the ED. They also won't allow more than one visitor per admission until the patient's test comes back negative and, for hospital admission, the patient can choose ONE person to visit and that is the ONLY visitor one is allowed to have throughout that admission. They also don't allow drop-offs. The last time I was not conscious when I arrived at the hospital so I didn't have my phone charger. My designated person can't bring the charger but the nursing staff will charge a phone and bring it back.

    I remember when this first started and our POTUS Trump said it would go away with warm weather and then Fauci said we could get back to "normal" with the vaccine and then that changed to having to mask up and socially distance anyway. Then Trump said it would go away without the vaccine and on and on and now it looks like some of this mitigation efforts will be our new normal. A few months back somebody posted a study that was done on toddlers, IIRC. It was about the babies that were born after the pandemic started and how they have a totally different perspective of life because all of *this* (we're coping with in all our countries and communities) is the ONLY world they've ever known. I can't even conceptualize how it will be for them as they grow up and get to experience some semblance of "freedom" for the first time. Can you imagine that? I grew up when cars didn't have seat belts or car seats, your parents could drive on the highway with you in the back of a pick-up, nobody was terrified of poison in Halloween candy and kids could have snowball fights and bring all kinds of homemade goodies from home. A LOT has changed since then and I had to adjust to those new rules for my own kids and now parents with pandemic babies have to adjust even more. Wow. What a difference two years have made on the entire world.

    Thanks for talking to me about this. I've enjoyed hearing about things over by you.

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