Feds looking at fake 2020 elector certificates for potential criminal charges

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Arkanis, Jan 25, 2022.

  1. Arkanis

    Arkanis Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    The Justice Department is weighing whether to press criminal charges over fake Electoral College certifications in the 2020 election, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco told CNN on Tuesday.

    “Our prosecutors are looking at those and I can’t say anything more about ongoing investigations," Monaco told CNN.

    Disputes about state electors were at the heart of former President Donald Trump’s attempt to thwart the counting of Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, 2021, when a mob ransacked the Capitol and temporarily halted the count.



    Justice is sometimes slow, but let's hope for results.

    A plot to replace Georgia's electors with pro-Trump ones.

    Can a MAGA tell me where in the Constitution a POTUS can do such a thing?


    I wonder what the Trumpists would do if Biden used the exact same strategies as Trump if he lost in 2024....

    Another riot on Capitol Hill maybe.
  2. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Ark, you are talking about people that still defend him despite...

    (1) us all watching them beat Capitol police officers. They literally injured hundreds of officers. 5 officers are dead.

    Brian Sicknick
    Gunther Hashida
    Kyle deFreytag
    Jeffrey Smith
    Howard Liebengood

    (2) he disavowed the Capitol rioters to steer clear of criminal charges and has turned his back on them as they get tried and sentenced to prison.

    Why would *anybody* stand behind someone that won't stand behind his own supporters?

    Take-away: They want Trump planted as Dear Leader for life and anything he does, criminal, unethical, immoral, dereliction of his duty (as POTUS) or anything else is completely acceptable, up to and including being the direct cause of 400,000 COVID deaths, hundreds of police officers injured or 4 traumatized by the riot to the point of suicide and completely ignoring his own supporters in prison.

    Why would this or anything else flip the switch? Spoiler alert: It won't.
    Quantum Nerd, cd8ed, MiaBleu and 4 others like this.
  3. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    A " MAGA " and a "Trumpist " .... Sounds like you're looking for serious conversation in good faith.... :icon_shithitsthefan
  4. Arkanis

    Arkanis Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    They committed suicide.

    The Trumpists explained to me that there was no connection between what they experienced on 1/6 and their suicide.

    So, there's nothing to see....

    cd8ed, MiaBleu, Melb_muser and 3 others like this.
  5. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    They also claim that he wasn't court ordered to pay back millions from all his fraudulent companies and "charities" and that he didn't double-dip from his own supporters' bank accounts to the tune of $$MILLIONS$$ the court ordered him to refund.

    We knew he and they didn't care about the rest of us but it's messed up they don't even care when he's cheating his own supporters. It's really sickening.
  6. Arkanis

    Arkanis Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Yes, but the justice system doesn't understand that he wants to save America.

    It costs a lot to fight the FBI, the prosecutors, the RINOs, the Swamp, the Deep State and 80 million voters.
    Quantum Nerd, MiaBleu and Bowerbird like this.
  7. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    OK. Let's go with that.

    < I was going to write a list of all the things he's done toward any of those goals but he hasn't done anything so there is nothing for me to put in this space. ;-) >

    It's kind of heart-breaking how many as so willing to be in a one-sided relationship. They don't demand any results from him. It's weird.
    Pants, Bowerbird and Arkanis like this.
  8. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    I worry that it is deeper than that

    “Trump is above the law and if I stand with him I too will be above the law”

    Jan 6 was the absolute example of that. How many have acted outraged because they have been charged with break and entering when they were videoed breaking and entering

    (Which BTW how did they know those windows were thee only ones in the entire building unfortified?)
    MiaBleu likes this.
  9. bx4

    bx4 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2016
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    Interesting. If the DOJ presses charges, it will be interesting to see how far they pursue conspiracy charges. If the underlying act was illegal, everyone who planned and authorized it is also at risk.
  10. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    I have absolutely NO doubts or hesitation in saying that is basically true.

    If this didn't involve our then-POTUS and the Capitol building (or some other government owned property) the rioters would most likely not have been arrested or even questioned. We see that in the public outrage of them even having to stand trial and it happens ALL the time with white people who aren't involved in civil rights and advocacy.

    I have never held any job in my entire in which white people weren't given privilege. It's automatic. This is the primary reason I believe it's short-sighted to use crime statistics as justification for racism. Non-white people are arrested quicker than white people (meaning, they will get arrested for the first crime for which they are apprehended), get fewer second or third changes, pay higher fines and stiffer sentences. And, this is why their argument that there "are no laws on the books" excluding minorities is a neat way for them to rationalize something they have either witnessed many times or did many times and the reason they are ticked off the Biden Administration is trying to right some of those wrongs. Like Trump, they don't care if their position is unfair to others as long as it's not unfair to them. Plus, EVEN within their complaints of feeling excluded, they want everyone to jump on that bandwagon with them and they STILL won't acknowledge that exact thing happens to non-whites the moment they take their first breath out of their mother's womb. Thus, they are even *privileged* in their collective discomfort and hurt.
    This one is multilayered.

    1. What I explained above.

    2. They never questioned what Trump was telling them but the foundation of our judicial system "Ignorance of the law is no excuse". Most people don't know that unless they've committed crimes or worked in law enforcement or the court system. So, to them, it IS outrageous because that might be the first time the heard that.

    I can't think of the defendant's name but one of the rioter's defense was that he was acting on behalf of his President to which the judge explained that loyalty is to one's country, not the person in the POTUS seat. Again, though, how would the average person know that?

    3. One of the most annoying defenses on the planet to me is when Trump's groupies point out that he's never been sent to prison. They hold onto that as some sort of bizarre reasoning that it means he has not committed any crimes. The only way that argument works is if EVERY crime ever committed since the beginning of time has been solved and that's not true. Absence of incarceration is only one form of "punishment" a defendant can receive if convicted of a crime. He has been forced to pay back millions upon millions of dollar for shady businesses, "charities" and, as I mentioned earlier, taking extra funds from his own donors' bank accounts. So, all these court orders are, in fact, proof that he has been declared at fault in a court of law.

    Further, I'm not sure how it is out your way, Americans don't handle stress very well. We won't everything to just be perfect and nothing is required from us. We aren't calibrated for that. People want to eat like pigs and then take a pill instead of backing away from a fork and exercising. We get married with some fantasy in our head that it's going to be perfect and nothing will go wrong. The issue with that is it's impossible to intertwine your life with another person's to the point there will NEVER be any disagreements. So, instead of accepting that, many people become depressed and frustrated thinking their spouse is somehow broken. If we actually prepared our children to understand that is a natural part of marriage, the number of extra-marital affairs and divorces would go down. People would know that it doesn't happen by magic and it's hard work.

    In that vein, Trump supporters aren't crazy. Well, some of them might be but not the majority of them. They know and probably understand that he's a crook and thief. They simply don't care that he's a crook and thief because what he's sold them is what they think is that **magic** pill to take away all the things they don't like about sharing "their country" with everybody else. If they could, they would round up every person that does not look, love or worship the way they do. For them, everybody else is useless and to blame for every problem they have. For them, everybody else should stay on the back of the bus, enter through the back door and have separate schools and water fountains, be hired last, fired first, etc. and they blame every President since Lincoln signed the "Emancipation Proclamation".

    Think about it...Cancel culture (same deal)

    Since the beginning of time, all a white person had to do to get a non-white person fired is report them to their manager and demand it. It is a little harder now because there are more non-white managers overall but the pendulum still swings in their direction. But, now, with everyone outside of North Korea, more people are finding more support for their causes and are making an impact on the industries and businesses that want their currency. It's what I wrote above. As long as white people had the privilege of exacting revenge for a real or perceived slight by a non-white person, they were perfectly find with "cancel culture". They just aren't fine with being on the receiving of it.

    Ever since formal education was developed, everyone here had to learn American History. Non-whites and women were relegated as footnotes in our history books. And, throughout all that time, not one white person ever considered it "hateful" that ALL school kids, not just white kids, had to learn **that** history in order to graduate. But, now, things are changing and they don't like it. Now, they are causing an uproar saying that our schools are teaching white kids to hate themselves. Why is it hateful for history books to include a more accurate depiction of the people that contributed to this country's birth? It's not. And, again, it's the exact same privilege they claim doesn't exist.


    A long time ago when my ex was in college there was a white teacher with an adopted black daughter. She relayed an experience she had to the class about the way white people, in general, *ignore* non-whites. She said that she had gone to our mall with her 4-5 year old daughter and her daughter started having a tantrum when she picked her up from the horses kids played in the center of the mall. She said that her daughter screamed, yelled "No" and "Stop!" and was hitting and kicking her from the center of the mall to her vehicle that was very far from the entrance. She said that at least 30 white people walked past her and her screaming daughter as if they were invisible.

    She then told the class that a few years prior to that experience that she had taken her then 4-5 year old white niece to that same mall to play on those same horses and, she too, didn't want to leave. Her niece also had a tantrum BUT before she reached the exit doors, at least SIX white people stopped her, mall security was there and someone had called the police before she stepped one foot outside the building.

    These kinds of things happen every day but, again, white people have nothing to compare it to so they dismiss it as false. I think about that teacher from time to time because I know it can't be easy having one's eyes opened to the hatred and apathy non-white people experience all the time.


    I left one forum last year because I posted about a little girl that was coming to our border but had lost the ability to speak because she was brutality gang-raped during her journey. It wasn't clear if she had been sent alone with a group or was somehow separated from her family but, either way, some men got her and hurt her terribly. I think she was 5 or 6. Not one person among thousands of members replied. How far down in the belly of evil does a person have to be for that not to matter?

    And, why is it okay for all these people to experience this level of pain and apathy because of the color of their skin while many white people want all of us to stand with them when they feel excluded? How can we justify exploiting people while simultaneously hating them and claiming they are inferior? That is the EXACT reason these people are okay with whatever Trump does. He told them they are perfectly within their rights to hate "them" and instead of being willing to face their own biases and the impact on whomever they hate, it's easier to stand with someone that reminds them that it's their right to stomp on the necks of those they deem inferior.

    Last year, someone posted something about someone saying that some of the rioters were given tours of the inside of the building the day before the riot but I didn't look any further into it. I also think there was something about some of the front men being at-that-time current staff members in Trump's Administration. I know it was reported there were several active duty police officers and active-duty military involved.

    I wouldn't necessarily equate that with any collusion unless something more has developed about those suspicions. I also have never taken a tour inside the Capitol but I would think that would be something that security would participate in or at least know about. I don't know about the headcounts either but it seems like there would be more security, in general, when chambers are in session.

    So, what have you seen or heard about all that?
    Bowerbird likes this.
  11. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    So according to your OP, is the left actually that stupid, or are they just lying again.
    Because everyone else knows those electors had to fill out their ballots while waiting for the courts to decide or they would have been disqualified for not filing by their deadlines
    Everyone knows those ballots were withdrawn once the courts rendered a decision
    Everyone knows that none of the ballots were provided for the Jan 6 count.
    So is this ignorance or just more fake leftist claims?
  12. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    That time has passed. Hopefully arrests and convictions are to follow if we have even a half functioning judicial system.

    You mentioning “good faith” was humorous however. I needed a chuckle this morning, thanks
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2022
  13. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Is submitting a fake document that seeks to inmate a federal document a crime, yes or no?

    So sad to see patriots excuse this from every angle
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2022
  14. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    And just like your fake
    Its an insurrection
    Russia Russia Russia
    Kavanaugh is an alcoholic high school serial rapist
    The Covington Catholic kids are all white supremacist

    This too will die on the vine of gullible individuals who regurgitate fake media tripe
  15. omni

    omni Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2021
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    Looks like someone is spreading fake news. No, the documents were not withdrawn. These documents were submitted to the national archives and Congress.
    Quantum Nerd and mdrobster like this.
  16. Arkanis

    Arkanis Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Maybe in the world you live in, an attempt to defraud the electoral system is not a crime, but in the real world, justice can send people to jail for it.
    Quantum Nerd and mdrobster like this.
  17. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    So you are confirming the left is that dumb since no false elector ballots were submitted for the Jan 6 vote to defraud the election.
    Thanks for confirming
  18. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    You misspelled "traitors".
    Quantum Nerd, Hey Now and bx4 like this.
  19. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    This is good. Those who forged elector certificates should be charged with forgery for their counterfeit certificates just like those who counterfeit our money. The FBI is slow, but they have charged over 725 people. There’s a lot of us who trust the non-political FBI in this issue far more than the partisan political congressional investigation. I’ve said all along the FBI should be handling this.

    It's true, the wheels of justice do turn slowly. But organizations like the FBI get their ducks in order prior to issuing a warrant and charges. Congress, everything that body does is for a political advantage.
    Quantum Nerd and mdrobster like this.
  20. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    They were? Show us where these documents were provided for the Jan 6 vote to defraud the election.
    I'll wait.
  21. grapeape

    grapeape Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2015
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    You clearly dont understand how the process works

    When the counts are done, the governor of the state signs a document that basically says, "this is the vote, and these people are the right ones to vote" (document of ascertainment), and sends that to the National Archives where that document becomes official and that is how the vote is certified. What happened here was that fake electors sent in documents (some signed by elected officials in those states) that had a false set of electors. This was designed to stop the official count so that Biden could not be declared the official winner. NO, they were not counted, but these were official document signed by state officials to subvert the vote. REPUBLICAN state officials in some states forged documents to stop the vote. Think about that for 10 seconds. That is literally the textbook definition of treason
    Quantum Nerd likes this.
  22. mdrobster

    mdrobster Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Lets not forget how they are trying to cover up their illegal actions.
    Quantum Nerd and Arkanis like this.
  23. mdrobster

    mdrobster Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    What trump did was illegal. If you need to make scenarios, by all means. :)
    Quantum Nerd likes this.
  24. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Its hilarious how the left is sucked into fake news so often and even given the historical events of the thousands of debunked claims, they will bite every time.
    And you want to know how everyone knows this?

    Wisconsin liberal law firm (Law Forward) in Madison is the only one seeking an investigation.
    They tried to make their claim to the board of elections but were thrown out.
    Then they tried to make their claim to the local DA, but were thrown out
    Then they tried to make their claim to the AGs office, but were thrown out.

    Did you ever wonder why its a private liberal law firm and not any election or law enforcement agency is making the claim?
    I bet it never ran through your mind, not for a second. You just want to feast on the claim. lol

    And when they couldn't get the attention they so desperately wanted, (after a year of failed attempts) they turned to the leftist media.
    And we all know how that turns out, don't we.

    Its funny how Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania all had identical filings until their court cases were heard and all submitted paperwork to the U.S. Senate and National Archives but for some reason nobody is trying to push this fake news claim on them.

    Evey document filed was with the caveat of winning their court claims as they were required to file by their deadlines or their court cases wouldn't matter. None of them were provided for the Jan 6 vote count because they all lost their cases.

    So while the left act like Goober chasing Barney Fifes car again screaming Citizens Arrest, Citizens Arrest, most people know the complete story. But its a free country and you can make any claim you want. But as history provides, it will be yet another fake lefty claim that is smashed on the rocks of reality.

    But you will all let us know when you have these criminal elections charges for a coup, won't you?
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2022
    HurricaneDitka likes this.
  25. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Trump has nothing to do with it.
    You should get caught up
    GrayMan likes this.

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