Buttigieg: The More Painful The High Price Of Gas Becomes, The More Beneficial It Is To Have An.....

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Bluesguy, Jul 20, 2022.

  1. Overitall

    Overitall Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 6, 2021
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    He's got the reverse Robin Hood mentality. Steal from the poor and give to the rich.
  2. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    But if we form enough committees and have enough studies and have more conversations and set more goals it will all magically appear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    What's the cost with all the subsidies factored in?
  4. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Nope he said it made them CHEAPER and goes on to explain because of economy of scale when he was caught with the fallacy that when the government subsidizes something that SOMETHING is cheaper.
    Overitall likes this.
  5. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    What percent of electricity is generated by wind and solar? EV's around here are power by coal with NG back up as in most places the use coal, NG or nuclear. Wind and solar will NEVER supply the electricity needs to power all our energy needs, not even close.
  6. Joe knows

    Joe knows Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Democrats disgust me. The inflation they’re intentionally creating is sickening to the common folk.

    This moron thinks this only effects gas but it effects everything. Everything needs to be shipped or produced on the current form of energy (fossil fuels). This causes literally everything to go up. He’s a moron
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2022
  7. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    What am I supposed to be reading here? If these costs are so sufficient, then they don't need government grants do they?
  8. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Never is a very long time friend.

    20 years ago I doubt many could have guessed that it would be possible to put glass panels on your roof to power both your home and car. 50 years ago people would have looked at you like you were insane if you told someone we would have the information from the entire world available in our pocket. 150 years ago no one would have believed we would have vehicles powered by decomposed prehistoric organic matter pretty much everywhere.

    The future is not oil — even OPEC knows this.
    WalterSobchak likes this.
  9. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    This is what caused inflation (along with supply chain issues primarily caused by COVID)

    This is what caused oil prices to explode (notice how they are starting to come down as supply reaches previous levels):

    Please stop the propaganda. He is far from a moron
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2022
    WalterSobchak likes this.
  10. Overitall

    Overitall Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 6, 2021
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    How are people living in highrise apartments or public housing going to charge their EVs (which they can't afford to buy anyways)? Will the landlords pay for all the charging stations? Will the taxpayers subsidize their costs? Where will the windmills needed to provide energy be? Will the environmentalists shut up about the harm to birds from them? So many questions that these fools haven't addressed. But like Pelosi said with the ACA - "We have to pass the bill and then read it later."
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2022
    Mrs. b. and Bluesguy like this.
  11. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    :fight: ~ BUTTIGIEG ... Yet another genius of the Biden/Haerris administration. :censored:
  12. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    How do they generate the electricity used to charge EV's? Anybody know?
  13. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    ~ I think that most of us know ...
  14. Steve N

    Steve N Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 4, 2015
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    In Texas people are being asked not to charge their cars during certain times of the day. Between the need for electricity and the lack of wind (as in the wind aint doing shat) the grid is being strained.
    JET3534 likes this.
  15. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    I watched a documentary on this a few months ago, forgot the name I believe it was on Amazon Prime. Climate activists were actually calling out and confronting these companies for being fake when talking about their "green energy" policies. It's mostly just masquerading and making it look like they are transitioning to clean energy while still primarily utilizing fossil fuels to power the "clean energy".

    Paraphrasing here but on one part he walked up to the spokesperson of some car company giving the demonstration about their new EV in conjunction with the owner of the building who just installed all these charging stations saying they are so proud of what they are doing for renewable energy.
    "So what powers the charging stations used to charge your cars"
    "Oh it comes from the building"
    "Well yeah I know I mean what is powering the electricity for the building that you are using to charge the car?"
    "Oh the power company, they use coal I think? Or maybe it's natural gas? I dunno"


    Another scene had a so called "renewable energy" biomass plant that was powered by burning what basically amounts to parking lots worth of forest wood per day to keep the things running and requires cutting down trees faster than they can grow to operate them.

    Here's the reality. Our entire modern world is designed to run on fossil fuels. It is literally impossible to switch to actual renewable energy and maintain the current modern way of life that human beings are accustomed to having. Even current "renewable" energy is powered by fossil fuels for the most part at the end of the day.

    What these folks don't understand or refuse to understand is that almost everything you "like" comes from fossil fuels. Your A/C, your heater, your house, the machines used to build your house, your clothes, your movie theater, your Starbucks coffee, your pop music, your iPhone that you are using to fuss about climate change online, etc. ALL OF IT.

    Unless folks are genuinely willing to reverse the clock 300 years and live the way we did pre-electricity and pre-industrial revolution then they need to learn how to accept that we're going to drill for oil and natural gas and cut down trees and burn toxic chemicals into the air to keep the internet going for them to complain about it on the internet from the comfort of their air conditioned buildings.
  16. JET3534

    JET3534 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    I just ordered a new Subaru Crosstrek for 26K. If I had ordered the hybrid version of the Crostrek it would have cost an extra 18K. I can't imagine that average people really spend over 40K for an average new car. I wonder if this number is skewed by truck prices.

    The comment that "Pete completely made a fool of these idiots" is of course an opinion and with repect to a well reason discussion on the viability of EVs, it is simply an ah hominem fallacy. My impression was that Secretary Pete was short on actual numbers and long on political idealism.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  17. JET3534

    JET3534 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    And of course add to the list Asphalt roads, plastics, and fertilizer. If the clock is turned back 300 years a lot of people are going to die.
  18. JET3534

    JET3534 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Ah so -- Obama. The man with a huge Carbon footprint. A man who required two separate jet airplanes for him and his wife to travel to cross country on the same day. A man who requires and receives special exemptions to enviornmental laws for his beachfront house in Hawaii.

    What you mention is the sort of crony capitalism that Ayn Rand wrote about in Atlas Shrugged. And that sort of "capitalism" is why the political class is filthy rich and out of touch with people who work for a living.
  19. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Yeah that's another pretty huge inconvenient reality that they either purposefully choose to ignore or are too ignorant to understand. I swear a lot of these folks seem to think that if "the big evil corporations just stopped polluting the crap out of the world" then everything about modern life would remain the same but the CEO of Exxon Mobile would just make less money next paycheck or something.

    I respect folks who fuss about climate change while actually trying to live with a reduced carbon footprint if they feel that strongly about it. I don't respect posers who run around being "activists" about climate change while simultaneously living in modern society with all of its amenities and driving around in a electric Tesla powered by the coal plant down the road and thinking they are better than the rest of us.

    I've said this before but I welcome any one of these people to simply come live the way I do for a month. It'll be a change but not THAT big of a change, they'd still live better than anybody who lived a mere 100 years ago by a long shot. Most wouldn't, they would go absolutely crazy after day 2 of not having cell phone service to be able to sit around and browse the internet all day and check their Instagram and Facebooks.

    You know...those internet services that are provided via MASSIVE servers powered by massive amounts of electricity powered by....wait for it....fossil fuels.
  20. JET3534

    JET3534 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    I have a grandfather who was born in 1884 and grandmother who was born in 1886 who lived on a small farm in a house that probably predated the American Civil War. They lived a long time, until the mid 1960s, and worked right up until their death, so as a small child I had some experience of their lifestyle, e.g., using an outhouse, milking cows, gathering eggs, killing and cleaning chickens, food from from the garden, working from sunup until sundown, and so forth. They were close to being self sufficient and really did not require any goods or services produced by large corporations. They did have electricity that was used to power a single lightbulb. Their heat was a a single pot belly stove and they burned small amounts of coal. Otherwise, if civilization had collapsed they would have continued to live as they were living. So my point is this. I have a pretty good idea what life with 19 century technology was like in the days before oil. It was hard. The toughness my grandparents had was commonplace for people their age and simply what it took to survive. The people clamoring for what you accurately call an end to the modern world simply have no clue what they are asking for, let alone how they would fare if it happened. I know that I would not fare well and I am only two generations removed from a 19th century technology lifestyle. Those a couple of generations past me don't know what they don't know. There may be a real wake up call for some.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2022
    Stuart Wolfe likes this.
  21. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I believe that when I see it. I doubt you could reach 100,000
    Eleuthera and JET3534 like this.
  22. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    It's because they are ignorant plain and simple. And I don't use that term as a term of denouncement but rather as it is actually, they don't understand. You'll notice that the majority of these folks are younger and as we all know younger folks are smarter than "us" the same way "we" were smarter than our parents...according to us...

    I read the forums, I talk to real people, I watch the documentaries, I read the articles, etc. Most of these folks honestly just don't understand how much of their modern world is powered by the very thing they hate and honestly don't understand that doing what they are asking everyone to do would DRAMATICALLY change THEIR lives too. I made the comment about the CEO salary previously on purpose because that's what many of them literally think. I can remember reading hundreds of posts from people on various message boards complaining about how changing their own lives means nothing when it's the mega corporations that need to change and change now. Granted they aren't exactly wrong, you drinking out of a paper straw literally does do nothing at all when BP is pumping out metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere on a daily basis. But what they don't understand is that it really isn't primarily about massive profit. That of course plays a huge role, these are businesses after all, but with that profit they are also providing essential services that modern humans "need".

    Ask the majority of these people to genuinely take a look in the mirror and give up what they don't NEED to survive. Not "want", NEED. Almost every single one of them will give a myriad of excuses as to why they actually "need" all of their "wants". It's a product of modern human society. That's why there was even a recent push to make the internet a public necessity alongside clean water and food and shelter. When you grow up with this stuff it's all you know and can't really imagine how people functioned without it. What are actually luxuries are considered human rights for survival in the modern world.

    Take A/C for example, which was only invented a little over 120 years ago and not put into widespread use for decades later. Guess what? People still existed well before 1902 and they lived and thrived just fine. And yes human beings absolutely did live in the place we now call Florida in July prior to the advent of A/C. And people to this day in 2022 still live all around the world in places just as hot as hell as Florida is in July without A/C. People also managed to live and thrive and even create a modern society without Google or iPhones.....

    It's all relative and I understand that which is why I'm not TOO hard on such folks. I tend to just laugh inside when I see the modern city slicker running around advocating that we ignorantly collapse modern society as if their own personal life will suffer little change but somehow everything will be ok and the planet will heal. Yes let's force all big corporations to transition to 100% renewable energy immediately to save the planet and within 24 hours your local Whole Foods store will be completely barren and you'll be starving to death in a week. And lets force big evil corporations like Nestle to stop using plastics and syphoning water from places to make candy and within 24 hours we have 5 million dead around the world who rely on those evil bastards and their non biodegradable plastic to get clean drinking water. Or IV bags...

    If you haven't noticed the majority of this sort of thing comes from the Western world from folks who live such comfortable lives directly due to fossil fuels that they have time to complain about fossil fuels. You'll notice to lack of activists in a place like Sri Lanka who don't have the luxury of having fleets of massive fossil fuel guzzling trucks and planes to fill their Wal-Marts to the point where a toilet paper shortage is a national "crisis". Shut the entire internet down for a mere two days this upcoming weekend then post an article on Monday saying "we wanted to stop climate change so we shut down the massive fossil fuel electricity driven internet servers for 48 hours" and watch 95% of these people say ok yeah nevermind **** the Earth.
    Stuart Wolfe and JET3534 like this.
  23. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Evidently even pumping gas is a challenge for some. Customer just came in a little while ago and got $70 on pump four.

    She came in complaining that the $70 did not fill her tank like usual. I told her all I do is put the money in the drawer for the pump that you're on.

    Told her I have nothing to do with it and there's nothing that I can do about it that she would have to come and speak to management.

    So I printed her a receipt and she vowed that she would return in the morning. Looking at a copy of the receipt after she left I noticed that she had selected premium gas.

    There was over $1.30 difference between the 87 octane and the 93.

    And she's the one that actually hit the button. I don't know how other gas stations work but when you give me money I turn the pump on for that amount and it's up to you to select the octane grade
    AmericanNationalist and JET3534 like this.
  24. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    That would be the same question as how do they generate electricity.

    In the U.S., 40% of the country's electric power comes from natural gas (Wouldn't it be better to just directly burn that natural gas in cars?), coal generates 20% of the country's electric power, and nuclear another 20%.

    Clean renewable hydroelectric dams are producing less and less as environmentalists are demanding they be torn down "because they interfere with the natural flow of the river".
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2022
  25. David Landbrecht

    David Landbrecht Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    Yes, the government seems to be detached from common sense. This does not absolve the population from its responsibility for having made absurd transportation choices over the years that have led directly to excessive consumption and high prices of energy. The craziness continues with ridiculous performance capacities and limited range of electric vehicles. Small, light, moderately powered ones could help, but 200 hp, 300 mile range ones are the wrong direction. Something like a Beetle, with 30 kw and 1000 mile autonomy is closer to practical. Many could be charged at home with solar panels. Two ton behemoths plugged into the grid are not the answer.

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