Miss you buddy on this Election Day. I crave your wisdom actually. I do hope you are well. I see you don't post here and neither do I. I wonder if there is a way for us to privately correspond, if you would like that.
I've stopped posting at Political Forum except on the March of the Dead Thread. http://www.politicalforum.com/current-events/237125-march-dead.html
Thanks for the like - I do wish I was there in the Carribean for New Year's or any time, it is cold and dreary here, ugh!
Thank you . . .I think! Great song. . .just enough pride and melancholy, great rythm and poetry. Who knows? Some day you may even give me the key, and . . Some day I may trust you enough to accept it.
Unfortunately I can't rep you yet for this post: http://www.politicalforum.com/current-events/238610-administration-doesnt-trust-our-troops-2.html#post1061017233 But it was outstanding!
Please keep this thread going and give revolutionary ideas. http://www.politicalforum.com/current-events/227780-wikipedia-blackout.html
I try to rep you, but, alas!, the system denies me the privilege. I am instructed to spread my nods of approval around before I may give them to you again, but I find that there are scarcely any other posters who are, in my humble estimation, worthy of them. :-P