I am not sure what does it mean --- you count me as a freind --- I just don't know what to click appreciate.
Wow, DDC.... Thank you. If you have simular writings about yourself. I'd like to return the favor and read a little more about yourself too. - Chuz
I am off to bed now, I will see you tonight! Maybe you should watch your Xena DVD's hahaha. I have only two DVD's and only one is pirated! I need to get more!
OMG that sounds like (*)(*)(*)(*)! Like Days of our Lives or something. I can't believe they did that - wait - are you joking about the Christian part?:) The finale did suck, I dunno why they had to kill X. I wanted her and Gabby to sail off into the sunset! In all the years of watching they never once actually did something to make you think they were an item. Well, they did, but not like the fans wanted.
I don't think I saw that one. I remember X having baby Eve under a tree or something, but nothing after that. That might be because the show was cut from prime time and was put on at midnight so I wasn't able to watch it. I ended up watching the final episode, though, where X gets executed and Gabby takes her boat.
Wait - Joxer DIED??????? I don't remember that one. I remember the guy who played Ares dying, he fell off a building or something. Poor bugger. When did Joxer die?
I can't remember watching the beginning of the first season. I think I started watching it midway through. I've seen the majority of the episodes - remember the one where Gabby falls into that fire pit and X think she's dead? I bawled my eyes out at that one, thinking she was never coming back. My fave was Gabby, until she cut her hair. I liked Calisto as well although she wasn't in it that much. You have a fave episode? I think mine was Here She Comes, Miss Am-something or other and Warrior Princess Tramp.
Nope. She cut her hair in season four - we first saw it when X had her dream of the future, with her and Gabby tied to those posts about to be executed. Do you remember those episodes? I remember, I used to watch the show all the time when I was younger. Still one of the best shows, IMO.
Dear DorkDolt! Please help and vote for Mauri Juiju-Freedom as a new mod for Religion Sub-Forum! http://www.politicalforum.com/forum-help-feedback-etc/116725-deliberately-destroyed-threads.html#post2214196
Thanks guys, but I am about to be ideologically cleansed here. You see, when homosexual extremist bigots volunteer to be moderators, admins have to kowtow to their wishes lest the volunteer moderators threaten to walk off. Right now homosexual gate mongerers are demanding my head on a platter so I will be banned shortly. But hey, I knew all along that was what was going to happen, after all, intolerant homosexuals are the source of my user name!
Thanks for the rep and friend request. I've only been on this forum for a few days, but I've read enough of him to have generated an opinion.
i'm working on founding a forum for asia-centric discussion, so far I've got one other person rofl. trying to get a few more before I open it to other people I know, just to make sure it's already got a base.
I invite you to my thread! http://www.politicalforum.com/opinion-polls/106897-there-too-many-lefty-trolls-pf.html