Henry(2Lane), I heard you were in the hospital. I hope you're doing better. Chauncey(Steezer) Go Packers!!!
hes wrong: http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:YfvRT-SCZsQJ:www.bls.gov/web/ceshighlights.pdf+government+jobs+decreasing+2009+2010&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESiqAkUfiY465S6aS3djqMwraQ0Wid39n5BzmJFrfusT6wejn2iBDkLzhNzNp-7gVLaraqz9d5mESp_WBQjD7RsZWEX8hE10Qg91rpsT2nizak-_5uqTCHtpsF13blGRnoOdu5Wz&sig=AHIEtbQ8G0vaZfM38i8dBhgQ1nPR82lU_A
lmao. no im not grossed out. something about a friend cant gross me out. btw, after you read this, delete your message on my profile. nosy people are reading my convos and posting them on the main board and i dont want any of your stuff to be used against you. hugs honey.
yah, mine went that long cuz i was pg, therefore swollen. plus, when youre pg no one is really looking at you above the belly.
hey, i you better not be doing any lifting. im warning you! ill spank you! ok, ill go check it out. im almost skeered after i chewed mike out yesterday. :)
Thanks for friending back! There's a good group of people here that I'm enjoying getting to know a little bit. :)