I don't create a thread to be the only poster, so my final words on the topic will be an article. Coal and gas are far more harmful than nuclear...
What is Uranium? Uranium is a naturally occurring element that can be found in low levels within all rock, soil, and water. Uranium is the 51st...
You're being bombarded by radiation every day of your life. The Sun produces cosmic rays that are known to be mutagens. I suppose you've never...
Coal produces carcinogenic wastes...by definition a carcinogen is a mutagen...in other words it changes DNA If you're going to argue at least...
How coal kills. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-coal-kills/ Death and Disease from Power Plants...
Coal Pollution Damages Human Health at Every Stage of Coal Life Cycle, Reports Physicians for Social Responsibility Viewed in this way, the...
Tens of thousands of coal miners died at work through the 20th Century. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates of over 29,000 cases of...
Chernobyl is in the U.S.? You need better reading skills. Also, no member of the public has ever been injured or killed in the entire 50-year...
The U.S. saves $12 billion dollars each year for energy costs because of nuclear power. Converting Uranium to weapons grade takes advanced...
Very disheartening to discover distant relatives fought for the Confederacy. What is there to be proud of? The South seceded, primarily, for...
Vote early and vote often; it's the Chicago way.
I don't understand converting hard earned money to smoke and noise.
Many countries, in particular Western Europe, are turning their backs on nuclear power and instead pursuing wind and solar as the energy of the...
Ever see the movie "The Fugitive:" with Tommy Lee Jones and Harrison Ford. There's a scene in it that has the following dialog. Dr. Richard...
Separate names with a comma.