- Home Page:
- http://lajewishlawyer.com/lawyerblog/
- Location:
- Los Angeles
- Occupation:
- Blog Editor for a Law Firm
New Member, from Los Angeles
- PoliticalMaryPoppins was last seen:
- Dec 23, 2015
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- Home Page:
- http://lajewishlawyer.com/lawyerblog/
- Location:
- Los Angeles
- Occupation:
- Blog Editor for a Law Firm
- Marital Status:
- Single
- Real Name:
- Ed
- Pets:
- Cat
- Family:
- Live Long and Prosper
- Gender:
- Male
- Country flag:
- usa
- State/region flag:
- us california
I don't know why but talking about subjects which really matter to us all doesn't always sit well with readers.
I trust things will get better as more of us speak out and expose things that no longer serve us as individuals and as a whole.
I've had the pleasure of working with great writers throughout the years and consider myself very lucky.
Golf, Tennis, Fishing, HIking, Writing, ReadingSignature
My sarcasm is not for the faint of heart therefore, be open to all spectrum of perceptions..... at the end, it will set you free.