Islam, Arabs, invented Palestinians

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by Onward James, Dec 10, 2011.

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  1. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    Frankly I fail to understand what you mean by the above.
    Israel Schools, colleges, Universities are the best learning institutions in the world... they surely can back up anything they state with facts. Can you at least do the same to clarify your above sentence?
  2. Onward James

    Onward James New Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    Dear forum members, I suffer from dyslexia on computer monitors, or I need new bifocals. I should spell check more often, but when I am irritated I type away. Re-read later but by then cannot edit.

    My intention is not to insult, but to make aware, and frankly to convince people to dig further, metaphorically.

    No nation or culture is completely satisfactory. Including religions and ideologies. However, Islam remains in the medieval times. In the Qur'an deceit is suggested. Not only was it a militarty tactic, it was strongly advised when the nation and culture was week.

    Palestine was a term. Period. Not a nation.

    And I shall never applaud a theocracy, a totalarian government, despots, demagogues, preposterous Salah al Din wannabes to rule a Caliphate. Demcoracy may not be perfect, but it is far better than the rest — Freedom. Freedom of speech. Plurality. Moderntiy.

    In all the years, I have paid attention to the history I have come to the following conclusions. There are so many people who are jealous and hateful of the Jews, different religons or secular societies. The Jews were not allowed to own land in some countries. Not allowed to work on the land; hence other occupations other than farming.

    When the Arabs and others where given a chance for peace with Israel, they were deceived by Yasser Arafat, who received a Nobel Peace Prize. This is what the Arab leaders seem to do, because they wish to remove the Jews off the earth.

    My doctors are Jewish, my lawyers and accountants are Jewish, I love Yiddish humour and Jewish comedians, films by Jewish and Israeli Jews, music, books, and so forth — per capita more Jews have won Nobel Prizes when they were worth something, and Pulitzer Prizes etc. than just about everybody else. And I am not Jewish.

    Inform me why I should believe in the Muslim efforts and desires.
  3. Onward James

    Onward James New Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    Pardon me, once more, the word "weak" was spelled as "week" in the above comment. That was Mohammad's strategy, to wait when he and his forces were strong, before he challenged other Arabs.
  4. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Try reading the Annals of Sargon 2 or Herodotus or Pliny.

    Your education is very limited.. You might also read about the Pharaonic inscriptions found at Teyma dating to at least 1160 B.C.
  5. Onward James

    Onward James New Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    I am pleased that scholar Margot informs. Even though some might consider the comments and advice trite. I suppose she fears countering Hbendor since he is quite right.
  6. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    1921 May Day riots

    During May Day 1921, the party organized a small, unauthorized rally between Jaffa and Tel Aviv. At the rally, party had a banner in Yiddish, calling for the creation of a 'Soviet Palestine'.[12]

    Fistfights erupted as the JKP-PKP rally and the larger, authorized Histadrut rally clashed with each other. Police forces drove the communist rallyists out into the sand dunes between Tel Aviv and Jaffa. Later during the day, violence between Arab and Jews erupted in the city, partly as a consequence of the earlier JKP-PKP/Histadrut clash. Two party members were killed whilst defending a Jewish neighbourhood.[2][12]

    After these events, the party was weakened. The British authorities blamed the party for the riots.

    Also, the intention of the party of forming Jewish-Arab class unity became more difficult as communal tension hightened. The party found itself politically isolated, as polarization between Zionist and Arabic national aspirations aggravated.[2]

    The party received harsh criticism from Zionists for its role in the May Day clash. The right-wing Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky accused the party of 'unforgivable treachery' a few days after the riots.[13]

    Moreover, the British authorities began deporting party cadres. 15 party activists had to leave Palestine. The 4th congress of the Communist International, held in 1922, condemned the deportations and the cooperation of Histadrut in facilitating them.

    Hard to sugar coat Zionist history unless you are really determined and dishonest.
  7. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    May day 1921???????????????? Wow....
    The formative years of a country are always laced with confrontational scuffles...

    What is EXACTLY your aim and goal here...
    I presume you were not born then... my suggestion is that the pretension to know it without experiencing it, is the flip side of reality!

    It is like criticizing Halvah without tasting it.
  8. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    Why 'Invent' the Palestinians?
    Robert R. Reilly - crisismagazine, January 17th, 2012

    <img src=&#8221;;/>

    This month, in Amman, Jordan, Israeli and Palestinian peace negotiators met for their first time in 15 months to try to restart the &#8220;peace process.&#8221; Meanwhile, the Palestinian group that rules in Gaza, Hamas, has repeated its declaration: &#8220;The battle for the liberation of Jerusalem is closer than ever and, God willing, we will win.&#8221; Which is it to be, peace or war?

    Perhaps this question should be considered against the background of the recent ruckus Newt Gingrich caused in December by saying, &#8220;Remember, there was no Palestine as a state. It was part of the Ottoman Empire. We have invented the Palestinian people, who are, in fact, Arabs and are historically part of the Arab people. . .&#8221; The entire political spectrum took umbrage. A critique from the right came from Elliott Abrams, a former Bush deputy national security adviser, who said: &#8220;There was no Jordan or Syria or Iraq, either, so perhaps he would say they are all invented people as well, and also have no right to statehood. Whatever was true then, Palestinian nationalism has grown since 1948, and whether we like it or not, it exists.&#8221;

    Click here for the rest.
  9. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    4 x interesting comments

    Griffin ·

    Points of Fact that must be considered: Britain did not carve out "Palestine" as a territory. April 24, 1920 "The League of Nations' issued a "Mandate for Palestine" voted unanimously by 51 member countries. This step became the Mandatory, Trust, as a homeland for the Jews. Britain was only the "Trustee" to carry out the will of the League of Nations. That mandate covered what became Trans-Jordan and all the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean. This area was never Arab Land. The people called Palestinians are not Arabs. They existed in all the countries now considered Arab Countries, left from the Ottoman Empire collapse. The Arab countries began to exp ell them from their country. Example, Kuwait expelled about 400,000 to 500,000 Palestinians in the first Gulf War. They were Hamitic Slaves to the Ottomans taken from many countries during the 400 years of the Ottoman rule. They are supported today for a proxy war against Israel by Arab, Islamic, nations.

    Myron N. Schreiber ·

    I've got a question, Griffin.
    If the people called Palestinian are not Arab, what are they ? If we were to draw the Ottoman Empire over today's map, it would include parts or all of as many as 50 countries including Austria, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Russia just to name a few. That having been said, the overwhelming majority of countries overlapped are indeed Arab and or Islamic. Even your comment acknowledges, "They existed in all the countries now considered Arab Countries." Whom did Kuwait expel if not Arab refugees?

    Griffin ·

    Ethnicity determines people's origin. The People of Egypt, Turkey, and Iran are not Arabic descent. There are many ethnic people in the middle east that are not Arab. Arabs and Jews are Semitic. The Palestinian people do not claim to be Arabs or Semitic. They claim to be of Hamitic descent. The only commonality is Islam. The Arab dominated countries in the middle east have exploited the Palestinians ever since they became rulers of their countries. The British established Arab leaders in control during the Mandatory. The Palestinian people will never achieve human dignity seeking to destroy Israel as a Jewish State. Their leaders exploit their own people to obtain millions of Dollars from Western governments that are dependent upon OPEC crude oil. Kuwait leaders expelled the 400,000+ so called Palestinians and both sides knew they were not of Arab ethnicity. The Palestinians have never had a country of their own since they were made slaves to the Ottomans taken from many countries. A problem is never solved until it is identified and defined. The Arab leaders and the Palestinian leaders do not want to solve the problem. Both are exploiting the problem for selfish reasons.

    Theo ·
    Comment to Myron:

    At least part of the Palestinians are ethnically Slavic. The Ottoman Empire transferred a significant number of Bosnian Muslims to what would become the Palestine Mandate after the Turks lost Bosnia to Austria-Hungary in the late Nineteenth Century. The transfer was recent enough that Palestinian leader Haj Amin al-Husseini was able to go to Bosnia and recruit Bosnian Muslims to fight for Hitler; they were the cousins of many of "his people."

    Furthermore, Arabic doesn't have the letter "P", so no Arab people would, or could, call themselves "Palestinian. They actually use "Filastin" after the Philistines, who were from the Aegean world. The Philistines disappeared from the stage of history more than 26 centuries ago
  10. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Othello; Act 4, scene 3. Emilia; 'I know a lady in Venice who would have walked barefoot to Palestine for a touch from his nether lip'.

    There you go Bendor. You can research the rest yourself.
  11. Onward James

    Onward James New Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    Please. How many times are the anti-Israelis anti-Jew, Pro-Muslims informed that Palestine is a term based on another word. Nonetheless, the better choice for the Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza would be to an Israeli than their failed, scapegoat attempts.

    Frankly, the Arabs, Persians the whole Muslim attempt to conquer Israel failed. They are losers, the left and certain forum members seem to like losers. And not just about wars. Fascinatiing
  12. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    There's little excuse for the lack of education..

    European Jews fled the ghettos and shetls looking for sanctuary because no one else would allow them in... and they have behaved like Nazis ever since.
  13. tuanprolib

    tuanprolib New Member

    Sep 29, 2011
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    And I guess you can add in all the indigent peoples of the Americas as well. Losers all, they had it coming!
  14. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    Sorry to disappoint you friend! I studied history in general and the history of my country in particular.
    The Arabs are not the indigenous people in my country...
    Arabs come from Arabia... not to see that is simply blindness.

    The Arabs once said they are the descendent of the Philistine (an Aegean people who landed in the Gaza area according to the bible) when this became stale they tried another deception... they are now the descendent of the Canaanite... anything to pull the carpet from under the Jews and put a veil on the eyes of suspecting naive adolescent.

    Well apparently this theory worked and is still working on those who are not familiar with historical facts...

    There was an Arab conquest in the seventh Century AD, please Google and read.
  15. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Read the Annals of Sargon 2.. The Arabs have been iin Samaria since 700 BC.

    You really don't know the difference between and Arab and a Muslim, do you?

    Well, both Moses and Abraham had Arab wives.

    Then you might read Ezra and Nehemiah .. Gershon the Arab is in Jerusalem.
  16. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    The Jews of the Diaspora are returning home from where they were dispersed... If there are Jews in Europe, North Africa or any place on this Earth means these ancient Jews were forced to go to these places in the past... I know that, I experienced it, my ancestry is from the Iberian Peninsula.The Jews come back home now to kiss the ground where their forefather marched...

    I am for a FINAL confrontation with these so called Palestinians, to overwhelm them once and for all and break the cycle of hate and the deliberate murder of Jews forever.
  17. klipkap

    klipkap Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    Are the Palestinians indigenous people in your country, HBendor?

    I ask because, after all, today they are indiscriminantly called 'Arabs'. Are there perhaps 'Arabs' and 'Arabs', some being genealogically Arabs, and others being 'Arabs' by conversion or cultural choice? May some not even once upon a time have been Jews?
  18. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    So? They began leaving Palestine in 600 BC.. That's why there were more Jews living outside of Palestine than in Palestine by the time of Christ.

    Look at the populations of Alexandria, Rome, Libya, Syria etc in 300 BC.

    You returned seeking sanctuary when no one else would let you in.. and have abused the Palestinians ever since.. taking their land, water and civil rights.

    If your ancestors were from the Iberian peninsula... you are probably descended from Berber converts.
  19. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    IN which case , its safe to presume that the "history " you claim to have studied - was nothing more than indoctrination by Israeli/Zionist teachers, if so , then hardly impartial/ objective or unbiased , Right ?

  20. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Yes.. I have studied all the above.. but I didn't memorize page numbers. The world's best boarding schools generally tech the classics in high school.
  21. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Margot , IMO while lack of education , due to circumstances can be pardoned/excused , the same cannot be said for the closed minded bigotry we find amongst the Israeli hasbarists on this board.

  22. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Its been 80 years of theft and carnage....... very sad IMO.
  23. Onward James

    Onward James New Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    Margot must be proud with this accolades from scholarly and open marlowe.
  24. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Why don't YOU read Pliny or Herodotus or the Annals of Sargon 2, James... or do you just conjure information?
  25. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    To conjure is akin 'name dropping' denude of any substantiationon...
    we conjure up our own metaphors for our own needs &#8212;
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