An Overlooked Observation about Rush Limbaugh

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by Razurrrr, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Razurrrr

    Razurrrr New Member

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Yeah, so obviously there is a storm of intense (yet fluffy) controversy surrounding the glorious "El Rushbo" right now.

    Anyways, what I haven't heard any commentators mention so far is that the comments that Limbaugh is being villified for definitely aren't the comments of a man who has a woman in his life. His beautifully sonorous overbite can't obscure the fact that he seems to be totally lacking in female connection or perspective.

    This may sound trivial, but clearly, this guy does not have a wife or girlfriend or significant other that he is going home to; the persistent and escalating nature of his comments during this episode make clear that there is no supervising or civilizing feminine presence in his life.

    Of course, his public image may be that of the bold "maverick" who makes blonde hookers' knees go weak with lust when he steps out at the local steakhouse; but honestly we've all heard the whispers about the alleged homosexuality. And any of us who ever get to the gym know what a fat guy his age generally looks like in the shower--the hairy, asexual mangina obscured by rolls of fat, etc etc.

    Anyways, not to be offensive or anything, but either this guy is devolving into a kind of adolescent idiot with a drug habit and a big mouth, a moron that no woman would go near, or have any reason to go near, unless it was to sell him so oxycontin (ent), or else, the other possibility, that he is some kind of neurotic phoney that is getting "drill baby drilled" on his flamboyant lace bed underneath those splashy Liberace curtains, by some well-endowed construction worker with a sweet personality named Dominic.

    Not for me to speculate. But the point is, Limbaugh is clearly not a man with a woman in his life--otherwise we could expect more commonsense, respect and civility from him. I would even venture to say that we should excuse him on this account, and give him a bit more slack.
  2. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    I'm sick of hearing about civility.

    We're tired of women demanding extra privileges to be enforced by the Government against those who wish not to support them in their feminist need to match males in sexual promiscuity.
  3. Razurrrr

    Razurrrr New Member

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Yes! I so much agree with you, sir. It is the needs of women to match men's promiscuity that is so very troubling.

    I really thought that this was the very essence of the case the holy Catholic Bishops brought forward against the Obama administration, although they dramatically tarted it up with talk of "religious freedom" and such. The true, conservative essence of the problem is that women just want to try to com pete with men in the sexual promiscuity department, and on top of that are demanding reproductive health care to be part of their medical coverage--exactly as if such behavior, sex and the like, were "normal" human behavior, and not morally repellent to conservatives.

    Rush Limbaugh said it best: If those women want reproductive health care from their insurance programs, they better be willing to make pornography while they are fornicating. Rush said he would be 100% willing for birth control to be covered by insurance programs, as long as the women would supply pornographic videos and post them online for his viewing pleasure. I think this gets to the real heart of the Archbishops' case against birth control. Ultimately it comes down to a choice between "bossy" and "liberated" women demanding sexual equality (yuck) or the freedom of red blooded males like Rush Limbaugh and the Archbishops to indulge in pornography and other, shall we say, more deviant practices *wink wink*.

    Thank you sir you are an American
    expatriate and (deleted member) like this.
  4. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Women are more than free to go out and have all the sex they want. But when it comes to the prevention of the consequences of that sex the US Government should not have the right to dictate to a private (*)(*)(*)(*)ing company that it provide the products necessary for that.

    The problem isn't women being promiscuous. It is yet more Government intervention and we on the right are sick of watching Government stick its nose in where it doesn't belong.

    Frankly I understand how women feel, but ya know what? I don't give a (*)(*)(*)(*) anymore becuase I'm sick of watching our Government becoming an overbearing, overreaching force of tyranny.

    Never in my life has Government been this activist. I want it out of my (*)(*)(*)(*)ing life and quit telling me what to do.
  5. Razurrrr

    Razurrrr New Member

    Feb 23, 2012
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    So... I take it you agree that those lascivious and immoral women should be forced to make pornography to earn their birth control, as Limbaugh suggests.
  6. Razurrrr

    Razurrrr New Member

    Feb 23, 2012
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    See, the real incredible irony of this whole birth control / contraception drama, is that initially the Republicans teamed up with the Catholic archbishops and made this big hissy fit about "religious freedom", that somehow insurers covering birth control pills (which, for the millionth time, DO HAVE A MEDICAL PURPOSE IN MANY CASES) was violating their principle of conscience...

    then when Obama fixed that with a compromise and the Archbishops started to settle down and relax, THEN the controversy was immediately renewed, with a string of faith based attacks in all the "Red" states on contraception and birth control, using various and strangely conceived bills, all of them thinly disguised theological attacks on the idea of birth control in general.

    simultaneously, many of the savvier Republicans started to bring up the issue of "why should we pay for that", which, if you understand the mechanics of how medical insurance works, is a total nonstarter, for a number of reasons.

    THEN, to top it all of, after all of the theological and religiious sectarian protests and legislations against birth control, Rush Limbaugh just comes right out and starts calling women who have sex sluts, and says frankly that he is willing to allow for insurers to cover birth control, as long as they will produce pornography for him and his dirty minded cronies to watch and enjoy online.

    [UPDATE: Rush Limbaugh today offered an insincere and ham handed apology, still clearly reveling in the notoriety and "bad body" attention.]
  7. danboy9787

    danboy9787 New Member

    Dec 15, 2011
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    It is never appropriate for a national person like Rush to call someone a horrible name for something that is just their personal beliefs. Is she right? No. Should we still respect her opinion? Yes. That is what sets America apart... we are a people of many different ideas.
  8. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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    Rush Limpballs is on his third wife. Still no kids. We know that he takes Viagra so I guess his years of Oxycodin abuse, in addition to destroying his hearing, also caused him to start shooting blanks.

    I mean, it's not like he'd let any of his girlfriends or wives use birth control...amiright?
  9. Razurrrr

    Razurrrr New Member

    Feb 23, 2012
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    google: Limbaugh, Gay

    the history, the smoke, is astounding, considering what a self righteous whatever he is. Just common sense tells you what type of individual he is, it's so obvious.

    don't get me wrong, it's just the hypocrisy that is odious and the ridiculous posturing and distortion of the truth.
  10. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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    I'm sorry, I need to correct that. Limballs is on his 4th wife. Lots of Viagra, still no kids.

    Remember people. Save marriage. Marriage is between a man, his wife and his 3 ex-wives.

    Now, an article that I read said that Limbaugh was dating his 4th wife in 2007, but I don't remember her name mentioned when he got busted coming back from the Dominican Republic with mislabeled Viagra.

    Here's a fact for ya. Rush never even lived with his 3rd wife...

    How weird is that?
  11. Razurrrr

    Razurrrr New Member

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Rachel Maddow absolutely skewered Rush on the Friday episode of her show.

    Using footage from the past three days of his own show, she clearly shows that Rush is all incensed because he believes that women need a birth control pill for every time they have sex. This is the basis of his whole "how many times do these women need to have sex?" argument, his contention that Ms. Fluke is a "slut" and a "prostitute" who is having "so much sex" that she can't even afford to pay for it all--the cost of birth control in Rush's mind going higher and higher the more sexual the woman is, because, apparently, he thinks the pills are like Viagara and need to be taken constantly.

    Thus, his logic kind of makes sense, that if they are having sex SOOOO much, they should post the videos for him to wank to or whatever.

    Maddow brilliantly points out the obvious, that we should really wonder if this guy has ever even been around a woman before...

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