Obama's not so Common "Common Sense" Appeal

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by way2convey, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. way2convey

    way2convey Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    It wasn't a great week for Obama. Besides the racial tensions Obama helped fuel growing increasingly heated, he embarrassed himself by being caught on the open mic making promises to Russia after his reelection, the defense of his signature HC law was all but laughed out of the supreme court and his budget proposal garnered not one favorable vote in Congress. But today, in his weekly address to the nation, President Obama didn't mention those issues, oh no. Instead he invoked “common sense” as reasoning for raising taxes on wealthy American’s, justified as needed for paying down the deficit and investing in our future and urged citizens to call Congress and tell them to vote in favor of the “Buffet rule” claiming it’s not “class warfare”, it’s just “common sense”. OK Mr. President, but to be fair, let’s look at how well your “common sense” has worked out for us thus far.

    Was it common sense that led you to believe cops acted stupidly even before you knew the details? Was it your common sense which led you to believe the “apologize for America” world tour was a good thing for America? Is common sense in play investing billions of tax payer dollars in “green energy” companies while at the same time nixing the Keystone pipeline and the EPA is issuing energy and job killing regulations? Is it common sense to raise taxes on oil companies with gas prices at pump skyrocketing? And what about the Trayvon Martin issue, wouldn’t it just be “common sense” to issue a statement which could help relieve racial tensions and restore order rather than one which did not? And Mr. President, please show where you've applied “common sense” during the outrageous display of union violence in WI, the ongoing violence of OWS, your extreme pro-union “recess” appointments to the NLRB, your continued support of the Eric Holder and the DOJ’s obviously flawed agenda or your so called “budget” which not even one Republican or Democratic would vote in favor of! Is it your “common sense” that leads you believe generations of American’s buried in federal regulations and debt is a good thing?

    So, sorry Mr. President, but you invoking “common sense” reasoning to garner support for raising taxes on anyone seems a little weak considering your dismal application of “common sense” thus far. In fact, if I were you Mr. Obama, I’d order a Volt to be delivered to your Chicago home by Jan. 2013. It’s not personal Sir, just “common sense”.
  2. Daybreaker

    Daybreaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2007
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    Who wrote that?
  3. way2convey

    way2convey Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    I did...why?
  4. Claude C

    Claude C New Member

    Mar 4, 2012
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    Obama is a rare President who forsakes political correctness for policy correctness.

    So far, Obama has policy correctness under control like few presidents ever have.

    (So sorry to destroy the sillyassed prose of the op)
  5. way2convey

    way2convey Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    Policy correctness? Oh please. He can't put a frikkin budget together his own party can vote for, decrease spending or "invest" wisely. And how's that racial healing thing going? Or, how about his HCR law defense, Fast and Furious or his "punish your enemies" speech working out? I could go on & on. But I'll spear you the discomfort.
  6. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    The President is not a common sense leader. Anybody with a brain can understand this. However, would John McCain be better? Probably not. If someone stuck a gun to my head, forcing me to vote for one of them, I would choose Obama. I am inclined to believe that McCain's likely willingness to continue both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, have greater presence in Libya, and engage in a full conflict in Syria, along with other neoconservative policies, would have put this nation in greater economic hardship than we already are.

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