Minimum Wage

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Lazarus, Dec 5, 2013.


Should The Minimum Wage Be Raised

Poll closed Feb 3, 2014.
  1. Yes, to 15.00 Dollars

  2. Yes, to 10.00 Dollars

  3. No

  1. KevinVA

    KevinVA New Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    If government stayed out of banking and the free market, we'd still see recessions and probably depressions, but they'd be naturally occurring and we'd have natural growth and recover from these problems. The economy is never stagnant - it's always moving, it's always changing, etc. New innovations push old ones out of the market - businesses either grow or die, etc. The moment government got involved, they were able to influence change, control innovation and stave growth.

    You can't trust government to do the right thing for much of anything. They're not angels... they're but men, and men are very flawed. Sure, they have the FDA & EPA, but they also poison the water supply. How many countries, including the United States, still fluoridate their water? It's never been proven to be beneficial, but it HAS been proven to be harmful, yet they still use it. Add Chlorine and Chloramines into the mix and you have a nice concoction of poison that you drink and bathe in every day. Chlorine kills bacteria, but how many of the good bacteria are we killing in the process of cleansing the water of bad? Do we drink our pool water? No... it'll make us sick. Do we eat toothpaste? No... it'll make us sick. Yet, we add these additives (through government regulation) into our drinking water and we wonder why people come down with odd illnesses and cancers? This water is in everything we eat/drink.

    You can complain about companies poisoning the water supply and air, but what's government doing about it, really? Cap and trade? The fact of the matter is they don't care... they just see dollar signs through fining and taxation. They also cater to the emotions of the voting populace. Let's pretend they're poisoning the world with CO2, when it's actually a naturally occurring gaseous compound utilized by every plant in the world through photosynthesis. Even aquatic plants utilize it.

    Then they lie to you about global warming, despite the ice caps actually growing, the polar bears actually flourishing and seeing the coldest temperatures in decades. It's all bullcrap and people need to learn how to see through it. What's a lie and what's real? People need to do the actual research, because government and these non-profit groups that are funded by the government (or at least in part) are not telling the truth.

    They scream about nuclear and coal power, because we're killing the environment and animals, but then they champion windmills, which kill countless birds, including the American Bald Eagle, and take up massive amounts of land to actually equate to any viable energy production. They ignore that, though, because there's no money in it for them to out windmills (which are archaic forms of energy production, in reality) and they hate specific big businesses, like oil companies, coal companies, etc.

    Anyway, back on topic... A growth in minimum wage will only result in immediate inflation. Costs of goods will immediately go up, because businesses just can't afford any increases in costs right now. Of course Government is going to champion this, as well... Why wouldn't they? If they do, they gain a bump in the polls by the millions of minimum wage earners in the country. It's all a sham that we, again, need to see through.
  2. Micketto

    Micketto New Member Past Donor

    Apr 16, 2013
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    Yes, to around $9'ish

    That wasn't on the poll so I couldn't answer.
  3. Doc Dred

    Doc Dred Banned

    Dec 6, 2009
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    no government stays out of the economy. they run election campaigns and it is always about the economy, so this is a totally moot wish.

    you are kidding me right, Alice in wonderland views recessions and depressions as some for of growth process.

    the last recession was due to Wall Street banking laws and the wall streeters went bezerk for years with something they all knew would make them trillions and eventually ruin the common man's life.

    The last great Depression was triggered when the richest few in america decided to play with the stock did not recover till well after WWII..
    these are not natural occurrences , these are well planned out aspirations for greed at the cost of the working poor.

    nothing in the economy occurs naturally, it all can be defined and targeted.

    the government stepped in this time around and staved off the inevitable with printing trillions ..

    the governments are corrupt and controlled by lobbyists and they too are millionaire billionaire greed addicts who know a good thing for them, hence ronald Reagon and his governments banking and economic reforms..

    we all saw how that ended up 30 years later.

    Once the proverbial hits the fan government steps in and tries to do the right thing.

    Canada has the finest economic banking systems in the world, again there were conservatives , now in power and bragging about our banking system to the world summits…those conservatives hounded the Canadian government to change and go the way of wall street…they did not due to the government in power…

    well maybe the conservatives in Canada and the Republicans in the states, but there is light at the end of the tunnel

    Scratches head and wonders if "i am wasting my time" is this some sort of digression syndrome ..or is this lobbying me to agree to some inane reason for not allowing the lower classes to have a slightly better life.
    Actually i agree the inflation will rise, but immediately?, thats impossible and not in the way you are trying to push …

    inflation will go up a tad, but businesses are not geared to the working poor. they are geared to a higher animal on the economic scale.
    boosting prices up will not go up drastically for they can't shoot themselves in the foot.

    if anything it will allow for goods to be bought more …spending will rise for the working poor do not save ...they spend everything they earn.

    it wil serve the economy, give the working poor a slight increase in allowing them to buy more of the cheap goods and services they are used to.
    all in all any business will have to pay slightly more to their employees but eventually that will boost the economy..

    15 bucks an hour is a hell hole living …you can't live the good life on it..but you can spend more at the seven eleven and Wal mart..
  4. AndrogynousMale

    AndrogynousMale Active Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Isn't minimum wage already $9?
  5. Micketto

    Micketto New Member Past Donor

    Apr 16, 2013
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    That's exactly what will happen.
    The minimum wage may rise, but so will the demands of the employer.

    If a person is paid the $7.25 minimum he is paid now... just because the fed says he has to be paid $9.25 doesn't make him worth $9.25 to the employer.
    He will look for someone worth the $9.25

    If skills and experience went up with the minimum wage, that would be great.
    Maybe someone has a magic wand that will accomplish that.

  6. KevinVA

    KevinVA New Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    The American government used to believe in a free market, where government didn't control it. We didn't have an IRS or income tax and only taxed imported products. Go figure.

    I didn't say recessions/depressions were some form of growth process. I was talking about natural recoveries, without the aid of government.

    Wrong... the last recession was due to government meddling in the affairs of bankers and the mortgage industry. Without government pushing emotional policies, such as the Community Reinvestment Act in the 70s and building on it in the 90s, we would not have had the housing crisis we did in 2007/2008.

    Wrong again... the Great Depression was triggered by the roaring 20s. The Fed was at fault by increasing the money supply and keeping interest rates low. People took advantage of this and the market saw rapid expansion. Sound familiar? This is exactly what's happening right now, only the Fed is throwing Trillions of dollars into the market, artificially inflating the market, while having kept interest rates low (at record lows, actually). We had a market bubble at the end of the 20s, it burst, and millions of people felt the hurt from market panic and the banks going bottom up. Millions of people lost their savings - those who didn't even invest in the market. Then, the Fed decided not to bail the banks out, at that time, to teach a lesson in responsibility, which prevented the banks from recovering. Ironically, when the Fed wasn't around, it was up to the Free Market to bail out banks... which actually happened in 1907 w/ JP Morgan.

    You're right... this wasn't natural - it was government intervention. A natural recession/depression would have recovered much more quickly and wouldn't have harmed as many people.

    False... there are recessions, recoveries, depressions and more recoveries throughout the history of the United States, prior to government intervention and after. It has only been after government intervention that we have seen Great Depressions and Great Recessions... with very slow recoveries.

    Not the first time they've stepped in and their stepping in has arguably staved off a rapid recovery for a much slower and more painful one... or lack thereof in actuality, since government is still playing games with the economy with QE, interest rates and artificially inflating the market.

    True government is corrupt and true they are controlled by lobbyists and true, again, that they are millionaire/billionaire greed addicts. False with Ronald Reagan and his banking reforms. Decreasing government intervention on the market is the only good thing government can do in terms of the economy.

    You're crediting the wrong individual. You should credit Carter & Clinton for passing and growing the Community Reinvestment Act, while pushing bankers to grant mortgages to those who couldn't possibly afford it.

    "Right thing" according to whose interpretation?

    You need to take that up with the Muslims in the Middle East... they'd disagree with you, since they feel their banking system trumps the world's.

    Oh, so liberals, socialists, communists and democrats are inculpable?

    Great movie, but do your research. You should find out how the US government & crony capitalism combined to add fluoride to the water supply. Additionally, do your research on the above key points... I haven't mislead you, I've merely presented truths that you're unfamiliar and uncomfortable with.

    1. Fluoride - read up... there's a reason more countries are disbanding from the practice of fluoridation.
    2. Ice Caps Expanding
    3. Polar Bears flourishing, says Canadian journal (among others, but felt this would be good for you).
    4. Coldest temp ever recorded in Antarctic
    5. Bald Eagle Massacare via wind farms, and hundreds of thousands of other deaths.

    But hey, keep trusting government. They know what's best for you and the environment.

    Impossible? It's called prices going up across the board for every company in the country. In order to stay in business, prices for products will have to increase. Businesses, especially small businesses, will not be able to afford a 50-100% salary increase for all of their low salary employees. It's not going to be gradual, if that's what you're trying to say.

    It's either raise prices or go bankrupt.

    The lower-salaried workers might be able to afford a little more than they could before, but many more things will remain out of reach, due to the price increases across the board.

    Cheap goods will not remain cheap. You're completely ignoring that business costs will go up at an extraordinary rate, should they get what they want, which is an increase to $15/hr. Then you're going to have to compensate for the employees who actually worked for what they make... $25/hr isn't going to seem like a lot anymore, since prices will go up and minimum wage is only $10/hr lower than what you currently make.

    You're not thinking ahead. You're thinking with a narrow mindset. Those products at 7/11 and walmart (companies that employ thousands of minimum wage earners) are going to go up.
  7. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    What would happen if this "economic slavery" ended?
    Your dire consequences did not happen the last time Economic Slavery was ended,
    although the Mammon Servers no doubt said the same thing you echo above.

    Understanding and not confounding Progressive political history, and economics is the first step to comprende.

    Moi :oldman:

    No :flagcanada:
  8. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Our 10th Amendment - so clear, and succinct it is hard to believe lawyers wrote it.
    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

    As i understand the English of the Tenth Amendment, if the power to control wages is not expressly granted to the central government - - It it is reserved for the States and people.

    YOU are reading it the wrong way.
    As if powers not prohibited to the central government are all theirs.

    Moi :oldman:

    No :flagcanada:
  9. wyly

    wyly Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2008
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    if raising the minimum wage causes any small shop to go out of business they were destined to go out of business regardless...we're talking raising wages a couple bucks an hour x8, so $16 a day what business works on that small a knife edge of profit?...if a business is that precarious it shouldn't exist...
  10. wyly

    wyly Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2008
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    as I've mentioned before where I live the minimum is higher and it has made no difference to the employer or the quality of the employees, the price increase is passed onto the consumer and the employee has a better chance of survival...
  11. Crawdadr

    Crawdadr Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    That is not the reality of many small businesses in this country. Most that start up lose money the first few years and then slowly start making a profit. But they are in a tough spot if they wish to expand beyond a simple one or two person operation. We should be helping the small business people not helping the big corporations put more of them out of business.
  12. bobov

    bobov New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    The last time the Federal minimum wage was raised, in 2009, it rose from $6.55 to $7.25. That's 10.68%. See here for the record.

    Now the union bosses are doing a media campaign for an increase from $7.25 to $15.00. That's 106.9%.

    The economy can absorb 10.68%. It can't absorb 106.9%.

    This isn't 1913, Moi, and Teddy isn't busting trusts. What we're seeing is a corrupt deal between unions and Democratic politicians, both hungry for power and money, and both hiding behind burger flippers. Quasi-religious denunciations of Mammon are what moves my Type 1 people.
  13. wyly

    wyly Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2008
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    I believe statistically 9 out of 10 businesses fail over ten years because they have a poor business plan...if a business needs to have employees work at ridiculous non-living wages to survive they're not profitable to begin with and their business plan is a failure...we owe nothing to unprofitable and poorly run small businesses whereby they can abuse the unemployed/underpaid for their own personal's not right when large corporations do it and it's not right when small businesses do's not much different than slavery, slavery in some cases was better as it was in the proprietors best interest to house clothe and fed their slaves who they viewed as a valuable our free slaves are viewed as a disposable tool who actually cost less...
  14. wyly

    wyly Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2008
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    ya it can, the consumer will pick up the difference...$7 on top of $60 meal for me and mrs wyly will make no difference, it works out to $3.50 an hour for a two hour meal, mousenuts, we'll still go out to eat and the restaurant won't notice any drop off in a big corporate giant like walmart it won't be noticed adding pennies to the overhead on any single item...this resistance to a livable wage is all about greed of the wealthiest and not about what's fair for the lowest paid of society...
  15. fifthofnovember

    fifthofnovember Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    Then how about only applying a higher minimum wage to companies that hire a certain number of people. Let the corporations take the brunt and leave small business alone.
  16. CaptainAngryPants

    CaptainAngryPants New Member

    Sep 17, 2013
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    I guess we're just lucky that we don't have to depend on the superficial interpretations of amateur constitutional scholars to make determinations like that......we have a Supreme Court.
  17. Crawdadr

    Crawdadr Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    I could live with that
  18. smevins

    smevins New Member

    Jun 7, 2013
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    Yes but not to $10 all at once unless you want to see jobs shed and prices jacked up. It should be stepped up so that businesses can adapt.
  19. stelly10

    stelly10 New Member

    Sep 28, 2009
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    Anyone who thinks that the minimum wage should be raised is (*)(*)(*)(*) stupid... It is a matter of simple economics ,and by raising the min wage just a bit you will only hurt min wage earners.
  20. wyly

    wyly Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2008
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    won't happen increases will be adsorbed...the same logic was applied to banning smoking in bars and restaurants here, then extended to playgrounds and further and was gloom and doom and predictions of customers not returning all the resturants and bars would go didn't happen the reverse happened people who hated smokey bars and eateries came out and the smokers learned to adapt...
  21. smevins

    smevins New Member

    Jun 7, 2013
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    Businesses don't need much of a reason to raise prices whether they need to or not. All those little check out scan cards and whether or not people use the checkout coupons, discounts and the like tell them more about their customers than the customers know about themselves.
  22. teeko

    teeko New Member Past Donor

    Jul 17, 2008
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    I went grocery shopping today. Guess what? Almost everything I buy has gone up in price. Prices go up and up and up. What doesn't go up? Wages.
  23. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Obama and the Democrats should be busting monopolies and trust. Do they? NO !

    Moi :oldman:
    Bobov worships mammon !

  24. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    The Supreme Court is the problem. :steamed:
    When was the last time a nominee came from State government and not the <doom> Federal government <Darth Vadar breath sounds>?
    Earl Warren was a governor of the Greatest State of California.
    Today they are all "career federals".
    Why not a PhD Constitution professor promoted to the court, evading another "lawyer".
    So as career Federals are promoted to the Supreme Federal Court, what is to be expected but, expanded Federal powers.

    Moi :oldman:

    No :flagcanada:
  25. bobov

    bobov New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    If you and Mrs. Wyly often enjoy $60 meals, you're among the prosperous. The impact would be felt differently at the fast-food places that are mainstays of low income people. Instead of a two-hour $60 meal, a 15-minute $5 meal is more like it. In businesses where labor is the biggest part of the operating cost - that includes Wal-Mart and all fast-food chains - the impact would be huge. You may have no trouble paying $10 for what used to be a $5 meal, but millions of people would. That's why this proposal targets the working class for abuse. How typical - affluent liberals congratulate themselves for their self-proclaimed moral superiority, while mauling the very people they claim to care about. This is about the greed of union bosses, who are just another type of boss - many of them rich - aided and abetted by soft-brained sentimental libs.

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