Kissinger: How the Ukraine crisis ends

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by MaximRud, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. MaximRud

    MaximRud New Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Opinion of Henry A. Kissinger in Washington Post

    Have not seen so clear and precise doctrines. Bravo Henry! Take off my hat to you!

    How do you think can it help crisis ends if Ukraine will be "as a bridge between the West and the East"?
  2. Alien Traveler

    Alien Traveler New Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    Too late. And secretary of state is now idiot Kerry…
  3. Xanadu

    Xanadu New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Clear politics does show you what it will cause. Politicians will never tell and explain people or voters what the result of their politics is, what it will cause.
    It is always what the end result of a situation will do. That is always the organisation of the people.
    When this crisis ends, the Ukraine people are further organized while they haven't noticed.
    A revolt or an invasion, not much difference. An invasion will cause more emotion than a street revolt (so an increased organisation of the Ukraine people is going on)
    This crisis happened right after a revolution, that adds (emotionally) up.
    Politics blinds people from what is really happening (their organisation)
  4. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    First, Ukrainian nationalists will pursue their own agenda until they are confronted by force from the Russian side. Second, Crimea will become a part of Russia again, as a result of confrontation with Ukrainian nationalists. Third, possible some other eastern provinces of Ukraine will choose to join rather Russia then to stay in nationalistic intolerant Ukraine. Finally, people themselves should decide.
  5. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Obama may decide to make his own decision, but to this point he is being misled by idiots, a chorus on the Republican side about his weakness. Kerry is inept.
  6. Yazverg

    Yazverg Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    It is a plan which needed to be implemented one year ago at least. For the moment everyone is worrying if russian people of Crimea and South and East of Ukraine would return to Russia ripping off the Ukraine from a position of a bridge to a brown stain at the end of EU. But noone seems to worry that there is no police now in Kiev. The true power belongs to armed people, who destroy the monuments, kill those who look different of them. By the 10th of March all the governmental web-sites will lose its russian version. Only Ukrainian and English. The governors of the eastern parts appointed from a current power are.. oligarchs. I remind that the ideals of Maidan were anti-oligarch and even Yanukovich who is indeed a thief without any ability to hide his thefts didn't give a position of a governor straight to oligarch. Only to a person who was associated with one of them.
    So the situation will get worse from Kiev. And it will get worse for russians who are rioting at the moment. So the Ukraine is still at the edge of civil war and Russia would still have to react protecting the russians and the ukrainians from the revenge of the coup-leaders. The problem is not Russia or russians in the Ukraine. The problem is the new power. These people have blood on their hands and they will never give away this power not regarding any democratic procedures.
  7. MaximRud

    MaximRud New Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    You doubted that Obama knows how to read or his administration do not have enough money to buy the latest issue of the newspaper The Washington Post. :smile:
    For me it is very important that reputable people in the U.S. have started to give the weighted estimates. I hope that this is only the first swallow from the West. There will be others. I also hope that in Russia and in Ukraine some politicians are ready to listen and hear each other.
    Then there is hope that the foam Nazism and chauvinism to be washed away. Must be washed away.
  8. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    What bridge?
    Russia is a world power that is not going to let a rather huge part of land with a fast group of Russians to be part of the western word. Those ethnic Russians in the Ukraine don't even want to be part of the west.

    So far it's a terrible bombardment of propaganda.
    When the majority of the rioters in the capital want a different government. Than that is what "the people" demand as a majority. It's a farce of course. But when majority in an other city demands something else, than it's "unconstitutional" and "what about the minority, don't they have a say?". So yeah.. whatever.
  9. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    And the West is discussing how to provide financial and military support to those thugs.
  10. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    God bless. When it comes to nationalism plus neo-Nazism, force only can stop them. These people are craving for vengeance and blood. Intimidation and terror is their only hope, As I wrote earlier, Putin is not a model president, but he is to do the job and he does what he must do for his people. Actually, the events play in his hands, forget (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) Riots and Olympics.
  11. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    I hope those neo-Nazi, who got power in Kiev, constitute a minority in Ukraine. How Yanukovich was elected? He is a rotten thief, but they elected him. Why not to elect a better president? We had Bush, now we have Obama. Some are likeable and some are less so. The problem is Ukraine is not mature as a nation. Those thugs from Lviv are alien to majority of Ukraine. The only way how they can get something in power is intimidation, lies and murder, which they do already.
  12. Paull

    Paull New Member

    Feb 27, 2014
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    Aside of this work with China, Kissinger was largely a poor Secretary of State under Nixon. Kissinger has gotten better at international affairs since his first time in office, but Secretary Kerry is 10 times the diplomat that Secretary Kissinger was when he served under Nixon. The Simple fact that Secretary Kerry hasn't told half the world to go F itself yet is evidence enough of that (something that Kissinger actually did).
  13. KGB agent

    KGB agent Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2010
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    It is too late for that. Things have escalated already and we won't negotiate with those neo-nazi "autorities" in Kiev as it was stated by our officials. Division of Ukraine or , at least, federalisation should work better.
  14. 1stworldview

    1stworldview New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    The invasion of the Ukraine by Russia is sending a ripple effect through out Eastern Europe. With the prospects now for possible cold war starting all over again investors brace for sanctions against Russia. And with the already falling economy of the Ukraine, investors and business are bailing out as fast as they can.

    During the next few years, the Ukraine economy will be pushed to its limits. Currently, the Ukraine desperately needs 30 billion in loans to survive, and with ousted former president Viktor Yanukovich having already pulled the country out from the European Union, and the new government wanting nothing to do with Russia, the government will be in dire straits.

    The US State department has issued a travel warning urging Americans not to travel to the Ukraine. Tourism is a huge part of Ukraine economy. with hotels, airlines and restaurants depending on tourism. As these businesses cut back, the ripple effect in cities like Kiev, Odessa and Yalta will have devastating consequences on the economy. Just as when the housing market died in the US, the effects were felt world wide. Not only will Ukraine's economy continue to decline, but most of Western Europe's fragile economy will also feel the effects.

    One industry that seems to thrive on the situation is the foreign bride market, A Foreign Affair operates four office in the Ukraine. Kenneth Agee the marketing director says, "In the last few weeks we have seen the biggest surge ever on women signing up. Not only have we seen the biggest surge, but we have seen the highest quality of women signing up; doctors, engineers, even some of Ukraine's most beautiful models, With the possibility of war looming over the horizon, American men are looking very desirable." A Foreign Affair 's new member Irina of Kiev says, "America is stable, American men have very good family values. These are important to Ukraine women; we want a good environment to raise our families. With Russian tanks rolling down our streets, I do not see a bright future here for starting a family.

    The future does not look good for the Ukraine. Russia has no intention of letting Ukraine have complete independence. Most western Ukrainians have had a strong dislike for Russia for many generations, and will do what ever it takes to resist Russian influence or occupation. This being said, the country will have a long battle and many lines drawn in the sand, from serious economic sanctions to full out war. At this time, it looks like this struggle could go on for a decade or more.

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